def generate_objects(base_handler, extra_handler, num_objects, show_pbar = False): corpus = [word.lower() for word in nltk.corpus.brown.words() if word not in string.punctuation] word_counts = {} seeds = range(num_objects) secondary_seeds = range(num_objects, num_objects + (num_objects / 1000)) # Generate objects in random, but repeatable, order. random.seed(42) random.shuffle(seeds) random.shuffle(secondary_seeds) if show_pbar: widgets = ['Generating: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=widgets, maxval=(num_objects + (num_objects / 1000))).start() for i, seed in enumerate(seeds): if i == len(seeds) - 1: base_handler.handle_object( generate_object(seed, num_objects, corpus, word_counts), i, True) else: base_handler.handle_object( generate_object(seed, num_objects, corpus, word_counts), i, False) if show_pbar: pbar.update(i+1) rec_strs = find_words_by_frequency(word_counts, num_objects / 1000) for i, seed in enumerate(secondary_seeds): if i == len(secondary_seeds) - 1: extra_handler.handle_object( generate_object(seed, num_objects, corpus, {}), i + num_objects, True) else: extra_handler.handle_object( generate_object(seed, num_objects, corpus, {}), i + num_objects, False) if show_pbar: pbar.update(i+1) if show_pbar: pbar.finish() return rec_strs
def updateFooter(self): if not self.cuu: return activetasks = self.helper.running_tasks failedtasks = self.helper.failed_tasks runningpids = self.helper.running_pids currenttime = time.time() if not self.lasttime or (currenttime - self.lasttime > 5): self.helper.needUpdate = True self.lasttime = currenttime if self.footer_present and not self.helper.needUpdate: return self.helper.needUpdate = False if self.footer_present: self.clearFooter() if (not self.helper.tasknumber_total or self.helper.tasknumber_current == self.helper.tasknumber_total) and not len(activetasks): return tasks = [] for t in runningpids: progress = activetasks[t].get("progress", None) if progress is not None: pbar = activetasks[t].get("progressbar", None) rate = activetasks[t].get("rate", None) start_time = activetasks[t].get("starttime", None) if not pbar or pbar.bouncing != (progress < 0): if progress < 0: pbar = BBProgress( "0: %s (pid %s) " % (activetasks[t]["title"], activetasks[t]["pid"]), 100, widgets=[progressbar.BouncingSlider(), ''], extrapos=2, resize_handler=self.sigwinch_handle) pbar.bouncing = True else: pbar = BBProgress( "0: %s (pid %s) " % (activetasks[t]["title"], activetasks[t]["pid"]), 100, widgets=[ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), '' ], extrapos=4, resize_handler=self.sigwinch_handle) pbar.bouncing = False activetasks[t]["progressbar"] = pbar tasks.append((pbar, progress, rate, start_time)) else: start_time = activetasks[t].get("starttime", None) if start_time: tasks.append("%s - %s (pid %s)" % (activetasks[t]["title"], self.elapsed(currenttime - start_time), activetasks[t]["pid"])) else: tasks.append( "%s (pid %s)" % (activetasks[t]["title"], activetasks[t]["pid"])) if self.main.shutdown: content = "Waiting for %s running tasks to finish:" % len( activetasks) print(content) else: if self.quiet: content = "Running tasks (%s of %s)" % ( self.helper.tasknumber_current, self.helper.tasknumber_total) elif not len(activetasks): content = "No currently running tasks (%s of %s)" % ( self.helper.tasknumber_current, self.helper.tasknumber_total) else: content = "Currently %2s running tasks (%s of %s)" % ( len(activetasks), self.helper.tasknumber_current, self.helper.tasknumber_total) maxtask = self.helper.tasknumber_total if not self.main_progress or self.main_progress.maxval != maxtask: widgets = [ ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar() ] self.main_progress = BBProgress( "Running tasks", maxtask, widgets=widgets, resize_handler=self.sigwinch_handle) self.main_progress.start(False) self.main_progress.setmessage(content) progress = self.helper.tasknumber_current - 1 if progress < 0: progress = 0 content = self.main_progress.update(progress) print('') lines = 1 + int(len(content) / (self.columns + 1)) if self.quiet == 0: for tasknum, task in enumerate(tasks[:(self.rows - 2)]): if isinstance(task, tuple): pbar, progress, rate, start_time = task if not pbar.start_time: pbar.start(False) if start_time: pbar.start_time = start_time pbar.setmessage('%s:%s' % (tasknum, pbar.msg.split(':', 1)[1])) pbar.setextra(rate) if progress > -1: content = pbar.update(progress) else: content = pbar.update(1) print('') else: content = "%s: %s" % (tasknum, task) print(content) lines = lines + 1 + int(len(content) / (self.columns + 1)) self.footer_present = lines self.lastpids = runningpids[:] self.lastcount = self.helper.tasknumber_current
r_pos, r_move.usi())) valid = True train = selection[:args.n // 2] test = selection[args.n // 2:] print("Selected {} moves for training, {} for testing".format( len(train), len(test))) import shogi print("--------------- Caching Legal Moves ----------------") widgets = [ ' [', progressbar.Timer(), '] ', progressbar.Bar(), ' (', progressbar.AdaptiveETA(), ') ', progressbar.Percentage() ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(selection), widgets=widgets) completed_games = 0 total_positions = 0 # Cache to store all of the legal moves for all the N sample positions legal_moves_cache = dict() for game in selection: pos, move = game[0], game[1] board = shogi.Board(pos) actions = [] for move in board.legal_moves:
def processingLayer3(self): """ Processing for RGB image using Fourier transform to aproach the segmentation """ print(" ") print("Preprocessing - Layer 3 processing") f = np.fft.fft2(self.image) fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f) magnitude_spectrum = (20 * np.log(np.abs(fshift))).astype('uint8') ## Mean procedure mean_fourier = np.array([ magnitude_spectrum[:, :, 0].mean(), magnitude_spectrum[:, :, 1].mean(), magnitude_spectrum[:, :, 2].mean() ]) ## Range procedure hist_01 = cv2.calcHist([magnitude_spectrum], [0, 1], None, [256, 256], [0, 256, 0, 256]) hist_02 = cv2.calcHist([magnitude_spectrum], [0, 2], None, [256, 256], [0, 256, 0, 256]) val_01 = np.percentile(hist_01, self.percentFou) val_02 = np.percentile(hist_02, self.percentFou) mask_01 = hist_01 > val_01 mask_02 = hist_02 > val_02 cnts_01, _ = cv2.findContours((mask_01.copy()).astype('uint8'), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts_02, _ = cv2.findContours((mask_02.copy()).astype('uint8'), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for c in cnts_01: (x1, y1, w1, h1) = cv2.boundingRect(np.array(c)) for h in cnts_02: (x2, y2, w2, h2) = cv2.boundingRect(np.array(h)) ### Range fourier rangeFourier = np.array([[x2, x2 + w2], [x1, x1 + w1], [y1, y1 + h1]]) ##### Procesing of the image uding mean aproach fourier = np.copy(magnitude_spectrum) image_trasnform = np.copy(self.image) size_x, size_y, size_c = fourier.shape binary_fourier = np.zeros([size_x, size_y], dtype='uint8') val = np.zeros(size_c) ### Utilizando media de color percent = 0.83 inicio = time.time() area = size_x * size_y widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.AdaptiveETA() ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=area) bar.start() for x in range(0, size_x): for y in range(0, size_y): for c in range(0, size_c): val[c] = np.abs(1 - ( (image_trasnform[x, y, c]) - mean_fourier[c]) / 255) if (val[c] < percent): val[0] = 0 break elif (val[c] >= percent): val[c] = 1 #se cumple la condición de rango se deja el pixel if (val[0] == 0): binary_fourier[x, y] = 0 elif (val.all() == 1): binary_fourier[x, y] = 1 val = np.zeros(size_c) fraction = x * y bar.update(fraction) final = time.time() - inicio bar.update(area) print("Tiempo de procesamiento : ", round(final, 2), "Segundos") ### Morphological Process # First do a dilatation radio = 2 sel = disk(radio) binary_dilat1 = dilation(binary_fourier, sel) for i in range(0, 2): binary_dilat1 = dilation(binary_dilat1, sel) # Second erase little objects radio = 5 sel = disk(radio) binary_erosion1 = erosion(binary_dilat1.copy(), sel) for i in range(0, 2): binary_erosion1 = erosion(binary_erosion1, sel) # Then dilate again radio = 3 sel = disk(radio) binary = dilation(binary_erosion1.copy(), sel) return binary, binary_fourier, rangeFourier, mean_fourier
def plot_raydensity(map_object, station_events, domain): """ Create a ray-density plot for all events and all stations. This function is potentially expensive and will use all CPUs available. Does require geographiclib to be installed. """ import ctypes as C from lasif import rotations from lasif.domain import RectangularSphericalSection from import GreatCircleBinner from lasif.utils import Point import multiprocessing import progressbar from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile if not isinstance(domain, RectangularSphericalSection): raise NotImplementedError( "Raydensity currently only implemented for rectangular domains. " "Should be easy to implement for other domains. Let me know.") # Merge everything so that a list with coordinate pairs is created. This # list is then distributed among all processors. station_event_list = [] for event, stations in station_events: if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain. e_point = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( event["latitude"], event["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: e_point = Point(event["latitude"], event["longitude"]) for station in stations.itervalues(): # Rotate point to the non-rotated domain if necessary. if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: p = Point(*rotations.rotate_lat_lon( station["latitude"], station["longitude"], domain.rotation_axis, -1.0 * domain.rotation_angle_in_degree)) else: p = Point(station["latitude"], station["longitude"]) station_event_list.append((e_point, p)) circle_count = len(station_event_list) # The granularity of the latitude/longitude discretization for the # raypaths. Attempt to get a somewhat meaningful result in any case. lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 1000: lat_lng_count = 1000 if circle_count < 10000: lat_lng_count = 2000 else: lat_lng_count = 3000 cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def to_numpy(raw_array, dtype, shape): data = np.frombuffer(raw_array.get_obj()) data.dtype = dtype return data.reshape(shape) print "\nLaunching %i greatcircle calculations on %i CPUs..." % \ (circle_count, cpu_count) widgets = [ "Progress: ", progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(), "", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=circle_count).start() def great_circle_binning(sta_evs, bin_data_buffer, bin_data_shape, lock, counter): new_bins = GreatCircleBinner(domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) for event, station in sta_evs: with lock: counter.value += 1 if not counter.value % 25: pbar.update(counter.value) new_bins.add_greatcircle(event, station) bin_data = to_numpy(bin_data_buffer, np.uint32, bin_data_shape) with bin_data_buffer.get_lock(): bin_data += new_bins.bins # Split the data in cpu_count parts. def chunk(seq, num): avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return out chunks = chunk(station_event_list, cpu_count) # One instance that collects everything. collected_bins = GreatCircleBinner(domain.min_latitude, domain.max_latitude, lat_lng_count, domain.min_longitude, domain.max_longitude, lat_lng_count) # Use a multiprocessing shared memory array and map it to a numpy view. collected_bins_data = multiprocessing.Array(C.c_uint32, collected_bins.bins.size) collected_bins.bins = to_numpy(collected_bins_data, np.uint32, collected_bins.bins.shape) # Create, launch and join one process per CPU. Use a shared value as a # counter and a lock to avoid race conditions. processes = [] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() counter = multiprocessing.Value("i", 0) for _i in xrange(cpu_count): processes.append( multiprocessing.Process(target=great_circle_binning, args=(chunks[_i], collected_bins_data, collected_bins.bins.shape, lock, counter))) for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() pbar.finish() stations = chain.from_iterable( (_i[1].values() for _i in station_events if _i[1])) # Remove duplicates stations = [(_i["latitude"], _i["longitude"]) for _i in stations] stations = set(stations) title = "%i Events, %i unique raypaths, "\ "%i unique stations" % (len(station_events), circle_count, len(stations)) plt.title(title, size="xx-large") data = collected_bins.bins.transpose() if data.max() >= 10: data = np.log10(np.clip(data, a_min=0.5, a_max=data.max())) data[data >= 0.0] += 0.1 data[data < 0.0] = 0.0 max_val = scoreatpercentile(data.ravel(), 99) else: max_val = data.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap("gist_heat") cmap._init() cmap._lut[:120, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 120)**2 # Slightly change the appearance of the map so it suits the rays. map_object.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#dddddd', zorder=0) lngs, lats = collected_bins.coordinates # Rotate back if necessary! if domain.rotation_angle_in_degree: for lat, lng in zip(lats, lngs): lat[:], lng[:] = rotations.rotate_lat_lon( lat, lng, domain.rotation_axis, domain.rotation_angle_in_degree) ln, la = map_object(lngs, lats) map_object.pcolormesh(ln, la, data, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=max_val) # Draw the coastlines so they appear over the rays. Otherwise things are # sometimes hard to see. map_object.drawcoastlines() map_object.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2)
