def show_residuals(cut, model, imshow_kwargs={}, plot_kwargs={}): imshow_kwargs = dict(cmap = "inferno",**imshow_kwargs) plot_kwargs = dict(color="blueviolet",**plot_kwargs) x, y = np.indices(cut.shape) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(cut), alpha=1, **imshow_kwargs) plt.xlabel("x (pixels)") plt.ylabel("y (pixels)") plt.title("PSF", loc="left") plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(model), alpha=1, **imshow_kwargs) plt.xlabel("x (pixels)") plt.ylabel("y (pixels)") plt.title("PSF model", loc="left") residuals = cut-model plt.subplot(133) im =plt.imshow(residuals, alpha=1, **imshow_kwargs) plt.xlabel("x (pixels)") plt.ylabel("y (pixels)") plt.title("Residuals", loc="left") viz.add_colorbar(im)
def plot_masters(self): plt.figure(figsize=(40, 10)) plt.subplot(131) plt.title("Master bias") im = plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(self.master_bias), cmap="Greys_r") viz.add_colorbar(im) plt.subplot(132) plt.title("Master dark") im = plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(self.master_dark), cmap="Greys_r") viz.add_colorbar(im) plt.subplot(133) plt.title("Master flat") im = plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(self.master_flat), cmap="Greys_r") viz.add_colorbar(im)
def gif_image_array(image, factor=0.25): return (utils.z_scale( resize( image, np.array(np.shape(image)).astype(int) * factor, anti_aliasing=True, )) * 255).astype("uint8")
def plot_all_cuts(cuts, W=10, cmap="magma", stars=None, stars_in=None): H = np.ceil(len(cuts) / W).astype(int) fig, axes = plt.subplots( H, W, figsize=(W * 2, H * 2), subplot_kw={"xticks": [], "yticks": []}, gridspec_kw=dict(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1), ) for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): if i < len(cuts): ax.imshow(utils.z_scale(cuts[i]), cmap=cmap) ax.annotate( str(i), (0, 0), xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(5, 5), textcoords="offset points", ha="left", va="bottom", fontsize=12, color="w", ) if stars is not None: for j, s in enumerate(stars_in[i][0]): ax.plot(*stars_in[i][1][j], "x", c="C0") else: ax.axis('off')
def plot_marginal_model(data, model, cmap="inferno", c="blueviolet"): x, y = np.indices(data.shape) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(data), alpha=1, cmap=cmap) plt.contour(model, colors="w", alpha=0.7) plt.xlabel("x (pixels)") plt.ylabel("y (pixels)") plt.title("PSF", loc="left") plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(y[0], np.mean(data, axis=0), c=c) plt.plot(y[0], np.mean(model, axis=0), "--", c="k") plt.xlabel("x (pixels)") plt.ylim(data.min() * 0.98, np.mean(data, axis=0).max() * 1.02) plt.title("PSF x-axis projected", loc="left") plt.grid(color="whitesmoke") plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(y[0], np.mean(data, axis=1), c=c) plt.plot(y[0], np.mean(model, axis=1), "--", c="k") plt.xlabel("y") plt.ylim(data.min() * 0.98, np.mean(data, axis=1).max() * 1.02) plt.title("PSF y-axis projected", loc="left") plt.grid(color="whitesmoke") plt.tight_layout()
def fancy_gif_image_array(image, median_psf, factor=0.25): fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.axis('off') gif_im = utils.z_scale( resize( image, np.array(np.shape(image)).astype(int) * factor, anti_aliasing=True, )) ax.imshow(gif_im, cmap="Greys_r") axins = inset_axes(ax, width=1, height=1, loc=3) axins.axis('off') axins.imshow(median_psf) canvas.draw() width, height = (fig.get_size_inches() * fig.get_dpi()).astype(int) return np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8').reshape(height, width, 3)
