Beispiel #1
    def solve(self):

        current = {}

        measure = self.measure.pop(0)

        aux = copy.deepcopy(measure)
        for key in aux:
            measure[key + "_p"] = measure[key]
            measure.pop(key, None)

        measure = {**measure, **self.measure.pop(0)}
        for room in self.rooms.values():
            current[] = elimination_ask(
      , measure, self.network_template).prob[True]


        while self.measure:

            for room in current:
                self.network_template.variable_node(room + "_p").cpt = {
                    (): current[room]

            measure = self.measure.pop(0)
            for room in self.rooms.values():
                current[] = elimination_ask(
          , measure, self.network_template).prob[True]

        room = max(current, key=current.get)
        likelihood = current[room]

        return (room, likelihood)
Beispiel #2
def tryOne(bn, query):
    X = query['variable']
    e = query['evidence']
    estr = str(e)[1:-1]
    print('P( %s | %s ) = ' % (X, estr), end='')
    prob = elimination_ask(X, e, bn)
Beispiel #3
    def solve(self):
        # Place here your code to determine the maximum likelihood solution
        # returning the solution room name and likelihood
        # use probability.elimination_ask() to perform probabilistic inference

        time = 1
        # Add all evidences along time to the evidence dictionary
        # Evidences ---> Measurements form t=1 to t=T
        evidence = {}
        for measurements in self.measurements:
            for measurement in measurements:
                if measurement[1] == "F":
                    evidence.update({measurement[0]+"_t"+ str(time): False})

                    evidence.update({measurement[0]+"_t"+ str(time): True})
            time +=1

        room = ""
        likelihood = 0
        # Finds the room with the highest likelihood given the evidence
        for room_search in self.rooms:
            room_query = room_search + "_t" + str(self.T)

            prob = probability.elimination_ask(room_query, evidence, self.BNet)

            if prob[True] > likelihood:
                likelihood = prob[True]
                room = room_search

        return (room, likelihood)
Beispiel #4
    def solve(self):
        " "
        print('--- SOLVE ---')

        m = {}
        T, F = True, False
        for time in self.M:
            sensor = self.M[time].keys()
            for names in sensor:
                state = self.M[time][names]
                j = names + '_' + str(time)
                if state == 'T':
                    m[j] = True
                    m[j] = False

        for room in self.R:
            actual_room = room + '_' + str(len(self.M))
            probs = probability.elimination_ask(actual_room, m, self.NB).show_approx('{:}')
            t = float(probs.split(',')[1].split(': ')[1])
            self.RoomProbs[room] = t

        solution_room = max(self.RoomProbs, key=self.RoomProbs.get)
        solution = [solution_room, self.RoomProbs[solution_room]]
        return tuple(solution)
Beispiel #5
 def print_all(self):
     for t in range(1, self.T + 1):
         for n in self.room_names:
             var = n + str(t)
             print(var, end=":")
                 probability.elimination_ask(var, self.evidence,
Beispiel #6
    def solve(self):

        cpts = [(n, probability.elimination_ask(n + str(self.T), self.evidence,[True]) for n in

        ml = max(cpts, key=lambda x: x[1])

        ml = (self.room_names[cpts.index(ml)], ml[1])
        return ml
Beispiel #7
    def solve(self):

        cpts = [(n,
                 probability.elimination_ask(n + str(self.T), self.evidence,
                for n in self.room_names]

        ml = max(cpts, key=lambda x: x[1])

        ml = (self.room_names[cpts.index(ml)], ml[1])
        print("Most likely final time step:", ml)
        return ml
Beispiel #8
    def solve(self):
        """ Place here your code to determine the maximum likelihood solution
            returning the solution room name and likelihood
            use probability.elimination_ask() to perform probabilistic inference"""
        likelihood = 0
        highest_p_room = None