#### Get list of user strings #### UserMongoList = [] for user in MongoClient().config_static.profile_user.find(): UserMongoList.append(user['name']) helperObj.UserMongoList = UserMongoList #### Determening lines to process#### options.endindex = InputMongoDB.count() if int(options.endindex) == 0 else int( options.endindex) diffLines = int(options.endindex) - int(options.startIndex) + 1 #### Preparing progress bar #### progressBarObj = progressbar.ProgressBar( maxval=diffLines, widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) progressBarObj.start() def processLine(start, index): """ Assign workers with workload """ global converted for inputLine in InputMongoDB.find()[start:start + int(options.linesPerThread)]: if converted >= diffLines: print 'break on: ' + str(converted) break
def __run_tests(self, tests): if len(tests) == 0: return 0 logging.debug("Start __run_tests.") logging.debug("__name__ = %s", __name__) error_happened = False if self.os.lower() == 'windows': logging.debug("Executing __run_tests on Windows") for test in tests: with open(self.current_benchmark, 'w') as benchmark_resume_file: benchmark_resume_file.write( with self.quiet_out.enable(): if self.__run_test(test) != 0: error_happened = True else: logging.debug("Executing __run_tests on Linux") # Setup a nice progressbar and ETA indicator widgets = [ self.mode, ': ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' Rough ', progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(tests)).start() pbar_test = 0 # These features do not work on Windows for test in tests: pbar.update(pbar_test) pbar_test = pbar_test + 1 if __name__ == 'benchmark.benchmarker': print header("Running Test: %s" % with open(self.current_benchmark, 'w') as benchmark_resume_file: benchmark_resume_file.write( with self.quiet_out.enable(): test_process = Process(target=self.__run_test, name="Test Runner (%s)" %, args=(test, )) test_process.start() test_process.join(self.run_test_timeout_seconds) self.__load_results( ) # Load intermediate result from child process if (test_process.is_alive()): logging.debug( "Child process for {name} is still alive. Terminating." .format( self.__write_intermediate_results(, "__run_test timeout (=" + str(self.run_test_timeout_seconds) + " seconds)") test_process.terminate() test_process.join() if test_process.exitcode != 0: error_happened = True pbar.finish() if os.path.isfile(self.current_benchmark): os.remove(self.current_benchmark) logging.debug("End __run_tests.") if error_happened: return 1 return 0
def ReduceData(filename): # Read attributes and data f=h5py.File(filename, 'r') level = f.attrs['MaxLevel'] block_size = f.attrs['MeshBlockSize'] root_grid_size = f.attrs['RootGridSize'] nx1 = root_grid_size[0] * 2**level nx2 = root_grid_size[1] * 2**level if root_grid_size[1] > 1 else 1 nx3 = root_grid_size[2] * 2**level if root_grid_size[2] > 1 else 1 if nx3 > 1: dim = 3 elif nx2 > 1: dim = 2 else: dim = 1 quantities = f.attrs['VariableNames'][:] quantities = [str(q) for q in quantities \ if q != 'x1f' and q != 'x2f' and q != 'x3f'] data={} # the coordinates for d in range(1,4): nx = (nx1,nx2,nx3)[d-1] xmin = f.attrs['RootGridX'+repr(d)][0] xmax = f.attrs['RootGridX'+repr(d)][1] xrat_root = f.attrs['RootGridX'+repr(d)][2] if (xrat_root == 1.0): data['x'+repr(d)+'f'] = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx+1) else: xrat = xrat_root ** (1.0 / 2**level) data['x'+repr(d)+'f'] = \ xmin + (1.0-xrat**np.arange(nx+1)) / (1.0-xrat**nx) * (xmax-xmin) # Get metadata describing file layout num_blocks = f.attrs['NumMeshBlocks'] dataset_names = f.attrs['DatasetNames'][:] dataset_sizes = f.attrs['NumVariables'][:] dataset_sizes_cumulative = np.cumsum(dataset_sizes) variable_names = f.attrs['VariableNames'][:] levels = f['Levels'][:] logical_locations = f['LogicalLocations'][:] quantity_datasets = [] quantity_indices = [] spec_datasets = [] spec_indices = [] for q in quantities: var_num = np.where(variable_names == q)[0][0] dataset_num = np.where(dataset_sizes_cumulative > var_num)[0][0] if dataset_num == 0: dataset_index = var_num else: dataset_index = var_num - dataset_sizes_cumulative[dataset_num-1] quantity_datasets.append(dataset_names[dataset_num]) quantity_indices.append(dataset_index) if q == 'rho' or q=='vel1' or q=='vel2' or q=='vel3' or q=='pgas' or q=='B1' or \ q=='B2' or q=='B3' or q=='Er' or q=='Sigma_s' or q=='Sigma_a' or q=='Fr01' or q=='Fr02': spec_datasets.append(dataset_names[dataset_num]) spec_indices.append(dataset_index) # get rho, v1, v2, v3, B1, B2, B3, kappa_s, kappa_a # now add the derived quantities quantities.append('Maxwell') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Reynolds') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('BrBphi') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('BthetaBphi') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('rhovrvphi') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('rhovthetavphi') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('vrEr') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('vthetaEr') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('rhoPB') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('rhosq') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('PB1') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('PB2') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('PB3') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('PB') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('PBsq') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('kappa_s') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('kappa_a') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Radacc') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('RhoVr') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('RhoVtheta') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('RhoVphi') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('RhoVout') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('RhoVin') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Ekin1') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Ekin2') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Ekin3') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('tgas') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Fr01Sigma') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Fr02Sigma') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Fr01kappa') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) quantities.append('Fr02kappa') quantity_datasets.append('None') quantity_indices.append(0) # the quantities # get the azimuthal averaged data for q in quantities: data[q] = np.zeros((nx3,nx2,nx1)) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=num_blocks, \ widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]).start() # Go through blocks in data file for block_num in range(num_blocks): # Extract location information block_level = levels[block_num] block_location = logical_locations[block_num,:] # Calculate scale (number of copies per dimension) s= 2**(level-block_level) # the block size radius=f['x1f'][block_num] theta=f['x2f'][block_num] phi=f['x3f'][block_num] # get cell center coordinates x1v=np.zeros(block_size[0]) x2v=np.zeros(block_size[1]) x3v=np.zeros(block_size[2]) for ni in range(block_size[0]): x1v[ni]=0.75*(radius[ni+1]**4.0 - radius[ni]**4.0)/(radius[ni+1]**3.0-radius[ni]**3.0); for nj in range(block_size[1]): x2v[nj]=((np.sin(theta[nj+1]) - theta[nj+1] * np.cos(theta[nj+1])) \ -(np.sin(theta[nj]) - theta[nj] * np.cos(theta[nj]))) \ / (np.cos(theta[nj]) - np.cos(theta[nj+1])); for nk in range(block_size[2]): x3v[nk] = 0.5 * (phi[nk+1]+phi[nk]) grid_phi,grid_theta,grid_r=np.meshgrid(x3v,x2v,x1v,indexing='ij') # Calculate fine-level begin indices il = block_location[0] * block_size[0] * s jl = block_location[1] * block_size[1] * s if dim >= 2 else 0 kl = block_location[2] * block_size[2] * s if dim >= 3 else 0 # Calculate fine-level end indices iu = il + block_size[0] * s ju = jl + block_size[1] * s if dim >= 2 else 1 ku = kl + block_size[2] * s if dim >= 3 else 1 # Calculate fine-level offsets io_vals = range(s) jo_vals = range(s) if dim >= 2 else (0,) ko_vals = range(s) if dim >= 3 else (0,) rho_data=f[spec_datasets[0]][spec_indices[0],block_num,:] v1_data=f[spec_datasets[1]][spec_indices[1],block_num,:] vout_data=v1_data.clip(min=0.0) vin_data=v1_data.clip(max=0.0) v2_data=f[spec_datasets[2]][spec_indices[2],block_num,:] v3_data=f[spec_datasets[3]][spec_indices[3],block_num,:] pgas_data=f[spec_datasets[4]][spec_indices[4],block_num,:] B1_data=f[spec_datasets[5]][spec_indices[5],block_num,:] B2_data=f[spec_datasets[6]][spec_indices[6],block_num,:] B3_data=f[spec_datasets[7]][spec_indices[7],block_num,:] Er_data=f[spec_datasets[8]][spec_indices[8],block_num,:] Fr01_data=f[spec_datasets[9]][spec_indices[9],block_num,:] Fr02_data=f[spec_datasets[10]][spec_indices[10],block_num,:] sigma_s_data=f[spec_datasets[11]][spec_indices[11],block_num,:] sigma_a_data=f[spec_datasets[12]][spec_indices[12],block_num,:] PB_data=0.5*(np.multiply(B1_data,B1_data)+np.multiply(B2_data,B2_data)+np.multiply(B3_data,B3_data)) PB1_data=0.5*np.multiply(B1_data,B1_data) PB2_data=0.5*np.multiply(B2_data,B2_data) PB3_data=0.5*np.multiply(B3_data,B3_data) rhovphi_data=np.multiply(rho_data,v3_data) # Assign values for q,dataset,index in zip(quantities,quantity_datasets,quantity_indices): if q=='rhosq': oridata=np.multiply(rho_data,rho_data) elif q=='PB': oridata=PB_data elif q=='PB1': oridata=PB1_data elif q=='PB2': oridata=PB2_data elif q=='PB3': oridata=PB3_data elif q=='PBsq': oridata=np.multiply(PB_data,PB_data) elif q=='kappa_s': oridata=np.divide(sigma_s_data,rho_data) elif q=='kappa_a': oridata=np.divide(sigma_a_data,rho_data) elif q=='Maxwell': bxdata=np.multiply(B2_data,np.cos(grid_theta))+np.multiply(B1_data,np.sin(grid_theta)) oridata=-np.multiply(bxdata,B3_data) elif q=='Reynolds': vxdata=np.multiply(v2_data,np.cos(grid_theta))+np.multiply(v1_data,np.sin(grid_theta)) oridata=np.multiply(vxdata,np.multiply(v3_data,rho_data)) elif