Beispiel #1
def test_absurl_relfile():
    base = ''
    test = 'relative.file'
    with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):
    with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):
        url.absurl(test, base)
Beispiel #2
def test_absurl_fragment():
    base = 'file:///etc/passwd'
    test = '#frag'
    with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):

    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.geturl() == 'file:///etc/passwd#frag'
Beispiel #3
def test_fetch_url_text_cached():
  from prance.util import fs
  cache = {}

  content1, _ = url.fetch_url_text(url.absurl(fs.abspath('tests/specs/with_externals.yaml')), cache)
  content2, _ = url.fetch_url_text(url.absurl(fs.abspath('tests/specs/with_externals.yaml')), cache)

  # Strings are immutable, therefore IDs should be identical
  assert id(content1) == id(content2)
Beispiel #4
def test_absurl_paths_win32():
    base = 'c:\\windows\\notepad.exe'
    test = "regedit.exe"
    expect = 'file:///c:/windows/regedit.exe'

    with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):

    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.geturl() == expect
Beispiel #5
def test_absurl_paths_posix():
    base = '/etc/passwd'
    test = 'group'
    expect = 'file:///etc/group'

    with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):

    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.geturl() == expect
Beispiel #6
def test_fetch_url_cached():
  from prance.util import fs
  cache = {}

  content1 = url.fetch_url(url.absurl(fs.abspath('tests/specs/with_externals.yaml')), cache)
  assert content1['swagger'] == '2.0'

  content2 = url.fetch_url(url.absurl(fs.abspath('tests/specs/with_externals.yaml')), cache)
  assert content2['swagger'] == '2.0'

  # Dicts are mutable, therefore we can't compare IDs. But individual
  # string fields should not be copied, because we shallow copy.
  assert id(content1['swagger']) == id(content2['swagger'])
Beispiel #7
def test_absurl_paths():
  if sys.platform == "win32":
    base = 'c:\\windows\\notepad.exe'
    test = "regedit.exe"
    expect = 'file:///c:/windows/regedit.exe'
    base = '/etc/passwd'
    test = 'group'
    expect = 'file:///etc/group'

  with pytest.raises(url.ResolutionError):

  res = url.absurl(test, base)
  assert res.geturl() == expect
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, specs, url=None):
    Construct a JSON reference resolver.

    The resolved specs are in the `specs` member after a call to
    `resolve_references` has been made.

    If a URL is given, it is used as a base for calculating the absolute
    URL of relative file references.

    :param dict specs: The parsed specs in which to resolve any references.
    :param str url: [optional] The URL to base relative references on.
        import copy
        self.specs = copy.deepcopy(specs)
        self.url = url

        if self.url:
            self.parsed_url = _url.absurl(self.url)
            self._url_key = _url.urlresource(self.parsed_url)
            self.parsed_url = self._url_key = None

        self.__resolution_status = self.__RS_UNRESOLVED
        self.__recursion_protection = set()
Beispiel #9
 def get(self):
     """Endpoint to get the OpenAPI json."""
     absurl = url.absurl(
                                  cfg.prefix + '/swagger.json'))
     content, _ = convert_url(absurl)
     return json.loads(content)
Beispiel #10
    def _dereference(self, urlstring):
    Dereference the URL string.

    Returns the parsed URL, the object path extraced from the URL, and the
    dereferenced object.
        # Parse URL
        parsed_url = _url.absurl(urlstring, self.parsed_url)

        # In order to start dereferencing anything in the referenced URL, we have
        # to read and parse it, of course.
        parsed_url, referenced = self._fetch_url(parsed_url)
        obj_path = parsed_url.fragment.split('/')
        while len(obj_path) and not obj_path[0]:
            obj_path = obj_path[1:]

        # In this inner parser's specification, we can now look for the referenced
        # object.
        value = referenced
        if len(obj_path) != 0:
            from dpath import util as dutil
                value = dutil.get(referenced, obj_path)
            except KeyError:
                raise _url.ResolutionError('Cannot resolve reference "%s"!' %
                                           (urlstring, ))
        return parsed_url, obj_path, value
Beispiel #11
def test_split_url_reference():
    base = url.absurl('')

    # Relative reference
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, '#foo/bar')
    assert parsed.netloc == ''
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == 'foo'
    assert path[1] == 'bar'

    # Leading slashes are stripped
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, '#///foo/bar')
    assert parsed.netloc == ''
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == 'foo'
    assert path[1] == 'bar'

