Beispiel #1
 def stats(self):
     tstamp = time.time()
     rusage = {}
     ru = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
     for attr in (u'ru_idrss', u'ru_inblock', u'ru_isrss', u'ru_ixrss',
                  u'ru_majflt', u'ru_maxrss', u'ru_minflt', u'ru_msgrcv',
                  u'ru_msgsnd', u'ru_nivcsw', u'ru_nsignals', u'ru_nswap',
                  u'ru_nvcsw', u'ru_oublock', u'ru_stime', u'ru_utime'):
         if hasattr(ru, attr):
             rusage[attr] = getattr(ru, attr)
     result = {
         u"address": self.tether.address,
         u"agent": self.tether.agent,
         u"type": self.tether.agent_type,
         u"timestamp": timestamp(tstamp * 1000),
         u"rusage": rusage,
         u"times": os.times(),
         u"command": map(unicode, [sys.executable] + sys.argv),
         u"incoming_count": app.incoming,
         u"outgoing_count": app.outgoing,
         u"incoming_count_lib": lib.incoming,
         u"outgoing_count_lib": lib.outgoing,
         u"incoming_rate": self.incoming.rate(app.incoming, tstamp),
         u"outgoing_rate": self.outgoing.rate(app.outgoing, tstamp),
         u"incoming_rate_lib": self.incoming_lib.rate(lib.incoming, tstamp),
         u"outgoing_rate_lib": self.outgoing_lib.rate(lib.outgoing, tstamp)
     return result
Beispiel #2
 def stats(self):
     tstamp = time.time()
     rusage = {}
     ru = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
     for attr in (u'ru_idrss', u'ru_inblock', u'ru_isrss', u'ru_ixrss',
                  u'ru_majflt', u'ru_maxrss', u'ru_minflt', u'ru_msgrcv',
                  u'ru_msgsnd', u'ru_nivcsw', u'ru_nsignals', u'ru_nswap',
                  u'ru_nvcsw', u'ru_oublock', u'ru_stime', u'ru_utime'):
         if hasattr(ru, attr):
             rusage[attr] = getattr(ru, attr)
     result = {u"address": self.tether.address,
               u"agent": self.tether.agent,
               u"type": self.tether.agent_type,
               u"timestamp": timestamp(tstamp*1000),
               u"rusage": rusage,
               u"times": os.times(),
               u"command": map(unicode, [sys.executable] + sys.argv),
               u"incoming_count": app.incoming,
               u"outgoing_count": app.outgoing,
               u"incoming_count_lib": lib.incoming,
               u"outgoing_count_lib": lib.outgoing,
               u"incoming_rate": self.incoming.rate(app.incoming, tstamp),
               u"outgoing_rate": self.outgoing.rate(app.outgoing, tstamp),
               u"incoming_rate_lib": self.incoming_lib.rate(lib.incoming, tstamp),
               u"outgoing_rate_lib": self.outgoing_lib.rate(lib.outgoing, tstamp)}
     return result
 def ticket_created(self, ticket):
     _time = proton.timestamp(time.time() * 1000)
     event = {"category": "created",
              "time": _time,
              "author": ticket['reporter']}
     event['state'] = dict((k, self._transform_value(k, ticket[k])) for k in ticket.values)
 def ticket_comment_modified(self, ticket, cdate, author, comment, old_comment):
     _time = proton.timestamp(time.time() * 1000)
     event = {"category": "changed",
              "time": _time,
              "author": author,
              "cdate": cdate,
              'change': {"comment": comment}}
Beispiel #5
 def encode_amqp_type(amqp_type, test_value):
     """Encode an AMQP type from a stringified test_value"""
     if amqp_type == 'null':
         return None
     if amqp_type == 'boolean':
         return True if test_value == 'True' else False
     if amqp_type == 'ubyte':
         return proton.ubyte(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'ushort':
         return proton.ushort(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'uint':
         return proton.uint(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'ulong':
         return proton.ulong(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'byte':
         return proton.byte(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'short':
         return proton.short(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'int':
         return proton.int32(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'long':
         return _compat.str2long(test_value, 16)
     if amqp_type == 'float':
         return proton.float32(struct.unpack('!f', _compat.decode_hex(test_value[2:]))[0])
     if amqp_type == 'double':
         return struct.unpack('!d', _compat.decode_hex(test_value[2:]))[0]
     if amqp_type == 'decimal32':
         return proton.decimal32(int(test_value[2:], 16))
     if amqp_type == 'decimal64':
         return proton.decimal64(_compat.str2long(test_value[2:], 16))
     if amqp_type == 'decimal128':
         return proton.decimal128(_compat.decode_hex(test_value[2:]))
     if amqp_type == 'char':
         if len(test_value) == 1: # Format 'a'
             return proton.char(test_value)
         return proton.char(_compat.unichr(int(test_value, 16)))
     if amqp_type == 'timestamp':
         return proton.timestamp(int(test_value, 16))
     if amqp_type == 'uuid':
         return uuid.UUID(test_value)
     if amqp_type == 'binary':
         return test_value.encode('utf-8')
     if amqp_type == 'string':
         return _compat.unicode(test_value)
     if amqp_type == 'symbol':
         return proton.symbol(test_value)
     if amqp_type == 'list':
         return AmqpTypesTestSender.encode_amqp_list(test_value)
     if amqp_type == 'map':
         return AmqpTypesTestSender.encode_amqp_map(test_value)
     if amqp_type == 'array':
         #return AmqpTypesTestSender.encode_amqp_array(test_value)
         print('send: Unsupported AMQP type "%s"' % amqp_type)
         return None
     print('send: Unknown AMQP type "%s"' % amqp_type)
     return None
    def ticket_changed(self, ticket, comment, author, old_values):
        _time = proton.timestamp(time.time() * 1000)
        event = {"category": "changed",
                 "time": _time,
                 "comment": comment,                 
                 "author": author}
