Beispiel #1
def do_dsa_g0(message_hash):
    x = 8675309
    k = 24601
    y = mypow(prob45_g0, x, prob45_p)
    r = mypow(prob45_g0, k, prob45_p) % prob45_q
    s = (invmod(k, prob45_p) * (message_hash + x * r)) % prob45_q
    return (y, r, s)
def rsa_demo2():
    e = 3;
    p = 4;
    q = 4;
    while ((p % e) == 1):
        p = generatePrime(1024);
    while ((q % e) == 1):
        q = generatePrime(1024);
    N = p*q;
    phi = (p-1)*(q-1);
    assert((phi%e) != 0);
    d = invmod(e, phi);
    message = 42;
    encrypted = mypow(message, e, N);
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N);
    assert(message == decrypted);
#Finally, to encrypt a string, do something cheesy, like convert the
#string to hex and put "0x" on the front of it to turn it into a
#number. The math cares not how stupidly you feed it strings.
    rawMessage = b'May the Force be with you'
    hexMessage = rawToHex(rawMessage);
    intMessage = int(hexMessage, 16);
    encrypted = mypow(intMessage, e, N);
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N);
    assert(intMessage == decrypted);
    assert(hexToRaw(hex(intMessage)[2:]) == rawMessage);
Beispiel #3
def rsa_demo2():
    e = 3
    p = 4
    q = 4
    while ((p % e) == 1):
        p = generatePrime(1024)
    while ((q % e) == 1):
        q = generatePrime(1024)
    N = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    assert ((phi % e) != 0)
    d = invmod(e, phi)
    message = 42
    encrypted = mypow(message, e, N)
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N)
    print('p = %d;q = %d; N = %d; e=%d; d=%d; message = %d; encrypted=%d' %
          (p, q, N, e, d, message, encrypted))
    assert (message == decrypted)
    #Finally, to encrypt a string, do something cheesy, like convert the
    #string to hex and put "0x" on the front of it to turn it into a
    #number. The math cares not how stupidly you feed it strings.
    rawMessage = b'May the Force be with you'
    hexMessage = rawToHex(rawMessage)
    intMessage = int(hexMessage, 16)
    encrypted = mypow(intMessage, e, N)
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N)
    assert (intMessage == decrypted)
    assert (hexToRaw(hex(intMessage)[2:]) == rawMessage)
Beispiel #4
def validate_dsa_g1(y, r, s, message_hash):
    w = invmod(s, prob45_q)
    u1 = (message_hash * w) % prob45_q
    u2 = (r * w) % prob45_q
    v = (mypow(prob45_g1, u1, prob43_p) * mypow(y, u2, prob45_p) %
         prob45_p) % prob45_q
    return v == r
Beispiel #5
def SRP_step5(state):
    xH = sha256(intToBytes(state["salt"]) + state["P"]).hexdigest()
    x = int(xH, 16)
    S = mypow((state["B"] - state["k"] * mypow(state["g"], x, state["p"])),
              (state["a"] + state["u"] * x), state["p"])
    state["C_K"] = sha256(intToBytes(S)).digest()
    return state
def do_dsa_g0(message_hash):
    x = 8675309;
    k = 24601;
    y = mypow(prob45_g0, x, prob45_p);
    r = mypow(prob45_g0, k, prob45_p) % prob45_q;
    s = (invmod(k, prob45_p) * (message_hash + x*r)) % prob45_q;
    return (y,r,s)
Beispiel #7
def bb98_2b(key, c0, prev_s):
    s = prev_s + 1;
    cipher = (c0 * mypow(s, key['e'], key['N'])) % key['N'];
    while (not is_pkcs1_formatted(key, cipher)):
        s += 1;
        cipher = (c0 * mypow(s, key['e'], key['N'])) % key['N'];
        #print(s, hex(cipher))
    #print("Step 2b returning ", s)
    return s;
Beispiel #8
def bb98_2a(key, c0):
    k = (key['N'].bit_length()+7)//8
    B = pow(2, 8*(k-2));
    key['B'] = B;
    s = myceil(key['N'], 3*B);
    cipher = (c0 * mypow(s, key['e'], key['N'])) % key['N'];
    while (not is_pkcs1_formatted(key, cipher)):
        s += 1;
        cipher = (c0 * mypow(s, key['e'], key['N'])) % key['N'];
        #print(s, hex(cipher))
    #print("Step 2a returning ", s)
    return s;
Beispiel #9
def try_simplified_SRP_password(state, guess):
    # hmac(K, salt) =
    # hmac(sha256(S), salt) =
    # hmac(sha256((A * v ** u)**b % n), salt) =
    # hmac(sha256((A * ((g**x)** u))**b % n), salt) =
    # hmac(sha256((A * ((g**SHA256(salt|password))** u))**b % n), salt) =
    # and now we're down to thinks we know (minus password)
    x = sha256(intToBytes(state["salt"]) + guess).hexdigest();
    v = mypow(state["g"], int(x, 16), state["p"]);
    v_u = mypow(v, state["u"], state["p"]);
    S = mypow(state["A"] * v_u, state["b"], state["p"]);
    mychal = myhmac(sha256, sha256(intToBytes(S)).digest(), intToBytes(state["salt"]));
    return mychal == state["challenge"];
def message5(state):
    message = b"Thomas, he's the cheeky one.  James is vain but lots of fun!";
    secret = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], group5_p);
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret));
    state["a_iv"] = generateAESKey();
    state["a_cipher"] = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]);
    return state;
def do_prob46(key, cipher):
    original_cipher = cipher;
    plain_min = 0;
    plain_max = key['N'] - 1;
    print_range(0, plain_min, plain_max);
    i = 0;