        # calculates P(room_fire | sensor_readings)
        for room in self.building.keys():
            res = probability.elimination_ask(room + '_' + str(self.meas_cnt),
            if likelihood <= res:
                highest_p_room = room
                likelihood = res

        return highest_p_room, likelihood
Beispiel #9
    def solve(self):
        # Build Evidence of measurements for elimination_ask = ev_dict
        ev_dict = {}  # for the elimination ask
        for m in self.measurement_list:
            s_name = m.sensors + '_' + str(m.time_step)
            ev_dict[s_name] = m.meas_value

        # Get likelihood for each room and store value in dictionary
        for room in self.room_list:
            r_name = + '_' + str(self.time_step)
            # get likelihood of room being on fire = True
            likelihood = elimination_ask(r_name, ev_dict, self.bayes)[True]
            # Save values
            self.p_dict[r_name] = likelihood
        # Get max value
        room_name = max(self.p_dict, key=self.p_dict.get)
        max_likelihood = self.p_dict[room_name]
        return (room_name, max_likelihood)
Beispiel #10
    def solve(self):
        """ Returns the room with higher probability of being on fire
        and that same probability using elimination_ask().

        # Joins all measurements to a single one
        all_measures = {}
        for k in range(len(self.measure)):
            for key in self.measure[k]:
                all_measures[key + "_t_" + str(k)] = self.measure[k][key]

        # Calculates the probability of each room to be on fire
        current = {}
        for room in self.rooms.values():
            room_name = + "_t_" + str(k)
            current[] = elimination_ask(
                room_name, all_measures, self.network_template).prob[True]

        room = max(current, key=current.get)
        likelihood = current[room]

        return (room, likelihood)
    def solve(self):
            # Place here your code to determine the maximum likelihood solution
            # returning the solution room name and likelihood
        for room2 in self.rooms:
            id = self.rooms[room2]
            var = "r" + str(id)+ "_" + str(self.T)
            aux = pb.elimination_ask(var, self.evidence,'{:.20g}')
            prob.append((aux, room2))
        for i in range(len(prob)):
            false_comp, true_comp = prob[i][0].split(',')
            booleano, prob_true = true_comp.split(':')
        comp = 0
        for room2 in values.keys():
            if values[room2] > comp:
                comp = values[room2]
                likelihood = values[room2]
                room = room2

        return (room, likelihood)
Beispiel #12
                          T: 0.10,
                          F: 0.50
                      }), ('Rain', 'Cloudy', {
                          T: 0.80,
                          F: 0.20
                      ('WetGrass', 'Sprinkler Rain', {
                          (T, T): 0.99,
                          (T, F): 0.90,
                          (F, T): 0.90,
                          (F, F): 0.00

print(enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(), exercises).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Cloudy', dict(), exercises).show_approx())
print("P(Sprinker | cloudy)")
print(enumeration_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=T), exercises).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Sprinkler', dict(Cloudy=T), exercises).show_approx())
print("P(Cloudy| the sprinkler is running and it’s not raining)")
    enumeration_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=T, Rain=F),
    elimination_ask('Cloudy', dict(Sprinkler=T, Rain=F),
print("P(WetGrass | it’s cloudy, the sprinkler is running and it’s raining)")
    enumeration_ask('WetGrass', dict(Cloudy=T, Sprinkler=T, Rain=T),
Beispiel #13
                         (F, T): 0.90,
                         (F, F): 0.1

print("P(Raise | sunny)")
    P(R | s)
    = alpha * P(R, s)
    = alpha * <P(R | s), P(-R | s)>
    = alpha * <0.01 * 0.7, 0.99 * 0.7>
    = alpha * <0.007, 0.693>
    = <0.01, 0.99>
    Raise and sunny are independent; therefore, 0.7, sunny, doesn't affect the result. 
print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), raise_ex).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), raise_ex).show_approx())

print("P(Raise | happy ∧ sunny)")
    P(R | h ^ s)
    = alpha * P(R, h, s)
    = alpha * P(R) * P(s) * P(h | R, s)
    = alpha * P(s) * <P(R) * P(h | R, s), P(-R) * P(h | -R, s)>
    = alpha * 0.7 * <0.01 * 1.0, 0.99 * 0.7>
    = alpha * 0.7 * <0.01, 0.693>
    = alpha * <0.007, 0.4851>
    = <0.0142, 0.986>
    Because of the relationship between Happy and Sunny affects Raise, it makes sense.
print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), raise_ex).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), raise_ex).show_approx())
Beispiel #14
# Utility variables
T, F = True, False

