class MenuItem(BaseModel):
    """Menu items for dispensaries."""

    name = properties.String('Name of the item.', )
    type = properties.StringChoice(
        'Type of item.',
        choices=['strain', 'flower', 'extract', 'edible', 'product'],
    item = properties.Property('The strain, extract, edible, or product.', )
    price = properties.Float(
        'The price for the item. This is not set for strains and extracts.', )
    price_half_gram = properties.Float(
        'Price for one half gram of the item. This is not set for edibles '
        'and products.', )
    price_gram = properties.Float(
        'Price for one gram of this item. This is not set for edibles and '
        'products.', )
    price_eighth = properties.Float(
        'Price for one eighth ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_quarter = properties.Float(
        'Price for one quarter ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_half_ounce = properties.Float(
        'Price for one half ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
    price_ounce = properties.Float(
        'Price for one ounce of this item. This is not set for '
        'edibles and products.', )
class LineageModel(LinksModelWithImage):

    lineage = properties.Property(
        'Countries of origin for the genetics for the strain. Object keys '
        'are the country name and the values are the two character country '
Beispiel #3
def main():
    prs = db.GqlQuery("select * from Property where name=:name", name="init")
    if (prs.count() == 0 or prs[0].value == "false"):

        pr = properties.Property(name="init", value="true")
Beispiel #4
            # Repeat command

                command = runInput("Command to repeat? (Type '#' to cancel) > ")

                if command != "#":
                    commandRepetition = int(runInput("Number of times to repeat command? (Leave blank to cancel) > ")) + 1
        elif command == "new property":
            # New property

            propertyLabel = runInput("New property's label? (Leave blank to generate) > ")
            propertyIsDominant = runInput("Is property dominant? [y/N] > ").lower() == "y"

            newProperty = properties.Property(propertyIsDominant)

            if propertyLabel != "":
                newProperty.label = propertyLabel


            print("New property " + str(newProperty.label) + " created")
        elif command == "list properties":
            # List properties

            for propertyID in range(0, len(propertySet)):
                print("[" + str(propertyID) + "] " + str(propertySet[propertyID].label) + " (dominant: " + str(propertySet[propertyID].isDominant) + ")")
        elif command == "new inhabitant":
            # New inhabitant
Beispiel #5
class RichardsProblem(Problem.BaseTimeProblem):
    """docstring for RichardsProblem"""

    modelMap = properties.Property("the mapping")

    boundaryConditions = properties.Array("boundary conditions.")
    initialConditions = properties.Array("boundary conditions.")

    surveyPair = RichardsSurvey
    mapPair = RichardsMap

    debug = properties.Bool("Show all messages")

    Solver = Solver
    solverOpts = {}

    def __init__(self, mesh, modelMap=None, **kwargs):
        assert (isinstance(
            self.mapPair)), ('modelMap must be a {} class not {}'.format(
                self.mapPair.__class__.__name__, modelMap))
        self.modelMap = modelMap
        Problem.BaseTimeProblem.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs)

    def getBoundaryConditions(self, ii, u_ii):
        if type(self.boundaryConditions) is np.ndarray:
            return self.boundaryConditions

        time = self.timeMesh.vectorCCx[ii]

        return self.boundaryConditions(time, u_ii)

    method = properties.StringChoice(
        "Formulation used, See notes in Celia et al., 1990.",
        choices=['mixed', 'head'])

    doNewton = properties.Bool("Do a Newton iteration vs. a Picard iteration ",

    maxIterRootFinder = properties.Integer(
        "Maximum iterations for rootFinder iteration.", default=30)

    tolRootFinder = properties.Float(
        "Maximum iterations for rootFinder iteration.", default=1e-4)['doNewton', 'maxIterRootFinder', 'tolRootFinder'])
    def _on_root_finder_update(self, change):
            Setting doNewton will clear the rootFinder,
            which will be reinitialized when called
        if hasattr(self, '_rootFinder'):
            del self._rootFinder