q=='Radacc': oridata=np.divide(np.multiply(Fr01_data,(sigma_s_data+sigma_a_data)),rho_data) elif q=='RhoVr': oridata=np.multiply(v1_data,rho_data) elif q=='RhoVtheta': oridata=np.multiply(v2_data,rho_data) elif q=='RhoVphi': oridata=np.multiply(v3_data,rho_data) elif q=='RhoVout': oridata=np.multiply(vout_data,rho_data) elif q=='RhoVin': oridata=np.multiply(vin_data,rho_data) elif q=='Ekin1': oridata=0.5*np.multiply(v1_data, v1_data) oridata=np.multiply(oridata,rho_data) elif q=='Ekin2': oridata=0.5*np.multiply(v2_data, v2_data) oridata=np.multiply(oridata,rho_data) elif q=='Ekin3': oridata=0.5*np.multiply(v3_data, v3_data) oridata=np.multiply(oridata,rho_data) elif q=='BrBphi': oridata=np.multiply(B1_data,B3_data) elif q=='BthetaBphi': oridata=np.multiply(B2_data,B3_data) elif q=='rhovrvphi': oridata=np.multiply(v1_data,rhovphi_data) elif q=='rhovthetavphi': oridata=np.multiply(v2_data,rhovphi_data) elif q=='vrEr': oridata=np.multiply(v1_data,Er_data) elif q=='vthetaEr': oridata=np.multiply(v2_data,Er_data) elif q=='rhoPB': oridata=np.multiply(rho_data,PB_data) elif q=='tgas': oridata=np.divide(pgas_data,rho_data) elif q=='Fr01Sigma': oridata=np.multiply(Fr01_data,(sigma_s_data+sigma_a_data)) elif q=='Fr02Sigma': oridata=np.multiply(Fr02_data,(sigma_s_data+sigma_a_data)) elif q=='Fr01kappa': oridata=np.divide(np.multiply(Fr01_data,(sigma_s_data+sigma_a_data)),rho_data) elif q=='Fr02kappa': oridata=np.divide(np.multiply(Fr02_data,(sigma_s_data+sigma_a_data)),rho_data) else: oridata=f[dataset][index,block_num,:] for ko in ko_vals: for jo in jo_vals: for io in io_vals: data[q][kl+ko:ku+ko:s,jl+jo:ju+jo:s,il+io:iu+io:s] = oridata bar.update(block_num+1) bar.finish() # get the cell center coordinates # get cell center coordinates data['x1v']=np.zeros(nx1) data['x2v']=np.zeros(nx2) data['x3v']=np.zeros(nx3) for ni in range(nx1): data['x1v'][ni]=0.75*(data['x1f'][ni+1]**4.0 - data['x1f'][ni]**4.0)/(data['x1f'][ni+1]**3.0-data['x1f'][ni]**3.0); for nj in range(nx2): data['x2v'][nj]=((np.sin(data['x2f'][nj+1]) - data['x2f'][nj+1] * np.cos(data['x2f'][nj+1])) \ -(np.sin(data['x2f'][nj]) - data['x2f'][nj] * np.cos(data['x2f'][nj]))) \ / (np.cos(data['x2f'][nj]) - np.cos(data['x2f'][nj+1])); for nk in range(nx3): data['x3v'][nk]=0.5*(data['x3f'][nk+1] + data['x3f'][nk]); #add time data['Time']=f.attrs['Time'] f.close() return data
def loadSequence(self,seqName, cfg=None, Nmax = float('inf'),shuffle = False, rng = None, docom = False,allJoints=False): config = {'cube':(800,800,1200)} config['cube'] = [s*self.scales[seqName] for s in config['cube']] if Nmax is float('inf'): pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName,allJoints) else: pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache_{}.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName, allJoints,Nmax) print(pickleCache) if self.useCache: if os.path.isfile(pickleCache): print("Loading cache data from {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'rb') (seqName,data,config) = cPickle.load(f) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) if not(np.isinf(Nmax)): return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data[0:Nmax],config) else: return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config) #load the dataset objdir = '{}/{}/'.format(cfg.base_dir,cfg.data_dirs[seqName]) names = glob.glob(os.path.join(objdir,'*.txt')) joints3D = np.empty([len(names),cfg.num_joints, cfg.num_dims]) joints2D = np.empty([len(names),cfg.num_joints, cfg.num_dims]) # load the groundtruth data here cnt = 0 for name in tqdm.tqdm(names,total=len(names)): all_jnts = np.loadtxt(name) # get the proper subset joints3D[cnt] = all_jnts[self.restrictedJoints] # get 2D projections joints2D[cnt] = self.joints3DToImg(joints3D[cnt]) cnt+=1 if allJoints: eval_idxs = np.arange(cfg.num_joints) else: eval_idxs = self.restrictedJoints self.numJoints = len(eval_idxs) txt= 'Loading {}'.format(seqName) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(maxval=joints3D.shape[0],widgets=[txt,pb.Percentage(),pb.Bar()]) pbar.start() data = [] i=0 for line in range(joints3D.shape[0]): imgid = names[line].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[-1] dptFileName = os.path.join(cfg.base_dir, cfg.data_dirs[seqName], 'depth_%s.png'%imgid) if not os.path.isfile(dptFileName): print("File {} does not exist!").format(dptFileName) i += 1 continue dpt = self.loadDepthMap(dptFileName) gtorig = joints2D[line,eval_idxs,:] gt3Dorig = joints3D[line,eval_idxs,:] data.append(LabelledFrame(dpt.astype(np.float32),gtorig,gt3Dorig,dptFileName,'')) pbar.update(i) i+=1 #early stop if len(data)>=Nmax: break pbar.finish() print("loaded {} samples.".format(len(data))) if self.useCache: print("Save cache data to {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'wb') cPickle.dump((seqName,data,config), f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config)
def simulation(dat, var, q_in=None, q_out=None):"New simulation launched.") # Set up perturbation class -> modifies parameters dictionary d = dat # General options dictionary (all the dictionaries below are connected, same memory) o = dat.opts # Dictionary for parameters p = o['parameters'] # Dictionary for controlling the simulation c = o['controls'] r = o['raster'] # Dictionaries for the classes i = o['perturbation'] n = o['network'] # Assign the variables from the dictionary to easily named local variables rwe, rwi = (var['rwe'], var['rwi']) re, ve, ser, ri, vi, sir = (var['re'], var['ve'], var['ser'], var['ri'], var['vi'], var['sir']) swer, swir = (var['swer'], var['swir']) if o.get('sp', False): sye, syi = (var['sye'], var['syi']) se = np.ones(2) * 0.0 si = np.ones(2) * 0.0 # Select transfer function for WC equations if set({'if-fr', 'if-nf', 'all'}): transf = sigmoid_lif elif set({'qif-fr', 'qif-nf', 'all'}): transf = sigmoid_qif else: transf = sigmoid_qif # Initial parameter values may be changed from now pause = None while c['pause']: try: incoming = q_in.get_nowait() for key in incoming.keys(): o[key].update(incoming[key]) except Queue.Empty: if not pause:"Data successfully updated. Simulation in hold.") pause = True # Set up Connectivity class(es) -> modifies parameters dictionary per = Perturbation(o) exc = Connectivity(o, 'exc') inh = Connectivity(o, 'inh') objects = [per, exc, inh,] # Progress-bar configuration widgets = ['Progress: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker='='), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' '] # Raster configuration variables if d.opts.get('sp', False): r_maxlength = 1000 raster = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=r_maxlength) s_pop = None # Measuring frequencies of individual neurons spikes_e = [] spikes_i = [] tfreq = 0 if o.get('sp', False): if nmax = d.dNe else: nmax = d.Ne if nmax <= 1000: pop_max = nmax else: pop_max = 1000 # ############################################################ # 0) Prepare simulation environment if args.loop != 0: # loop variable will force the time loop to iterate "loop" times more or endlessly if "loop" = 0 barsteps = int((d.tfinal - d.t0) / d.dt) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=args.loop * (barsteps + 1)).start() else: args.loop = sys.maxint # noinspection PyTypeChecker pbar = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=pb.UnknownLength) time1 = timer() tstep = 0 temps = 0.0 tsk_e = 0 tsk_i = 0 noise_E = 0.0 noise_I = 0.0 np.seterr(all='raise') # Time loop: (if loop was 0 in the config step, # we can break the time-loop by changing "loop" # or explicitly with a break) while temps < d.tfinal * args.loop: pause = False while c['pause']: try: incoming = q_in.get_nowait() for key in incoming.keys(): o[key].update(incoming[key]) except Queue.Empty: if not pause:"Simulation in hold.") pause = True # Time delay discretization delay = int(p['delay'] / d.dt) if len(se) != (2 + delay): se.resize(2 + delay) si.resize(2 + delay) print 'Delay! %d' % delay # Time step variables kp = tstep % d.nsteps k = (tstep + d.nsteps - 1) % d.nsteps kd = (tstep + d.nsteps - 1 - delay) % d.nsteps kd2 = (tstep + d.nsteps - delay) % d.nsteps # Time steps of the synaptic activation (just 2 positions, columns) k2p = tstep % (2 + delay) if set({'fr', 'wc', 'all'}): # Two population FR eqs simulations # Wilson Cowan if 'wc' in input_e = p['etae'] + p['taue'] * n['jee'] * swer[k] - p['taue'] * n['jie'] * swir[k] +[kp] rwe[kp] = rwe[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * (-rwe[k] + transf(input_e, p['taue'], p['delta'], vr=p['vreset'], vth=p['vpeak'], vrevers=p['revers'], dt=p['rperiod'])) input_i = p['etai'] - p['taui'] * n['jii'] * swir[k] + p['taui'] * n['jei'] * swer[k] + i['sym'] * \[kp] rwi[kp] = rwi[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * (-rwi[k] + transf(input_i, p['taui'], p['delta'], vr=p['vreset'], vth=p['vpeak'], vrevers=p['revers'], dt=p['rperiod'])) if p.get('taude', False): if p['taude'] > 0.001 and p['taudi'] > 0.001: swer[kp] = swer[k] + d.dt / p['taude'] * (-swer[k] + rwe[kd]) swir[kp] = swir[k] + d.dt / p['taudi'] * (-swir[k] + rwi[kd]) else: swer[kp] = rwe[kd2] * 1.0 swir[kp] = rwi[kd2] * 1.0 else: swer[kp] = rwe[kd2] * 1.0 swir[kp] = rwi[kd2] * 1.0 if 'wc-eff' in input_e = p['etae'] + p['taue'] * n['jee'] * swer[k] - p['taue'] * n['jei'] * swir[k] +[ kp] rwe[kp] = rwe[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * (-rwe[k] + transf(input_e, p['taue'], p['delta'], vr=p['vreset'], vth=p['vpeak'], vrevers=p['revers'], dt=p['rperiod'])) input_i = p['etai'] + p['taui'] * n['jee'] * swir[k] - p['taui'] * n['jei'] * swer[k] + i[ 'sym'] * \[ kp] rwi[kp] = rwi[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * (-rwi[k] + transf(input_i, p['taui'], p['delta'], vr=p['vreset'], vth=p['vpeak'], vrevers=p['revers'], dt=p['rperiod'])) if p.get('taude', False): if p['taude'] > 0.001 and p['taudi'] > 0.001: swer[kp] = swer[k] + d.dt / p['taude'] * (-swer[k] + rwe[kd]) swir[kp] = swir[k] + d.dt / p['taudi'] * (-swir[k] + rwi[kd]) else: swer[kp] = rwe[kd2] * 1.0 swir[kp] = rwi[kd2] * 1.0 else: swer[kp] = rwe[kd2] * 1.0 swir[kp] = rwi[kd2] * 1.0 # QIF-FR if 'fr' in if d.cond: re[kp] = re[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * ( p['delta'] / pi / p['taue'] + 2.0 * re[k] * ve[k] - p['taue'] * re[k] * ( 1.0 / p['taue'] + p['ae'] * n['jee'] * ser[k] + p['ai'] * n['jie'] * sir[k])) ve[kp] = ve[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * ( ve[k] ** 2 + p['etae'] - pi2 * (re[k] * p['taue']) ** 2 - ve[k] - p['taue'] * ( p['ae'] * n['jee'] * ser[k] * (ve[k] - p['reverse']) + p['ai'] * n['jie'] * sir[k] * ( ve[k] - p['reversi'])) +[kp]) ri[kp] = ri[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * ( p['delta'] / pi / p['taui'] + 2.0 * ri[k] * vi[k] - p['taui'] * ri[k] * ( 1.0 / p['taui'] + p['ae'] * n['jei'] * ser[k] + p['ai'] * n['jii'] * sir[k])) vi[kp] = vi[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * ( vi[k] ** 2 + p['etai'] - pi2 * (ri[k] * p['taui']) ** 2 - vi[k] - p['taui'] * ( p['ae'] * n['jei'] * ser[k] * (vi[k] - p['reverse']) + p['ai'] * n['jii'] * sir[k] * ( vi[k] - p['reversi'])) + i['sym'] *[kp]) else: re[kp] = re[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * (p['delta'] / pi / p['taue'] + 2.0 * re[k] * ve[k]) ve[kp] = ve[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * (ve[k] ** 2 + p['etae'] - pi2 * (re[k] * p['taue']) ** 2 - p['taue'] * n['jie'] * sir[kd] + p['taue'] * n['jee'] * ser[ kd] +[kp]) ri[kp] = ri[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * (p['delta'] / p['taui'] / pi + 2.0 * ri[k] * vi[k]) vi[kp] = vi[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * (vi[k] ** 2 + p['etai'] - p['taui'] ** 2 * pi2 * ri[k] ** 2 + p['taui'] * n['jei'] * ser[kd] - p['taui'] * n['jii'] * sir[ kd] + i['sym'] *[kp]) if p.get('taude', False): if p['taude'] > 0.001 and p['taudi'] > 0.001: ser[kp] = ser[k] + d.dt / p['taude'] * (-ser[k] + re[kd]) sir[kp] = sir[k] + d.dt / p['taudi'] * (-sir[k] + ri[kd]) else: ser[kp] = re[kd2] * 1.0 sir[kp] = ri[kd2] * 1.0 else: ser[kp] = re[kd2] * 1.0 sir[kp] = ri[kd2] * 1.0 if math.isnan(rwe[kp]) or math.isnan(rwi[kp]) or math.isnan(re[kp]) or math.isnan(ri[kp]): logger.error("Overflow encountered! Change parameters before running a new instance of the simulation.") break if set({'nf', 'wc-nf', 'all'}): # NF simulations # QIF-NF Equations if 'nf' in # TODO: implement taue and taui !!! ser[k2p] = (2.0 * / d.n *, re[k]) + 2.0 * / d.n *, ri[k])) re[kp] = re[k] + d.dt * (p['delta'] / pi + 2.0 * re[k] * ve[k]) ve[kp] = ve[k] + d.dt * (ve[k] ** 2 + p['etae'] + ser[k2p] - pi2 * re[k] ** 2 +[kp]) ri[kp] = ri[k] + d.dt * (p['delta'] / pi + 2.0 * ri[k] * vi[k]) vi[kp] = vi[k] + d.dt * (vi[k] ** 2 + p['etai'] + ser[k2p] - pi2 * ri[k] ** 2 + i['sym'] *[kp]) # WC-NF Equations. if 'wc-nf' in ser[k2p] = (2.0 * / d.n *, rwe[k]) + 2.0 * / d.n *, rwi[k])) rwe[kp] = rwe[k] + d.dt / p['taue'] * ( -rwe[k] + sigmoid_qif(p['etae'] + p['taue'] * ser[k2p] +[kp], p['taue'], p['delta'])) rwi[kp] = rwi[k] + d.dt / p['taui'] * ( -rwi[k] + sigmoid_qif(p['etai'] + p['taui'] * ser[k2p] + i['sym'] *[kp], p['taui'], p['delta'])) if math.isnan(rwe[kp, 0]) or math.isnan(rwi[kp, 0]) or math.isnan(re[kp, 0]) or math.isnan(ri[kp, 0]): logger.error("Overflow encountered! Change parameters before running a new instance of the simulation.") break # Spiking neurons if set( {'qif-fr', 'if-fr', 'eif-fr', 'qif-nf', 'if-nf', 'eif-nf', 'all'}): # Spiking neurons tsyp = tstep % d.t_syn if d.spk_time_e or d.spk_time_i: tskp_e = tstep % d.spk_time_e tskp_i = tstep % d.spk_time_i tsk_e = (tstep + d.spk_time_e - 1) % d.spk_time_e tsk_i = (tstep + d.spk_time_i - 1) % d.spk_time_i else: tsk_e = tsk_i = tskp_e = tskp_i = 0 if o['D'] == 'noise': noise_E = p['taue'] / d.dt * p['delta'] * np.sqrt(d.dt / p['taue']) * noise(d.Ne) noise_I = p['taui'] / d.dt * p['delta'] * np.sqrt(d.dt / p['taui']) * noise(d.Ni) if set( {'qif-fr', 'if-fr', 'eif-fr', 'all'}): # QIF or IF population simulation (FR) sep =, d.a_tau[:, tsyp]).mean() sip =, d.a_tau[:, tsyp]).mean() if p.get('taude', False): if p['taude'] > 0.001 and p['taudi'] > 0.001: sye[kp] = sye[k] + d.dt / p['taude'] * (-sye[k] + sep) syi[kp] = syi[k] + d.dt / p['taudi'] * (-syi[k] + sip) else: sye[kp] = sep * 1.0 syi[kp] = sip * 1.0 else: sye[kp] = sep * 1.0 syi[kp] = sip * 1.0 if set({'qif-fr', 'all'}): # QIF population simulation (FR) if d.cond: d.m_e = qifint_cond(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E +[kp] * np.ones(d.Ne), p['taue'] * p['ae'] * n['jee'] * sye[kp], p['taue'] * p['ai'] * n['jie'] * syi[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dt, p['taue'], d.vpeak, d.rte, d.tpeak_e, p['reverse'], p['reversi']) d.m_i = qifint_cond(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I + i['sym'] *[ kp] * np.ones(d.Ni), p['taui'] * p['ae'] * n['jei'] * sye[kp], p['taui'] * p['ai'] * n['jii'] * syi[kp], temps, d.Ni, d.dt, p['taui'], d.vpeak, d.rti, d.tpeak_i, p['reverse'], p['reversi']) else: d.m_e = qifint_fr(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * n['jee'] * sye[kp] - p['taue'] * n['jie'] * syi[kp] +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dt, p['taue'], d.vpeak, d.rte, d.tpeak_e) d.m_i = qifint_fr(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taui'] * n['jei'] * sye[kp] - p['taui'] * n['jii'] * syi[kp] + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ni, d.dt, p['taui'], d.vpeak, d.rti, d.tpeak_i) if set({'if-fr', 'all'}): # LIF population simulation (FR) d.m_e = ifint_fr(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * n['jee'] * sye[kp] - p['taue'] * n['jie'] * syi[kp] +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dt, p['taue'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_e) d.m_i = ifint_fr(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taui'] * n['jei'] * sye[kp] - p['taui'] * n['jii'] * syi[kp] + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ni, d.dt, p['taui'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_i) if set({'eif-fr', 'all'}): # LIF population simulation (FR) d.m_e = eifint_fr(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * n['jee'] * sye[kp] - p['taue'] * n['jie'] * syi[kp] +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dt, p['taue'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_e, p['sharp'], p['rheo']) d.m_i = eifint_fr(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taui'] * n['jei'] * sye[kp] - p['taui'] * n['jii'] * syi[kp] + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ni, d.dt, p['taui'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_i, p['sharp'], p['rheo']) # Auxiliary matrices for FR computation if d.spk_time_e or d.spk_time_i: d.spk_e_mod[:, tsk_e] = 1 * d.m_e['s'] d.spk_e[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.spk_e_mod[:, tskp_e] d.spk_i_mod[:, tsk_i] = 1 * d.m_i['s'] d.spk_i[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.spk_i_mod[:, tskp_i] else: d.spk_e[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.m_e['s'] d.spk_i[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.m_i['s'][:, tstep %] = 1 * d.spk_e[:, tsyp][:, tstep %] = 1 * d.spk_i[:, tsyp], temps, var) if set({'qif-nf', 'if-nf', 'eif-nf', 'all'}): # QIF population simulation (NF) sep = (1.0 / d.Ne) *,['e'],, d.a_tau[:, tsyp]))) sip = (1.0 / d.Ni) *,['i'],, d.a_tau[:, tsyp]))) s = sep + sip if set({'qif-nf', 'all'}): # QIF population simulation (NF) d.m_e = qifint_nf(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * s +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taue'], d.vpeak, d.rte, d.tpeak_e) d.m_i = qifint_nf(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taue'] * s + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taui'], d.vpeak, d.rti, d.tpeak_i) if set({'if-nf', 'all'}): # LIF population simulation (NF) d.m_e = ifint_nf(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * s +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taue'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_e) d.m_i = ifint_nf(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taui'] * s + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taui'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_i) if set({'eif-nf', 'all'}): # EIF population simulation (NF) d.m_e = eifint_nf(d.m_e, d.m_e['v'], d.m_e['t'], d.eta_e + noise_E, p['taue'] * s +[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taue'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_e, p['sharp'], p['rheo']) d.m_i = eifint_nf(d.m_i, d.m_i['v'], d.m_i['t'], d.eta_i + noise_I, p['taui'] * s + i['sym'] *[kp], temps, d.Ne, d.dNe, d.dt, p['taui'], p['vpeak'], p['vreset'], p['revers'], p['rperiod'], d.tpeak_i, p['sharp'], p['rheo']) # Auxiliary matrices for FR computation if d.spk_time_e or d.spk_time_i: d.spk_e_mod[:, tsk_e] = 1 * d.m_e['s'] d.spk_e[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.spk_e_mod[:, tskp_e] d.spk_i_mod[:, tsk_i] = 1 * d.m_i['s'] d.spk_i[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.spk_i_mod[:, tskp_i] else: d.spk_e[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.m_e['s'] d.spk_i[:, tsyp] = 1 * d.m_i['s'][:, tstep %] = 1 * d.spk_e[:, tsyp][:, tstep %] = 1 * d.spk_i[:, tsyp], temps, var, dat.aux) # Recording of spikie times for Raster Plotting (2 versions, snapshot and dynamic plotting) if r['start'] and tstep % r['rate'] == 0: # For the dynamic plot we can use a simple dictionary with a time as the key and an array of indexes. if r['dynamic']: if q_out.qsize() < 10: if r['pop']: pop = r['pop'] q_out.put({'t': temps, 'sp': d.m_e[d.pope[pop]][d.m_e[d.pope[pop]]['s'] == 1]['i']}) else: q_out.put({'t': temps, 'sp': d.m_e[d.m_e['s'] == 1]['i']}) # For the snapshot we use a limited size dictionary with times as keys. else: if not s_pop: if and r['pop']: s_pop = random.sample(range(d.dNe * r['pop'], d.dNe * (r['pop'] + 1)), pop_max) else: s_pop = random.sample(range(d.Ne), pop_max) s_pop.sort() raster[temps] = d.m_e[s_pop][d.m_e[s_pop]['s'] == 1]['i'] # Measure firing rate of individual neurons if c.get('neuronf', False): if len(spikes_e) > 1: spikes_e += d.m_e['s'] spikes_i += d.m_i['s'] else: tfreq = tstep spikes_e = d.m_e['s'][:] * np.float64(1.0) spikes_i = d.m_i['s'][:] * np.float64(1.0) pbar.update(tstep) # Perturbation management if and tstep % int(p['upd']) == 0: per.check(tstep) if c['exit'] or c['stop']: break temps += d.dt tstep += 1 if tstep % d.nsteps == 0: var['cycle'].value += 1 var['tstep'].value = tstep var['temps'].value = temps if not var['it'][kp] =[kp] # We get the data from the GUI if q_in and tstep % int(p['upd']) == 0: try: incoming = q_in.get_nowait() for key in incoming.keys(): logger.debug("Updating data dictionary.") o[key].update(incoming[key]) # Passing spiking neuron data to the Main GUI if incoming[key].get('pause', False): if o.get('sp', False): sp_dict = {'opts': o, 'm_e': d.m_e.copy(), 'm_i': d.m_i.copy(), 'spk_e': np.roll(d.spk_e, -(tsyp + 1)), 'spk_i': np.roll(d.spk_i, -(tsyp + 1))} sp_dict['m_e']['t'] -= (temps - d.dt) sp_dict['m_i']['t'] -= (temps - d.dt) try: sp_qif = {'spk_mod_e': np.roll(d.spk_e_mod, -(tsk_e + 1)), 'spk_mod_i': np.roll(d.spk_i_mod, -(tsk_i + 1))} sp_dict.update(sp_qif) except: pass q_out.put(sp_dict) del sp_dict else: q_out.put({'opts': o}) # Passing raster data to the main GUI if incoming[key].get('update', False): q_out.put(raster) # Receiving order to save voltage data if incoming[key].get('vsnapshot', False):'volt_distribution_%f' % (d.dt * kp * d.faketau), d.m_e['v']) if incoming[key].get('neuronf', False): if tfreq == 0:'Measuring frequencies of individual neurons...') spikes_e = [] spikes_i = [] else:'Measure of frequencies done.'), True) c['neuronf'] = False dtfreq = tstep - 1 - tfreq tfreq = 0 freqs_e = np.array(spikes_e) / dtfreq freqs_i = np.array(spikes_i) / dtfreq'nfreqs.npy', {'time': dtfreq, 'freqse': freqs_e, 'freqsi': freqs_i}) if o.get('sp', False): if isinstance(incoming[key].get('delta', False), float) \ or isinstance(incoming[key].get('etai', False), float) \ or isinstance(incoming[key].get('etae', False), float): d.eta_e = Data.external_currents(p['etae'], p['delta'], d.Ne, n=d.n, distribution=o['D']) d.eta_i = Data.external_currents(p['etai'], p['delta'], d.Ni, n=d.n, distribution=o['D']) if incoming[key].get('gamma', False) \ or incoming[key].get('reversi', False) or incoming[key].get('reverse', False): if d.cond: d.rev_e = Data.external_currents(p['reverse'], p['gamma'], d.Ne, n=d.n, distribution=o['G']) d.rev_i = Data.external_currents(p['reversi'], p['gamma'], d.Ni, n=d.n, distribution=o['G']) # Updating the objects' properties (perturbation, connectivity) for obj in objects: if obj: if in incoming.keys(): logger.debug("Updating %s" % obj.update(o[], tstep=tstep) except Queue.Empty: pass except KeyError: logger.error("KeyError when getting or sending objects through the queue.") # Finish pbar pbar.finish() temps -= d.dt tstep -= 1 # Stop the timer'Total time: {}.'.format(timer() - time1)) # Synchronize data object while not q_out.empty(): q_out.get_nowait() q_out.put({'opts': o}) if o.get('sp', False): sp_dict = {'opts': o, 'm_e': d.m_e.copy(), 'm_i': d.m_i.copy(), 'spk_e': np.roll(d.spk_e, -(tsyp + 1)), 'spk_i': np.roll(d.spk_i, -(tsyp + 1))} sp_dict['m_e']['t'] -= (temps - d.dt) sp_dict['m_i']['t'] -= (temps - d.dt) try: sp_qif = {'spk_mod_e': np.roll(d.spk_e_mod, -(tsk_e + 1)), 'spk_mod_i': np.roll(d.spk_i_mod, -(tsk_i + 1))} sp_dict.update(sp_qif) except: pass q_out.put(sp_dict) del sp_dict