# From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example
happy = BayesNet([('Sunny', '', 0.7), ('Raise', '', 0.01),
                  ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', {
                      (T, T): 1,
                      (T, F): 0.7,
                      (F, T): 0.9,
                      (F, F): 0.1

# 5.3.a.i
print('P(Raise | Sunny)=',
      elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happy).show_approx())
# R and S are independent of each other, so the distribution is <0.01, 0.99> from the table

# 5.3.a.ii
print('P(Raise | happy ^ sunny)=',
      elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), happy).show_approx())
# because its always sunny we dont have to sum over sunny
# = α P(R)P(h|R,s)P(s)
# = α <P(s)P(R)P(h|R,s), P(s)P(¬R)P(h|¬R, s)>
# = <0.01*0.7*1/(0.01*0.7*1+0.99*0.7*0.7), 0.99*0.7*0.7/(0.01*0.7*1+0.99*0.7*0.7)>

# 5.b.i
print('P(Raise | happy)=',
      elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T), happy).show_approx())
# in this case it could be sunny or not sunny which could effect the happiness
# = α ∑_s P(R)P(h|R,s)P(s)
Beispiel #15
    def solve(self):
        # Place here your code to determine the maximum likelihood solution
        # returning the solution room name and likelihood
        # use probability.elimination_ask() to perform probabilistic inference
        #Run elimination and print results
        T = True
        F = False
        results = {}
        a = []
        c = []
        evidence = []
        it = 0
        for j in self.M:
            if it == 0:
                b = ''.join(j)
                f = j.split(' ')
                for k in f:
                    h = k.split(':')[0] + '_t+' + str(it) + ':' + k.split(
            it = it + 1
            d = ' '.join(c)
            a = d.split(' ')

        paird = {}
        for i in a:
            s = i.split(':')
            if s[1] == 'T':
                paird[s[0]] = T
            if s[1] == 'F':
                paird[s[0]] = F
        evidence = dict(paird)

        for i in self.vars:
            if len(self.M) > 1:
                    i + '_t+' + str(len(self.M) - 1):
                        i + '_t+' + str(len(self.M) - 1), evidence,
                    probability.elimination_ask(i, evidence,
        trues = {}
        ml = 0
        for i in results:

            trues[i] = (results[i].split(',')[1].split(':')[1])
            if float(trues[i]) > ml:
                maxtuple = (i, trues[i])
            ml = max(ml, float(trues[i]))

        room = maxtuple[0].split('_t')[0]
        likelihood = float(maxtuple[1])

