Beispiel #1
    def upload(self, filesystem_path, name=None, mime=None,, file_content=None, debug=False):
        """Upload a file to CloudFS.

        :Note: File content can be read from a file or passed into the file_content parameter.

        :param filesystem_path: Source of file data.
        :param name:            Name of file in CloudFS. If left blank, will use name of file in path.
        :param mime:            Mine for new file. If left blank, mime will be detected.
        :param exists:          Behavior if the given name exists on CloudFS. Defaults to fail.
        :param data_inline:     Flag to indicate if the source is a string or a filename.
        :param debug:           If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.

        :returns:               Uploaded file.
        :rtype:                 File object.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        set_debug(self, debug)
        if not name:
            name = os.path.basename(filesystem_path)

        if file_content == None:
            # pass in a handle
            file_content = open(filesystem_path, 'rb')

        files = {'file':[name, file_content]}

        if mime:

        upload_response = self.rest_interface.upload(self.path, files, exists)
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, upload_response, self.path, self._state)[0]
Beispiel #2
    def upload(self, source, custom_name=None, custom_mime=None,, data_inline=False, debug=False):
        """Upload a file or a string to CloudFS.

        REST Documentation:

        :param source:          Source of file data. String or path to a file.
        :param custom_name:     Name of file in CloudFS. If left blank, will use name of file in path.
        :param custom_mime:     Mine for new file. If left blank, mime will be detected.
        :param exists:          Behavior if the given name exists on CloudFS. Defaults to fail.
        :param data_inline:     Flag to indicate if the source is a string or a filename.
        :param debug:           If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.

        :returns:   New file object.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        if self.in_share():
            raise operation_not_allowed("upload to folder in share")
        set_debug(self, debug)
        if not custom_name:
            custom_name = os.path.basename(source)

        file_data = source
        if not data_inline:
            file_data = open(file_data, 'rb')

        files = {'file':[custom_name, file_data]}

        if custom_mime:

        upload_response = self.rest_interface.upload(self.path(), files, exists)
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, upload_response, self.path(), self.in_trash)[0]
Beispiel #3
 def list(self, debug=False):
     """List the contents of the share
     :param debug:   If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
     :return:        List of items in share.
     set_debug(self, debug)
     results = self.rest_interface.browse_share(self.share_key)
     return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, results, None, share_key=self.share_key)
Beispiel #4
 def list(self, debug=False):
     """List the contents of the share
     :param debug:   If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
     :return:        List of items in share.
     set_debug(self, debug)
     results = self.rest_interface.browse_share(self.share_key)
     return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface,
Beispiel #5
    def list(self, debug=False):
        """List the contents of this container.

        REST Documentation:

        :param debug: If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
        :return: Array of Items in container.
        set_debug(self, debug)
        if self.share_key:
            results = self.rest_interface.browse_share(self.share_key, self.path())
            return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, results, self.path(), share_key=self.share_key)
            return list_items_from_path(self.rest_interface, self.path(), self.in_trash)
Beispiel #6
    def create_folder(self, container_or_name,, debug=False):
        """Create a new folder in this folder.

        :param container_or_name:   Container or String name. If arg is a Container, will use that Containers name.
        :param debug:               If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.

        :returns:       New folder.
        :rtype:         Folder object.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        set_debug(self, debug)

        if isinstance(container_or_name, Item):
            container_or_name =

        new_folder_response = self.rest_interface.create_folder(self.path, container_or_name, exists)
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, new_folder_response, self.path)[0]
Beispiel #7
    def receive(self, location=None, exists=ExistValues.rename, debug=False):
        """Add share contents to the filesystem of this user.

        Behaves differently depending on how the share was crated.
        See Filesystem::create_share for notes on behavior of this command.

        :param location:    Location to copy the share to. Optional, defaults to root.
        :param exists:      How to handle if an item of the same name exists in the destination folder. Defaults to rename.
        :param debug:       If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
        :return:            List of items created by receiving this share on the users' filesystem.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        set_debug(self, debug)
        if isinstance(location, Item):
            location = location.path()

        result = self.rest_interface.receive_share(self.share_key, location, exists)
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, result, location)
Beispiel #8
    def list(self, debug=False):
        """List the contents of this container.