    while (int(plain_min) != int(plain_max)):
        cipher = (2**key['e'] * cipher) % key['N'];
        if rsa_oracle_isodd(key, cipher):
            # plaintext in upper half of range
            if (plain_max - plain_min == 1):
                plain_min = plain_max;
            plain_min += (plain_max - plain_min) // 2;
            # plaintext in the lower half
            if (plain_max - plain_min == 1):
                plain_max = plain_min;
            plain_max -= (plain_max - plain_min) // 2;
        i += 1;
        print_range(i, plain_min, plain_max)
    # This seems to have errors on one of the lower bits,
    # I suspect this is due to rounding errors when
    # bounding the range.  So instead of accepting the
    # answer found, try to encrypt answers within 
    # 4 of the "answwer", and see if they encrypt to 
    # the original cipher
    for i in range(-4, 5):
        this_cipher = mypow(plain_min + i, key['e'], key['N']);
        if (this_cipher == original_cipher):
            print("Plaintext: ", hex(plain_min + i));
    raise Exception;
Beispiel #12
def recover_dsa_key():
    for k in range(65537):
        potential_x = get_dsa_key_from_known_k(prob43_r, prob43_s, k, prob43_msg_hash)
        if (mypow(prob43_g, potential_x, prob43_p) == prob43_y):
            return (potential_x, k);
    # failure if here
    raise Exception;
Beispiel #13
def do_prob46(key, cipher):
    original_cipher = cipher
    plain_min = 0
    plain_max = key['N'] - 1
    print_range(0, plain_min, plain_max)
    i = 0

    while (int(plain_min) != int(plain_max)):
        cipher = (2**key['e'] * cipher) % key['N']
        if rsa_oracle_isodd(key, cipher):
            # plaintext in upper half of range
            if (plain_max - plain_min == 1):
                plain_min = plain_max
            plain_min += (plain_max - plain_min) // 2
            # plaintext in the lower half
            if (plain_max - plain_min == 1):
                plain_max = plain_min
            plain_max -= (plain_max - plain_min) // 2
        i += 1
        print_range(i, plain_min, plain_max)