OBS = getOut(TEST) print OBS os.system('mkdir -p '+STEM+'_EVAL') os.system('mkdir -p '+STEM+'_RESULT') def removeScore(comboLine): return ' '.join(comboLine.strip().split(' ')[1:]) c = 1 GFILE = open(STEM+'_RESULT/RFINAL.result',"w") GCONFUSION = [0,0,0,0] if pbar_exists: widgets = ["Evaluating combos: ", P.Percentage(), P.Bar()] pbar = P.ProgressBar(maxval=100, widgets=widgets).start() maxacc = 0 maxprec = 0 maxsens = 0 maxspec = 0 #etExec = '/home/kurekaoru/opencog/X/opencog/comboreduct/main/eval-table' etExec = 'eval-table' c = 0 for x in MODELS: CONFUSION = [0,0,0,0] oneliner = open(STEM+'_EVAL/M'+str(c)+'.model','w') M = removeScore(x)
def finish(self, resume=False, verbose=False, use_pbar=True): """Block and complete all threads in queue. Args: resume (bool, optional): Resume spooling after finished verbose (bool, optional): Report progress towards queue completion. use_pbar (bool, optional): Graphically display progress towards queue completions """ # Stop existing spools self.background_spool = False self.dirty.set() # By default, we don't use a callback. cb = None if verbose: print(self) # Progress bar management, optional. self._pbar_max = self.numRunningThreads + len(self.queue) if use_pbar and self._pbar_max > 0: widgets = [ ("[{n}] ".format( if else ''), progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.SimpleProgress(format='%(value_s)s of %(max_value_s)s'), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', DynamicProgressString(name="state"), ' ', progressbar.Timer(), ' ', progressbar.AdaptiveETA(), ] self.progbar = progbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=self._pbar_max, widgets=widgets, redirect_stdout=True) def updateProgrssBar(): # Update progress bar. q = (len(self.queue) if self.queue else 0) nrt = self.numRunningThreads progress = (self._pbar_max - (nrt + q)) state = "[Spool: Q: {q:2}, R: {nrt:2}/{quota}]".format(quota=self.quota, **locals()) progbar.max_value = self._pbar_max progbar.update(progress, state=state) cb = updateProgrssBar # assert not self.spoolThread.isAlive, "Background loop did not terminate" # Create a spoolloop, but block until it deploys all threads. execif(cb) while (self.queue and len(self.queue) > 0) or (self.numRunningThreads > 0): self.dirty.wait() self.doSpool(verbose=verbose) self.dirty.clear() execif(cb) assert len(self.queue) == 0, "Finished without deploying all threads" assert self.numRunningThreads == 0, "Finished without finishing all threads" if cb: progbar.finish() if resume: self.queue.clear() # Create a fresh queue self.start() if verbose: print(self)
self.vxgal = numpy.array([]) self.vygal = numpy.array([]) self.vzgal = numpy.array([]) self.xgal = numpy.array([]) self.ygal = numpy.array([]) self.z_cos = numpy.array([]) self.z_obs = numpy.array([]) self.zgal = numpy.array([]) Lagos = lightcone() ### Initializing progress bar widgets = [ ' Running: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.RotatingMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(files) + 1).start() for i_file in range(len(files)): pbar.update(i_file + 1) fopen = h5py.File(files[i_file], "r") try: dset = fopen.get('Data') Lagos.BCDM = numpy.append(Lagos.BCDM, dset["BCDM"].value) Lagos.BoT = numpy.append(Lagos.BoT, dset["BoT"].value)
def mvpa(conf, paths): "Runs the MVPA analysis" group_conf = ns_aperture.config.get_conf() group_paths = ns_aperture.paths.get_group_paths(group_conf) cond_info = np.loadtxt(paths.mvpa.cond_info.full(".txt"), for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]: # nodes x runs x blocks data = np.load("_" + hemi + ".npy")) seed_nodes = np.loadtxt(paths.mvpa.nodes.full("_" + hemi + ".txt"), acc = np.empty((data.shape[0])) acc.fill(np.NAN) pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=[progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()], maxval=seed_nodes.shape[0]).start() with open(group_paths.sl_info.full("_" + hemi + ".txt"), "r") as sl_info: for (i_seed, (seed_node, node_line)) in enumerate( zip(seed_nodes, sl_info.readlines())): pbar.update(i_seed) nodes = [int(x) for x in node_line.splitlines()[0].split("\t")] assert seed_node in nodes i_nodes = [] for sl_node in nodes: i = np.where(seed_nodes == sl_node)[0] if len(i) > 0: assert len(i) == 1 i_nodes.append(i[0]) if len(i_nodes) > 0: acc[i_seed] = _classify(data[i_nodes, ...], cond_info) # save acc acc_path = paths.mvpa.acc.full("_" + hemi + ".txt") np.savetxt(acc_path, acc) pbar.finish() os.chdir(paths.mvpa.base.full()) # convert to full niml cmd = [ "ConvertDset", "-i_1D", "-input", acc_path, "-node_index_1D", paths.mvpa.nodes.full("_" + hemi + ".txt"), "-o_niml", "-prefix", paths.mvpa.acc.full("_" + hemi + ".niml.dset"), "-pad_to_node", "ld141", "-overwrite" ] fmri_tools.utils.run_cmd(" ".join(cmd))
page = requests.get(url) # getting page if page.status_code != 200: print(topicID + ' has status code ' + str(page.status_code)) return # try: # page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) # except HTTPError: # return print(topicID) f.write(topicID + '\n') f.flush() os.fsync(f) widgets = [progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Counter(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed()] # check_and_write(0) # pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=1500000).start() # counter = 0 # Parallel(n_jobs=20)(delayed(check_and_write)(i) for i in range(1500000)) last_id = 0 if os.path.exists(outputLastFile): with open(outputLastFile, 'r') as last_id_f: last_id = int( for i in range(last_id, 100000):
def scan(self): self.pulser_dac_parameters = self.scan_parameters.PlsrDAC self.colpr_addr_parameters = self.scan_parameters.Colpr_Addr description = np.dtype([ ('colpr_addr', np.uint32), ('PlsrDAC', np.int32), ('voltage', np.float) ]) # output data table description, native NumPy dtype data = self.raw_data_file.h5_file.create_table( self.raw_data_file.h5_file.root, name='plsr_dac_data', description=description, title='Data from PlsrDAC calibration scan') progress_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=[ '', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker='*', left='|', right='|'), ' ', progressbar.AdaptiveETA() ], maxval=len(self.pulser_dac_parameters) * len(self.colpr_addr_parameters) * self.repeat_measurements, term_width=80) progress_bar.start() progress_bar_index = 0 for colpr_address in self.colpr_addr_parameters: if self.abort_run.is_set(): break self.set_scan_parameters(Colpr_Addr=colpr_address) commands = [] commands.extend(self.register.get_commands("ConfMode")) self.register.set_global_register_value("Colpr_Addr", colpr_address) commands.extend( self.register.get_commands("WrRegister", name="Colpr_Addr")) commands.extend(self.register.get_commands("RunMode")) self.register_utils.send_commands(commands) for pulser_dac in self.pulser_dac_parameters: if self.abort_run.is_set(): break self.set_scan_parameters(PlsrDAC=pulser_dac) commands = [] commands.extend(self.register.get_commands("ConfMode")) self.register.set_global_register_value("PlsrDAC", pulser_dac) commands.extend( self.register.get_commands("WrRegister", name="PlsrDAC")) commands.extend(self.register.get_commands("RunMode")) self.register_utils.send_commands(commands) actual_data = np.zeros(shape=(self.repeat_measurements, ), dtype=description) actual_data['colpr_addr'] = colpr_address actual_data["PlsrDAC"] = pulser_dac for index, pulser_dac in enumerate( range(self.repeat_measurements)): voltage_string = self.dut['Multimeter'].get_voltage() voltage = float(voltage_string.split(',')[0]) actual_data['voltage'][index] = voltage #'Measured %.2fV', voltage) progress_bar_index += 1 progress_bar.update(progress_bar_index) # append data to HDF5 file data.append(actual_data) progress_bar.finish() data.flush()
test_size=config.NUM_TEST_IMAGES, stratify=trainLabels, random_state=42) trainPaths, testPaths, trainLabels, testLabels = splits datasets = [('train', trainPaths, trainLabels, config.TRAIN_MX_LIST), ('val', valPaths, valLabels, config.VAL_MX_LIST), ('test', testPaths, testLabels, config.TEST_MX_LIST)] R, G, B = [], [], [] for dType, paths, labels, outputPath in datasets: print('[INFO] building {}...'.format(outputPath)) widgets = [ 'Building List: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(paths), widgets=widgets).start() f = open(outputPath, 'w') for i, (path, label) in enumerate(zip(paths, labels)): row = '\t'.join([str(i), str(label), path]) f.write('{}\n'.format(row)) if dType == 'train': image = cv2.imread(path) b, g, r = cv2.mean(image)[:3] R.append(r) G.append(g) B.append(b) pbar.update(i)
def __init__(self, body_pose, *args, **kwargs): # Necessary Paths ## Download these and specify file paths protoFile = "Pose-Estimation-Clean-master/models/pose/mpi/pose_deploy_linevec.prototxt" weightsFile = "Pose-Estimation-Clean-master/models/pose/mpi/pose_iter_160000.caffemodel" global path video_path = path csv_path = 'body_pose_output.csv' # Load the model and the weights net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(protoFile, weightsFile) # Store the input video specifics cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) n_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) ok, frame = #(frameHeight, frameWidth) = cap.frame.shape[:2] #h = 500 #w = int((h/frameHeight) * frameWidth) h = 500 w = 890 # Dimensions for inputing into the model inHeight = 368 inWidth = 368 # Set up the progressbar widgets = [ "--[INFO]-- Analyzing Video: ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=n_frames, widgets=widgets).start() p = 0 data = [] previous_x, previous_y = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Define the output out_path = 'outputs/out_11.mp4' output = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, 0, fps, (w, h)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP44') writer = None (f_h, f_w) = (h, w) zeros = None # There are 15 points in the skeleton pairs = [ [0, 1], # head [1, 2], [1, 5], # sholders [2, 3], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], # arms [1, 14], [14, 11], [14, 8], # hips [8, 9], [9, 10], [11, 12], [12, 13] ] # legs # probability threshold fro prediction of the coordinates thresh = 0.4 circle_color, line_color = (0, 255, 255), (0, 255, 0) # Start the iteration while True: ok, frame = if ok != True: break frame = cv2.resize(frame, (w, h), cv2.INTER_AREA) frame_copy = np.copy(frame) # Input the frame into the model inpBlob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame_copy, 1.0 / 255, (inWidth, inHeight), (0, 0, 0), swapRB=False, crop=False) net.setInput(inpBlob) output = net.forward() H = output.shape[2] W = output.shape[3] points = [] x_data, y_data = [], [] # Iterate through the returned output and store the data for i in range(15): probMap = output[0, i, :, :] minVal, prob, minLoc, point = cv2.minMaxLoc(probMap) x = (w * point[0]) / W y = (h * point[1]) / H if prob > thresh: points.append((int(x), int(y))) x_data.append(x) y_data.append(y) else: points.append((0, 0)) x_data.append(previous_x[i]) y_data.append(previous_y[i]) for i in range(len(points)):, (points[i][0], points[i][1]), 2, circle_color, -1) for pair in pairs: partA = pair[0] partB = pair[1] cv2.line(frame_copy, points[partA], points[partB], line_color, 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) if writer is None: writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, (f_w, f_h), True) zeros = np.zeros((f_h, f_w), dtype="uint8") writer.write(cv2.resize(frame_copy, (f_w, f_h))) cv2.imshow('Body pose analysis', frame_copy) data.append(x_data + y_data) previous_x, previous_y = x_data, y_data p += 1 pbar.update(p) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break # Save the output data from the video in CSV format df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.to_csv(csv_path, index=False) print('save complete') pbar.finish() cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def validate(root, client, dbname, password): crypto = None token = None base = os.path.join(root, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(base) if password: crypto = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) token = crypto.encryptFilename(client) db = TardisDB.TardisDB(os.path.join(base, dbname), token=token, backup=False) regen = Regenerate.Regenerator(cache, db, crypto) conn = db.conn cur = conn.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM CheckSums WHERE IsFile = 1") row = cur.fetchone() num = row[0] print "Checksums: %d" % (num) cur = conn.execute( "SELECT Checksum FROM CheckSums WHERE IsFile = 1 ORDER BY Checksum ASC" ) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=[ pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Counter(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Timer() ], maxval=num) pbar.start() row = cur.fetchone() i = 1 while row is not None: pbar.update(i) i += 1 try: checksum = row['Checksum'] if not checksum in checked: try: f = regen.recoverChecksum(checksum) if f: m = hashlib.md5() d = * 1024) while d: m.update(d) d = * 1024) res = m.hexdigest() if res != checksum: print "Checksums don't match. Expected: %s, result %s" % ( checksum, res) checked[checksum] = 0 output.write(checksum + '\n') output.flush() else: checked[checksum] = 1 valid.write(checksum + "\n") except Exception as e: print "Caught exception processing %s: %s" % (checksum, str(e)) output.write(checksum + '\n') output.flush() row = cur.fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print "Caught operational error. DB is probably locked. Sleeping for a bit" time.sleep(90) pbar.finish()