    # Absolute reference
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, 'http://somewhere/#foo/bar')
    assert parsed.netloc == 'somewhere'
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == 'foo'
    assert path[1] == 'bar'

    # Reference with escaped parts
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(
        base, 'http://somewhere/#foo/bar~1baz~1quux~0foo')
    assert parsed.netloc == 'somewhere'
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == 'foo'
    assert path[1] == 'bar/baz/quux~foo'
Beispiel #12
def test_split_url_reference():
    base = url.absurl("")

    # Relative reference
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, "#foo/bar")
    assert parsed.netloc == ""
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == "foo"
    assert path[1] == "bar"

    # Leading slashes are stripped
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, "#///foo/bar")
    assert parsed.netloc == ""
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == "foo"
    assert path[1] == "bar"

    # Absolute reference
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(base, "http://somewhere/#foo/bar")
    assert parsed.netloc == "somewhere"
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == "foo"
    assert path[1] == "bar"

    # Reference with escaped parts
    parsed, path = url.split_url_reference(
        base, "http://somewhere/#foo/bar~1baz~1quux~0foo")
    assert parsed.netloc == "somewhere"
    assert len(path) == 2
    assert path[0] == "foo"
    assert path[1] == "bar/baz/quux~foo"
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, specs, url):
        Construct a JSON reference translator.

        The translated specs are in the `specs` member after a call to
        `translate_references` has been made.

        If a URL is given, it is used as a base for calculating the absolute
        URL of relative file references.

        :param dict specs: The parsed specs in which to translate any references.
        :param str url: [optional] The URL to base relative references on.
        import copy

        self.specs = copy.deepcopy(specs)

        self.__strict = True
        self.__reference_cache = {}
        self.__collected_references = {}

        if url:
            self.url = _url.absurl(url)
            url_key = (_url.urlresource(self.url), self.__strict)

            # If we have a url, we want to add ourselves to the reference cache
            # - that creates a reference loop, but prevents child resolvers from
            # creating a new resolver for this url.
            self.__reference_cache[url_key] = self.specs
            self.url = None
Beispiel #14
def test_absurl_absfile():
  if sys.platform == "win32":
    test = 'file:///c:/windows/notepad.exe'
    test = 'file:///etc/passwd'
  res = url.absurl(test)
  assert res.geturl() == test
Beispiel #15
def test_absurl_http_fragment():
    base = ''
    test = '#another'
    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.scheme == 'http'
    assert res.netloc == ''
    assert res.path == '/asdf/'
    assert res.fragment == 'another'
Beispiel #16
def test_absurl_http_fragment():
    base = ""
    test = "#another"
    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.scheme == "http"
    assert res.netloc == ""
    assert res.path == "/asdf/"
    assert res.fragment == "another"
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self, specs, url=None, **options):
    Construct a JSON reference resolver.

    The resolved specs are in the `specs` member after a call to
    `resolve_references` has been made.

    If a URL is given, it is used as a base for calculating the absolute
    URL of relative file references.

    :param dict specs: The parsed specs in which to resolve any references.
    :param str url: [optional] The URL to base relative references on.
    :param dict reference_cache: [optional] Reference cache to use. When
        encountering references, nested RefResolvers are created, and this
        parameter is used by the RefResolver hierarchy to create only one
        resolver per unique URL.
        If you wish to use this optimization across distinct RefResolver
        instances, pass a dict here for the RefResolvers you create
        yourself. It's safe to ignore this parameter in other cases.
    :param int recursion_limit: [optional] set the limit on recursive
        references. The default is 1, indicating that an element may be
        refered to exactly once when resolving references. When the limit
        is reached, the recursion_limit_handler is invoked.
    :param callable recursion_limit_handler: [optional] A callable that
        gets invoked when the recursion_limit is reached. Defaults to
        raising ResolutionError. Receives the recursion_limit as the
        first parameter, and the parsed reference URL as the second. As
        the last parameter, it receives a tuple of references that have
        been detected as recursions.
    :param str encoding: [optional] The encoding to use. If not given,
        detect_encoding is used to determine the encoding.
    :param int resolve_types: [optional] Specify which types of references to
        resolve. Defaults to RESOLVE_ALL.
        import copy
        self.specs = copy.deepcopy(specs)
        self.url = url

        self.__reclimit = options.get('recursion_limit', 1)
        self.__reclimit_handler = options.get('recursion_limit_handler',
        self.__reference_cache = options.get('reference_cache', {})

        if self.url:
            self.parsed_url = _url.absurl(self.url)
            self._url_key = _url.urlresource(self.parsed_url)

