Beispiel #1
 def directory(self, value):
     """Normalize the value of :attr:`directory` when it's set."""
     # Normalize the value of `directory'.
     set_property(self, "directory", parse_path(value))
     # Clear the computed values of `context' and `entries'.
     clear_property(self, "context")
     clear_property(self, "entries")
Beispiel #2
    def is_available(self):
        :data:`True` if :attr:`release_gpg_contents` contains the expected header, :data:`False` otherwise.

        The value of this property is computed by checking whether
        :attr:`release_gpg_contents` contains the expected ``BEGIN PGP
        SIGNATURE`` header. This may seem like a rather obscure way of
        validating a mirror, but it was specifically chosen to detect
        all sorts of ways in which mirrors can be broken:

        - Webservers with a broken configuration that return an error page for
          all URLs.

        - Mirrors whose domain name registration has expired, where the domain
          is now being squatted and returns HTTP 200 OK responses for all URLs
          (whether they "exist" or not).
        value = False
        if self.release_gpg_contents:
            value = b'BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE' in self.release_gpg_contents
            if not value:
                    "Missing GPG header, considering mirror unavailable (%s).",
            set_property(self, 'is_available', value)
        return value
Beispiel #3
 def python_callback(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce :attr:`python_callback` to a callable value."""
     if value:
         # Python callers get to pass a callable directly.
         if not callable(value):
             expression = value
             # Otherwise we expect a string to parse (from a command line
             # argument, environment variable or configuration file).
             callback_path, _, callback_name = expression.partition(':')
             if os.path.isfile(callback_path):
                 # Callback specified as Python script.
                 script_name = os.path.basename(callback_path)
                 if script_name.endswith('.py'):
                     script_name, _ = os.path.splitext(script_name)
                 environment = dict(__file__=callback_path, __name__=script_name)
                 logger.debug("Loading Python callback from pathname: %s", callback_path)
                 with open(callback_path) as handle:
                     exec(, environment)
                 value = environment.get(callback_name)
                 # Callback specified as `dotted path'.
                 logger.debug("Loading Python callback from dotted path: %s", callback_path)
                 module = importlib.import_module(callback_path)
                 value = getattr(module, callback_name, None)
             if not callable(value):
                 raise ValueError(compact("""
                     The Python callback expression {expr} didn't result in
                     a valid callable! (result: {value})
                 """, expr=expression, value=value))
         value = None
     set_property(self, 'python_callback', value)
Beispiel #4
 def repository(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce :attr:`repository` values."""
     directory = os.path.abspath(value)
     if not os.path.isdir(directory):
         msg = "Repository directory doesn't exist! (%s)"
         raise ValueError(msg % directory)
     set_property(self, 'repository', PackageRepository(directory))
Beispiel #5
 def test_get_password(self):
     """Test getting a password from an entry."""
     random_password = random_string()
     entry = PasswordEntry(name="some/random/password", store=object())
         entry, "text",
         "\n".join([random_password, "", "This is the description"]))
     self.assertEquals(random_password, entry.password)
Beispiel #6
 def test_get_password(self):
     """Test getting a password from an entry."""
     random_password = random_string()
     entry = PasswordEntry(name='some/random/password', store=object())
         entry, 'text',
         '\n'.join([random_password, '', 'This is the description']))
     self.assertEquals(random_password, entry.password)
Beispiel #7
 def timestamp_pattern(self, value):
     """Coerce the value of :attr:`timestamp_pattern` to a compiled regular expression."""
     pattern = coerce_pattern(value, re.VERBOSE)
     for component, required in SUPPORTED_DATE_COMPONENTS:
         if component not in pattern.groupindex and required:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Pattern is missing required capture group! (%s)" %
     set_property(self, 'timestamp_pattern', pattern)
Beispiel #8
 def port_number(self):
     """A dynamically selected free ephemeral port number (an integer between 49152 and 65535)."""
     timer = Timer()
     logger.debug("Looking for free ephemeral port number ..")
     for i in itertools.count(1):
         value = self.ephemeral_port_number
         set_property(self, 'port_number', value)
         if not self.is_connected:
             logger.debug("Found free ephemeral port number %s after %s (took %s).",
                          self, pluralize(i, "attempt"), timer)
             return value
Beispiel #9
 def port_number(self):
     """A dynamically selected free ephemeral port number (an integer between 49152 and 65535)."""
     timer = Timer()
     logger.debug("Looking for free ephemeral port number ..")
     for i in itertools.count(1):
         value = self.ephemeral_port_number
         set_property(self, 'port_number', value)
         if not self.is_connected:
             logger.debug("Found free ephemeral port number %s after %s (took %s).",
                          value, pluralize(i, "attempt"), timer)
             return value
Beispiel #10
    def architecture(self):
        The name of the Debian package architecture (a string like 'i386' or 'amd64').

        The package architecture is used to detect whether `Debian LTS`_ status
        applies to the given system (the Debian LTS team supports a specific
        subset of package architectures).

