def get_server_list(self):
        """Build list of servers by Country."""
        # Check for latest data.
        # Get server details from raw server data.
        servers_data = pvpncli_utils.get_servers()
        # Compile dictionary of countries and server details; key=country name.
        unsorted_countries = {}
        for server in servers_data:
            country = pvpncli_utils.get_country_name(server['ExitCountry'])
            if country not in unsorted_countries.keys():
                unsorted_countries[country] = []

            server_details = {}
            server_name = server['Name']
            server_details[server_name] = {}

            for k, v in server.items():
                server_details[server_name][k] = v


        # Alphabetize countries by country name.
        sorted_countries = sorted(unsorted_countries.keys())

        servers_by_country = {}
        for country in sorted_countries:
            servers_by_country[country] = unsorted_countries[country]

        return servers_by_country
Beispiel #2
    def generate_autoconnect_list(self):
        countries = {}
        servers = get_servers()

        autoconnect_alternatives = ["dis", "fast", "rand", "p2p", "sc", "tor"]

        for server in servers:
            country = get_country_name(server["ExitCountry"])
            if country not in countries.keys():
                countries[country] = []

        for country in sorted(countries):

        return autoconnect_alternatives
    def get_country_servers(self, servers):
        countries = {}
        for server in servers:
            country = get_country_name(server["ExitCountry"])
            if country not in countries.keys():
                countries[country] = []

        country_servers = {} 
        # Order server list by country alphabetically
        countries = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(countries.items()))

        for country in countries:
            country_servers[country] = sorted(countries[country], key=lambda s: get_server_value(s, "Load", servers))

        return country_servers
Beispiel #4
def populate_autoconnect_list(interface, return_list=False):
    """Function that populates autoconnect dropdown list.
    autoconnect_liststore = interface.get_object("AutoconnectListStore")
    countries = {}
    servers = get_servers()
    other_choice_dict = {
        "dis": "Disabled",
        "fast": "Fastest",
        "rand": "Random",
        "p2p": "Peer2Peer",
        "sc": "Secure Core (Plus/Visionary)",
        "tor": "Tor (Plus/Visionary)"
    autoconnect_alternatives = ["dis", "fast", "rand", "p2p", "sc", "tor"]
    # return_values = collections.OrderedDict()
    return_values = collections.OrderedDict()

    for server in servers:
        country = get_country_name(server["ExitCountry"])
        if country not in countries.keys():
            countries[country] = []

    for country in sorted(countries):

    for alt in autoconnect_alternatives:
        if alt in other_choice_dict:
            # if return_list:
            return_values[alt] = other_choice_dict[alt]
            # else:
            autoconnect_liststore.append([alt, other_choice_dict[alt], alt])
            for k, v in country_codes.items():
                if alt.lower() == v.lower():
                    # if return_list:
                    return_values[k] = v
                    # else:
                    autoconnect_liststore.append([k, v, k])

    if return_list:
        return return_values
    def update_current_connection(self, *dt):
        """Update the current connection info."""
        # Check for active connection
        self.vpn_connected = self.is_connected()
        if self.vpn_connected:
            # Cancel scheduled events, if they exist.
            if self.data_trans:
            if self.cnxn_time:

            servers = pvpncli_utils.get_servers()

            ip = None
            while not ip:
                    ip = pvpncli_utils.get_ip_info()[0]
                # except Exception as e:
                except SystemExit:
                        'Exception from update_current_connection(): SystemExit'
                    )  # noqa
                    print('reconnect cmd sent')
                    self.exec_cmd('protonvpn reconnect')

            self.ids.main_screen.ids.exit_server_ip.text = f'IP: {ip}'

            connected_server = None

                connected_server = pvpncli_utils.get_config_value(
                self.last_known_connection = connected_server
            except KeyError:
                self.last_known_connection = None