        event['change'] = dict((k, self._transform_value(k, ticket[k])) for k in old_values)
	event['state'] = dict((k, self._transform_value(k, ticket[k])) for k in ticket.values)
 def attachment_added(self, attachment):
     _time = proton.timestamp(time.time() * 1000)
     if attachment.parent_realm != "ticket":
     event = {"category": "attachment-added",
              "time": _time,
              "ticket": attachment.parent_realm,
              "filename": attachment.filename,
              "description": attachment.description,
              "size": attachment.size}
 def selector(self):
     """ Creates a selector expression of the offset """
     if isinstance(self.value, datetime.datetime):
         epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
         milli_seconds = timestamp(
             (self.value - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0)
         return Selector(u"amqp.annotation.x-opt-enqueued-time > '" +
                         str(milli_seconds) + "'")
     elif isinstance(self.value, timestamp):
         return Selector(u"amqp.annotation.x-opt-enqueued-time > '" +
                         str(self.value) + "'")
         operator = ">=" if self.inclusive else ">"
         return Selector(u"amqp.annotation.x-opt-offset " + operator +
                         " '" + utf82unicode(self.value) + "'")
 def _transform_value(self, field, value):
     if value is empty:
         return None
     if field in ("cc", "keywords"):
         # note, Trac uses '[;,\s]+' (see trac/ticket/
         # but CGI's fork doesn't include the whitespace
         return [x.strip() for x in re.split(r'[;,]+', value)]
     # TODO deal with integer, date, float fields (CGI extensions)
     # e.g., we have to convert value as string to value as float/integer, by looking
     # at the field datatype configuration
     # TODO ensure that 'changetime' is in UTC?
     if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
         # celery uses kombu, which uses pickle by default, which 
         # fails to unpickle trac.util.datefmt.FixedOffset
         #value = value.astimezone(pytz.utc)
         # but then also proton then fails to seralize for sending to Service Bus...
         # TODO says this is a bad idea
         value = proton.timestamp(time.mktime(value.timetuple()) * 1000)
     return value
 def ticket_deleted(self, ticket):
     _time = proton.timestamp(time.time() * 1000)
     event = {"category": "deleted",
              "time": _time,
 def create_message(self, test_value):
     Creates a single message with the test value translated from its string representation to the appropriate
     AMQP value (set in self.amqp_type).
     if self.amqp_type == 'null':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=None)
     elif self.amqp_type == 'boolean':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                        body=True if test_value == 'True' else False)
     elif self.amqp_type == 'ubyte':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=ubyte(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'ushort':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                        body=ushort(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'uint':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=uint(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'ulong':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=ulong(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'byte':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=byte(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'short':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=short(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'int':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=int32(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'long':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=long(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'float':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                            unpack('!f', test_value[2:].decode('hex'))[0]))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'double':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                        body=unpack('!d', test_value[2:].decode('hex'))[0])
     elif self.amqp_type == 'decimal32':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                        body=decimal32(int(test_value[2:], 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'decimal64':
         l64 = long(test_value[2:], 16)
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=decimal64(l64))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'decimal128':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
     elif self.amqp_type == 'char':
         if len(test_value) == 1:  # Format 'a'
             return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=char(test_value))
             val = int(test_value, 16)
             return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=char(unichr(val)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'timestamp':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1),
                        body=timestamp(int(test_value, 16)))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'uuid':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=UUID(test_value))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'binary':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=bytes(test_value))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'string':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=unicode(test_value))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'symbol':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=symbol(test_value))
     elif self.amqp_type == 'list':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=test_value)
     elif self.amqp_type == 'map':
         return Message(id=(self.sent + 1), body=test_value)
         print 'send: Unsupported AMQP type "%s"' % self.amqp_type
         return None