def fancy_show_stars( image, stars, ref_stars=None, target=None, size=15, pixel_scale=None, contrast=0.05, aperture=None, marker_color=np.array([131, 220, 255]) / 255, proper_motion=False, n_stars=None, flip=False, view="all", zoom=True, options={}, ): """ Plot stack image and detected stars Parameters ---------- size: float (optional) pyplot figure (size, size) image: int (optional) index of image to plot in light files. Default is None, which show stack image contrast: float contrast within [0, 1] (zscale is applied here) marker_color: [r, g, b] proper_motion: bool whether to display proper motion on the image n_stars: int max number of stars to show flip: bool flip image view: 'all', 'reference' - ``reference`` : only highlight target and comparison stars - ``all`` : all stars are shown zoom: bool whether to include a zoom view options: dict style options: - to do Examples -------- .. code-block:: python3 from specphot.observations import Photometry phot = Photometry("your_path") phot.plot_stars(view="reference") .. image:: /user_guide/gallery/plot_stars.png :align: center """ _options = { "aperture_color": "seagreen", "aperture_ls": "--" } _options.update(options) marker_size = 9 if isinstance(image, str): image = fits.getdata(image) image_size = np.array(np.shape(image))[::-1] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size)) if flip: image = utils.z_scale(image, c=contrast)[::-1, ::-1] stars = np.array(image_size) - stars else: image = utils.z_scale(image, c=contrast) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(image, cmap="Greys_r") plt.title("Stack image", loc="left") size_factor = size / 15 fontsize = min(size_factor, 1) * 15 label_yoffset = min(size_factor, 1) * 30 if view == "all": for i, coord in enumerate(stars): circle = mpatches.Circle(coord, marker_size, fill=None, ec=marker_color, ) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) plt.annotate(str(i), xy=[coord[0], coord[1] + marker_size+1], color=marker_color, ha='center', fontsize=12, va='top') if ref_stars is not None: circle = mpatches.Circle(stars[target, :], marker_size, fill=None, ec=marker_color, label="target") ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) plt.annotate(target, xy=[stars[target][0], stars[target][1] + marker_size+1], color=marker_color, ha='center', fontsize=12, va='top') plt.imshow(image, cmap="Greys_r") for i in ref_stars: circle = mpatches.Circle(stars[i, :], marker_size, fill=None, ec="yellow", label="comparison") ax.add_artist(circle) plt.annotate(str(i), xy=[stars[i][0], stars[i][1] + marker_size+1], color="yellow", fontsize=12, ha='center', va='top') other_stars = np.arange(len(stars)) other_stars = np.setdiff1d(other_stars, target) other_stars = np.setdiff1d(other_stars, ref_stars) for i in other_stars: circle = mpatches.Circle(stars[i, :], marker_size, fill=None, ec=marker_color, label="comparison", alpha=0.4) ax.add_artist(circle) plt.tight_layout() if pixel_scale is not None: ob = AnchoredHScaleBar(size=60 / pixel_scale, label="1'", loc=4, frameon=False, extent=0, pad=0.6, sep=4, linekw=dict(color="white", linewidth=0.8)) ax.add_artist(ob) if target is not None and zoom: with plt.rc_context({ 'axes.edgecolor': "white", 'xtick.color': "white", 'ytick.color': "white" }): x, y = stars[target] rect = patches.Rectangle( (x - 80, y - 80), 160, 160, linewidth=1, edgecolor='white', facecolor='none', alpha=0.3) ax.add_patch(rect) axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 2.5, loc=1) axins.imshow(image, cmap="Greys_r", origin="upper") if aperture is not None: ap = aperture / 2 aperture = patches.Circle( (x, y), ap, linewidth=1, ls=_options["aperture_ls"], edgecolor=_options["aperture_color"], facecolor='none', alpha=1) axins.add_patch(aperture) axins.set_xlim([x - 80, x + 80]) axins.set_ylim([y + 80, y - 80]) if pixel_scale is not None: obin = AnchoredHScaleBar(size=15 / pixel_scale, label="15\"", loc=4, frameon=False, extent=0, pad=0.6, sep=4, linekw=dict(color="white", linewidth=0.8)) axins.add_artist(obin) return fig