def _execute_plan(self, created_plan, dryrun): """Execute a created plan.""" self._action_successful = None if created_plan.status_int == 204: self._action_successful = True return 'GLU Console message: %s' % (created_plan.status.split( ' ', 1)[-1]) url2uri_pat = r'https?://[-.:\w]+/(?:.*?/)?%s/' % self.uri_path # unique identifier for the plan just created plan_url = created_plan['location'] plan_url = re.sub(url2uri_pat, '', plan_url) logger.debug('plan url = %s', plan_url) # inspect execution plan here, if you need exec_plan = self._do_request(plan_url, 'GET') logger.debug('body = %s', exec_plan.body) if dryrun: self._action_successful = True return exec_plan.body # execute the plan plan_url += '/execution''executing plan: %s', plan_url) plan_status = self._do_request(plan_url, 'POST') # check status of plan execution status_url = plan_status['location'] status_url = re.sub(url2uri_pat, '', status_url)'status url = %s', status_url) # wait until plan is 100% executed. completed = re.compile(r'^100') if use_progressbar: widgets = [ ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(marker='*', left='[', right=']'), ' ', progressbar.ETA(), ' ' ] progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=100) progress.start() while 1: progress_status = self._do_request(status_url, 'HEAD') complete_status = progress_status['x-glu-completion'] percent_complete = re.split(':', complete_status) if not completed.match(complete_status): if use_progressbar: progress.update(int(percent_complete[0])) else:'InProgress: %s%% complete', percent_complete[0]) else: if use_progressbar: progress.finish() else:'Completed : %s', complete_status) break time.sleep(2) self._action_successful = complete_status.startswith('100:COMPLETED') return complete_status
def train_model(train_trees, val_trees, labels, embeddings, embedding_lookup, opt): max_acc = 0.0 logdir = opt.model_path batch_size = opt.train_batch_size epochs = opt.niter num_feats = len(embeddings[0]) random.shuffle(train_trees) nodes_node, children_node, codecaps_node = network.init_net_treecaps( num_feats, len(labels)) codecaps_node = tf.identity(codecaps_node, name="codecaps_node") out_node = network.out_layer(codecaps_node) labels_node, loss_node = network.loss_layer(codecaps_node, len(labels)) optimizer = RAdamOptimizer( train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss_node) ### init the graph sess = tf.Session() # Initialize the variables (i.e. assign their default value) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.name_scope('saver'): saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(logdir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: print("Continue training with old model") saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) for i, var in enumerate(saver._var_list): print('Var {}: {}'.format(i, var)) checkfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'tree_network.ckpt') print("Begin training..........") num_batches = len(train_trees) // batch_size + ( 1 if len(train_trees) % batch_size != 0 else 0) for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(train_trees), widgets=[ progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage() ]) bar.start() for i, batch in enumerate( sampling.batch_samples( sampling.gen_samples(train_trees, labels, embeddings, embedding_lookup), batch_size)): nodes, children, batch_labels = batch step = (epoch - 1) * num_batches + i * batch_size if not nodes: continue _, err, out = [train_step, loss_node, out_node], feed_dict={ nodes_node: nodes, children_node: children, labels_node: batch_labels }) bar.update(i + 1) bar.finish() correct_labels = [] predictions = [] logits = [] for batch in sampling.batch_samples( sampling.gen_samples(val_trees, labels, embeddings, embedding_lookup), 1): nodes, children, batch_labels = batch output =[out_node], feed_dict={ nodes_node: nodes, children_node: children }) correct_labels.append(np.argmax(batch_labels)) predictions.append(np.argmax(output)) logits.append(output) target_names = list(labels) acc = accuracy_score(correct_labels, predictions) if (acc > max_acc): max_acc = acc, checkfile) + '/logits', np.array(logits)) + '/correct', np.array(correct_labels)) print('Epoch', str(epoch), 'Accuracy:', acc, 'Max Acc: ', max_acc) csv_log.write(str(epoch) + ',' + str(acc) + ',' + str(max_acc) + '\n') print("Finish all iters, storring the whole model..........")
# if the results do not match else: print("Query: " + str(each)) print("Intervals: " + str(arr)) # returns the stats return [(acc / queryNum) * 100, sum(bruteTime), sum(segmentTime)] if __name__ == "__main__": n = 20000 # number of different tests err = 0 # number of errors bruteForceTime = [] # storing the time stats segmentTreeTime = [] # storing the time stats # instantiating the progress bar bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=n, \ widgets = [progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) print("Running " + str(n) + " Randomized Tests...") bar.start() # runnning for values of n for i in range(1, n, 50): bar.update(i + 1) var = randomTest(i) acc = var[0] bruteTime = var[1] segmentTime = var[2] bruteForceTime.append(bruteTime) segmentTreeTime.append(segmentTime) # if the results for 100 queries do not match if acc != 100: print("Something Went Wrong!!!") err = 1
def search_query(self): @retry(elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError, tries=TIMES_TO_TRY) def next_scroll(scroll_id): return self.es_conn.scroll(scroll=self.scroll_time, scroll_id=scroll_id) search_args = dict( index=','.join(self.opts.index_prefixes), scroll=self.scroll_time, size=self.opts.scroll_size, terminate_after=self.opts.max_results ) if self.opts.doc_types: search_args['doc_type'] = self.opts.doc_types if self.opts.query.startswith('@'): query_file = self.opts.query[1:] if os.path.exists(query_file): with open(query_file, 'r') as f: self.opts.query = else: print('No such file: %s' % query_file) exit(1) if self.opts.raw_query: try: query = json.loads(self.opts.query) except ValueError as e: print('Invalid JSON syntax in query. %s' % e) exit(1) search_args['body'] = query else: query = self.opts.query if not self.opts.tags else '%s AND tags:%s' % ( self.opts.query, '(%s)' % ' AND '.join(self.opts.tags)) search_args['q'] = query if '_all' not in self.opts.fields: search_args['_source_include'] = ','.join(self.opts.fields) self.csv_headers.extend([field for field in self.opts.fields if '*' not in field]) if self.opts.debug_mode: print('Using these indices: %s' % ', '.join(self.opts.index_prefixes)) print('Query[%s]: %s' % (('Query DSL', json.dumps(query)) if self.opts.raw_query else ('Lucene', query))) print('Output field(s): %s' % ', '.join(self.opts.fields)) res =**search_args) self.num_results = res['hits']['total'] print('Found %s results' % self.num_results) if self.opts.debug_mode: print(json.dumps(res)) if self.num_results > 0: open(self.opts.output_file, 'w').close() open(self.tmp_file, 'w').close() hit_list = [] total_lines = 0 widgets = ['Run query ', progressbar.Bar(left='[', marker='#', right=']'), progressbar.FormatLabel(' [%(value)i/%(max)i] ['), progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.FormatLabel('] [%(elapsed)s] ['), progressbar.ETA(), '] [', progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(unit='docs'), ']' ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self.num_results).start() while total_lines != self.num_results: if res['_scroll_id'] not in self.scroll_ids: self.scroll_ids.append(res['_scroll_id']) if not res['hits']['hits']: print('Scroll[%s] expired(multiple reads?). Saving loaded data.' % res['_scroll_id']) break for hit in res['hits']['hits']: total_lines += 1 bar.update(total_lines) hit_list.append(hit) if len(hit_list) == FLUSH_BUFFER: self.flush_to_file(hit_list) hit_list = [] if self.opts.max_results: if total_lines == self.opts.max_results: self.flush_to_file(hit_list) print('Hit max result limit: %s records' % self.opts.max_results) return res = next_scroll(res['_scroll_id']) self.flush_to_file(hit_list) bar.finish()
def __backpropagation_loop(self): # backpropagation loop # epoch count starts at one epoch = 1 training_errors = [] repeat = True target_training_error_reached = False if self.params['validating']: validation_errors = [] validation_error_best = 1000.0 training_error_best = 0.0 epoch_best = 0 # initialise progress bar for console progress_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( maxval=self.params['max_epochs'], widgets=[progressbar.Bar( '=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) progress_bar.start() while repeat: training_error = 0.0 progress_bar.update(epoch) for pattern in self.training_patterns: # load pattern input_pattern = pattern[:self.params['input_dimensions']] # set bias 'output' outputs_l_j = mlp_functions.initialise_bias(self.params) # add input pattern to 'output' of layer 0 outputs_l_j[0].extend(input_pattern) # forward pass outputs_l_j = mlp_functions.forward_pass( self.params, self.neurons_l, self.weights_l_i_j, outputs_l_j) # update training_error output_pattern = pattern[self.params['input_dimensions']: self.last_output] teacher_i = [] # account for i = 0 teacher_i.append(None) teacher_i.extend(output_pattern) training_error = mlp_functions.update_ms_error( self.neurons_l, training_error, teacher_i, outputs_l_j) # calculate errors errors_l_i = mlp_functions.calculate_errors( self.params, self.neurons_l, self.weights_l_i_j, teacher_i, outputs_l_j) # update weights self.weights_l_i_j = mlp_functions.update_weights( self.params, self.neurons_l, self.weights_l_i_j, errors_l_i, outputs_l_j) # calculate rms training error training_error = mlp_functions.calculate_rms_error( self.params['output_function'], training_error, self.neurons_l[-1], len(self.training_patterns) ) # write out epoch training_error training_errors.append(training_error) # Write out weights and errors if specified if self.params['save_network']: if epoch % self.params['save_network_resolution'] == 0: # append results to file headers = (['epoch'] + ['weight_%s_%s_%s' % (l+1, i+1, j) for l in range(len(self.weights_l_i_j[1:])) for i in range(len(self.weights_l_i_j[l+1][1:])) for j in range(len(self.weights_l_i_j[l+1][i+1]))] + ['error_%s_%s' % (l+1, i+1) for l in range(len(errors_l_i[1:])) for i in