Beispiel #1
    def get_suggestion(self, cli, buffer, document):
        cur_text = document.text_before_cursor
        words = None

        for regex, method_name in RULES:
            match =
            if match:
                gen_suggestions = getattr(self.sugg_gen, method_name)
                suggestions = gen_suggestions(match)
                words = suggestions

        if words:
            for sugg in words:
                return Suggestion(sugg)
            history = buffer.history

            # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
            text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]

            # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
            if text.strip():
                # Find first matching line in history.
                for string in reversed(list(history)):
                    for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                        if line.startswith(text):
                            return Suggestion(line[len(text):])
Beispiel #2
 def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
     text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
     text_parsed = shlex.split(text)
     if text != '':
         for test_command in self.commands:
             test_command_replaced = test_command
             for token in self.substitution_tokens:
                 test_command_replaced = test_command.replace(token, '')
             if len(shlex.split(text)) < 1:
                 text_replaced = text
                 text_replaced = shlex.split(text)[0]
             # self.write_file(str(text_replaced))
             if test_command_replaced.startswith(text_replaced):
                 test_command_parsed = shlex.split(test_command)
                 if len(text_parsed) <= len(test_command_parsed):
                     to_test = test_command_parsed[len(text_parsed) - 1]
                     # self.write_file('{} -> {}'.format(to_test, text_parsed[len(text_parsed)-1]))
                     if to_test in self.substitution_tokens and self.substitution_tokens[
                             to_test] is not None:
                         part_input = text_parsed[len(text_parsed) - 1]
                         part_suggested = self.substitution_tokens[to_test](
                         if part_suggested is None:
                             return Suggestion('')
                         return Suggestion(part_suggested[len(part_input):])
                     return Suggestion(to_test[len(text):])
                 return Suggestion(test_command[len(text):])
         return Suggestion('help')
Beispiel #3
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
            if "(" not in document.text or ")" in document.text:
            method, args = document.text.rsplit("(", maxsplit=1)
            base, current = _parse_document(self.locals, method)

            if isinstance(base, dict):
                fn = base[current]
                fn = getattr(base, current)
            if isinstance(fn, type):
                fn = fn.__init__

            if hasattr(fn, "_autosuggest"):
                inputs = fn._autosuggest()
                inputs = [f" {i}" for i in fn.__code__.co_varnames[: fn.__code__.co_argcount]]
                if fn.__defaults__:
                    for i in range(-1, -1 - len(fn.__defaults__), -1):
                        inputs[i] = f"{inputs[i]}={fn.__defaults__[i]}"
                if inputs and inputs[0] in (" self", " cls"):
                    inputs = inputs[1:]
            if not args and not inputs:
                return Suggestion(")")

            args = args.split(",")
            inputs[0] = inputs[0][1:]
            remaining_inputs = inputs[len(args) - 1 :]
            remaining_inputs[0] = remaining_inputs[0][len(args[-1]) :]

            return Suggestion(",".join(remaining_inputs) + ")")

        except Exception:
Beispiel #4
    def get_suggestion(self, cli, buffer, document):
        in_quote = False
        for word in document.text.split(' '):
            if not in_quote and word.startswith('"'):
                in_quote = True
            elif in_quote and word.endswith('"'):
                in_quote = False

        # If the last word is in a quote, don't suggest anything.
        if in_quote:
            return None

        args = shlex.split(document.text)
        if len(args) == 0:
            return None

        args = list(args)
        if document.text.endswith(' '):

        command_name = args.pop(0)
        if len(args) == 0:
            for name in sorted(self.commands.commands):
                if name.startswith(command_name):
                    return Suggestion(name[len(command_name):])

            command = self.commands.command(command_name)
        except UnknownCommand:
            return None

        suggestion = command.suggest_tail(*args)
        if suggestion is None:
            return self.history_suggester.get_suggestion(cli, buffer, document)
        return Suggestion(suggestion)
Beispiel #5
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        completer = buffer.completer.get_completer()
        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
        # Consider only last word:

        for tw in text.split():
            for kw in completer.words:
               if tw.startswith(kw):
                   text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ')

        # Make the last word a '' if text ends with a space:
        text_words = text.split()
        if len(text) == 0 or text[-1].isspace():
        text = text_words[-1]
        completer.bottom = text

        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if text.strip():
            # Find first matching line in history.
            for string in completer.words:
                for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                    if line.startswith(text):
                        return Suggestion(line[len(text):])
Beispiel #6
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        w = document.get_word_before_cursor()

        if w in completions:
            return Suggestion(completions[w])

        return None
Beispiel #7
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        completer = buffer.completer.get_completer()
        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if text == '' or text[-1].isspace() or text[-1] == ':':

