Beispiel #1
def test_triples():
    assert len(triples(relationships([sequential('a', 'b'),
                                      sequential('b', 'c')])).items()) == 1

    assert len(triples(relationships([sequential('a', 'b'),
                                      sequential('b', 'c'),
                                      sequential('c', 'd')])).items()) == 2
Beispiel #2
def test_exhaustive_consistent():
    # check basic consistency
    assert consistent(var('a'), var('b'), sequential('a', 'b'))

    # see how long a causal loop can be before transitivity stops working
    for i in range(1, 5):
        clauses = [sequential(to_char(i), 'a')] + chain(i)
        assert not consistent(and_(*clauses), exhaustive=True)
Beispiel #3
 def emission(self):
     """Sending a message must be preceded by observation of its ins,
        but cannot be preceded by observation of any nils or outs"""
     s = partial(observe, self.sender)
     ins = [impl(self.sent, sequential(s(p), self.sent))
            for p in self.ins]
     nils = [impl(and_(self.sent, s(p)), sequential(self.sent, s(p)))
             for p in self.nils]
     outs = [impl(self.sent, simultaneous(s(p), self.sent))
             for p in self.outs]
     return and_(*(ins + nils + outs))
Beispiel #4
def test_transitivity():
    def trans(s):
        return transitivity(triples(relationships(s)))

    statements = [sequential('a', 'b'),
                  sequential('b', 'c'),
                  sequential('d', 'e')]
    assert len(trans(statements)) == 1

    statements += sequential('a', 'c')
    assert trans(statements)[0].equiv(
        impl(and_(var("a<b"), var("b<c")), var("a<c")))
Beispiel #5
 def reception(self):
     "Each message reception is accompanied by the observation of its parameters; either they are observed, or the message itself is not"
     clauses = [impl(self.received,
                     or_(sequential(p, self.received),
                         simultaneous(p, self.received)))
                for p in map(partial(observe, self.recipient), self.ins | self.outs)]
     return and_(*clauses)
Beispiel #6
 def blocked(self):
     s = partial(observe, self.sender)
     ins = [~s(p) for p in self.ins]
     nils = [and_(s(p), ~(sequential(s(p), self.sent) |
                          simultaneous(s(p), self.sent))) for p in self.nils]
     outs = [s(p) for p in self.outs]
     return or_(*(nils + outs + ins))
Beispiel #7
def test_timeline():
    statements = [simultaneous('a', 'b'), sequential('b', 'a')]
    t = timeline(relationships(statements))
    print('timeline: ', t)
    formula = and_(var('a'), var('b'), *(t + statements))
    print('formula: ', formula)
    s = formula.sat()[1]
    if s:
        print('solution: ', [k for k, v in s.items() if v])
    assert not s
Beispiel #8
 def transmission(self):
     "Each message reception is causally preceded by its emission"
     return impl(self.received, sequential(self.sent, self.received))
Beispiel #9
def test_ordered():
    assert not (ordered('a', 'b')
                & var('a')
                & var('b')
                & ~sequential('a', 'b')
                & ~sequential('b', 'a')).sat()[1]
Beispiel #10
def test_relationships():
    statements = [simultaneous('a', 'b'), sequential('a', 'b')]
    rs = relationships(statements)
    assert ('a', 'b') in rs and len(rs[('a', 'b')]) == 2
Beispiel #11
def test_consistent2():
    # see how long a causal loop can be before transitivity stops working
    for i in range(1, 5):
        clauses = [sequential(to_char(i), 'a')] + chain(i)
        assert not consistent(and_(*clauses))
Beispiel #12
def test_consistent():
    # check basic consistency
    assert consistent(var('a'), var('b'), sequential('a', 'b'))
Beispiel #13
def chain(n):
    clauses = []
    for i in range(n):
        clauses.append(sequential(to_char(i), to_char(i + 1)))
    return clauses