    def rootFinder(self):
        """Root-finding Algorithm"""
        if getattr(self, '_rootFinder', None) is None:
            self._rootFinder = Optimization.NewtonRoot(
        return self._rootFinder

    def fields(self, m):
        tic = time.time()
        u = list(range(self.nT + 1))
        u[0] = self.initialConditions
        for ii, dt in enumerate(self.timeSteps):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, u[ii])
            u[ii + 1] = self.rootFinder.root(
                lambda hn1m, return_g=True: self.getResidual(
                    m, u[ii], hn1m, dt, bc, return_g=return_g),
            if self.debug:
                print("Solving Fields ({0:4d}/{1:d} - {2:3.1f}% Done) {3:d} "
                      "Iterations, {4:4.2f} seconds".format(
                          ii + 1, self.nT, 100.0 * (ii + 1) / self.nT,
                          time.time() - tic))
        return u

    def Dz(self):
        if self.mesh.dim == 1:
            Dz = self.mesh.faceDivx
        elif self.mesh.dim == 2:
            Dz = sp.hstack((Utils.spzeros(
                self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.vnF[0]), self.mesh.faceDivy),
        elif self.mesh.dim == 3:
            Dz = sp.hstack(
                (Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.vnF[0] +
                               self.mesh.vnF[1]), self.mesh.faceDivz),
        return Dz

    def diagsJacobian(self, m, hn, hn1, dt, bc):

        DIV = self.mesh.faceDiv
        GRAD = self.mesh.cellGrad
        BC = self.mesh.cellGradBC
        AV = self.mesh.aveF2CC.T
        Dz = self.Dz

        dT = self.modelMap.thetaDerivU(hn, m)
        dT1 = self.modelMap.thetaDerivU(hn1, m)
        K1 = self.modelMap.k(hn1, m)
        dK1 = self.modelMap.kDerivU(hn1, m)
        dKm1 = self.modelMap.kDerivM(hn1, m)

        # Compute part of the derivative of:
        #       DIV*diag(GRAD*hn1+BC*bc)*(AV*(1.0/K))^-1

        DdiagGh1 = DIV * Utils.sdiag(GRAD * hn1 + BC * bc)
        diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 = (Utils.sdiag(
            (AV * (1. / K1))**(-2)) * AV * Utils.sdiag(K1**(-2)))

        # The matrix that we are computing has the form:
        #   -                                      -   -  -     -  -
        #  |  Adiag                                 | | h1 |   | b1 |
        #  |   Asub    Adiag                        | | h2 |   | b2 |
        #  |            Asub    Adiag               | | h3 | = | b3 |
        #  |                 ...     ...            | | .. |   | .. |
        #  |                         Asub    Adiag  | | hn |   | bn |
        #   -                                      -   -  -     -  -

        Asub = (-1.0 / dt) * dT

        Adiag = ((1.0 / dt) * dT1 - DdiagGh1 * diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 * dK1 -
                 DIV * Utils.sdiag(1. / (AV * (1. / K1))) * GRAD -
                 Dz * diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 * dK1)

        B = DdiagGh1 * diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 * dKm1 + Dz * diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 * dKm1

        return Asub, Adiag, B

    def getResidual(self, m, hn, h, dt, bc, return_g=True):
            Where h is the proposed value for the next time iterate (h_{n+1})
        DIV = self.mesh.faceDiv
        GRAD = self.mesh.cellGrad
        BC = self.mesh.cellGradBC
        AV = self.mesh.aveF2CC.T
        Dz = self.Dz

        T = self.modelMap.theta(h, m)
        dT = self.modelMap.thetaDerivU(h, m)
        Tn = self.modelMap.theta(hn, m)
        K = self.modelMap.k(h, m)
        dK = self.modelMap.kDerivU(h, m)

        aveK = 1. / (AV * (1. / K))