    # This seems to have errors on one of the lower bits,
    # I suspect this is due to rounding errors when
    # bounding the range.  So instead of accepting the
    # answer found, try to encrypt answers within
    # 4 of the "answwer", and see if they encrypt to
    # the original cipher
    for i in range(-4, 5):
        this_cipher = mypow(plain_min + i, key['e'], key['N'])
        if (this_cipher == original_cipher):
            print("Plaintext: ", hex(plain_min + i))

    raise Exception
Beispiel #14
def recover_dsa_key():
    for k in range(65537):
        potential_x = get_dsa_key_from_known_k(prob43_r, prob43_s, k, prob43_msg_hash)
        if (mypow(prob43_g, potential_x, prob43_p) == prob43_y):
            return (potential_x, k);
    # failure if here
    raise Exception;
def bad_rsa_sha1_verify(message, signature, rsaparams):
    decrypt = mypow(signature, rsaparams['e'], rsaparams['N']);
    decryptBytes = decrypt.to_bytes((rsaparams['N'].bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder="big");
    # check leading 0
    if (decryptBytes[0] != 0):
        return False;
    # block type 1
    if (decryptBytes[1] != 1):
        return False;
    # at least 1 0xff...
    if (decryptBytes[2] != 0xff):
        return False;
    # find end of ff's
    i = 3;
    while (i < len(decryptBytes)):
        if (decryptBytes[i]  != 0xff):
    # make sure there's enough room for 00, oid, hash
    if ((len(decryptBytes) - i) < (len(sha1oid) + 21)):
        return False;
    if (decryptBytes[i] != 0):
        return False;
    if (decryptBytes[i+1:i+1+len(sha1oid)] != sha1oid):
        return False;
    expectedHash = sha1(message).digest()
    if (decryptBytes[i+1+len(sha1oid):i+21+len(sha1oid)] != expectedHash):
        return False;
    return True;
Beispiel #16
def bad_rsa_sha1_verify(message, signature, rsaparams):
    decrypt = mypow(signature, rsaparams['e'], rsaparams['N'])
    decryptBytes = decrypt.to_bytes((rsaparams['N'].bit_length() + 7) // 8,
    # check leading 0
    if (decryptBytes[0] != 0):
        return False
    # block type 1
    if (decryptBytes[1] != 1):
        return False
    # at least 1 0xff...
    if (decryptBytes[2] != 0xff):
        return False
    # find end of ff's
    i = 3
    while (i < len(decryptBytes)):
        if (decryptBytes[i] != 0xff):
        i += 1
    # make sure there's enough room for 00, oid, hash
    if ((len(decryptBytes) - i) < (len(sha1oid) + 21)):
        return False
    if (decryptBytes[i] != 0):
        return False
    if (decryptBytes[i + 1:i + 1 + len(sha1oid)] != sha1oid):
        return False
    expectedHash = sha1(message).digest()
    if (decryptBytes[i + 1 + len(sha1oid):i + 21 + len(sha1oid)] !=
        return False
    return True
Beispiel #17
def message5(state):
    message = b"Thomas, he's the cheeky one.  James is vain but lots of fun!"
    secret = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], group5_p)
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret))
    state["a_iv"] = generateAESKey()
    state["a_cipher"] = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16),
                                    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"])
    return state
Beispiel #18
def message5(state):
    message = b"Thomas, he's the cheeky one.  James is vain but lots of fun!";
    secret = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], group5_p);
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret));
    state["a_iv"] = generateAESKey();
    state["a_cipher"] = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]);
    print('A->B            Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv');
    return state;
def SRP_step1(state):
    salt = randrange(2, state["p"]-2);
    xH = sha256(intToBytes(salt) + state["P"]).hexdigest();
    x = int(xH, 16);
    v = mypow(state["g"], x, state["p"]);
    state["v"] = v;
    state["salt"] = salt;
    return state;
Beispiel #20
def SRP_step1(state):
    salt = randrange(2, state["p"] - 2)
    xH = sha256(intToBytes(salt) + state["P"]).hexdigest()
    x = int(xH, 16)
    v = mypow(state["g"], x, state["p"])
    state["v"] = v
    state["salt"] = salt
    return state
Beispiel #21
def message2(state):
    b = randrange(2, state["p"]-2);
    B = mypow(state["g"], b, state["p"]);
    state["b"] = b;
    state["B"] = B;
    print('2.B->A            Send "B"');
    return state;
Beispiel #22
def message1():
    a = randrange(2, group5_p-2);
    A = mypow(group5_g, a, group5_p);
    state = { "p" : group5_p, "g" : group5_g, 
           "a" : a, "A" : A };
    print('1.A->B            Send "p", "g", "A"');
    return state;
def message3(state):
    a_shared = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], state["p"]);
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(a_shared));
    a_iv = generateAESKey();
    message = b"mary had a little lamb"
    a_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"], a_iv);
    state["a_cipher"] = a_cipher;
    state["a_iv"] = a_iv;
    return state;
Beispiel #24
def message2(state):
    b = randrange(2, state["p"] - 2)
    B = mypow(state["g"], b, state["p"])
    state["b"] = b
    state["B"] = B
    print('2.B->A            Send "B"')
    print('-' * 64)
    return state
Beispiel #25
def message1():
    a = randrange(2, group5_p - 2)