        # Consider only two last words:
        words = text.split()
        if ':' in words[-1]:
            key, word = words[-1].split(':')[-2:]
            key = key + ':'
        elif len(words) > 1:
            key, word = words[-2:]
            key, word = '', words[-1]

        if key in completer.words:
            options = np.unique([
                for bib in completer.bibs
                if getattr(bib,key[:-1]) is not None])
            options = completer.words

        # Find first matching line in history.
        for string in options:
            for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                if line.startswith(word):
                    return Suggestion(line[len(word):])
Beispiel #8
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        # Get filename
        with self.ctx:
            cmds = [
                i for i in split_pipeline(
                    split_args(document.current_line, echo_errors=False))
        if len(cmds) == 0:
            return Suggestion(text='')
        if len(cmds[-1]) == 0:
            return Suggestion(text='')
        filename = cmds[-1][-1]

        # Get completion
        possible_filenames = glob.glob(filename + '*')
        if len(possible_filenames) == 0:
            return Suggestion(text='')
            return Suggestion(text=possible_filenames[0][len(filename):])
Beispiel #9
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
            text = "\n".join(self.console.buffer + [document.text])
            base, _, comma_data = _parse_document(self.locals, text)

            # find the active function call
            del base[-1]
            while base[-1] == self.locals:
                del base[-1]
                del comma_data[-1]
            obj = base[-1]

            # calculate distance from last comma
            count, offset = comma_data[-1]
            lines = text.count("\n") + 1
            if offset[0] < lines:
                distance = len(document.text)
                distance = len(document.text) - offset[1]

            if hasattr(obj, "_autosuggest"):
                inputs = obj._autosuggest(obj)
                inputs = [
                    f" {i}" for i in
                if obj.__defaults__:
                    for i in range(-1, -1 - len(obj.__defaults__), -1):
                        inputs[i] = f"{inputs[i]}={obj.__defaults__[i]}"
                if inputs and inputs[0] in (" self", " cls"):
                    inputs = inputs[1:]
            if not count and not inputs:
                return Suggestion(")")

            inputs[0] = inputs[0][1:]
            remaining_inputs = inputs[count:]
            remaining_inputs[0] = remaining_inputs[0][distance:]

            return Suggestion(f"{','.join(remaining_inputs)})")

        except Exception:
Beispiel #10
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
            if "(" not in document.text or ")" in document.text:
            method, args = document.text.rsplit("(", maxsplit=1)
            base, current = _parse_document(self.locals, method)

            if isinstance(base, dict):
                obj = base[current]
                obj = getattr(base, current)
            if inspect.isclass(obj):
                obj = obj.__init__
            elif (callable(obj) and not hasattr(obj, "_autosuggest")
                  and not inspect.ismethod(obj)
                  and not inspect.isfunction(obj)):
                # object is a callable class instance
                obj = obj.__call__

            if hasattr(obj, "_autosuggest"):
                inputs = obj._autosuggest()
                inputs = [
                    f" {i}" for i in
                if obj.__defaults__:
                    for i in range(-1, -1 - len(obj.__defaults__), -1):
                        inputs[i] = f"{inputs[i]}={obj.__defaults__[i]}"
                if inputs and inputs[0] in (" self", " cls"):
                    inputs = inputs[1:]
            if not args and not inputs:
                return Suggestion(")")

            args = args.split(",")
            inputs[0] = inputs[0][1:]
            remaining_inputs = inputs[len(args) - 1:]
            remaining_inputs[0] = remaining_inputs[0][len(args[-1]):]

            return Suggestion(",".join(remaining_inputs) + ")")

        except Exception:
Beispiel #11
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        if hasattr(buffer.completer, 'get_completer'):
            completer = buffer.completer.get_completer()
            completer = buffer.completer
        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion:
        text = document.text[0:document.cursor_position_col]

        text_words = text.split()
        key = ''
        for word in reversed(text_words):
            for kw in completer._keys:
                if word.startswith(kw):
                    key = kw
            if key != '':

        if len(text_words) == 0 or text.endswith(' '):
            last_word = ''
            last_word = text_words[-1]
            last_word = last_word.replace(key, '', 1)

        text_since_key = text[text.rindex(key):]
        # Colon-keys can only be in last or previous:
        if key == '':
            words = completer.keys[:]