            # Set Secure Core switch if app newly initialized. Otherwise the
            # switch state is determined by User interaction afterwards.
            if self.app_newly_initialized:
                feature = pvpncli_utils.get_server_value(
                if feature == 1:
                    self.secure_core.state = 'down'
                    self.secure_core.state = 'normal'

            self.app_newly_initialized = False
            country_code = pvpncli_utils.get_server_value(
            cnxn_window = self.ids.main_screen.ids.connection_window
            flag = f'./images/flags/large/{country_code.lower()}-large.jpg'
            cnxn_window.img_source = flag

            country = pvpncli_utils.get_country_name(country_code)
            exit_server_info = f'{country} >> {connected_server}'
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.exit_server.text = exit_server_info
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.exit_server.color = [1, 1, 1, 1]

            connected_protocol = pvpncli_utils.get_config_value(
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.protocol.text = (
                f'OpenVPN ({connected_protocol.upper()})')

            load = pvpncli_utils.get_server_value(
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.exit_server_load.text = f'{load}% Load'

            down = self.ids.main_screen.ids.bitrate_down_arrow
            down.source = './images/bitrate-download-arrow.png'
            up = self.ids.main_screen.ids.bitrate_up_arrow
            up.source = './images/bitrate-upload-arrow.png'

            # Make text visible.
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.data_received.color = [1, 1, 1, 1]
            self.ids.main_screen.ids.data_sent.color = [1, 1, 1, 1]

            # Set connection window button as 'Disconnect'
            self.cnxn_wndw_btn.normal_img = './images/disconnect.png'
            self.cnxn_wndw_btn.hover_img = './images/disconnect_hover.png'
            self.cnxn_wndw_btn.source = './images/disconnect.png'

            # Schedule events

            # VPN isn't connected, so clear the conneciton info on screen.
Beispiel #6
    def status(self) -> str:
        """ Return the current VPN status.

            Showing connection status (connected/disconnected),
            current IP, server name, country, server load
        if not self._check_configs():
            return 'Settings problem. Please run "protonvpn init".'

        killswitch_active = is_killswitch_active(CONFIG_DIR)
        if not is_connected():
            msgs = ['Not connected']
            if killswitch_active:
                msgs.append('Kill Switch is currently active.')
            ip, isp = get_ip_info()
            msgs.extend((f'IP: {ip}', f'ISP: {isp}'))
            return '\n'.join(msgs)


        metadata = self.config.get('metadata', {})
        current_server = metadata.get("connected_server", None)
        current_protocol = metadata.get("connected_proto", None)
        dns_server = metadata.get("dns_server", None)
        if not metadata or \
                not all((current_server, current_protocol, dns_server)):
            return 'Please connect with "protonvpn connect" first.'

        if not is_server_reachable(dns_server):
            msgs = ('Could not reach VPN server',
                    'You may want to reconnect with "protonvpn reconnect"')
            return '\n'.join(msgs)

        servers = get_servers()
        subs = [s["Servers"] for s in servers if s["Name"] == current_server]
        server_ips = [subserver["ExitIP"] for subserver in subs[0]]

        ip, isp = get_ip_info()

        all_features = {0: "Normal", 1: "Secure-Core", 2: "Tor", 4: "P2P"}

        country_code = get_server_value(current_server, "ExitCountry", servers)
        country = get_country_name(country_code)
        city = get_server_value(current_server, "City", servers)
        load = get_server_value(current_server, "Load", servers)
        feature = get_server_value(current_server, "Features", servers)
        last_connection = metadata.get("connected_time")
        connection_time = time.time() - int(last_connection)

        killswitch_status = "Enabled" if killswitch_active else "Disabled"
        connection_time = str(datetime.timedelta(