    A = mypow(group5_g, a, group5_p)
    state = {
        "p": group5_p,
        "g": group5_g,
        "a": a,
        "A": A
    return state
Beispiel #26
def message5(state):
    message = b"Thomas, he's the cheeky one.  James is vain but lots of fun!"
    secret = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], group5_p)
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret))
    state["a_iv"] = generateAESKey()
    state["a_cipher"] = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16),
                                    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"])
        'A->B            Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv')
    return state
def message6(state):
    secret = mypow(state["A"], state["b"], state["p"]);
    state["b_cipherkey"], state["b_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret));
    b_iv = generateAESKey();
    received_message = removePKCS7Padding(aes_cbc_dec(state["a_cipher"], state["b_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]));
    b_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(received_message, 16), state["b_cipherkey"], b_iv);
    state["b_cipher"] = b_cipher;
    state["b_iv"] = b_iv;
    state["b_received_plain"] = received_message;
    return state;
Beispiel #28
def message6(state):
    secret = mypow(state["A"], state["b"], state["p"]);
    state["b_cipherkey"], state["b_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret));
    b_iv = generateAESKey();
    received_message = removePKCS7Padding(aes_cbc_dec(state["a_cipher"], state["b_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]));
    b_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(received_message, 16), state["b_cipherkey"], b_iv);
    state["b_cipher"] = b_cipher;
    state["b_iv"] = b_iv;
    state["b_received_plain"] = received_message;
    print("B->A            Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), A's msg) + iv");
    return state;
def rsa_demo1():
    p = 71;
    q = 77;
# - Let n be p * q. Your RSA math is modulo n.
    N = p*q;
# - Let et be (p-1)*(q-1) (the "totient"). You need this value only for
#  keygen.
    et = (p-1)*(q-1);
# - Let e be 3.
    e = 3;
    assert((et%e) != 0); #sufficient given a prime e
#- Compute d = invmod(e, et). invmod(17, 3120) is 2753.
    d = invmod(e,et)
# Your public key is [e, n]. Your private key is [d, n].
#To encrypt: c = m**e%n. To decrypt: m = c**d%n
#Test this out with a number, like "42".
    message = 42;
    encrypted = mypow(message, e, N);
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N);
    assert(message == decrypted);
Beispiel #30
def message3(state):
    a_shared = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], state["p"])
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(
    a_iv = generateAESKey()
    message = b"mary had a little lamb"
    a_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"],
    state["a_cipher"] = a_cipher
    state["a_iv"] = a_iv
    return state
Beispiel #31
def message6(state):
    secret = mypow(state["A"], state["b"], state["p"])
    state["b_cipherkey"], state["b_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret))
    b_iv = generateAESKey()
    received_message = removePKCS7Padding(
        aes_cbc_dec(state["a_cipher"], state["b_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]))
    b_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(received_message, 16),
                           state["b_cipherkey"], b_iv)
    state["b_cipher"] = b_cipher
    state["b_iv"] = b_iv
    state["b_received_plain"] = received_message
    return state
Beispiel #32
def message3(state):
    a_shared = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], state["p"]);
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(a_shared));
    a_iv = generateAESKey();
    message = b"mary had a little lamb"
    a_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"], a_iv);
    state["a_cipher"] = a_cipher;
    state["a_iv"] = a_iv;
    print("3.A->B Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv");
    return state;
Beispiel #33
def bb98_2c(intervals, s_prev, key, c0):
    assert(len(intervals) == 1);
    (a,b) = intervals[0];
    r = myceil(2*(b*s_prev - 2*key['B']), key['N']);
    s = myceil((2*key['B'] + r*key['N']), b);
    while (True):
        cipher = (c0 * mypow(s, key['e'], key['N'])) % key['N'];
        if (is_pkcs1_formatted(key, cipher)):
            return (r,s);
        s = s+1;
        if (s > myfloor(3*key['B'] + r*key['N'], a)):
            r += 1;
            s = myceil((2*key['B'] + r*key['N']), b);
Beispiel #34
def is_pkcs1_formatted(key, cipher):
    plain = mypow(cipher, key['d'], key['N']);
    # check for 0
    if ((plain.bit_length() + 15) //8) != ((key['N'].bit_length() + 7)//8):
        return False;
    # hex(plain) will start '0x2' if the second by is either 0x20 or 0x02
    # if 02, then len(hex) will be odd
    if (len(hex(plain)) % 2) == 0:
        return False;
    if (hex(plain)[0:3] != '0x2'):
        return False;
    return True;
Beispiel #35
def do_unpadded_rsa_attack():
    rsaparams = generate_rsa_key(2048)
    e = rsaparams['e']
    N = rsaparams['N']
    messageBytes = b'Oh captain my captain'
    messageInt = int.from_bytes(messageBytes, byteorder="big")
    capturedCipher = capture_ciphertext(messageInt, N, e)