        RHS = DIV * Utils.sdiag(aveK) * (GRAD * h + BC * bc) + Dz * aveK
        if self.method == 'mixed':
            r = (T - Tn) / dt - RHS
        elif self.method == 'head':
            r = dT * (h - hn) / dt - RHS

        if not return_g:
            return r

        J = dT / dt - DIV * Utils.sdiag(aveK) * GRAD
        if self.doNewton:
            DDharmAve = Utils.sdiag(aveK**2) * AV * Utils.sdiag(K**(-2)) * dK
            J = J - DIV * Utils.sdiag(GRAD * h +
                                      BC * bc) * DDharmAve - Dz * DDharmAve

        return r, J

    def Jfull(self, m, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.fields(m)

        nn = len(f) - 1
        Asubs, Adiags, Bs = list(range(nn)), list(range(nn)), list(range(nn))
        for ii in range(nn):
            dt = self.timeSteps[ii]
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, f[ii])
            Asubs[ii], Adiags[ii], Bs[ii] = self.diagsJacobian(
                m, f[ii], f[ii + 1], dt, bc)
        Ad = sp.block_diag(Adiags)
        zRight = Utils.spzeros((len(Asubs) - 1) * Asubs[0].shape[0],
        zTop = Utils.spzeros(Adiags[0].shape[0],
                             len(Adiags) * Adiags[0].shape[1])
        As = sp.vstack((zTop, sp.hstack((sp.block_diag(Asubs[1:]), zRight))))
        A = As + Ad
        B = np.array(sp.vstack(Bs).todense())

        Ainv = self.Solver(A, **self.solverOpts)
        P = self.survey.evalDeriv(f, m)
        AinvB = Ainv * B
        z = np.zeros((self.mesh.nC, B.shape[1]))
        zAinvB = np.vstack((z, AinvB))
        J = P * zAinvB
        return J

    def Jvec(self, m, v, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.fields(m)

        JvC = list(range(len(f) -
                         1))  # Cell to hold each row of the long vector

        # This is done via forward substitution.
        bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(0, f[0])
        temp, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(m, f[0], f[1], self.timeSteps[0],
        Adiaginv = self.Solver(Adiag, **self.solverOpts)
        JvC[0] = Adiaginv * (B * v)

        for ii in range(1, len(f) - 1):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, f[ii])
            Asub, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(m, f[ii], f[ii + 1],
                                                self.timeSteps[ii], bc)
            Adiaginv = self.Solver(Adiag, **self.solverOpts)
            JvC[ii] = Adiaginv * (B * v - Asub * JvC[ii - 1])

        P = self.survey.evalDeriv(f, m)
        return P * np.concatenate([np.zeros(self.mesh.nC)] + JvC)

    def Jtvec(self, m, v, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.field(m)

        P = self.survey.evalDeriv(f, m)
        PTv = P.T * v

        # This is done via backward substitution.
        minus = 0
        BJtv = 0
        for ii in range(len(f) - 1, 0, -1):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii - 1, f[ii - 1])
            Asub, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(m, f[ii - 1], f[ii],
                                                self.timeSteps[ii - 1], bc)
            # select the correct part of v
            vpart = list(
                range((ii) * Adiag.shape[0], (ii + 1) * Adiag.shape[0]))
            AdiaginvT = self.Solver(Adiag.T, **self.solverOpts)
            JTvC = AdiaginvT * (PTv[vpart] - minus)
            minus = Asub.T * JTvC  # this is now the super diagonal.
            BJtv = BJtv + B.T * JTvC

        return BJtv
Beispiel #6
 class PropOpts(properties.HasProperties):
     myprop = properties.Property('empty property')
     maybe_none = properties.Property('maybe None', required=False)
Beispiel #7
    def test_base_functionality(self):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            properties.GettableProperty('bad kwarg', _default=5)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            properties.GettableProperty('bad kwarg', defualt=5)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            properties.Property('bad kwarg', required=5)

        class GettablePropOpt(properties.HasProperties):
            mygp = properties.GettableProperty('gettable prop')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].name = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].doc = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].terms = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].terms = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].doc = {'args': (1,), 'otherargs': 5}

