Beispiel #1
def main():
    f = open_data_file("pb83matrix.txt")
    matrix = [ [int(x) for x in line.split(",")] for line in f ]

    size = len(matrix)

    distances = [ [float("inf")]*size for i in range(size) ]

    heap = []
    heappush(heap, (matrix[0][0], 0, 0)) # distance, row, col

    # Dijkstra's algorithm, simplified
    while heap:
        distance, row, col = heappop(heap)
        neighbors = []

        if row > 0:
            neighbors.append((distance+matrix[row-1][col], row-1, col)), # up
        if col < size-1:
            neighbors.append((distance+matrix[row][col+1], row, col+1)), # right
        if row < size-1:
            neighbors.append((distance+matrix[row+1][col], row+1, col)), # down
        if col > 0:
            neighbors.append((distance+matrix[row][col-1], row, col-1)), # left

        for node in neighbors:
            if node[0] < distances[node[1]][node[2]]:
                heappush(heap, node)
                distances[node[1]][node[2]] = node[0]

        if row == col == size-1:
            return distance
Beispiel #2
def main():
    triangle_numbers = [triangle(n) for n in range(1, 100)]
    words = [word.strip('"') for word in open_data_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'words.txt')).read().split(',')]
    total = 0
    for word in words:
        if word_value(word) in triangle_numbers:
            total += 1
    print total
Beispiel #3
def main():
    cipher = [int(c) for c in open_data_file('pb59cipher.txt').read().strip().split(',')]

    candidates = ascii_lowercase

    passwords = product(candidates, candidates, candidates)
    for p in passwords:
        password = [ord(c) for c in p]
        plaintext = ''.join(list(decipher(cipher, password)))
        if is_english(plaintext):
            print sum(ord(c) for c in plaintext)
Beispiel #4
def main():
    triangle_numbers = [triangle(n) for n in range(1, 100)]
    words = [
        word.strip('"') for word in open_data_file(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'words.txt')).read().split(
    total = 0
    for word in words:
        if word_value(word) in triangle_numbers:
            total += 1
    print total
Beispiel #5
def answer():
    with open_data_file('pb98words.txt') as f:
        pair = {}
        tmp = {}
        words ='\"', '').split(',')
        for w in words:
            t = tuple(sorted(set(w)))
            if t in tmp:
                tmp[t] += [w]
                tmp[t] = [w]
        for i in tmp:
            l = len(tmp[i])
            if l > 1:
                for j in range(l - 1):
                    for m in range(j + 1, l):
                        w1 = tmp[i][j]
                        w2 = tmp[i][m]
                        if sorted(w1) == sorted(w2):
                            pair[w1, w2] = len(w1)
        pair = sorted(pair.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(y[1], x[1]))

        for (w1, w2), l in pair:
            m = 0
            s = set(w1)
            k = len(s)
            for i in itertools.combinations('9876543210', k):
                for j in itertools.permutations(i, k):
                    w4 = w1
                    for p in range(k):
                        w4 = w4.replace(list(s)[p], j[p])
                    if w4[0] != '0':
                        n1 = int(''.join(w4))

                        if check(n1):
                            w3 = w2
                            for p in range(k):
                                w3 = w3.replace(list(s)[p], j[p])
                            if w3[0] != '0':
                                n2 = int(''.join(w3))
                                if check(n2):
                                    print n1, n2, w1, w2
Beispiel #6
def answer():
	with open_data_file('pb98words.txt') as f:
		for w in words:
			if t in tmp:
			else: tmp[t]=[w]
		for i in tmp:
			if l>1:
				for j in range(l-1):
					for m in range(j+1,l):
						if sorted(w1)==sorted(w2):
		pair=sorted(pair.items(),lambda x,y:cmp(y[1],x[1]))
		for (w1,w2),l in pair:
			for i in itertools.combinations('9876543210',k):
				for j in itertools.permutations(i,k):
					for p in range(k):
					if w4[0]!='0':

						if check(n1):
							for p in range(k):
							if w3[0]!='0':
								if check(n2):
									print n1,n2,w1,w2
Beispiel #7
def main():
    f = open_data_file("pb82matrix.txt")
    matrix = [[int(x) for x in line.split(",")] for line in f]

    size = len(matrix)
    best = [row[0] for row in matrix]  # first column

    for col in range(1, size):
        column = [matrix[row][col] + best[row] for row in range(size)]

        for row in range(1, size):
            if column[row - 1] + matrix[row][col] < column[row]:
                column[row] = column[row - 1] + matrix[row][col]

