def main():
    # Load cleaned trajectories and respective targets
    # Y = [y1_x y1_y y1_z, ..., y2_x, y2_y, y2_z, ...]
    # O = [o1_x, o1_y, o1_z, ...]
    Y, O, _, _ = load_trajs()


    rospy.loginfo("Creating COPMP")
    copmp = CoProMP(O, Y, 3, 7, o_dt=1, dt=0.001, Sigma_y=None),
                lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(2, z, dt),
                lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(10, z, dt))
    rospy.loginfo("COPMP created")

    # Use state extractor to obtain new target
    # new_o = ...
    new_o = np.vstack(_target)

    rospy.loginfo("Getting COPMP trajectory")
    copmp.condition(new_o, 1)
    Ymp = copmp.most_probable()

    # Use trajectory executor to execute the trajectory
    # You shall turn on jtas before running this
    time = Ymp[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
    right_traj = Ymp[:, 1:7 + 1]

    rospy.loginfo("Executing COPMP")
    te = TrajectoryExecutor(time, 10, None, right_traj)
	def legible_traj_srv_handler(self, req):
		result = 1
		target = [req.x_pos, req.y_pos, req.z_pos]
		new_o = np.vstack(target)

		rospy.loginfo("Creating COPMP")
		copmp = CoProMP(self._O, self._Y, 3, 7, o_dt=1, dt=0.0001, Sigma_y=None), lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(2, z, dt),
					linear_phase, lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(10, z, dt))
		rospy.loginfo("COPMP created")

		rospy.loginfo("Conditioning COPMP to target")
		copmp.condition(new_o, 1)
		ymp = copmp.most_probable()

		time = ymp[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
		right_traj = ymp[:, 1:7 + 1]

		rospy.loginfo("Executing legible trajectory")
		te = TrajectoryExecutor(time, 10, None, right_traj)

		rospy.loginfo("Legible trajectory executed")

		return MovementResponse(result)
	def legible_traj_srv_handler(self, req):
		result = 1
		target = [req.x_pos, req.y_pos, req.z_pos]
		new_o = np.vstack(target)

		rospy.loginfo("Creating COPMP")
		copmp = CoProMP(self._O, self._Y, 3, 7, o_dt=1, dt=0.0001, Sigma_y=None), lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(2, z, dt),
					linear_phase, lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(10, z, dt))
		rospy.loginfo("COPMP created")

		rospy.loginfo("Conditioning COPMP to target")
		copmp.condition(new_o, 1)
		ymp = copmp.most_probable()

		time = ymp[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
		right_traj = ymp[:, 1:7 + 1]

		rospy.loginfo("Executing legible trajectory")
		te = TrajectoryExecutor(time, 10, None, right_traj)

		rospy.loginfo("Legible trajectory executed")

		return MovementResponse(result)
def main():
	# Load cleaned trajectories and respective targets
	# Y = [y1_x y1_y y1_z, ..., y2_x, y2_y, y2_z, ...]
	# O = [o1_x, o1_y, o1_z, ...]
	Y, O, _, _ = load_trajs()


	rospy.loginfo("Creating COPMP")
	copmp = CoProMP(O, Y, 3, 7, o_dt=1, dt=0.001, Sigma_y=None), lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(2, z, dt),
				linear_phase, lambda z, dt: normalized_gaussian_basis(10, z, dt))
	rospy.loginfo("COPMP created")

	# Use state extractor to obtain new target
	# new_o = ...
	new_o = np.vstack(_target)

	rospy.loginfo("Getting COPMP trajectory")
	copmp.condition(new_o, 1)
	Ymp = copmp.most_probable()

	# Use trajectory executor to execute the trajectory
	# You shall turn on jtas before running this
	time = Ymp[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
	right_traj = Ymp[:, 1:7 + 1]

	rospy.loginfo("Executing COPMP")
	te = TrajectoryExecutor(time, 10, None, right_traj)