Beispiel #1
# pull the jobid and pid from the background process printout
(jobid, pid) = shellio.parse_regular_expression(c, def_module.bgjob_regex)

# ensure that the shell prints the expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

#The job needs to be running when we call stop
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)

# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)

#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ pid /stat file.

#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
                            'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'

#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"

Beispiel #2
# ensure that shell prints expected prompt
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands["stop"] % jobid)

# Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
# /proc/ /stat file.
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)

# Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
# the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), "Error: process is in the foreground"
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, "T"), "Error: process not stopped"

# check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

# resume the sleep program
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands["bg"] % jobid)

# check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

# Ensure that sleep has enough time to start before we read its
# /proc/ /stat file.
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)
Beispiel #3

#The job needs to be running when we call stop
proc_check.count_children_timeout(c, 1, 1)

# send the stop command to the process
c.sendline(def_module.builtin_commands['stop'] % jobid)

#Ensure that sleep has enough time to stop before we read its
#/proc/ pid /stat file.

#Ensure that sleep is now stopped in the background, and is not
#the foreground process.
assert not proc_check.check_pid_fgpgrp(pid), \
                            'Error: process is in the foreground'
assert proc_check.check_pid_status(pid, 'T'), 'Error: process not stopped'

#check the prompt prints
assert c.expect(def_module.prompt) == 0, "Shell did not print expected prompt"

assert c.expect_exact("exit\r\n") == 0, "Shell output extraneous characters"