        msgs = (
            "Status: Connected",
            f"Time: {connection_time}",
            f"IP: {ip}",
            f"Server: {current_server}",
            f"Features: {all_features[feature]}",
            f"Protocol: {current_protocol.upper()}",
            f"Kill Switch: {killswitch_status}",
            f"Country: {country}",
            f"City: {city}",
            f"Load: {load}",
        return '\n'.join(msgs)
Beispiel #7
def populate_server_list(populate_servers_dict):
    """Function that updates server list.
    only_secure_core = True if get_gui_config("connections", "display_secure_core") == "True" else False


    features = {0: "Normal", 1: "Secure-Core", 2: "Tor", 4: "P2P"}
    server_tiers = {0: "Free", 1: "Basic", 2: "Plus/Visionary"}
    if not populate_servers_dict["servers"]:
        servers = get_servers()
        servers = populate_servers_dict["servers"]

    # Country with respective servers, ex: PT#02
    countries = {}
    if servers:
        for server in servers:
            country = get_country_name(server["ExitCountry"])
            if country not in countries.keys():
                countries[country] = []

        country_servers = {} 

        # Order server list by country alphabetically
        countries = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(countries.items()))

        for country in countries:
            country_servers[country] = sorted(countries[country], key=lambda s: get_server_value(s, "Load", servers))

        CURRDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        flags_base_path = CURRDIR+"/resources/img/flags/small/"
        features_base_path = CURRDIR+"/resources/img/utils/"

        # Create empty image
        empty_path = features_base_path+"normal.png"
        empty_pix = empty = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(empty_path, 15,15)
        # Create P2P image
        p2p_path = features_base_path+"p2p-arrows.png"
        p2p_pix = empty = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(p2p_path, 15,15)
        # Create TOR image
        tor_path = features_base_path+"tor-onion.png"
        tor_pix = empty = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(tor_path, 15,15)
        # Create Plus image
        plus_server_path = features_base_path+"plus-server.png"
        plus_pix = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(plus_server_path, 15,15)

        for country in country_servers:
            for k,v in country_codes.items():
                if country == v:
                    flag_path = flags_base_path+"{}.png".format(v)
                    flag_path = flags_base_path+"Unknown.png"

            # Get average load and highest feature
            avrg_load, country_feature = get_country_avrg_features(country, country_servers, servers, features)

            flag = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(flag_path, 15,15)
            # Check plus servers
            if country_feature == "normal" or country_feature == "p2p":
                plus_feature = empty_pix
                plus_feature = plus_pix

            # Check correct feature
            if country_feature == "normal" or country_feature == "secure-core":
                feature = empty_pix
            elif country_feature == "p2p":
                feature = p2p_pix
            elif country_feature == "tor":
                feature = tor_pix

            if country_feature == "secure-core" and only_secure_core:
                country_row = populate_servers_dict["tree_object"].append(None, [flag, country, plus_feature, feature, avrg_load])
            elif not only_secure_core:
                country_row = populate_servers_dict["tree_object"].append(None, [flag, country, plus_feature, feature, avrg_load])

            for servername in country_servers[country]:
                secure_core = False
                load = str(get_server_value(servername, "Load", servers)).rjust(3, " ")
                load = load + "%"               

                tier = server_tiers[get_server_value(servername, "Tier", servers)]
                if not "Plus/Visionary".lower() == tier.lower():
                    plus_feature = empty_pix
                    plus_feature = plus_pix

                server_feature = features[get_server_value(servername, 'Features', servers)].lower()
                if server_feature == "Normal".lower():
                    feature = empty_pix
                elif server_feature == "P2P".lower():
                    feature = p2p_pix
                elif server_feature == "Tor".lower():
                    feature = tor_pix
                    # Should be secure core
                    secure_core = True

                if secure_core and only_secure_core:
                    populate_servers_dict["tree_object"].append(country_row, [empty_pix, servername, plus_feature, feature, load])
                elif not secure_core and not only_secure_core:
                    populate_servers_dict["tree_object"].append(country_row, [empty_pix, servername, plus_feature, feature, load])
 def get_available_countries(servers):
     return sorted(list({utils.get_country_name(server['ExitCountry']) for server in servers}))