    S = 8675309
    C_prime = (mypow(S, e, N) * capturedCipher) % N
    P_prime = decrypt_cipher(C_prime, rsaparams)
    plain = (P_prime * invmod(S, N)) % N
    assert (plain == messageInt)
def do_unpadded_rsa_attack():
    rsaparams = generate_rsa_key(2048);
    e = rsaparams['e']
    N = rsaparams['N']
    messageBytes = b'Oh captain my captain'
    messageInt = int.from_bytes(messageBytes, byteorder="big")
    capturedCipher = capture_ciphertext(messageInt, N, e);
    S = 8675309
    C_prime = (mypow(S, e, N) * capturedCipher) % N;
    P_prime = decrypt_cipher(C_prime, rsaparams);
    plain = (P_prime * invmod(S, N)) % N;
    assert(plain == messageInt);
Beispiel #37
def message1():
    a = randrange(2, group5_p - 2)
    A = mypow(group5_g, a, group5_p)
    state = {
        "p": group5_p,
        "g": group5_g,
        "a": a,
        "A": A
    print('1.A->B            Send "p", "g", "A"')
    print('-' * 64)
    return state
Beispiel #38
def message3(state):
    a_shared = mypow(state["B"], state["a"], state["p"])
    state["a_cipherkey"], state["a_mackey"] = secretToKeys(
    a_iv = generateAESKey()
    message = b"mary had a little lamb"
    a_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(message, 16), state["a_cipherkey"],
    state["a_cipher"] = a_cipher
    state["a_iv"] = a_iv
    print("3.A->B Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv")
    print('-' * 64)
    return state
Beispiel #39
def rsa_demo1():
    p = 71
    q = 77
    # - Let n be p * q. Your RSA math is modulo n.
    N = p * q
    # - Let et be (p-1)*(q-1) (the "totient"). You need this value only for
    #  keygen.
    et = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    # - Let e be 3.
    e = 3
    assert ((et % e) != 0)
    #sufficient given a prime e
    #- Compute d = invmod(e, et). invmod(17, 3120) is 2753.
    d = invmod(e, et)
    # Your public key is [e, n]. Your private key is [d, n].
    #To encrypt: c = m**e%n. To decrypt: m = c**d%n
    #Test this out with a number, like "42".
    message = 42
    encrypted = mypow(message, e, N)
    decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N)
    print('p = %d;q = %d; N = %d; e=%d; d=%d; message = %d; encrypted=%d' %
          (p, q, N, e, d, message, encrypted))
    assert (message == decrypted)
Beispiel #40
def message6(state):
    secret = mypow(state["A"], state["b"], state["p"])
    state["b_cipherkey"], state["b_mackey"] = secretToKeys(intToBytes(secret))
    b_iv = generateAESKey()
    received_message = removePKCS7Padding(
        aes_cbc_dec(state["a_cipher"], state["b_cipherkey"], state["a_iv"]))
    b_cipher = aes_cbc_enc(addPKCS7Padding(received_message, 16),
                           state["b_cipherkey"], b_iv)
    state["b_cipher"] = b_cipher
    state["b_iv"] = b_iv
    state["b_received_plain"] = received_message
        "B->A            Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), A's msg) + iv"
    return state
Beispiel #41
def capture_ciphertext(message, modulus, e):
    return mypow(message, e, modulus);
    # change hash as well -- still works
    assert(validate_dsa_g0(32432423, 0, 342423432423, 0x3daf05ce546d1));