        gpo = GettablePropOpt()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            setattr(gpo, 'mygp', 5)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        assert gpo.validate()
        assert gpo._props['mygp'] == 'mygp'
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.cls is properties.GettableProperty
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.args == ('gettable prop',)
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.kwargs == {}
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.meta == {}

        def twelve():
            return 12

        class GettablePropOpt(properties.HasProperties):
            mygp = properties.GettableProperty('gettable prop', default=twelve)

        assert GettablePropOpt().validate()
        assert GettablePropOpt().mygp == 12

        class PropOpts(properties.HasProperties):
            myprop = properties.Property('empty property')
            maybe_none = properties.Property('maybe None', required=False)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        assert PropOpts(myprop=5).validate()

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            assert PropOpts().equal(PropOpts())
            assert len(w) == 1
            assert issubclass(w[0].category, FutureWarning)

        assert properties.equal(PropOpts(), PropOpts())
        assert properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts(myprop=5))
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5, maybe_none=3),
        assert properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5, maybe_none=3),
                                PropOpts(myprop=5, maybe_none=3))
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts())
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts(myprop=6))
        assert not properties.equal(None, PropOpts(myprop=6))
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), None)
        assert properties.equal(None, None)

        assert properties.Property('').equal(5, 5)
        assert not properties.Property('').equal(5, 'hi')
        assert properties.Property('').equal(np.array([1., 2.]),
                                             np.array([1., 2.]))
        assert not properties.Property('').equal(np.array([1., 2.]),
                                                 np.array([3., 4.]))

        class NoAttributes(properties.HasProperties):
            a = properties.Integer('a')

            def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
                if attr[0] != '_' and value is not properties.undefined:
                    raise AttributeError()
                return super(NoAttributes, self).__setattr__(attr, value)

        na = NoAttributes()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            na.a = 5
Beispiel #8
        class PrivateProperty(properties.HasProperties):
            _doc_private = True

            _something = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #9
 class DifferentDocOrder(WithDocOrder):
     myprop4 = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #10
 class SameDocOrder(WithDocOrder):
     _my_private_prop = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #11
 class WithDocOrder(properties.HasProperties):
     _doc_order = ['myprop1', 'myprop3', 'myprop2']
     myprop1 = properties.Property('empty property')
     myprop2 = properties.Property('empty property')
     myprop3 = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #12
 class BadDocOrder(properties.HasProperties):
     _doc_order = ['myprop', 'another_prop']
     myprop = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #13
class RichardsProblem(Problem.BaseTimeProblem):

    hydraulic_conductivity = properties.Instance(
        'hydraulic conductivity function',
    water_retention = properties.Instance(
        'water retention curve',

    # TODO: This can also be a function(time, u_ii)
    boundary_conditions = properties.Array('boundary conditions')
    initial_conditions = properties.Array('initial conditions')

    debug = properties.Bool('Show all messages', default=False)

    Solver = properties.Property('Numerical Solver', default=lambda: Solver)
    solverOpts = {}

    method = properties.StringChoice(
        'Formulation used, See notes in Celia et al., 1990',
        choices=['mixed', 'head']

    do_newton = properties.Bool(
        'Do a Newton iteration vs. a Picard iteration',

    root_finder_max_iter = properties.Integer(
        'Maximum iterations for root_finder iteration',

    root_finder_tol = properties.Float(
        'tolerance of the root_finder',
    def _on_model_change(self, change):
        """Update the nested model functions when the
        model of the problem changes.