range(len(errors_l_i[l+1][1:]))]) result = [epoch] result.extend( [j for l in range(len(self.weights_l_i_j[1:])) for i in range(len(self.weights_l_i_j[l+1][1:])) for j in self.weights_l_i_j[l+1][i+1]]) result.extend( [i for l in range(len(errors_l_i[1:])) for i in errors_l_i[l+1][1:]]) io_functions.write_result_row( 'results/%s_weights.csv' % self.results_filename, headers, result) if self.params['validating']: validation_error = 0.0 for pattern in self.validation_patterns: # load pattern input_pattern = pattern[:self.params['input_dimensions']] # set bias 'output' outputs_l_j = mlp_functions.initialise_bias(self.params) # add input pattern to 'output' of layer 0 outputs_l_j[0].extend(input_pattern) # forward pass outputs_l_j = mlp_functions.forward_pass( self.params, self.neurons_l, self.weights_l_i_j, outputs_l_j) # update validation error output_pattern = pattern[self.params['input_dimensions']: self.last_output] teacher_i = [] # account for i = 0 teacher_i.append(None) teacher_i.extend(output_pattern) validation_error = mlp_functions.update_ms_error( self.neurons_l, validation_error, teacher_i, outputs_l_j) # calculate rms validation error validation_error = mlp_functions.calculate_rms_error( self.params['output_function'], validation_error, self.neurons_l[-1], len(self.validation_patterns) ) # make sure validation error is dropping if validation_error < validation_error_best: validation_error_best = validation_error best_weights_l_i_j = list(self.weights_l_i_j) epoch_best = epoch validation_errors.append(validation_error) # record when target training error was reached if not target_training_error_reached: epoch_target_training_error = epoch if training_error < self.target_training_error: target_training_error_reached = True # network training halting conditions if self.params['stop_at_target_training_error']: if (training_error < self.target_training_error or epoch == self.params['max_epochs']): repeat = False else: if epoch == self.params['max_epochs']: repeat = False # finally, increment the epoch epoch += 1 # reverse effects of standardiser on error when we only have a single output # only modifies error with numeric standardised outputs and scaled outputs if self.params['output_dimensions'] == 1: if data_processing.is_scale_type(self.variable_types[-1]): training_destandardiser_error = data_processing.Destandardiser( [[item] for item in training_errors], [self.variable_types[-1]]) training_destandardiser_error.destandardise_by_type() training_errors = [ item[0] for item in training_destandardiser_error.patterns_out] if self.params['validating']: validation_destandardiser_error = data_processing.Destandardiser( [[item] for item in validation_errors], [self.variable_types[-1]]) validation_destandardiser_error.destandardise_by_type() validation_errors = [ item[0] for item in validation_destandardiser_error.patterns_out] elif self.variable_types[-1] == 'numeric': training_destandardiser_error = data_processing.Destandardiser( [[item] for item in training_errors], [self.variable_types[-1]], variables_mean=[0], variables_std=[self.training_standardiser.variables_std[-1]]) training_destandardiser_error.destandardise_by_type() training_errors = [ item[0] for item in training_destandardiser_error.patterns_out] if self.params['validating']: validation_destandardiser_error = data_processing.Destandardiser( [[item] for item in validation_errors], [self.variable_types[-1]], variables_mean=[0], variables_std=[self.training_standardiser.variables_std[-1]]) validation_destandardiser_error.destandardise_by_type() validation_errors = [ item[0] for item in validation_destandardiser_error.patterns_out] # data for summary results self.training_errors = training_errors self.epoch_end = epoch - 1 # subtract one as increment occurs before while loop ends self.epoch_target_training_error = epoch_target_training_error self.training_error_end = training_errors[-1] if self.params['validating']: self.best_weights_l_i_j = best_weights_l_i_j self.validation_errors = validation_errors self.validation_error_end = validation_errors[-1] self.training_error_best = training_errors[epoch_best - 1] # epoch indexed from 1 self.validation_error_best = validation_errors[epoch_best - 1] # epoch indexed from 1 self.epoch_best = epoch_best # write out detailed results if specified if self.params['save_detailed']: headers = (['epoch'] + ['training_error'] + ['validation_error'] ) for epoch_index, training_error in enumerate(training_errors): result = [] if self.params['validating']: result.append(epoch_index + 1) # start epoch count at one result.append(training_error) result.append(validation_errors[epoch_index]) else: result.append(epoch_index + 1) result.append(training_error) io_functions.write_result_row( 'results/%s_detailed.csv' % self.results_filename, headers, result)
print("[INFO] loading network...") model = VGG16(weights="imagenet", include_top=False) # initialize the HDF5 dataset writer, then store the class label # names in the dataset dataset = HDF5DatasetWriter((len(imagePaths), 512 * 7 * 7), args["output"], dataKey="features", bufSize=args["buffer_size"]) dataset.storeClassLabels(le.classes_) # initialize the progress bar widgets = [ "Extracting Features: ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(imagePaths), widgets=widgets).start() # loop over the images in patches for i in np.arange(0, len(imagePaths), bs): # extract the batch of images and labels, then initialize the # list of actual images that will be passed through the network # for feature extraction batchPaths = imagePaths[i:i + bs] batchLabels = labels[i:i + bs] batchImages = [] # loop over the images and labels in the current batch for (j, imagePath) in enumerate(batchPaths):
def train_model(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, train_lemmas, train_feat_dicts, train_words, dev_lemmas, dev_feat_dicts, dev_words, alphabet_index, inverse_alphabet_index, epochs, optimization, results_file_path, morph_index, train_aligned_pairs, dev_aligned_pairs, feat_index, feature_types): print 'training...' np.random.seed(17) random.seed(17) if optimization == 'ADAM': trainer = AdamTrainer(model, lam=REGULARIZATION, alpha=LEARNING_RATE, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, eps=1e-8) elif optimization == 'MOMENTUM': trainer = MomentumSGDTrainer(model) elif optimization == 'SGD': trainer = SimpleSGDTrainer(model) elif optimization == 'ADAGRAD': trainer = AdagradTrainer(model) elif optimization == 'ADADELTA': trainer = AdadeltaTrainer(model) else: trainer = SimpleSGDTrainer(model) total_loss = 0 best_avg_dev_loss = 999 best_dev_accuracy = -1 best_train_accuracy = -1 patience = 0 train_len = len(train_words) epochs_x = [] train_loss_y = [] dev_loss_y = [] train_accuracy_y = [] dev_accuracy_y = [] # progress bar init widgets = [progressbar.Bar('>'), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] train_progress_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=epochs).start() avg_loss = -1 for e in xrange(epochs): # randomize the training set indices = range(train_len) random.shuffle(indices) train_set = zip(train_lemmas, train_feat_dicts, train_words, train_aligned_pairs) train_set = [train_set[i] for i in indices] # compute loss for each example and update for i, example in enumerate(train_set): lemma, feats, word, alignment = example loss = one_word_loss(model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, lemma, feats, word, alphabet_index, alignment, feat_index, feature_types) loss_value = loss.value() total_loss += loss_value loss.backward() trainer.update() if i > 0: avg_loss = total_loss / float(i + e * train_len) else: avg_loss = total_loss if EARLY_STOPPING: # get train accuracy train_predictions = predict_templates( model, decoder_rnn, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, alphabet_index, inverse_alphabet_index, train_lemmas, train_feat_dicts, feat_index, feature_types) print 'train:' train_accuracy = evaluate_model(train_predictions, train_lemmas, train_feat_dicts, train_words, feature_types, False)[1] if train_accuracy > best_train_accuracy: best_train_accuracy = train_accuracy dev_accuracy = 0 avg_dev_loss = 0 if len(dev_lemmas) > 0: # get dev accuracy dev_predictions = predict_templates(model, decoder_rnn, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, alphabet_index, inverse_alphabet_index, dev_lemmas, dev_feat_dicts, feat_index, feature_types) print 'dev:' # get dev accuracy dev_accuracy = evaluate_model(dev_predictions, dev_lemmas, dev_feat_dicts, dev_words, feature_types, False)[1] if dev_accuracy > best_dev_accuracy: best_dev_accuracy = dev_accuracy # save best model to disk save_pycnn_model(model, results_file_path, morph_index) print 'saved new best model' patience = 0 else: patience += 1 # found "perfect" model if dev_accuracy == 1: train_progress_bar.finish() if not PARALLELIZE: plt.cla() return model # get dev loss total_dev_loss = 0 for i in xrange(len(dev_lemmas)): total_dev_loss += one_word_loss( model, encoder_frnn, encoder_rrnn, decoder_rnn, dev_lemmas[i], dev_feat_dicts[i], dev_words[i], alphabet_index, dev_aligned_pairs[i], feat_index, feature_types).value() avg_dev_loss = total_dev_loss / float(len(dev_lemmas)) if avg_dev_loss < best_avg_dev_loss: best_avg_dev_loss = avg_dev_loss print 'epoch: {0} train loss: {1:.2f} dev loss: {2:.2f} dev accuracy: {3:.2f} train accuracy = {4:.2f} \ best dev accuracy {5:.2f} best train accuracy: {6:.2f} patience = {7}'.format( e, avg_loss, avg_dev_loss, dev_accuracy, train_accuracy, best_dev_accuracy, best_train_accuracy, patience) if patience == MAX_PATIENCE: print 'out of patience after {0} epochs'.format(str(e)) # TODO: would like to return best model but pycnn has a bug with save and load. Maybe copy via code? # return best_model[0] train_progress_bar.finish() if not PARALLELIZE: plt.cla() return model else: # if no dev set is present, optimize on train set print 'no dev set for early stopping, running all epochs until perfectly fitting or patience was \ reached on the train set' if train_accuracy > best_train_accuracy: best_train_accuracy = train_accuracy # save best model to disk save_pycnn_model(model, results_file_path, morph_index) print 'saved new best model' patience = 0 else: patience += 1 print 'epoch: {0} train loss: {1:.2f} train accuracy = {2:.2f} best train accuracy: {3:.2f} \ patience = {4}'.format(e, avg_loss, train_accuracy, best_train_accuracy, patience) # found "perfect" model on train set or patience has reached if train_accuracy == 1 or patience == MAX_PATIENCE: train_progress_bar.finish() if not PARALLELIZE: plt.cla() return model # update lists for plotting train_accuracy_y.append(train_accuracy) epochs_x.append(e) train_loss_y.append(avg_loss) dev_loss_y.append(avg_dev_loss) dev_accuracy_y.append(dev_accuracy) # finished epoch train_progress_bar.update(e) if not PARALLELIZE: with'fivethirtyeight'): p1, = plt.plot(epochs_x, dev_loss_y, label='dev loss') p2, = plt.plot(epochs_x, train_loss_y, label='train loss') p3, = plt.plot(epochs_x, dev_accuracy_y, label='dev acc.') p4, = plt.plot(epochs_x, train_accuracy_y, label='train acc.') plt.legend(loc='upper left', handles=[p1, p2, p3, p4]) plt.savefig(results_file_path + '_' + morph_index + '.png') train_progress_bar.finish() if not PARALLELIZE: plt.cla() print 'finished training. average loss: ' + str(avg_loss) return model
