Beispiel #1
def gen_overprivileged_function_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from Lambda functions being loaded with overprivileged roles"""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.is_admin:
            if query_interface.resource_policy_authorization('', arns.get_account_id(node.arn),
                                                             node.trust_policy, 'sts:AssumeRole', node.arn, {})\
                    == query_interface.ResourcePolicyEvalResult.SERVICE_MATCH:

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, Lambda functions can be assigned an IAM Role to use during execution. These ' \
                               'IAM Roles give the function access to call the AWS API with the permissions of the ' \
                               'IAM Role, depending on the policies attached to it. If the Lambda function can be ' \
                               'compromised, and the attacker can alter the code it executes, the attacker could ' \
                               'make AWS API calls with the IAM Role\'s permissions. The following IAM Roles have ' \
                               'administrative privileges, and can be passed to Lambda functions:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

            'IAM Roles Available to Lambda Functions Have Administrative Privileges' if len(affected_roles) > 1 else
            'IAM Role Available to Lambda Functions Has Administrative Privileges',
            'If an attacker can inject code or commands into the function, or if a lower-privileged principal can '
            'alter the function, the AWS account as a whole could be compromised.',
            description_preamble + description_body,
            'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted IAM Role(s).'

    return result
Beispiel #2
def gen_overprivileged_stack_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from CloudFormation stacks being loaded with overprivileged roles"""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.is_admin:
            if query_interface.resource_policy_authorization('',
                                                             arns.get_account_id(node.arn), node.trust_policy,
                                                             'sts:AssumeRole', node.arn, {}) == \

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, CloudFormation stacks can be given an IAM Role. When a stack has an IAM ' \
                               'Role, it can use that IAM Role to make AWS API calls to create the resources ' \
                               'defined in the template for that stack. If the IAM Role has administrator access ' \
                               'to the account, and an attacker is able to make the right CloudFormation API calls, ' \
                               'they would be able to use the IAM Role to escalate privileges and compromise the ' \
                               'account as a whole. The following IAM Roles can be used in CloudFormation and ' \
                               'have administrative privileges:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

                'IAM Roles Available to CloudFormation Stacks Have Administrative Privileges'
                if len(affected_roles) > 1 else
                'IAM Role Available to CloudFormation Stacks Has Administrative Privileges',
                'If an attacker has the right permissions in the AWS Account, they can grant themselves adminstrative '
                'access to the account to compromise the account.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted IAM Role(s).'

    return result