        Specifically :code:`hydraulic_conductivity` and
        :code:`water_retention` models are updated iff they have mappings.

        if (
                not self.hydraulic_conductivity.needs_model and
                not self.water_retention.needs_model
            warnings.warn('There is no model to set.')

        model = change['value']

        if self.hydraulic_conductivity.needs_model:
            self.hydraulic_conductivity.model = model

        if self.water_retention.needs_model:
            self.water_retention.model = model

    def getBoundaryConditions(self, ii, u_ii):
        if type(self.boundary_conditions) is np.ndarray:
            return self.boundary_conditions

        time = self.timeMesh.vectorCCx[ii]

        return self.boundary_conditions(time, u_ii)[
    def _on_root_finder_update(self, change):
        """Setting do_newton etc. will clear the root_finder,
        which will be reinitialized when called
        if hasattr(self, '_root_finder'):
            del self._root_finder

    def root_finder(self):
        """Root-finding Algorithm"""
        if getattr(self, '_root_finder', None) is None:
            self._root_finder = Optimization.NewtonRoot(
        return self._root_finder

    def fields(self, m=None):
        if self.water_retention.needs_model or self.hydraulic_conductivity.needs_model:
            assert m is not None
            assert m is None

        tic = time.time()
        u = list(range(self.nT+1))
        u[0] = self.initial_conditions
        for ii, dt in enumerate(self.timeSteps):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, u[ii])
            u[ii+1] = self.root_finder.root(
                lambda hn1m, return_g=True: self.getResidual(
                    m, u[ii], hn1m, dt, bc, return_g=return_g
            if self.debug:
                    'Solving Fields ({0:4d}/{1:d} - {2:3.1f}% Done) {3:d} '
                    'Iterations, {4:4.2f} seconds'.format(
                        time.time() - tic
        return u

    def Dz(self):
        if self.mesh.dim == 1:
            return self.mesh.faceDivx

        if self.mesh.dim == 2:
            mats = (
                Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.vnF[0]),
        elif self.mesh.dim == 3:
            mats = (
                Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nC, self.mesh.vnF[0]+self.mesh.vnF[1]),
        return sp.hstack(mats, format='csr')

    def diagsJacobian(self, m, hn, hn1, dt, bc):
        """Diagonals and rhs of the jacobian system

        The matrix that we are computing has the form::

            .-                                      -. .-  -.   .-  -.
            |  Adiag                                 | | h1 |   | b1 |
            |   Asub    Adiag                        | | h2 |   | b2 |
            |            Asub    Adiag               | | h3 | = | b3 |
            |                 ...     ...            | | .. |   | .. |
            |                         Asub    Adiag  | | hn |   | bn |
            '-                                      -' '-  -'   '-  -'
        if m is not None:
            self.model = m

        DIV = self.mesh.faceDiv
        GRAD = self.mesh.cellGrad
        BC = self.mesh.cellGradBC
        AV = self.mesh.aveF2CC.T
        Dz = self.Dz

        dT = self.water_retention.derivU(hn)
        dT1 = self.water_retention.derivU(hn1)
        dTm = self.water_retention.derivM(hn)
        dTm1 = self.water_retention.derivM(hn1)

        K1 = self.hydraulic_conductivity(hn1)
        dK1 = self.hydraulic_conductivity.derivU(hn1)
        dKm1 = self.hydraulic_conductivity.derivM(hn1)

        # Compute part of the derivative of:
        #       DIV*diag(GRAD*hn1+BC*bc)*(AV*(1.0/K))^-1

        DdiagGh1 = DIV*Utils.sdiag(GRAD*hn1+BC*bc)
        diagAVk2_AVdiagK2 = (
            Utils.sdiag((AV*(1./K1))**(-2)) *

        Asub = (-1.0/dt)*dT

        Adiag = (
            (1.0/dt)*dT1 -
            DdiagGh1*diagAVk2_AVdiagK2*dK1 -
            DIV*Utils.sdiag(1./(AV*(1./K1)))*GRAD -

        B = (
            DdiagGh1*diagAVk2_AVdiagK2*dKm1 +
            Dz*diagAVk2_AVdiagK2*dKm1 +
            (1.0/dt)*(dTm - dTm1)

        return Asub, Adiag, B

    def getResidual(self, m, hn, h, dt, bc, return_g=True):
        """Used by the root finder when going between timesteps