def main(argv): output_file = None shp_path = None for opt, arg in argv: if opt in ("--input-path"): shp_path = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output-file"): output_file =, "w", "utf_8_sig") elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): printHelp() if output_file is None or shp_path is None: printHelp() shpfile = dbf.Dbf(shp_path + "/Streets.dbf") rdms = dbf.Dbf(shp_path + "/Rdms.dbf") zlevels = openShapefile(shp_path + "/Zlevels") cdms = dbf.Dbf(shp_path + "/Cdms.dbf") nodes_file_ = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() nodes_file =, "r+w", "utf-8") ways_file_ = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ways_file =, "r+w", "utf-8") relations_file = [] relations_file.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()) relations_file.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()) relations_file.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()) relations_file.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()) relations_file.append(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()) widgets = [ 'Importing data from NavTeq Shapes: ', progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.AnimatedMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] maxval = 2 * len(shpfile) + zlevels.numRecords progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=maxval).start() progress.update(0) process(zlevels, rdms, cdms, shpfile, nodes_file, ways_file, progress, relations_file) if not progress is None: progress.finish() #Free memory: shpfile = None progress = None rdms = None n = None via = None record = None restriction_id = None restriction_type = None way_from = None way_to = None global numlines progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[ 'Writing data to file .osm, please wait: ', progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar(marker=progressbar.AnimatedMarker()), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ], maxval=numlines + 10).start() progress.update(0) output_file.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>") output_file.write('\n') output_file.write(" <osm version='0.6' generator='navteq2osm'>") output_file.write('\n') output_file.flush() nodes_file.flush() while 1: lines = nodes_file.readlines(200) if not lines: break else: for line in lines: output_file.write(line) try: progress.update(progress.currval + 1) except: pass if random.random() > 0.8: output_file.flush() nodes_file.close() nodes_file_.close() ways_file.flush() while 1: lines = ways_file.readlines(200) if not lines: break else: for line in lines: output_file.write(line) try: progress.update(progress.currval + 1) except: pass if random.random() > 0.8: output_file.flush() ways_file.close() ways_file_.close() for rfile in relations_file: rfile.flush() while 1: lines = rfile.readlines(200) if not lines: break else: for line in lines: output_file.write(line) try: progress.update(progress.currval + 1) except: pass if random.random() > 0.8: output_file.flush() rfile.close() output_file.write(' </osm>') output_file.write('\n') output_file.flush() output_file.close() progress.finish()
def embed(num_epoch, coauthor_graph, author_work_graph, work_graph, bpr_optimizer, pp_sampler, pd_sampler, dd_sampler, ground_truth_dict, evaluation, sampler_method='uniform'): num_nnz = work_graph.number_of_edges() + \ coauthor_graph.number_of_edges() + \ author_work_graph.number_of_edges() bpr_optimizer.init_model(coauthor_graph, work_graph) if sampler_method == 'uniform': for epoch in range(num_epoch): print('Epoch: {}'.format(epoch)) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=num_nnz, \ widgets=[progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) bar.start() bpr_loss = 0.0 for bu in range(num_nnz): """ update embedding in person-person network update embedding in person-document network update embedding in doc-doc network """ bar.update(bu) for i, j, t in pp_sampler.generate_triplet_uniform(coauthor_graph): bpr_optimizer.update_pp_gradient(i, j, t) bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pp_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in pd_sampler.generate_triplet_uniform(author_work_graph, coauthor_graph, work_graph): bpr_optimizer.update_pd_gradient(i, j, t) bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pd_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in dd_sampler.generate_triplet_uniform(work_graph): bpr_optimizer.update_dd_gradient(i, j, t) bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_dd_loss(i, j, t) bar.finish() average_loss = float(bpr_loss) / num_nnz print('\n Average BPR loss: {}'.format(average_loss)) average_f1 = evaluation(ground_truth_dict, bpr_optimizer) print('F1: {} \n'.format(average_f1)) elif sampler_method == 'reject': for _ in range(num_epoch): #bpr_loss = 0.0 for _ in xrange(0, num_nnz): """ update embedding in person-person network update embedding in person-document network update embedding in doc-doc network """ for i, j, t in pp_sampler.generate_triplet_reject(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_pp_gradient(i, j, t) #bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pp_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in pd_sampler.generate_triplet_reject(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_pd_gradient(i, j, t) #bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pd_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in dd_sampler.generate_triplet_reject(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_dd_gradient(i, j, t) #bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_dd_loss(i, j, t) elif sampler_method == 'adaptive': for _ in xrange(0, num_epoch): #bpr_loss = 0.0 for _ in xrange(0, num_nnz): """ update embedding in person-person network update embedding in person-document network update embedding in doc-doc network """ for i, j, t in pp_sampler.generate_triplet_adaptive(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_pp_gradient(i, j, t) #bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pp_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in pd_sampler.generate_triplet_adaptive(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_pd_gradient(i, j, t) #bpr_loss += bpr_optimizer.compute_pd_loss(i, j, t) for i, j, t in dd_sampler.generate_triplet_adaptive(dataset, bpr_optimizer): bpr_optimizer.update_dd_gradient(i, j, t)
from collections import OrderedDict from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as sl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.path import Path from shapely.geometry import LineString import json import os.path from subprocess import call Panoptes.connect() widgets = [ 'Aggregate: ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker='0', left='[', right=']'), ' ', pb.ETA() ] # metadata on each subject is in this format metadata_dtype = [('ra', '>f4'), ('dec', '>f4'), ('MANGAID', 'S11'), ('IAUNAME', 'S19'), ('IFUDESIGNSIZE', '>f8'), ('#MANGA_TILEID', '>f8'), ('NSAID', '>i8'), ('explorer_link', 'S90'), ('GZ2_total_classifications', '>i2'), ('GZ2_bar_votes', '>i2'), ('GZ2_spiral_votes', '>i2'), ('specobjid', '>i8'), ('dr7objid', '>i8'), ('dr8objid', '>i8'), ('gz2_sample', 'S70')] def define_wcs(ra, dec, scale=0.099, size_pix=np.array([525, 525])):
def main(): seeding() parallel_envs = 4 number_of_episodes = 1000 episode_length = 80 batchsize = 1000 save_interval = 1000 t = 0 # amplitude of OU noise, which slowly decreases to 0 noise = 2 noise_reduction = 0.9999 # how many episodes before update episode_per_update = 2 * parallel_envs log_path = os.getcwd() + "/log" model_dir = os.getcwd() + "/model_dir" os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) torch.set_num_threads(parallel_envs) """ `env` controls three agents, two blue, one red. env.observation_space: [Box(14,), Box(14,), Box(14,)] env.action_sapce: [Box(2,), Box(2,), Box(2,)] Box(14,) can be broken down into 2+3*2+3*2=14 (2) location coordinates of the target landmark (3*2) the three agents' positions w.r.t. the target landmark (3*2) the three agents' velocities w.r.t. the target landmark """ env = envs.make_parallel_env(parallel_envs) # keep 5000 episodes worth of replay buffer = ReplayBuffer(int(5000 * episode_length)) # initialize policy and critic maddpg = MADDPG() logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_path) agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] agent2_reward = [] # training loop # show progressbar import progressbar as pb widget = [ 'episode: ', pb.Counter(), '/', str(number_of_episodes), ' ', pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.ETA(), ' ', pb.Bar(marker=pb.RotatingMarker()), ' ' ] timer = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=number_of_episodes).start() # use keep_awake to keep workspace from disconnecting for episode in keep_awake(range(0, number_of_episodes, parallel_envs)): timer.update(episode) reward_this_episode = np.zeros((parallel_envs, 3)) # Consult `` line 19. all_obs = env.reset() """ `all_abs` is a list of size `parallel_envs`, each item in the list is another list of size two, first is env.observation_space: [Box(14,), Box(14,), Box(14,)], second is [Box(14,)], which is added to faciliate training `obs` and `obs_full` are both lists of size `parallel_envs`, `obs` has the default observation space [Box(14,), Box(14,), Box(14,)] `obs_full` has the compounded observation space [Box(14,)] """ obs, obs_full = transpose_list(all_obs) # for calculating rewards for one episode - addition of all time steps # save info or not save_info = ((episode) % save_interval < parallel_envs or episode == number_of_episodes - parallel_envs) frames = [] tmax = 0 if save_info: frames.append(env.render('rgb_array')) for episode_t in range(episode_length): t += parallel_envs # explore = only explore for a certain number of steps # action input needs to be transposed actions = maddpg.act(transpose_to_tensor(obs), noise=noise) noise *= noise_reduction # `actions_array` has shape (3, parallel_envs, 2) actions_array = torch.stack(actions).detach().numpy() # `actions_for_env` has shape (parallel_envs, 3, 2), because # input to `step` requires the first index to be `parallel_envs` actions_for_env = np.rollaxis(actions_array, axis=1) # step forward one frame next_obs, next_obs_full, rewards, dones, info = \ env.step(actions_for_env) # add data to buffer transition = (obs, obs_full, actions_for_env, rewards, next_obs, next_obs_full, dones) buffer.push(transition) reward_this_episode += rewards obs, obs_full = next_obs, next_obs_full # save gif frame if save_info: frames.append(env.render('rgb_array')) tmax += 1 # update the target network `parallel_envs`=4 times # after every `episode_per_update`=2*4 if len(buffer ) > batchsize and episode % episode_per_update < parallel_envs: # update the local network for all agents, `a_i` refers to agent no. for a_i in range(3): samples = buffer.sample(batchsize) maddpg.update(samples, a_i, logger) # soft update the target network towards the actual networks maddpg.update_targets() for i in range(parallel_envs): agent0_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 0]) agent1_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 1]) agent2_reward.append(reward_this_episode[i, 2]) if episode % 100 == 0 or episode == number_of_episodes - 1: avg_rewards = [ np.mean(agent0_reward), np.mean(agent1_reward), np.mean(agent2_reward) ] agent0_reward = [] agent1_reward = [] agent2_reward = [] for a_i, avg_rew in enumerate(avg_rewards): logger.add_scalar('agent%i/mean_episode_rewards' % a_i, avg_rew, episode) # Saves the model. save_dict_list = [] if save_info: for i in range(3): save_dict = { 'actor_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor.state_dict(), 'actor_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].actor_optimizer.state_dict(), 'critic_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic.state_dict(), 'critic_optim_params': maddpg.maddpg_agent[i].critic_optimizer.state_dict() } save_dict_list.append(save_dict) save_dict_list, os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.pt'.format(episode))) # Save gif files. imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(model_dir, 'episode-{}.gif'.format(episode)), frames, duration=.04) env.close() logger.close() timer.finish()