def show_stars(image, stars=None, highlight=None, size=15, options={}, flip=None, color=None, contrast=0.05): if color is None: color = np.array([131, 220, 255]) / 255 _options = { "aperture_color": "seagreen", "aperture_ls": "--" } _options.update(options) if isinstance(image, str): image = fits.getdata(image) image_size = np.array(np.shape(image))[::-1] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size)) if flip: image = utils.z_scale(image, c=contrast)[::-1, ::-1] if stars is not None: stars = np.array(image_size) - stars else: image = utils.z_scale(image, c=contrast) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(image, cmap="Greys_r") plt.title("Stack image", loc="left") size_factor = size/7 fontsize = min(size_factor, 1)*15 label_yoffset = min(size_factor, 1)*15 if stars is not None: if highlight is not None: plt.plot( stars[highlight, 0], stars[highlight, 1], "o", markersize=14*size_factor, markeredgecolor=color, markerfacecolor="none", label="target", ) plt.annotate( highlight, xy=[stars[highlight][0], stars[highlight][1] + label_yoffset], color=color, fontsize=fontsize, ha='center', va='top' ) else: highlight = -1 other_stars = np.arange(len(stars)) other_stars = np.setdiff1d(other_stars, highlight) plt.plot( stars[other_stars, 0], stars[other_stars, 1], "o", markersize=14*size_factor, markeredgecolor=color, markerfacecolor="none", alpha=0.4 if highlight >= 0 else 1 ) plt.tight_layout() return fig
def show(self, size=15): marker_size = 12 marker_color = np.array([131, 220, 255]) / 255 image = fits.getdata(self.phot.stack_fits) image_size = np.array(np.shape(image))[::-1] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size)) image = utils.z_scale(image, c=0.05) search_radius = 60 * self.radius / self.phot.telescope.pixel_scale target_coord = self.phot.stars[self.phot.target_id] circle = mpatches.Circle(target_coord, search_radius, fill=None, ec="white", alpha=0.6) plt.imshow(image, cmap="Greys_r") plt.title("Stack image", loc="left") ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) plt.annotate( "radius {}'".format(self.radius), xy=[target_coord[0], target_coord[1] - search_radius - 15], color="white", ha='center', fontsize=12, va='bottom', alpha=0.6) for coord in self.phot.stars: circle = mpatches.Circle(coord, marker_size, fill=None, ec=marker_color, alpha=0.4) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) for i, coord in enumerate(self.phot.stars[self.nearby_ids]): if self.nearby_ids[i] == self.phot.target_id: color = marker_color else: color = self.color(i) circle = mpatches.Circle(coord, marker_size, fill=None, ec=color) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_artist(circle) plt.annotate(str(self.nearby_ids[i]), xy=[coord[0], coord[1] - marker_size - 6], color=color, ha='center', fontsize=12, va='bottom') plt.tight_layout() ax = plt.gca() if self.phot.telescope.pixel_scale is not None: ob = viz.AnchoredHScaleBar(size=60 / self.phot.telescope.pixel_scale, label="1'", loc=4, frameon=False, extent=0, pad=0.6, sep=4, linekw=dict(color="white", linewidth=0.8)) ax.add_artist(ob) plt.ylim(target_coord[1] + search_radius + 100, target_coord[1] - search_radius - 100) plt.xlim(target_coord[0] - search_radius - 100, target_coord[0] + search_radius + 100)
from photutils import DAOStarFinder from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats from prose.pipeline_methods.alignment import clean_stars_positions from prose import PhotProducts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from prose import utils from import fits data = fits.getdata(phot.stack_fits) threshold = 1.3 * np.median(data) regions = regionprops(label(data > threshold), data) coordinates = np.array([region.weighted_centroid[::-1] for region in regions]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(data), cmap='Greys_r') plt.xlim(950, 1150) plt.ylim(950, 1150) plt.title("original image", loc="left") plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(utils.z_scale(data), cmap='Greys_r') for i, region in enumerate(regions): im = region.filled_image plt.imshow( == 0, im), extent=( region.bbox[1], region.bbox[3], region.bbox[0], region.bbox[2], ), cmap="viridis_r",