        return (room, likelihood)
def Q1_1_2():
    print("=" * 80)
    print("ANSWER 1.1.2")
    T, F = True, False
    bayes_net = BayesNet([('AI', '', 0.8), ('FossilFuel', '', 0.4),
                          ('RenewableEnergy', 'AI FossilFuel', {
                              (T, T): 0.2,
                              (T, F): 0.7,
                              (F, T): 0.02,
                              (F, F): 0.5
                          }), ('Traffic', 'FossilFuel', {
                              T: 0.95,
                              F: 0.1
                          ('GlobalWarming', 'RenewableEnergy Traffic', {
                              (T, T): 0.6,
                              (T, F): 0.4,
                              (F, T): 0.95,
                              (F, F): 0.55
                          ('Employed', 'AI GlobalWarming', {
                              (T, T): 0.01,
                              (T, F): 0.03,
                              (F, T): 0.03,
                              (F, F): 0.95
    p_employed = enumeration_ask(X='Employed',
                                     'AI': True,
                                     'FossilFuel': True
    print('-' * 80)
    print(f"given AI=true and FossilFuel=True:",
    print('-' * 80)
    p_global_warming = elimination_ask(X='GlobalWarming',
                                           'Employed': False,
                                           'Traffic': False
    print('-' * 80)
    print(f"Given Employed=False and Traffic=False, \n\t\tP(GlobalWarming)\t=",
    print('-' * 80)
    p_ai = elimination_ask(X='AI',
                               'RenewableEnergy': True,
                               'GlobalWarming': True,
                               'Employed': True,
                               'Traffic': True,
                               'FossilFuel': True
    print('-' * 80)
        f"Given RenewableEnergy=T, GlobalWarming=T",
        f"Employed=T, Traffic=T, FossilFuel=T, \n\t\tP(AI)\t\t\t=\t\t{p_ai.show_approx()}"
    print('-' * 80)
Beispiel #17
T, F = True, False

# From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example
burglary = BayesNet([
    ('Burglary', '', 0.001),
    ('Earthquake', '', 0.002),
    ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001}),
    ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.90, F: 0.05}),
    ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.70, F: 0.01})

# P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake)
# From the table: < .04, .96 >
print(enumeration_ask('Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx())

# P(John | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake)
#   a * [ P( J | A ) * P( A | B, -E ) + P( J | -A ) * P( -A | B, -E) ]
#   = a * (0.9 * 0.94 + 0.05 * 0.06)
#   = < .151, .849 >
print(elimination_ask('JohnCalls', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx())

# P(Burglary | alarm) =
#   a * [ P(B) * P(E) * P( A | B, E ) + P(B) * P(-E) * P( A | B, -E) ]
#   = a * (0.001 * 0.002 * 0.95 + 0.001 * 0.998 * 0.94)
#   = <0.374, 0.626>
print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(Alarm=T), burglary).show_approx())

# P(Burglary | john ∧ mary)
#   = <.284, .716>
print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
Beispiel #18
from probability import BayesNet, enumeration_ask, elimination_ask

# Utility variables
T, F = True, False

cancer = BayesNet([
    ('Cancer', '', 0.01),
    ('Test1', 'Cancer', {T: 0.9, F: 0.2}),
    ('Test2', 'Cancer', {T: 0.9, F: 0.2}),

# a. P(Cancer | Test1 ^ Test2)
# This calculates the probability of cancer given that test1 and test2 were positive
print(enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=T), cancer).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=T), cancer).show_approx())

# b. P(Cancer | Test1 ^ -Test2)
# This calculates the probability of cancer given that test1 was positive and test2 was negative
print(enumeration_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=F), cancer).show_approx())
print(elimination_ask('Cancer', dict(Test1=T, Test2=F), cancer).show_approx())

# These results make sense. One failed test reduces the likelihood of having cancer by two orders of magnitude

# Here is P(Cancer | Test1 ^ Test2) worked out by hand
# = alpha * <P(cancer) * P(test1 | cancer) * P(test2 | cancer),
#            P(-cancer) * P(test1 | -cancer) * P(test2 | -cancer)>
# = alpha * <0.01 * 0.9 * 0.9, 0.99 * 0.2 * 0.2>
# = alpha * <0.0081, 0.0396>
# = <0.17, 0.83>
# This one is low, but still still a scary number because the probability of both test results returning true
Beispiel #19
    ('Sunny', '', 0.7),
    ('Raise', '', 0.01),
    ('Happy', 'Sunny Raise', {(T, T): 1.0, (T, F): 0.7, (F, T): 0.9, (F, F): 0.1}),

 Inference.  Refer to screen capture and/or turned in paper copy for mathematical explanation.

The probability that you obtain a raise given that it is sunny.