            # If we have a url, we want to add ourselves to the reference cache
            # - that creates a reference loop, but prevents child resolvers from
            # creating a new resolver for this url.
            if self.specs:
                self.__reference_cache[self._url_key] = self.specs
            self.parsed_url = self._url_key = None

        self.__resolve_types = options.get('resolve_types', RESOLVE_ALL)
        self.__encoding = options.get('encoding', None)
Beispiel #18
def test_absurl_file():
  if sys.platform == "win32":
    base = 'file:///c:/windows/notepad.exe'
    test = "regedit.exe"
    expect = 'file:///c:/windows/regedit.exe'
    base = 'file:///etc/passwd'
    test = 'group'
    expect = 'file:///etc/group'
  res = url.absurl(test, base)
  assert res.geturl() == expect
Beispiel #19
def test_convert_url():
  from prance.util import url
  converted, content_type = convert.convert_url(url.absurl('python://tests/specs/petstore.yaml'))

  # Check correct content type
  assert 'yaml' in content_type

  # Parsing can't fail.
  from prance.util import formats
  parsed = formats.parse_spec(converted, content_type = content_type)

  # Assert the correct target version
  assert 'openapi' in parsed
  assert parsed['openapi'].startswith('3.')
Beispiel #20
def iter_entries(parser, backend, version, file_format, path):
    if version == "v3.0" and backend != "openapi-spec-validator":

    for entry in os.listdir(path):
        full = os.path.join(path, entry)
        testcase_name = None
        if os.path.isfile(full):
            testcase_name = make_name(
                full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry
        elif os.path.isdir(full):
            if parser == "BaseParser":
                continue  # skip separate files for the BaseParser
            full = os.path.join(full, "spec", "swagger.%s" % (file_format))
            if os.path.isfile(full):
                testcase_name = make_name(
                    full, parser, backend, version, file_format, entry

        if testcase_name:
            dirname = os.path.dirname(full)
            dirname = dirname.replace("\\", "\\\\")
            from prance.util import url

            absurl = url.absurl(os.path.abspath(full)).geturl()
            code = """
def %s():
  import os
  cur = os.getcwd()


  from prance import %s
    parser = %s('%s', backend = '%s')
""" % (
            exec(code, globals())
Beispiel #21
 def _skip_reference(self, ref_url):
     """Return whether the URL should not be dereferenced."""
     if ref_url.scheme.startswith('http'):
         return (self.__resolve_types & RESOLVE_HTTP) == 0
     elif ref_url.scheme == 'file':
         # Internal references
         from prance.util.url import absurl
         parsed_self = absurl(self.url)
         if parsed_self.path == ref_url.path:
             return (self.__resolve_types & RESOLVE_INTERNAL) == 0
         # Local files
         return (self.__resolve_types & RESOLVE_FILES) == 0
         from urllib.parse import urlunparse
         raise ValueError(
             'Scheme "%s" is not recognized in reference URL: %s' %
             (ref_url.scheme, urlunparse(ref_url)))
Beispiel #22
def test_fetch_url_http():
    exturl = ''\
    content = url.fetch_url(url.absurl(exturl))
    assert content['swagger'] == '2.0'
Beispiel #23
def test_fetch_url_file():
    from prance.util import fs
    content = url.fetch_url(url.absurl(
    assert content['swagger'] == '2.0'
Beispiel #24
def test_urlresource():
    parsed = url.absurl('')
    res = url.urlresource(parsed)
    assert res == ''
Beispiel #25
def test_fetch_url_python():
    exturl = 'python://tests/specs/petstore.yaml'
    content = url.fetch_url(url.absurl(exturl))
    assert content['swagger'] == '2.0'
Beispiel #26
def test_absurl_absfile():
    test = 'file:///etc/passwd'
    res = url.absurl(test)
    assert res.geturl() == test
Beispiel #27
def test_absurl_file():
    base = 'file:///etc/passwd'
    test = 'group'
    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.geturl() == 'file:///etc/group'
Beispiel #28
def test_absurl_absfile_win32():
    test = 'file:///c:/windows/notepad.exe'
    res = url.absurl(test)
    assert res.geturl() == test
Beispiel #29
def test_absurl_file_win32():
    base = 'file:///c:/windows/notepad.exe'
    test = "regedit.exe"
    expect = 'file:///c:/windows/regedit.exe'
    res = url.absurl(test, base)
    assert res.geturl() == expect
Beispiel #30
def test_absurl_http():
    test = ''
    res = url.absurl(test)
    assert res.geturl() == test