# Now, try (p+1) as "g". With this "g", you can generate a magic
# signature s, r for any DSA public key that will validate against any
# string. For arbitrary z:

#    r = ((y**z) % p) % q

#          r
#    s =  --- % q
#          z

prob45_g1_x = 8675309
prob45_g1_y = mypow(prob43_g, prob45_g1_x, prob43_p) # key generation uses legit params
prob45_g1 = (prob43_p + 1)
prob45_g1_r = prob45_g1_y %  prob45_q # set z to 1
prob45_gr_s = prob45_g1_r # set z to 1

# Sign "Hello, world". And "Goodbye, world".
''' Just need to validate (r,s) as valid'''

def validate_dsa_g1(y, r, s, message_hash):
    w = invmod(s, prob45_q);
    u1 = (message_hash * w) % prob45_q;
    u2 = (r*w) % prob45_q;
    v = (mypow(prob45_g1, u1, prob43_p) * mypow(y, u2, prob45_p) % prob45_p) % prob45_q
    return v == r;
def SRP_step6(state):
    S = mypow(state["A"] * mypow(state["v"], state["u"], state["p"]), state["b"], state["p"]);
    state["S_K"] = sha256(intToBytes(S)).digest();
    return state;
Beispiel #44
def SRP_step6(state):
    S = mypow(state["A"] * mypow(state["v"], state["u"], state["p"]),
              state["b"], state["p"])
    state["S_K"] = sha256(intToBytes(S)).digest()
    return state
Beispiel #45
        bb98_append(intervals, lower_bound, upper_bound);
    # if we reach here, then no overlap found -- just add interval
    intervals.append([lower_bound, upper_bound]);


