def setup_heightmap(singleton, path):
    #TODO: Document
    '''Sets up the heightmap image from roadmap.conf entry heightmap_name, writes ./Heightmaps/inuse.txt so other functions know which heightmap to load
    possible inputs:
    random: generates a new random map with

    #TODO make inputs more flexible

    if name == "random":
        print("New random heightmap is being created with")
        #Writes correct inuse.txt
        from procedural_city_generation.additional_stuff import randommap
        randommap.main(singleton.border, path)

        with open(path+"/temp/"+singleton.output_name+"_heightmap.txt", 'w') as f:
        return 0

    #Writes correct inuse.txt
    with open(path+"/temp/"+singleton.output_name+"_heightmap.txt", 'w') as f:

    #If a txt has already been written for the input in the image, OR if the input was a .txt to begin with, simply load that txt
    if (name[0:-4]+"_"+str(singleton.border[0])+"_"+str(singleton.border[1]) in os.listdir(path+"/temp/")):
        return 0

    #If the given image has no .txt yet, write the corresponding.txt

    #Load image and resize
    from PIL import Image
    img ='/inputs/heightmaps/'+name)

    #TODO: set these numbers to some file where they can be edited easier
    rsize = img.resize(((singleton.border[1]+20)*10, (singleton.border[0]+20)*10))
    array = np.asarray(rsize)
    from copy import copy
    array= np.rot90(copy(array), k=3)

    #If image is a jpeg, all values have to be divided by 255
    array=array[::, :, 0]/255.

    print("You have selected a heightmap which has no .txt file yet, OR the given .txt file has the wrong dimensions. The parameter heightDif will be used to describe the height difference between the lowest and the highest points on the map.")
    print("Processing image")

    #TODO: Find and Fix this Bug
    #Caused weird bugs when -=h was used.. I still can't explain them...
    array-= h+0.01

    #Create all necessary stuff for the heightmap
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay as delaunay
    indices    =    np.vstack(np.unravel_index(np.arange(array.shape[0]*array.shape[1]), array.shape)).T
    points= np.column_stack((indices, array[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]]))

    print("Processed image being saved as ", name)

    #TODO: set thse numbers to some file where they can be edited easier
    points*=[0.1, 0.1, 1]
    points-=np.array([ (singleton.border[1]+20)/2, (singleton.border[0]+20)/2, 0])

    import pickle
    with open(path+"/temp/"+name[0:-4]+"_"+str(singleton.border[0])+"_"+str(singleton.border[1]), "wb") as f:
        f.write(pickle.dumps([points, triangles.tolist()]))

    return 0
def setup_heightmap(singleton, path):
    #TODO: Document
    '''Sets up the heightmap image from roadmap.conf entry heightmap_name, writes ./Heightmaps/inuse.txt so other functions know which heightmap to load
    possible inputs:
    random: generates a new random map with

    #TODO make inputs more flexible
    name = singleton.heightmap_name

    if name == "random":
        print("New random heightmap is being created with")
        #Writes correct inuse.txt
        from procedural_city_generation.additional_stuff import randommap
        randommap.main(singleton.border, path)

        with open(path + "/temp/" + singleton.output_name + "_heightmap.txt",
                  'w') as f:
            f.write("randommap_" + str(singleton.border[0]) + "_" +
        return 0

    #Writes correct inuse.txt
    with open(path + "/temp/" + singleton.output_name + "_heightmap.txt",
              'w') as f:
        f.write(name[0:-4] + "_" + str(singleton.border[0]) + "_" +

    #If a txt has already been written for the input in the image, OR if the input was a .txt to begin with, simply load that txt
    if (name[0:-4] + "_" + str(singleton.border[0]) + "_" +
            str(singleton.border[1]) in os.listdir(path + "/temp/")):
        return 0

    #If the given image has no .txt yet, write the corresponding.txt

    #Load image and resize
    from PIL import Image
    img = + '/inputs/heightmaps/' + name)

    #TODO: set these numbers to some file where they can be edited easier
    rsize = img.resize(
        ((singleton.border[1] + 20) * 10, (singleton.border[0] + 20) * 10))
    array = np.asarray(rsize)
    from copy import copy
    array = np.rot90(copy(array), k=3)

    #If image is a jpeg, all values have to be divided by 255
    array = array[::, :, 0] / 255.

        "You have selected a heightmap which has no .txt file yet, OR the given .txt file has the wrong dimensions. The parameter heightDif will be used to describe the height difference between the lowest and the highest points on the map."
    h = singleton.heightDif
    print("Processing image")

    #TODO: Find and Fix this Bug
    array *= abs(h)
    #Caused weird bugs when -=h was used.. I still can't explain them...
    array -= h + 0.01

    #Create all necessary stuff for the heightmap
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay as delaunay
    indices = np.vstack(
        np.unravel_index(np.arange(array.shape[0] * array.shape[1]),
    points = np.column_stack((indices, array[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]]))

    triangles = np.sort(delaunay(indices).simplices)
    print("Processed image being saved as ", name)

    #TODO: set thse numbers to some file where they can be edited easier
    points *= [0.1, 0.1, 1]
    points -= np.array([(singleton.border[1] + 20) / 2,
                        (singleton.border[0] + 20) / 2, 0])
    points = points.tolist()

    import pickle
    with open(
            path + "/temp/" + name[0:-4] + "_" + str(singleton.border[0]) +
            "_" + str(singleton.border[1]), "wb") as f:
        f.write(pickle.dumps([points, triangles.tolist()]))

    return 0