        for row in range(size - 2, -1, -1):
            if column[row + 1] + matrix[row][col] < column[row]:
                column[row] = column[row + 1] + matrix[row][col]
        best = column

    return min(best)
Beispiel #8
def main():
    f = open_data_file("pb82matrix.txt")
    matrix = [ [int(x) for x in line.split(",")] for line in f ]

    size = len(matrix)
    best = [row[0] for row in matrix] # first column

    for col in range(1, size):
        column = [ matrix[row][col] + best[row] for row in range(size) ]

        for row in range(1, size):
            if column[row-1] + matrix[row][col] < column[row]:
                column[row] = column[row-1] + matrix[row][col]

        for row in range(size-2, -1, -1):
            if column[row+1] + matrix[row][col] < column[row]:
                column[row] = column[row+1] + matrix[row][col]
        best = column

    return min(best)
Beispiel #9
def main():
    """Main Program"""
    player1 = 0
    f = open_data_file('poker.txt')
    for line in f:
        x = line.split(' ')
        y = ''.join(x)
        player_one = y[0:10]
        player_two = y[10:20]
        j = examine_cards(player_one)
        t = examine_cards(player_two)
        if j == t:
            print "player_one = ", player_one
            print "player_two = ", player_two
            print "EQUAL"
        elif j < t:
        elif j > t:
            player1 += 1
    print "Answer = ", player1
Beispiel #10
def main():
    """Main Program"""
    player1 = 0
    f = open_data_file('poker.txt')
    for line in f:
        x = line.split(' ')
        y = ''.join(x)
        player_one = y[0:10]
        player_two = y[10:20]
        j = examine_cards(player_one)
        t = examine_cards(player_two)
        if j == t:
            print "player_one = ", player_one
            print "player_two = ", player_two
            print "EQUAL"
        elif j < t:
        elif j > t:
            player1 += 1
    print "Answer = ", player1
Beispiel #11
def main():
    f = open_data_file("pb83matrix.txt")
    matrix = [[int(x) for x in line.split(",")] for line in f]

    size = len(matrix)

    distances = [[float("inf")] * size for i in range(size)]

    heap = []
    heappush(heap, (matrix[0][0], 0, 0))  # distance, row, col

    # Dijkstra's algorithm, simplified
    while heap:
        distance, row, col = heappop(heap)
        neighbors = []

        if row > 0:
                (distance + matrix[row - 1][col], row - 1, col)),  # up
        if col < size - 1:
                (distance + matrix[row][col + 1], row, col + 1)),  # right
        if row < size - 1:
                (distance + matrix[row + 1][col], row + 1, col)),  # down
        if col > 0:
                (distance + matrix[row][col - 1], row, col - 1)),  # left

        for node in neighbors:
            if node[0] < distances[node[1]][node[2]]:
                heappush(heap, node)
                distances[node[1]][node[2]] = node[0]

        if row == col == size - 1:
            return distance
Beispiel #12
triangle.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), 
a 15K text file containing a triangle with one-hundred lines.

NOTE: This is a much more difficult version of Problem 18. 
It is not possible to try every route to solve this problem, 
as there are 299 altogether! If you could check one trillion 
(1012) routes every second it would take over twenty billion 
years to check them all. There is an efficient algorithm to 
solve it. ;o)

from projecteuler import open_data_file

sumlist = [0] * 200

f = open_data_file('triangle.txt')
for line in f:
    i = 0
    cells = line.split()
    sumlist_prev = sumlist[:]

    for cell in cells:
        #first number
        if i == 0:
            sumlist[i] = sumlist_prev[i] + int(cell)
        #last number
        elif i == len(cells) - 1:
            sumlist[i] = sumlist_prev[i - 1] + int(cell)
            sumlist[i] = max(sumlist_prev[i] + int(cell),
                             sumlist_prev[i - 1] + int(cell))
Beispiel #13
triangle.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), 
a 15K text file containing a triangle with one-hundred lines.

