Beispiel #1
    def predict_trend(self):
        object_type = 'PyTrends.trend_ratio'

        # Pull and prep data
        conn = sqlite3.connect("db.sqlite3")
        df = pd.read_sql_query(
            "select date as ds, btc_usd, buy_bitcoin, trend_ratio from crypto_track_pytrends;",
        df['y'] = df['trend_ratio']
        df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ds'], errors='coerce')

        # Get prior 'y' value to fill in nan
        df['y-1'] = df.y.shift(1)
        df['y_nan'] = df.y.isna()
        df.y.fillna(df['y-1'], inplace=True)
        df.drop(['y-1'], axis=1, inplace=True)

        # Instantiate a Prophet object
        future_trend = Prophet(df, 'Trend Ratio')
        # Change default attributes as analyzed in Trend Prediction.ipynb notebook.
        future_trend.weekly_seasonality = True
        future_trend.training_years = 6
        future_trend.changepoint_prior_scale = 0.05

        future, train, model = future_trend.predict(self.prediction_days)

        # Create predictions and load table.
        return_message = self.dbload_prophet(df=future,

        return return_message