def test_apply_vertex_new_connection(self):
     mother_graph = Graph()
     m_n1 = Vertex()
     m_e1 = Edge(m_n1)
     mother_graph.add_elements([m_n1, m_e1])
     daughter_graph = Graph()
     d_n1 = Vertex()
     d_e1 = Edge(d_n1)
     daughter_graph.add_elements([d_n1, d_e1])
     mother_daughter_mapping = Mapping()
     mother_daughter_mapping[m_n1] = d_n1
     prod_option = ProductionOption(mother_graph, mother_daughter_mapping,
     production = Production(mother_graph, [prod_option])
     host_graph = Graph()
     h_n1 = Vertex()
     h_e1 = Edge(h_n1)
     host_graph.add_elements([h_n1, h_e1])
     mother_host_mapping = Mapping()
     mother_host_mapping[m_n1] = h_n1
     mother_host_mapping[m_e1] = h_e1
     result = production.apply(host_graph, mother_host_mapping)
     # Test if there are no superfluous elements in the graph
     assert len(result.vertices) == 1
     assert len(result.edges) == 1
     # Test if graph has the correct connections and element count
     assert result.is_isomorph(daughter_graph)
     # Test if there are no extra neighbours introduced to the vertex.
     assert len(result.vertices[0].edges) == 1
     assert result.edges[0] in result.vertices[0].edges
     # Test if the new edge was correctly connected to the vertex.
     assert result.edges[0].vertex1 == result.vertices[0]
 def test_apply_remove_connection_from_edge(self):
     mother_graph = Graph()
     m_n1 = Vertex()
     m_e1 = Edge(m_n1)
     mother_graph.add_elements([m_n1, m_e1])
     daughter_graph = Graph()
     d_e1 = Edge()
     mother_daughter_mapping = Mapping()
     mother_daughter_mapping[m_e1] = d_e1
     prod_option = ProductionOption(mother_graph, mother_daughter_mapping,
     production = Production(mother_graph, [prod_option])
     host_graph = Graph()
     h_n1 = Vertex()
     h_e1 = Edge(None, h_n1)
     host_graph.add_elements([h_n1, h_e1])
     mother_host_mapping = Mapping()
     mother_host_mapping[m_n1] = h_n1
     mother_host_mapping[m_e1] = h_e1
     result = production.apply(host_graph, mother_host_mapping)
     # Test if the vertex was deleted
     assert len(result.vertices) == 0
     assert len(result.edges) == 1
     # Test if the vertex was removed from the edges connection field
     assert result.edges[0].vertex2 is None
 def test_apply_delete_single_element(self):
     mother_graph = Graph()
     m_n1 = Vertex()
     daughter_graph = Graph()
     mother_daughter_mapping = Mapping()
     prod_option = ProductionOption(mother_graph, mother_daughter_mapping,
     production = Production(mother_graph, [prod_option])
     host_graph = Graph()
     h_n1 = Vertex()
     host_mother_mapping = Mapping()
     host_mother_mapping[m_n1] = h_n1
     result = production.apply(host_graph, host_mother_mapping)
     assert len(result) == 0
 def test_apply_no_change(self):
     mother_graph = Graph()
     m_n1 = Vertex()
     daughter_graph = Graph()
     d_n1 = Vertex()
     mother_daughter_mapping = Mapping()
     mother_daughter_mapping[m_n1] = d_n1
     prod_option = ProductionOption(mother_graph, mother_daughter_mapping,
     production = Production(mother_graph, [prod_option])
     host_graph = Graph()
     h_n1 = Vertex()
     h_n1.attr['test'] = 1
     host_mother_mapping = Mapping()
     host_mother_mapping[m_n1] = h_n1
     result = production.apply(host_graph, host_mother_mapping)
     assert len(result) == 1
     assert result.vertices[0].attr['test'] == 1