Beispiel #1
 def add_textbox(self, id_, name, x, y, cx, cy):
     Append a newly-created textbox ``<p:sp>`` shape having the specified
     position and size.
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
     self.insert_element_before(sp, 'p:extLst')
     return sp
Beispiel #2
 def add_textbox(self, id_, name, x, y, cx, cy):
     Append a newly-created textbox ``<p:sp>`` shape having the specified
     position and size.
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, x, y, cx, cy)
     self.insert_element_before(sp, "p:extLst")
     return sp
 def it_knows_how_to_create_a_new_textbox_sp(self):
     # setup ------------------------
     id_ = 9
     name = "TextBox 8"
     left, top, width, height = 111, 222, 333, 444
     xml = (
         '<p:sp %s>\n  <p:nvSpPr>\n    <p:cNvPr id="%d" name="%s"/>\n    '
         '<p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n    <p:nvPr/>\n  </p:nvSpPr>\n  <p:spPr'
         '>\n    <a:xfrm>\n      <a:off x="%d" y="%d"/>\n      <a:ext cx='
         '"%d" cy="%d"/>\n    </a:xfrm>\n    <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n  '
         "    <a:avLst/>\n    </a:prstGeom>\n    <a:noFill/>\n  </p:spPr>"
         '\n  <p:txBody>\n    <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n      <a:spAutoFit/'
         ">\n    </a:bodyPr>\n    <a:lstStyle/>\n    <a:p/>\n  </p:txBody"
         ">\n</p:sp>\n" %
         (nsdecls("a", "p"), id_, name, left, top, width, height))
     # exercise ---------------------
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # verify -----------------------
     assert sp.xml == xml
Beispiel #4
 def it_knows_how_to_create_a_new_textbox_sp(self):
     # setup ------------------------
     id_ = 9
     name = "TextBox 8"
     left, top, width, height = 111, 222, 333, 444
     xml = (
         '<p:sp %s>\n  <p:nvSpPr>\n    <p:cNvPr id="%d" name="%s"/>\n    '
         '<p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n    <p:nvPr/>\n  </p:nvSpPr>\n  <p:spPr'
         '>\n    <a:xfrm>\n      <a:off x="%d" y="%d"/>\n      <a:ext cx='
         '"%d" cy="%d"/>\n    </a:xfrm>\n    <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n  '
         "    <a:avLst/>\n    </a:prstGeom>\n    <a:noFill/>\n  </p:spPr>"
         '\n  <p:txBody>\n    <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n      <a:spAutoFit/'
         ">\n    </a:bodyPr>\n    <a:lstStyle/>\n    <a:p/>\n  </p:txBody"
         ">\n</p:sp>\n" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # exercise ---------------------
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # verify -----------------------
     assert sp.xml == xml
Beispiel #5
 def test_new_textbox_sp_generates_correct_xml(self):
     """CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp() returns correct XML"""
     # setup ------------------------
     id_ = 9
     name = 'TextBox 8'
     left, top, width, height = 111, 222, 333, 444
     xml = (
         '<p:sp %s>\n  <p:nvSpPr>\n    <p:cNvPr id="%d" name="%s"/>\n    <'
         'p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n    <p:nvPr/>\n  </p:nvSpPr>\n  <p:spPr>'
         '\n    <a:xfrm>\n      <a:off x="%d" y="%d"/>\n      <a:ext cx="%'
         'd" cy="%d"/>\n    </a:xfrm>\n    <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n     '
         ' <a:avLst/>\n    </a:prstGeom>\n    <a:noFill/>\n  </p:spPr>\n  '
         '<p:txBody>\n    <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n      <a:spAutoFit/>\n  '
         '  </a:bodyPr>\n    <a:lstStyle/>\n    <a:p/>\n  </p:txBody>\n</p'
         ':sp>\n' %
         (nsdecls('a', 'p'), id_, name, left, top, width, height))
     # exercise ---------------------
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # verify -----------------------
     self.assertEqualLineByLine(xml, sp)
Beispiel #6
 def test_new_textbox_sp_generates_correct_xml(self):
     """CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp() returns correct XML"""
     # setup ------------------------
     id_ = 9
     name = 'TextBox 8'
     left, top, width, height = 111, 222, 333, 444
     xml = (
         '<p:sp %s>\n  <p:nvSpPr>\n    <p:cNvPr id="%d" name="%s"/>\n    <'
         'p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n    <p:nvPr/>\n  </p:nvSpPr>\n  <p:spPr>'
         '\n    <a:xfrm>\n      <a:off x="%d" y="%d"/>\n      <a:ext cx="%'
         'd" cy="%d"/>\n    </a:xfrm>\n    <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n     '
         ' <a:avLst/>\n    </a:prstGeom>\n    <a:noFill/>\n  </p:spPr>\n  '
         '<p:txBody>\n    <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n      <a:spAutoFit/>\n  '
         '  </a:bodyPr>\n    <a:lstStyle/>\n    <a:p/>\n  </p:txBody>\n</p'
         ':sp>\n' %
         (nsdecls('a', 'p'), id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # exercise ---------------------
     sp = CT_Shape.new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height)
     # verify -----------------------
     self.assertEqualLineByLine(xml, sp)