        .. _Debian LTS:
        value = self.context.capture('dpkg', '--print-architecture')
        set_property(self, 'architecture', value)
        return value
    def architecture(self):
        The name of the Debian package architecture (a string like 'i386' or 'amd64').

        The package architecture is used to detect whether `Debian LTS`_ status
        applies to the given system (the Debian LTS team supports a specific
        subset of package architectures).

        .. _Debian LTS:
        value = self.context.capture('dpkg', '--print-architecture')
        set_property(self, 'architecture', value)
        return value
Beispiel #12
    def test_format_text(self):
        """Test human friendly formatting of password store entries."""
        entry = PasswordEntry(name='some/random/password', store=object())
        set_property(entry, 'text', random_string())
            # We enable ANSI escape sequences but strip them before we
            # compare the generated string. This may seem rather pointless
            # but it ensures that the relevant code paths are covered :-).
                some / random / password

                Password: {value}
Beispiel #13
 def ssh_alias(self, value):
     """Set the value of :attr:`ssh_alias` and optionally :attr:`ssh_user`."""
     user, _, host = value.partition('@')
     if user and host:
         set_property(self, 'ssh_alias', host)
         set_property(self, 'ssh_user', user)
         set_property(self, 'ssh_alias', value)
Beispiel #14
 def ssh_alias(self, value):
     """Set the value of :attr:`ssh_alias` and optionally :attr:`ssh_user`."""
     user, _, host = value.partition('@')
     if user and host:
         set_property(self, 'ssh_alias', host)
         set_property(self, 'ssh_user', user)
         set_property(self, 'ssh_alias', value)
    def is_available(self):
        :data:`True` if :attr:`release_gpg_contents` contains the expected header, :data:`False` otherwise.

        The value of this property is computed by checking whether
        :attr:`release_gpg_contents` contains the expected ``BEGIN PGP
        SIGNATURE`` header. This may seem like a rather obscure way of
        validating a mirror, but it was specifically chosen to detect
        all sorts of ways in which mirrors can be broken:

        - Webservers with a broken configuration that return an error page for
          all URLs.

        - Mirrors whose domain name registration has expired, where the domain
          is now being squatted and returns HTTP 200 OK responses for all URLs
          (whether they "exist" or not).
        value = False
        if self.release_gpg_contents:
            value = b'BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE' in self.release_gpg_contents
            if not value:
                logger.debug("Missing GPG header, considering mirror unavailable (%s).", self.release_gpg_url)
            set_property(self, 'is_available', value)
        return value
Beispiel #16
    def objects(self):
        The values associated to the tag (a :class:`set`).

        If :attr:`objects` isn't set it defaults to a computed value:

        - If :attr:`identifier` is :data:`DEFAULT_TAG_NAME` then
          :func:`~Scope.get_all_objects()` is used
          to get the associated values.

        - If :attr:`expression` is set it will be evaluated and the matching
          objects will be returned.

        - Otherwise a new, empty :class:`set` is created, bound to the
          :class:`Tag` and returned.
        if self.identifier == DEFAULT_TAG_NAME:
            return self.scope.get_all_objects()
        elif self.expression:
            return self.scope.evaluate_raw(self.expression)
            value = set()
            set_property(self, 'objects', value)
            return value
Beispiel #17
 def mirror_url(self, value):
     """Normalize the mirror URL when set."""
     set_property(self, 'mirror_url', normalize_mirror_url(value))
Beispiel #18
 def lintian_enabled(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce :attr:`lintian_enabled` to a boolean value."""
     set_property(self, 'lintian_enabled', coerce_boolean(value))
Beispiel #19
 def destination(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce strings to :class:`.Destination` objects."""
     if not isinstance(value, Destination):
         value = Destination(expression=value)
     set_property(self, 'destination', value)
     clear_property(self, 'destination_context')
Beispiel #20
 def expression(self, value):
     """Set `expression` and clear `objects`."""
     set_property(self, 'expression', value)
     clear_property(self, 'id_or_expr')
     clear_property(self, 'objects')
 def mirror_url(self, value):
     """Normalize the mirror URL when set."""
     set_property(self, 'mirror_url', normalize_mirror_url(value))
Beispiel #22
 def source(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce :attr:`source` to a :class:`Location`."""
     set_property(self, "source", Location(expression=value))
Beispiel #23
 def name(self, value):
     """Set `name` and `identifier`."""
     set_property(self, 'name', value)
     clear_property(self, 'id_or_expr')
     clear_property(self, 'identifier')
Beispiel #24
 def port_number(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce port numbers to integers."""
     set_property(self, 'port_number', int(value))
Beispiel #25
 def objects(self, value):
     """Set `objects` and clear `expression`."""
     set_property(self, 'objects', set(value))
     clear_property(self, 'id_or_expr')
     clear_property(self, 'expression')
Beispiel #26
 def target(self, value):
     """Automatically coerce :attr:`target` to a :class:`Location`."""
     set_property(self, "target", Location(expression=value))