        elif key.endswith(':'):
            text_from_key = text_since_key.replace(key, '', 1).lstrip()
            words_from_key = len(text_from_key.split())

            if int(text.endswith(' ')) + words_from_key > 1:
                words = completer.keys[:]
                words = completer.key_words[key]
        # Quote-keys:
            authors =':"([^"]*)(["]?)', text_since_key)
            # open-ended quotes:
            if == '':
                last_word =
                words = completer.key_words[key+'"']
            # closed quotes:
                words = completer.keys[:]

        completer.bottom = last_word

        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if last_word.strip():
            for word in words:
                if word.startswith(last_word):
                    return Suggestion(word[len(last_word):])
Beispiel #12
    def get_suggestion(self, cli, buffer, document):

        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]

        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if text.strip():
            # Find first matching line in history.
            for string in self.items:
                for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                    if line.startswith(text):
                        return Suggestion(line[len(text):])
Beispiel #13
 def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
     completer = buffer.completer
     # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
     text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
     # Consider only last word:
     text = re.split('(\W+)', text)[-1]
     # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
     if text.strip():
         # Find first matching line in history.
         for string in completer.get_completer().words:
             for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                 if line.startswith(text):
                     return Suggestion(line[len(text):])
Beispiel #14
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        # Get name of command
        with self.ctx:
            cmds = [
                i for i in split_pipeline(
                    split_args(document.current_line, echo_errors=False))
        if len(cmds) == 0:
            return Suggestion(text='')
        if len(cmds[0]) == 0:
            return Suggestion(text='')
        cmdname = cmds[-1][0]

        # Get help
        if len(cmds[-1]) < 2:
            cmdhelp = None
        elif cmdname in self.helps:
            cmdhelp = self.helps[cmdname]
                proc =[cmdname, '--help'], capture_output=True)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                return Suggestion(text='')
            cmdhelp = parse_help(proc.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
            self.helps[cmdname] = cmdhelp

        if cmdhelp is None or len(cmdhelp.options) == 0:
            text = ''
            arg = cmds[-1][-1]  # The last arg on the current line
            is_possible_opt = (lambda opt: opt.startswith(arg))
            possible_opts = filter(is_possible_opt, cmdhelp.options)
            text = ''
            for i in possible_opts:
                text = i[len(arg):]

        return Suggestion(text=text)
Beispiel #15
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer: "Buffer",
                       document: Document) -> Optional[Suggestion]:

        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit("\n", 1)[-1]

        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.

        if text.strip():
            # Find first matching line in history.

            for string in self.completions:
                if string.startswith(text):
                    return Suggestion(string[len(text):])

        return None
Beispiel #16
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer: "Buffer",
                       document: Document) -> Optional[Suggestion]:
            When looking for most recent suggestion look for one
            starting with the "[identifier]: " prefix
        history = buffer.history

        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit("\n", 1)[-1]
        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if text.strip():
            obj = self.my_app.selected_object
            prefix = object_to_identifier(obj) + ": "
            # Find first matching line in history.
            for string in reversed(list(history.get_strings())):
                for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
                    loc = line.find(prefix)
                    # Add one character for a space after SELECT identifier
                    if loc >= 0 and line[loc + len(prefix):].startswith(text):
                        return Suggestion(line[loc + len(prefix) + len(text):])

        return None
Beispiel #17
    def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
        completer = buffer.completer.get_completer()
        # Consider only the last line for the suggestion.
        text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
        # Insert a space after colon if there is a key in the input:
        for tw in text.split():
            for kw in completer.keys:
               if tw.startswith(kw) and kw.endswith(':'):
                   text = text.replace(kw, f'{kw} ')

        # Search for keys from end to begining:
        text_words = text.split()
        for word in reversed(text_words):
            if word in completer.keys:
                key = word
            key = ''

        words = completer.keys[:]
        if key in completer.key_words:
            words += completer.key_words[key]
        if key in words:

        if text == '' or text.endswith(' '):
            last_word = ''
            last_word = text_words[-1]

        completer.bottom = last_word

        # Only create a suggestion when this is not an empty line.
        if last_word.strip():
            for word in words:
                if word.startswith(last_word):
                    return Suggestion(word[len(last_word):])
Beispiel #18
 def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
     for c in self.commands:
         if c.startswith(document.text):
             return Suggestion(c.replace(document.text, ''))
Beispiel #19
 def get_suggestion(self, buffer, document):
     text = document.text.rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
     if text.strip():
         for option in self.options:
             if option.startswith(text):
                 return Suggestion(option[len(text):])