# Your Step 3 code is probably not going to need to handle multiple
# ranges.

# We recommend you just use the raw math from paper (check, check,
# double check your translation to code) and not spend too much time
# trying to grok how the math works.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cipher = mypow(prob47_message, prob47_key['e'], prob47_key['N']);
    s = bb98_2a(prob47_key, cipher);
    prev_intervals = [[2*prob47_key['B'], 3*prob47_key['B']-1]];
    prev_intervals = bb98_3(prev_intervals, prob47_key, s);
    while (True):
        #print("intervals: " , prev_intervals);
        if (len(prev_intervals) == 1):
            (a,b) = prev_intervals[0];
            if (a == b):
                print("Message: " + hex(a));
            r, s = bb98_2c(prev_intervals, s, prob47_key, cipher);
            s = bb98_2b(prob47_key, cipher, s)
        prev_intervals = bb98_3(prev_intervals, prob47_key, s);
Beispiel #46
def SRP_step3(state):
    state["b"] = randrange(2, state["p"] - 2)
    state["B"] = (state["k"] * state["v"] +
                  mypow(state["g"], state["b"], state["p"]))
    return state
Beispiel #47
def SRP_step2(state):
    state["a"] = randrange(2, state["p"] - 2)
    state["A"] = mypow(state["g"], state["a"], state["p"])
    return state
Beispiel #48
def message2(state):
    b = randrange(2, state["p"] - 2)
    B = mypow(state["g"], b, state["p"])
    state["b"] = b
    state["B"] = B
    return state
Beispiel #49
    return v == r

def demo_dsa_g0():
    message_hash = 0x0102030405060708091011121314151617181920
    (y, r, s) = do_dsa_g0(message_hash)
    assert (r == 0)
    assert (validate_dsa_g0(y, r, s, message_hash))
    # change public key, s -- still works
    assert (validate_dsa_g0(13, 0, 23423423432, message_hash))
    # change hash as well -- still works
    assert (validate_dsa_g0(32432423, 0, 342423432423, 0x3daf05ce546d1))

prob45_g1_x = 8675309
prob45_g1_y = mypow(prob43_g, prob45_g1_x,
                    prob43_p)  # key generation uses legit params
prob45_g1 = (prob43_p + 1)
prob45_g1_r = prob45_g1_y % prob45_q  # set z to 1
prob45_gr_s = prob45_g1_r  # set z to 1

# Sign "Hello, world". And "Goodbye, world".
''' Just need to validate (r,s) as valid'''

def validate_dsa_g1(y, r, s, message_hash):
    w = invmod(s, prob45_q)
    u1 = (message_hash * w) % prob45_q
    u2 = (r * w) % prob45_q
    v = (mypow(prob45_g1, u1, prob43_p) * mypow(y, u2, prob45_p) %
         prob45_p) % prob45_q
def SRP_step5(state):
    xH = sha256(intToBytes(state["salt"]) + state["P"]).hexdigest();
    x = int(xH, 16);
    S = mypow((state["B"] - state["k"] * mypow(state["g"], x, state["p"])), (state["a"] + state["u"] * x), state["p"]);
    state["C_K"] = sha256(intToBytes(S)).digest();
    return state;
def validate_dsa_g1(y, r, s, message_hash):
    w = invmod(s, prob45_q);
    u1 = (message_hash * w) % prob45_q;
    u2 = (r*w) % prob45_q;
    v = (mypow(prob45_g1, u1, prob43_p) * mypow(y, u2, prob45_p) % prob45_p) % prob45_q
    return v == r;
def message3(state):
    state["a"] = randrange(2, group5_p-2);
    state["A"] = mypow(group5_g, state["a"], group5_p);
    return state;
def message4(state):
    state["b"] = randrange(2, state["p"]-2)
    state["B"] = mypow(state["g"], state["b"], state["p"])
    return state;
Beispiel #54
def decrypt_cipher(cipher, rsaparams):
    return mypow(cipher, rsaparams['d'], rsaparams['N'])
def SRP_step3(state):
    state["b"] = randrange(2, state["p"]-2);
    state["B"] = (state["k"] * state["v"] + mypow(state["g"], state["b"], state["p"]));
    return state;