NOTE: This is a much more difficult version of Problem 18. 
It is not possible to try every route to solve this problem, 
as there are 299 altogether! If you could check one trillion 
(1012) routes every second it would take over twenty billion 
years to check them all. There is an efficient algorithm to 
solve it. ;o)

from projecteuler import open_data_file

sumlist = [0]*200

f = open_data_file('triangle.txt')
for line in f:
	i = 0
	cells = line.split()
	sumlist_prev = sumlist[:]

	for cell in cells:
		#first number
		if i == 0: 
			sumlist[i] = sumlist_prev[i] + int(cell)
		#last number
		elif i == len(cells)-1: 
			sumlist[i] = sumlist_prev[i-1] + int(cell)	
			sumlist[i] = max(sumlist_prev[i] + int(cell), sumlist_prev[i-1] + int(cell))		
		i += 1
Beispiel #14
#!/usr/bin/env python

from projecteuler import open_data_file
import time
# define a recursive function to create partial sums by row
def recSumAtRow(rowData, rowNum):
    # iterate over the given row
    for i in range(len(rowData[rowNum])):
        # add the largest of the values below-left or below-right
        rowData[rowNum][i] += max([rowData[rowNum+1][i],rowData[rowNum+1][i+1]])
    # base case
    if len(rowData[rowNum])==1: return rowData[rowNum][0]
    # recursive case
    else: return recSumAtRow(rowData, rowNum-1)
# read in the data
rows = []
with open_data_file("problem-18-data") as f:
    for line in f:
        rows.append([int(i) for i in line.rstrip('\n').split(" ")])
start = time.time()
result = recSumAtRow(rows, len(rows)-2) # start at second to last row
elapsed = time.time() - start
print "%s found in %s seconds" % (result ,elapsed)
Beispiel #15
import time

# define a recursive function to create partial sums by row
def recSumAtRow(rowData, rowNum):
    # iterate over the given row
    for i in range(len(rowData[rowNum])):
        # add the largest of the values below-left or below-right
        rowData[rowNum][i] += max(
            [rowData[rowNum + 1][i], rowData[rowNum + 1][i + 1]])
    # base case
    if len(rowData[rowNum]) == 1:
        return rowData[rowNum][0]
        # recursive case
        return recSumAtRow(rowData, rowNum - 1)

# read in the data
rows = []
with open_data_file("problem-18-data") as f:

    for line in f:
        rows.append([int(i) for i in line.rstrip('\n').split(" ")])

start = time.time()
result = recSumAtRow(rows, len(rows) - 2)  # start at second to last row
elapsed = time.time() - start

print "%s found in %s seconds" % (result, elapsed)
Beispiel #16
from projecteuler import open_data_file

# This function takes a name / password and returns its text value 
def name_score ( name ): 
    score =  0 
    #Lecture one by one letter from the word 
    for i in name : 
        #The ord function takes a character parameter and returns its ascii code ascii 
		#The of A being 65, we subtract 64 to ascii code 
        # a letter to get its position in the alphabet 
        score += ord ( i )  -  64 
    return score
file = open_data_file("022_names.txt")
#Lecture names the file and generate a list of names 
names = list ( eval ( file . read ())) 
file . close ()


result =  0

for i, name in enumerate(names):
    result += name_score(name)*(i+1)

print ( result )
Beispiel #17
from projecteuler import open_data_file

# This function takes a name / password and returns its text value
def name_score(name):
    score = 0
    #Lecture one by one letter from the word
    for i in name:
        #The ord function takes a character parameter and returns its ascii code ascii
        #The of A being 65, we subtract 64 to ascii code
        # a letter to get its position in the alphabet
        score += ord(i) - 64
    return score

file = open_data_file("022_names.txt")
#Lecture names the file and generate a list of names
names = list(eval(


result = 0

for i, name in enumerate(names):
    result += name_score(name) * (i + 1)

Beispiel #18
Created on Oct 23, 2012

@author: anuvrat
from projecteuler import open_data_file
import numpy

max_digits = max_line = line_idx = 0
for line in ( line.rstrip( '\n' ) for line in open_data_file( 'pb99baseexp.txt' ) ):
    base, exponent = map( int, line.split( ',' ) )
    digits = exponent * numpy.log10( base )
    if digits > max_digits :
        max_digits = digits
        max_line = line_idx
    line_idx += 1

print max_line + 1

Beispiel #19
bold red and is equal to 2427.

131	673	234	103	18
201	96	342	965	150
630	803	746	422	111
537	699	497	121	956
805	732	524	37	331
Find the minimal path sum, in matrix.txt (right 
	click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), a 31K text 
file containing a 80 by 80 matrix, from the top left 
to the bottom right by only moving right and down.
from projecteuler import open_data_file

f = open_data_file("pb82matrix.txt")
matrix = []
for line in f:
	numbers = [int(n) for n in line.split(',')]
num = len(matrix) - 1

for i in range(num+1):
	for j in range(num+1):
		if (i == 0 and j == 0): continue
		if (j == 0): minx = matrix[i-1][j]
		elif (i == 0): minx = matrix[i][j-1]
		else: minx = min(matrix[i-1][j], matrix[i][j-1])
		matrix[i][j] += minx

print matrix[num][num]