        :param debug:       If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
        :return:            Contents of the container.
        :rtype:             Array of Items
        set_debug(self, debug)

        if self.in_share:
            response = self.rest_interface.browse_share(self._state.share_key, self.path)
        elif self.in_trash:
            response = self.rest_interface.list_trash(self.path)
            response = self.rest_interface.list_folder(self.path)

        path = self.path if str(self.path) != '/' else None

        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, response, path, self._state)
Beispiel #9
    def receive(self, location=None, exists=ExistValues.rename, debug=False):
        """Add share contents to the filesystem of this user.

        Behaves differently depending on how the share was crated.
        See Filesystem::create_share for notes on behavior of this command.

        :param location:    Location to copy the share to. Optional, defaults to root.
        :param exists:      How to handle if an item of the same name exists in the destination folder. Defaults to rename.
        :param debug:       If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.
        :return:            List of items created by receiving this share on the users' filesystem.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        set_debug(self, debug)
        if isinstance(location, Item):
            location = location.path()

        result = self.rest_interface.receive_share(self.share_key, location,
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, result, location)
Beispiel #10
    def versions(self, start=0, end=None, limit=10, debug=False):
        """List the previous versions of this file

        The list of files returned are mostly non-functional, though their meta-data is correct. They cannot be read /
        moved / copied, etc.

        :param start:   Lowest version number to list. Optional, defaults to listing all file versions.
        :param stop:    Last version of the file to list. Optional, defaults to listing the most recent version of the file.
        :param limit:   Limit on number of versions returned. Optional, defaults to 10.
        :return:        List of previous versions of this file.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.

        set_debug(self, debug)
        results = self.rest_interface.list_file_versions(self.path(), start, end, limit)
        if len(results) > 0:
            results = create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, results, self.path()[:-1], old_versions=True)
        return results
Beispiel #11
    def create_folder(self, container_or_name,, debug=False):
        """Create a new folder in this folder.

        REST Documentation:

        :param container_or_name:   Container or String name. If arg is a Container, will use that Containers name.
        :param debug:               If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.

        :returns:       New folder object.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       ButtFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on ButtFS Error Code.
        if debug:

        if isinstance(container_or_name, Item):
            container_or_name =

        new_folder_response = self.rest_interface.create_folder(self.path(), container_or_name, exists)
        return create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, new_folder_response, self.path(), self.in_trash)[0]
Beispiel #12
    def copy(self, dest, name=None, exists=ExistValues.rename, debug=False):
        """Copy folder to destination.

        :param dest:        Path or Folder to copy the items to.
        :param exists:      How to handle if an item of the same name exists in the destination folder. Defaults to rename.
        :param debug:       If true, will print the the request and response to stdout.

        :returns:   None
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.
        # TODO: update "new" item
        if hasattr(dest, 'path'):
            dest = dest.path
        if not name:
            name =
        result = self.rest_interface.copy_folder(self.path, dest, name, exists)
        set_debug(self, debug)
        file_copy = create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, result['meta'], dest, self._state)
        return file_copy
Beispiel #13
    def versions(self, start_version=0, end_version=None, limit=10, debug=False):
        """List the previous versions of this file

        The list of files returned are mostly non-functional, though their meta-data is correct. They cannot be read /
        moved / copied, etc.

        :param start_version:   Lowest version number to list. Optional, defaults to listing all file versions.
        :param end_version:     Last version of the file to list. Optional, defaults to listing the most recent version of the file.
        :param limit:           Limit on number of versions returned. Optional, defaults to 10.
        :return:                Previous versions of this file.
        :rtype:                 List of File.
        :raises SessionNotLinked:       CloudFSRESTAdapter is not authenticated.
        :raises AuthenticatedError:     Based on CloudFS Error Code.

        set_debug(self, debug)
        results = self.rest_interface.list_file_versions(self.path, start_version, end_version, limit)
        if len(results) > 0:
            results = create_items_from_json(self.rest_interface, results, self.path[:-1], ItemState.OldVersionState())
        return results