Beispiel #1
    def create_editor_item(self):
        main = gtk.VBox(False, 0)

        label = gtk.Label()
        label.set_alignment(0, 0)
        main.pack_start(label, False, False, 6)

        colors_combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
        colors_combo.connect("changed", self.on_colors_combo_changed)
        for key, value in COLORS:

        color_table = gtk.Table(5, 2)
        main.pack_start(color_table, False, False, 0)

        for i, (code, label, button) in enumerate(_COLOR_BUTTONS):
            color = gtk.gdk.Color(*read_pref_color(code, False))
            setattr(self, button, gtk.ColorButton())
            getattr(self, button).set_color(color)
            getattr(self, button).connect("color-set"
                , lambda button: self.refresh_color_preferences())
            align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0.5)
            align.set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0)
            color_table.attach(align, 0, 1, i, i + 1, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL)
            color_table.attach(getattr(self, button), 1, 2, i, i + 1, 0, 0)
        align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0.5)
        align.set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0)
        align.add(gtk.Label(u"Load color scheme:"))
        scheme_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
        scheme_hbox.pack_start(align, False, False, 0)
        align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0.5)
        align.set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0)
        scheme_hbox.pack_start(align, True, True, 0)
        main.pack_start(scheme_hbox, False, False, 0)

        label = gtk.Label()
        label.set_alignment(0, 0)
        label.set_markup(u"<b>Arrow keys</b>")
        main.pack_start(label, False, False, 6)

        def callback(widget):
            prefs[constants.PREF_ARROWS_CHANGE_DIR] = widget.get_active()
        arrows_button = gtk.CheckButton(u"Right / down arrow keys change typing direction")
        arrows_button.connect("toggled", callback)
        align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0.5)
        align.set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0)
        main.pack_start(align, False, False, 0)

        return main
Beispiel #2
def _render_cells(puzzle, cells, e_settings, drawing_area, editor=True):
    if not cells or not e_settings.surface:
    view = puzzle.view
    context = cairo.Context(e_settings.surface)
    width, height = puzzle.grid.size
    cs = [(x, y) for x, y in cells if 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height]
    view.render_bottom(context, cs)
    if editor:
        e_cells = compute_editor_of_cell(cs, puzzle, e_settings)
        render = []
        for x, y, code in e_cells:
            r, g, b = read_pref_color(code)
            render.append((x, y, r, g, b))
        view.render_locations(context, render)
    view.render_top(context, cs)
    context = drawing_area.window.cairo_create()
Beispiel #3
    def render_top(self, context, cells):
        grid = self.grid
        data =
        props =
        settings = self.settings
        if settings["has_padding"]:
        cur_color = None

        default = props._data
        default_char_font = default["char", "font"]
        default_char_size = default["char", "size"]
        default_char_color = default["char", "color"]
        default_block_color = default["block", "color"]
        default_block_margin = default["block", "margin"]
        default_number_color = default["number", "color"]
        default_number_font = default["number", "font"]
        default_number_size = default["number", "size"]
        default_circle = default["circle"]

        styles = props.styles

        screen_xs, screen_ys = self.comp_screen()
        pcr = pangocairo.CairoContext(context)
        pcr_layout = pcr.create_layout()
        pcr_set_markup = pcr_layout.set_markup
        pcr_show_layout = pcr.show_layout
        ctx_move_to = context.move_to
        ctx_text_extents = context.text_extents
        ctx_set_source_rgb = context.set_source_rgb
        ctx_set_line_width = context.set_line_width
        ctx_rel_line_to = context.rel_line_to
        ctx_stroke = context.stroke
        ctx_rectangle = context.rectangle
        def _render_pango(r, s, font, content, rx=None, ry=None):
            if rx is None and ry is None:
                rx = screen_xs[r] + 1 # ?
                ry = screen_ys[s]
            pcr_set_markup('''<span font_desc="%s">%s</span>''' % (font, content))
            ctx_move_to(rx, ry)
        def _render_char(r, s, c, extents):
            xbearing, ybearing, width, height = extents[c][:4]
            border_width = props["border", "width"]
            size = props["cell", "size"]
            line_width = props["line", "width"]
            char_font = default_char_font
            char_size = default_char_size
            if (r, s) in styles:
                style = styles[r, s]
                char_font = style["char", "font"]
                char_size = style["char", "size"]
            context.select_font_face(char_font, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
            fascent, fdescent, fheight = context.font_extents()[:3]
            cx = border_width + r * (size + line_width) + 0.5 * size
            cy = border_width + s * (size + line_width) + 0.5 * size
            rx = cx - xbearing - width / 2
            ry = cy - fdescent + fheight / 2
            context.move_to(rx, ry)

        # chars and overlay chars
        n_chars, o_chars = [], []
        if settings["show_chars"]:
            n_chars = [(p, q, data[q][p]["char"]) for p, q in cells if data[q][p]["char"] != '']
        if settings["render_overlays"]:
            o_chars = [(p, q, c) for p, q in cells for r, s, c in self.overlay if (p, q) == (r, s)]
        extents = {}
        for p, q, c in (n_chars + o_chars):
            if c not in extents:
                extents[c] = ctx_text_extents(c)
        for p, q, c in n_chars:
            color = styles[p, q]["char", "color"] if (p, q) in styles else default_char_color
            if color != cur_color:
                cur_color = color
                ctx_set_source_rgb(*[cc / 65535.0 for cc in color])
            _render_char(p, q, c, extents)
        for p, q, c in o_chars:
            # TODO custom color
            color = (65535.0 / 2, 65535.0 / 2, 65535.0 / 2)
            if color != cur_color:
                cur_color = color
                ctx_set_source_rgb(*[cc / 65535.0 for cc in color])
            _render_char(p, q, c, extents)

        cell_size = props["cell", "size"]
        line_width = props["line", "width"]

        # highlights
        highlights = self.highlights
        if highlights:
            hwidth = int(cell_size / 8)
            color = read_pref_color(constants.COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, False)
            if color != cur_color:
                cur_color = color
                ctx_set_source_rgb(*[c / 65535.0 for c in color])
            for p, q in cells:
                for r, s, direction, length in highlights:
                    top, bottom, left, right = None, None, None, None
                    if direction == "across" and r <= p < r + length and s == q:
                        top = bottom = True
                        right = p == (r + length - 1)
                        left = p == r
                    elif direction == "down" and s <= q < s + length and r == p:
                        left = right = True
                        top = q == s
                        bottom = q == (s + length - 1)
                    sx = screen_xs[p]
                    sy = screen_ys[q]
                    lines = []
                    if top:
                        lines.append((sx, sy + 0.5 * hwidth, cell_size, 0))
                    if bottom:
                        lines.append((sx, sy + cell_size - 0.5 * hwidth, cell_size, 0))
                    if left:
                        lines.append((sx + 0.5 * hwidth, sy, 0, cell_size))
                    if right:
                        lines.append((sx + cell_size - 0.5 * hwidth, sy, 0, cell_size))
                    for rx, ry, rdx, rdy in lines:
                        ctx_move_to(rx, ry)
                        ctx_rel_line_to(rdx, rdy)
        # block
        for p, q in cells:
            color = styles[p, q]["block", "color"] if (p, q) in styles else default_block_color
            if color != cur_color:
                cur_color = color
                ctx_set_source_rgb(*[c / 65535.0 for c in color])
            if data[q][p]["block"]:
                rx = screen_xs[p]
                ry = screen_ys[q]
                rsize = cell_size
                margin = styles[p, q]["block", "margin"] if (p, q) in styles else default_block_margin
                if margin == 0:
                    # -0.5 for coordinates and +1 for size
                    # are needed to render seamlessly in PDF
                    ctx_rectangle(rx - 0.5, ry - 0.5, rsize + 1, rsize + 1)
                    offset = int((margin / 100.0) * rsize)
                    rsize -= (2 * offset)
                    ctx_rectangle(rx + offset, ry + offset, rsize, rsize)

        # number
        if settings["show_numbers"]:
            numbers = [(p, q) for p, q in cells if data[q][p]["number"] > 0]
            for p, q in numbers:
                if (p, q) in styles:
                    style = styles[p, q]
                    color = style["number", "color"]
                    font = style["number", "font"] + " " + str(style["number", "size"][1]) + "px"
                    color = default_number_color
                    font = default_number_font + " " + str(default_number_size[1]) + "px"
                if color != cur_color:
                    cur_color = color
                    ctx_set_source_rgb(*[c / 65535.0 for c in color])
                _render_pango(p, q, font, str(data[q][p]["number"]))

        # circle
        for p, q in cells:
            if (p, q) in styles:
                has_circle = styles[p, q]["circle"]
                has_circle = default_circle
            if has_circle:
                if (p, q) in styles:
                    color = styles[p, q]["block", "color"]
                    color = default_block_color
                if color != cur_color:
                    cur_color = color
                    ctx_set_source_rgb(*[c / 65535.0 for c in color])
                rsize = cell_size
                rx = screen_xs[p] + rsize / 2
                ry = screen_ys[q] + rsize / 2
                context.arc(rx, ry, rsize / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi)

        # lines
        if len(cells) < grid.width * grid.height:
            cls = [c for c in cells]
            for x, y in cells:
                cls += grid.neighbors(x, y, diagonals=True)
            self.render_lines_of_cells(context, set(cls), screen_xs, screen_ys)
            self.render_lines_of_cells(context, cells, screen_xs, screen_ys)
        if settings["has_padding"]:
            mx, my = props.margin
            context.translate(-1 * mx, -1 * my)