        Where h is the proposed value for the next time iterate (h_{n+1})
        if m is not None:
            self.model = m

        DIV = self.mesh.faceDiv
        GRAD = self.mesh.cellGrad
        BC = self.mesh.cellGradBC
        AV = self.mesh.aveF2CC.T
        Dz = self.Dz

        T = self.water_retention(h)
        dT = self.water_retention.derivU(h)
        Tn = self.water_retention(hn)
        K = self.hydraulic_conductivity(h)
        dK = self.hydraulic_conductivity.derivU(h)

        aveK = 1./(AV*(1./K))

        RHS = DIV*Utils.sdiag(aveK)*(GRAD*h+BC*bc) + Dz*aveK
        if self.method == 'mixed':
            r = (T-Tn)/dt - RHS
        elif self.method == 'head':
            r = dT*(h - hn)/dt - RHS

        if not return_g:
            return r

        J = dT/dt - DIV*Utils.sdiag(aveK)*GRAD
        if self.do_newton:
            DDharmAve = Utils.sdiag(aveK**2)*AV*Utils.sdiag(K**(-2)) * dK
            J = J - DIV*Utils.sdiag(GRAD*h + BC*bc)*DDharmAve - Dz*DDharmAve

        return r, J

    def Jfull(self, m=None, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.fields(m)

        nn = len(f)-1
        Asubs, Adiags, Bs = list(range(nn)), list(range(nn)), list(range(nn))
        for ii in range(nn):
            dt = self.timeSteps[ii]
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, f[ii])
            Asubs[ii], Adiags[ii], Bs[ii] = self.diagsJacobian(
                m, f[ii], f[ii+1], dt, bc
        Ad = sp.block_diag(Adiags)
        zRight = Utils.spzeros(
            (len(Asubs)-1)*Asubs[0].shape[0], Adiags[0].shape[1]
        zTop = Utils.spzeros(
            Adiags[0].shape[0], len(Adiags)*Adiags[0].shape[1]
        As = sp.vstack((zTop, sp.hstack((sp.block_diag(Asubs[1:]), zRight))))
        A = As + Ad
        B = np.array(sp.vstack(Bs).todense())

        Ainv = self.Solver(A, **self.solverOpts)
        AinvB = Ainv * B
        z = np.zeros((self.mesh.nC, B.shape[1]))
        du_dm = np.vstack((z, AinvB))
        J = self.survey.deriv(f, du_dm_v=du_dm)  # not multiplied by v
        return J

    def Jvec(self, m, v, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.fields(m)

        JvC = list(range(len(f)-1))  # Cell to hold each row of the long vector

        # This is done via forward substitution.
        bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(0, f[0])
        temp, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(
            m, f[0], f[1], self.timeSteps[0], bc
        Adiaginv = self.Solver(Adiag, **self.solverOpts)
        JvC[0] = Adiaginv * (B*v)

        for ii in range(1, len(f)-1):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii, f[ii])
            Asub, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(
                m, f[ii], f[ii+1], self.timeSteps[ii], bc
            Adiaginv = self.Solver(Adiag, **self.solverOpts)
            JvC[ii] = Adiaginv * (B*v - Asub*JvC[ii-1])

        du_dm_v = np.concatenate([np.zeros(self.mesh.nC)] + JvC)
        Jv = self.survey.deriv(f, du_dm_v=du_dm_v, v=v)
        return Jv

    def Jtvec(self, m, v, f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = self.field(m)

        PTv, PTdv = self.survey.derivAdjoint(f, v=v)