# Compute P(Raise | sunny)
print("\nP(Raise | sunny)")
print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())
# elimination_ask() is a dynamic programming version of enumeration_ask().
print(elimination_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())
# gibbs_ask() is an approximation algorithm helps Bayesian Networks scale up.
print(gibbs_ask('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())
# See the explanation of the algorithms in AIMA Section 14.4.
print(rejection_sampling('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())
print(likelihood_weighting('Raise', dict(Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())

 Diagnostic inference.  Refer to screen capture and/or turned in paper copy for mathematical explanation.

The probability that you obtain a raise given that you are happy and it is sunny.

# Compute P(Raise | happy ∧ sunny)
print("\nP(Raise | happy ∧ sunny)")
print(enumeration_ask('Raise', dict(Happy=T, Sunny=T), happiness).show_approx())
Beispiel #20
# Utility variables
T, F = True, False

# From AIMA code ( - Fig. 14.2 - burglary example
burglary = BayesNet([
    ('Burglary', '', 0.001),
    ('Earthquake', '', 0.002),
    ('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {(T, T): 0.95, (T, F): 0.94, (F, T): 0.29, (F, F): 0.001}),
    ('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.90, F: 0.05}),
    ('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T: 0.70, F: 0.01})

# Compute P(Burglary | John and Mary both call).
print(enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
# elimination_ask() is a dynamic programming version of enumeration_ask().
print(elimination_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
# gibbs_ask() is an approximation algorithm helps Bayesian Networks scale up.
print(gibbs_ask('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
# See the explanation of the algorithms in AIMA Section 14.4.

# rejection_sampling() and likelihood_weighting() are also approximation algorithms.
print(rejection_sampling('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())
print(likelihood_weighting('Burglary', dict(JohnCalls=T, MaryCalls=T), burglary).show_approx())

# P(Alarm | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake)
print('5.1 i:  \t' + enumeration_ask('Alarm', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx())
# P(John | burglary ∧ ¬earthquake)
print('5.1 ii: \t' + enumeration_ask('John', dict(Burglary=T, Earthquake=F), burglary).show_approx())
# P(Burglary | alarm)
print('5.1 iii:\t' + enumeration_ask('Burglary', dict(Alarm=T), burglary).show_approx())
fire = probability.BayesNet([
    ('R02_0', '', 0.5000000000000000),
    ('R03_0', '', 0.5000000000000000),

    ('R03_1', 'R02_0 R03_0',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F):  0.07549526619046759, (F, T): 1, (F, F): 0}),
    ('R02_1', 'R02_0 R03_0',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F): 1, (F, T): 0.07549526619046759, (F, F): 0}),
    ('S01_1', 'R03_1', {T: 0.9423140000000000, F: 0.1215520000000000}),

    ('R03_2', 'R02_1 R03_1',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F):  0.07549526619046759, (F, T): 1, (F, F): 0}),
    ('R02_2', 'R02_1 R03_1',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F): 1, (F, T): 0.07549526619046759, (F, F): 0}),
    ('S01_2', 'R03_2', {T: 0.9423140000000000, F: 0.1215520000000000}),

    ('R03_3', 'R02_2 R03_2',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F):  0.07549526619046759, (F, T): 1, (F, F): 0}),
    ('R02_3', 'R02_2 R03_2',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F): 1, (F, T): 0.07549526619046759, (F, F): 0}),
    ('S01_3', 'R03_3', {T: 0.9423140000000000, F: 0.1215520000000000}),

    ('R03_4', 'R02_3 R03_3',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F):  0.07549526619046759, (F, T): 1, (F, F): 0}),
    ('R02_4', 'R02_3 R03_3',
        {(T, T): 1, (T, F): 1, (F, T): 0.07549526619046759, (F, F): 0}),
    ('S01_4', 'R03_3', {T: 0.9423140000000000, F: 0.1215520000000000})])

print(probability.elimination_ask('R03_4', dict(S01_1=F, S01_2=T, S01_3=T, S01_4=T), fire).show_approx())