Beispiel #1
def seed_voxel_masked_corrz(fourd, seed, maskf, outdir):
    _, seedname, _ = pp.split_filename(seed)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, '%s_corrz.nii.gz'%(seedname))
    seedval = np.loadtxt(seed)
    img = ni.load(fourd)
    imgdim = img.get_shape()[:3]
    maskdim = ni.load(maskf).get_shape()
    if not maskdim == imgdim:
        raise ValueError('dimension mismatch, mask: %s, data: %s'%(maskdim, imgdim))
    dat = img.get_data()
    maskdat = ni.load(maskf).get_data()
    mask = maskdat > 0
    masked_dat = dat[mask,:]
    steps = [x * mask.shape[0]/10 for x in range(10)]
    allres = np.zeros(masked_dat.shape[0])
    for i, stop in enumerate(steps):
        start = steps[i]
        clump = masked_dat[start:s,:]
        tmpres = np.corrcoef(clump, seed)
        allres[start:s] = tmpres[-1,:-1]
    new = np.zeros(dat.shape[:3])
    new[mask] = allres
    newimg = ni.Nifti1Image(new, img.get_affine())
    return outfile
Beispiel #2
def generate_seed_voxelcorrelation(fourd, seed, outdir):
    _, seedname, _ = pp.split_filename(seed)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, '%s_corr.nii.gz'%(seedname))
    cmd = ' '.join(['3dfim+',
    cout = pp.CommandLine(cmd).run()
    if not cout.runtime.returncode == 0:
        print cout.runtime.stderr
        return None
    return outfile
Beispiel #3
def seed_voxel_corrz(fourd, seed, outdir):
    """ uses numpy, nibabel to calc timeseries correlation
    with seed values, ztransforms and saves to file in outdir"""
    _, seedname, _ = pp.split_filename(seed)
    outfile = os.path.join(outdir, '%s_corrz.nii.gz'%(seedname))
    seedval = np.loadtxt(seed)
    img = ni.load(fourd)
    dat = img.get_data()
    new = np.zeros(dat.shape[:3])
    for i, slice in enumerate(dat):
        for j, part in enumerate(slice):
            res = np.corrcoef(part, seedval)
            new[i,j,:] = res[-1,:-1]
    new = np.arctanh(new)
    new[np.isnan(new)] = 0
    newimg = ni.Nifti1Image(new, img.get_affine())
    return outfile

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ### Change items here####
    # get structurals
    datadir = '/home/jagust/graph/data/spm_220' 
    anatomicals = pp.get_files(datadir,'B*/anat/B*_anat.nii')
    # run vbm
    vbm8_dict = {}
    for anat in anatomicals:
        # copy file to processing dir
        pth, nme, ext = pp.split_filename(anat)
        subid = nme.split('_anat')[0]
        vbmdir,exists = pp.make_dir(pth, 'vbm8')
        canat = pp.copy_file(anat, vbmdir)
        if not exists: # only run if vbm directory is missing
            out = pp.spm_vbm8(canat)
        vbmd = pp.get_vbmfiles(canat)
        vbm8_dict.update({subid: vbmd})
    # run dartel on cohort
    gms = pp.get_files(datadir, '*/anat/vbm8/rp1*.nii')
    wms = pp.get_files(datadir, '*/anat/vbm8/rp2*.nii')
    files = []
    datadir = '/home/jagust/graph/data/spm_220'
    functionals = pp.get_files(datadir,'B*/func/B*_4d.nii*')
    TR = 2.2 #set to TR = None if TR in file is correct
    templatedir  = '/home/jagust/graph/data/spm_220/template'
    ##### CHANGE TEMPLATE HERE!!  ############
    template_name = 'dartel_May_21_2013_14_27_6.nii'
    template = pp.os.path.join(templatedir,template_name)

    ruwd = {}
    for func in functionals:

        # copy file to processing dir
        pth, nme, ext = pp.split_filename(func)
        subid = nme.split('_4d')[0]
        realigndir,exists = pp.make_dir(pth, 'realign_unwarp')
        slicetime_vars = pp.get_slicetime_vars(func, TR = TR)

        if not exists: # only run if realign_unwarp directory is missing
            cfunc = pp.copy_file(func, realigndir)
            if pp.is_4d(cfunc):
                # convert to list of 3d files
                cfuncs = pp.fsl_split4d(cfunc, subid)
                # remove 4d file
                cfuncs = [x for x in cfuncs if not 'gz' in x]
                cfuncs = cfunc