        # This is done via backward substitution.
        minus = 0
        BJtv = 0
        for ii in range(len(f)-1, 0, -1):
            bc = self.getBoundaryConditions(ii-1, f[ii-1])
            Asub, Adiag, B = self.diagsJacobian(
                m, f[ii-1], f[ii], self.timeSteps[ii-1], bc
            # select the correct part of v
            vpart = list(range((ii)*Adiag.shape[0], (ii+1)*Adiag.shape[0]))
            AdiaginvT = self.Solver(Adiag.T, **self.solverOpts)
            JTvC = AdiaginvT * (PTv[vpart] - minus)
            minus = Asub.T*JTvC  # this is now the super diagonal.
            BJtv = BJtv + B.T*JTvC

        return BJtv + PTdv
Beispiel #14
 class PropOpts(properties.HasProperties):
     myprop = properties.Property('empty property')
Beispiel #15
    def test_base_functionality(self):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            properties.GettableProperty('bad kwarg', _default=5)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            properties.GettableProperty('bad kwarg', defualt=5)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            properties.Property('bad kwarg', required=5)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

            class PrivateProperty(properties.HasProperties):
                _secret = properties.GettableProperty('secret prop')

        class GettablePropOpt(properties.HasProperties):
            mygp = properties.GettableProperty('gettable prop')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].name = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].doc = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].terms = 5
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].terms = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GettablePropOpt._props['mygp'].doc = {
                'args': (1, ),
                'otherargs': 5

        gpo = GettablePropOpt()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            setattr(gpo, 'mygp', 5)
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        assert gpo.validate()
        assert gpo._props['mygp'] == 'mygp'
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.cls is properties.GettableProperty
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.args == ('gettable prop', )
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.kwargs == {}
        assert gpo._props['mygp'].terms.meta == {}

        def twelve():
            return 12

        class GettablePropOpt(properties.HasProperties):
            mygp = properties.GettableProperty('gettable prop', default=twelve)

        assert GettablePropOpt().validate()
        assert GettablePropOpt().mygp == 12

        class PropOpts(properties.HasProperties):
            myprop = properties.Property('empty property')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        assert PropOpts(myprop=5).validate()

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            assert PropOpts().equal(PropOpts())
            assert len(w) == 1
            assert issubclass(w[0].category, FutureWarning)

        assert properties.equal(PropOpts(), PropOpts())
        assert properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts(myprop=5))
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts())
        assert not properties.equal(PropOpts(myprop=5), PropOpts(myprop=6))

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

            class BadDocOrder(properties.HasProperties):
                _doc_order = 5

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

            class BadDocOrder(properties.HasProperties):
                _doc_order = ['myprop', 'another_prop']
                myprop = properties.Property('empty property')

        class WithDocOrder(properties.HasProperties):
            _doc_order = ['myprop1', 'myprop3', 'myprop2']
            myprop1 = properties.Property('empty property')
            myprop2 = properties.Property('empty property')
            myprop3 = properties.Property('empty property')

        assert WithDocOrder().__doc__ == (
            '\n\n**Required Properties:**\n\n'
            '* **myprop1** (:class:`Property <properties.Property>`): '
            'empty property\n'
            '* **myprop3** (:class:`Property <properties.Property>`): '
            'empty property\n'
            '* **myprop2** (:class:`Property <properties.Property>`): '
            'empty property')

        class NoMoreDocOrder(WithDocOrder):
            _doc_order = None

        assert properties.Property('').equal(5, 5)
        assert not properties.Property('').equal(5, 'hi')
        assert properties.Property('').equal(np.array([1., 2.]),
                                             np.array([1., 2.]))
        assert not properties.Property('').equal(np.array([1., 2.]),
                                                 np.array([3., 4.]))
Beispiel #16
import random

import properties

inhabitantIterator = 0

maleGender = properties.Property(False)
femaleGender = properties.Property(False)

maleGender.label = "male"
femaleGender.label = "female"

MALE = 0

class Inhabitant:
    def __init__(self, birthtick, passedPropertyPairs):
        global inhabitantIterator

        self.birthtick = birthtick

        self.propertyPairs = passedPropertyPairs
        self.expressedProperties = []
        for propertyPair in self.propertyPairs:

        self.gender = None

        for propertyObject in self.expressedProperties:
            if propertyObject is maleGender: