Beispiel #1
def assertion(func):
    '''Function decorator.  Provides lower-level control for custom
    assertions than `@preggy.create_assertions`.

    This decorator is preferable over `@preggy.create_assertions`
    if you need to fine-tune your error message, or if your assertion
    doesn’t have a corresponding `not_`.

    Unlike `@preggy.create_assertions`, functions decorated with
    this shouldn’t return a boolean. Instead, they should check for
    undesirable conditions and raise an `AssertionError` when appropriate.

    Whenever possible, you should declare both the normal assertion as well
    as a `not_` counterpart, so they can be used like this:
    >>> import preggy
    >>> from preggy.core import Expect as expect
    >>> @preggy.assertion
    ... def to_be_a_positive_integer(topic):
    ...     if not topic > 0:
    ...          raise AssertionError("Expected topic('{topic}') to be a positive integer".format(topic=topic))
    >>> @preggy.assertion
    ... def not_to_be_a_positive_integer(topic):
    ...     if not topic < 0:
    ...          raise AssertionError("Expected topic('{topic}') not to be a positive integer".format(topic=topic))
    >>> expect(5).to_be_a_positive_integer()
    >>> expect(-3).Not.to_be_a_positive_integer()

    if not hasattr(func, 'humanized'):
        setattr(func, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(func.__name__))

    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        func(*args, **kw)
        return Expect(args[0])

    _registered_assertions[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper
    return wrapper
Beispiel #2
def assertion(func):
    '''Function decorator.  Provides lower-level control for custom
    assertions than `@preggy.create_assertions`.

    This decorator is preferable over `@preggy.create_assertions`
    if you need to fine-tune your error message, or if your assertion
    doesn’t have a corresponding `not_`.

    Unlike `@preggy.create_assertions`, functions decorated with
    this shouldn’t return a boolean. Instead, they should check for
    undesirable conditions and raise an `AssertionError` when appropriate.

    Whenever possible, you should declare both the normal assertion as well
    as a `not_` counterpart, so they can be used like this:

    >>> import preggy
    >>> from preggy.core import Expect as expect
    >>> @preggy.assertion
    ... def to_be_a_positive_integer(topic):
    ...     if not topic > 0:
    ...          raise AssertionError("Expected topic('{topic}') to be a positive integer".format(topic=topic))
    >>> @preggy.assertion
    ... def not_to_be_a_positive_integer(topic):
    ...     if not topic < 0:
    ...          raise AssertionError("Expected topic('{topic}') not to be a positive integer".format(topic=topic))
    >>> expect(5).to_be_a_positive_integer()
    >>> expect(-3).Not.to_be_a_positive_integer()

    if not hasattr(func, 'humanized'):
        setattr(func, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(func.__name__))

    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        func(*args, **kw)
        return Expect(args[0])

    _registered_assertions[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper
    return wrapper
Beispiel #3
    def _update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped, not_assertion=True):
        '''A modified version of functools.update_wrapper. Auto-modifies the
        wrapper's __name__ and __doc__ to create a not_assertion.
        # begin as usual
        wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
        # compute overrides for not_* assertions values
        if not_assertion:
            new_name = 'not_{0.__name__}'.format(wrapped)
            new_doc = ''#.format(wrapped)

            # set our overrides
            setattr(wrapper, '__name__', new_name)
            setattr(wrapper, '__doc__', new_doc)
            # update to reflect new __name__
            setattr(wrapper, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(wrapper.__name__))

        # Return the wrapper so this can be used as a decorator via partial()
        return wrapper
Beispiel #4
    def _update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped, not_assertion=True):
        '''A modified version of functools.update_wrapper. Auto-modifies the
        wrapper's __name__ and __doc__ to create a not_assertion.
        # begin as usual
        wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)

        # compute overrides for not_* assertions values
        if not_assertion:
            new_name = 'not_{0.__name__}'.format(wrapped)
            new_doc = ''  # .format(wrapped)

            # set our overrides
            setattr(wrapper, '__name__', new_name)
            setattr(wrapper, '__doc__', new_doc)
            # update to reflect new __name__
            setattr(wrapper, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(wrapper.__name__))

        # Return the wrapper so this can be used as a decorator via partial()
        return wrapper
Beispiel #5
def create_assertions(func):
    '''Function decorator.  Use to create custom assertions for your
    ''' '''
    Creating new assertions for use with `expect` is as simple as using
    this decorator on a function. The function expects `topic` as the
    first parameter, and `expectation` second:

        def to_be_greater_than(topic, expected):
            return topic > expected

    This creates both the assertion AND its `not_*` counterpart.  
    >>> from preggy.core import (assertion, create_assertions, Expect as expect)  
    >>> from preggy.assertions import *
    >>> expect(2).to_be_greater_than(3)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: Expected topic(2) to be greater than 3
    >>> expect(4).not_to_be_greater_than(3)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: Expected topic(4) not to be greater than 3
    # set custom func attribute "humanized"
    setattr(func, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(func.__name__))

    # modified functools.update_wrapper
    def _update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped, not_assertion=True):
        '''A modified version of functools.update_wrapper. Auto-modifies the
        wrapper's __name__ and __doc__ to create a not_assertion.
        # begin as usual
        wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)
        # compute overrides for not_* assertions values
        if not_assertion:
            new_name = 'not_{0.__name__}'.format(wrapped)
            new_doc = ''#.format(wrapped)

            # set our overrides
            setattr(wrapper, '__name__', new_name)
            setattr(wrapper, '__doc__', new_doc)
            # update to reflect new __name__
            setattr(wrapper, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(wrapper.__name__))

        # Return the wrapper so this can be used as a decorator via partial()
        return wrapper
    # First assertion
    def test_assertion(*args):
        raw_msg = utils.format_assertion_msg(func.humanized, *args)
        err_msg = raw_msg.format(*args)
        if not func(*args):
            raise AssertionError(err_msg)
    # Second assertion: prepare
    def test_not_assertion(*args):
        raw_msg = utils.format_assertion_msg('not {0!s}'.format(func.humanized), *args)
        err_msg = raw_msg.format(*args)
        if func(*args):
            raise AssertionError(err_msg)

    # Second assertion: update and register
    test_not_assertion = _update_wrapper(test_not_assertion, func)
    test_not_assertion = assertion(test_not_assertion)
Beispiel #6
def create_assertions(func):
    '''Function decorator.  Use to create custom assertions for your
    ''' '''
    Creating new assertions for use with `expect` is as simple as using
    this decorator on a function. The function expects `topic` as the
    first parameter, and `expectation` second:

        def to_be_greater_than(topic, expected):
            return topic > expected

    This creates both the assertion AND its `not_*` counterpart.  
    >>> from preggy.core import (assertion, create_assertions, Expect as expect)  
    >>> from preggy.assertions import *
    >>> expect(2).to_be_greater_than(3)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: Expected topic(2) to be greater than 3
    >>> expect(4).not_to_be_greater_than(3)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: Expected topic(4) not to be greater than 3
    # set custom func attribute "humanized"
    setattr(func, 'humanized', utils.humanized_name(func.__name__))

    # modified functools.update_wrapper
    def _update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped, not_assertion=True):
        '''A modified version of functools.update_wrapper. Auto-modifies the
        wrapper's __name__ and __doc__ to create a not_assertion.
        # begin as usual
        wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped)

        # compute overrides for not_* assertions values
        if not_assertion:
            new_name = 'not_{0.__name__}'.format(wrapped)
            new_doc = ''  #.format(wrapped)

            # set our overrides
            setattr(wrapper, '__name__', new_name)
            setattr(wrapper, '__doc__', new_doc)
            # update to reflect new __name__
            setattr(wrapper, 'humanized',

        # Return the wrapper so this can be used as a decorator via partial()
        return wrapper

    # First assertion
    def test_assertion(*args):
        if not func(*args):
            raw_msg = utils.format_assertion_msg(func.humanized, *args)
            err_msg = raw_msg.format(*args)
            raise AssertionError(err_msg)
        return Expect(args[0])

    # Second assertion: prepare
    def test_not_assertion(*args):
        if func(*args):
            raw_msg = utils.format_assertion_msg(
                'not {0!s}'.format(func.humanized), *args)
            err_msg = raw_msg.format(*args)
            raise AssertionError(err_msg)
        return Expect(args[0])

    # Second assertion: update and register
    test_not_assertion = _update_wrapper(test_not_assertion, func)
    test_not_assertion = assertion(test_not_assertion)