def close_dispute(resolution_json, db, message_listener, notification_listener, testnet):
    This function processes a dispute close message received from the moderator. It will
    store the resolution in the contract and send a notification to the listeners telling
    them that the dispute is resolved.

        resolution_json: The `dispute_resolution` portion of the contract received from the moderator.
        db: a `Database` object.
        message_listener: a `MessageListenerImpl` object.
        notification_listener: a `NotificationListenerImpl` object.
        testnet: `bool` of whether we're on testnet or not.

    order_id = resolution_json["dispute_resolution"]["resolution"]["order_id"]

    if os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER + "purchases/in progress/" + order_id + ".json"):
        file_path = DATA_FOLDER + "purchases/in progress/" + order_id + ".json"
    elif os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER + "store/contracts/in progress/" + order_id + ".json"):
        file_path = DATA_FOLDER + "store/contracts/in progress/" + order_id + ".json"

    with open(file_path, 'r') as filename:
        contract = json.load(filename, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

    for moderator in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["moderators"]:
        if moderator["guid"] == contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["moderator"]:
            moderator_guid = unhexlify(moderator["guid"])
            moderator_handle = moderator["blockchain_id"]
            moderator_pubkey = unhexlify(moderator["pubkeys"]["guid"])
            moderator_avatar = unhexlify(moderator["avatar"])

    verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(moderator_pubkey)
    verify_key.verify(json.dumps(resolution_json["dispute_resolution"]["resolution"], indent=4),

    contract["dispute_resolution"] = resolution_json["dispute_resolution"]

    if db.purchases.get_purchase(order_id) is not None:
        db.purchases.update_status(order_id, 5)

    elif db.sales.get_sale(order_id) is not None:
        db.sales.update_status(order_id, 5)

    with open(file_path, 'wb') as outfile:
        outfile.write(json.dumps(contract, indent=4))

    p = PlaintextMessage()
    p.sender_guid = moderator_guid
    p.handle = moderator_handle
    p.pubkey = moderator_pubkey
    p.subject = str(order_id)
    p.type = PlaintextMessage.Type.Value("DISPUTE_CLOSE")
    p.message = str(resolution_json["dispute_resolution"]["resolution"]["decision"])
    p.timestamp = int(time.time())
    p.avatar_hash = moderator_avatar

    message_listener.notify(p, "")
    notification_listener.notify(moderator_guid, moderator_handle, "dispute_close", order_id,
 def _create_valid_plaintext_message(handle):
     p = PlaintextMessage()
     p.sender_guid = 'test_guid'
     p.handle = handle
     p.pubkey = 'test_pubkey'
     p.subject = 'test_subject'
     p.type = 1
     p.message = 'test_message'
     p.timestamp = 10
     p.avatar_hash = 'test_avatar_hash'
     return p
 def _create_valid_plaintext_message(handle):
     p = PlaintextMessage()
     p.sender_guid = 'test_guid'
     p.handle = handle
     p.pubkey = 'test_pubkey'
     p.subject = 'test_subject'
     p.type = 1
     p.message = 'test_message'
     p.timestamp = 10
     p.avatar_hash = 'test_avatar_hash'
     return p
Beispiel #4
def process_dispute(contract, db, message_listener, notification_listener, testnet):
    This function processes a dispute message received from another node. It checks the
    contract to see if this a dispute for a purchase we made, a dispute for one of our
    sales, or a new case if we are the moderator.

    If it's a purchase or sale it will
    update the order status to disputed and push a notification to the listener.

    If it's a new case it will validate the contract, create a new case in the db,
    and push a notification to the listener.

        contract: a json contract of the current order state. Should have a "dispute"
            object attached with dispute info.
        db: a `Database` object.
        message_listener: a `MessageListenerImpl` object.
        notification_listener: a `NotificationListenerImpl` object.
        testnet: `bool` of whether we're on testnet or not.
    tmp_contract = deepcopy(contract)
    if "vendor_order_confirmation" in tmp_contract:
        del tmp_contract["vendor_order_confirmation"]
    if "buyer_receipt" in tmp_contract:
        del tmp_contract["buyer_receipt"]
    del tmp_contract["dispute"]

    order_id = digest(json.dumps(tmp_contract, indent=4)).encode("hex")
    own_guid = KeyChain(db).guid.encode("hex")

    if contract["dispute"]["info"]["guid"] == contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["guid"]:
        guid = unhexlify(contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["guid"])
        public_key = unhexlify(contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["guid"])
        if "blockchain_id" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]:
            handle = contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["blockchain_id"]
            handle = ""
        proof_sig = None
    elif contract["dispute"]["info"]["guid"] == contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["guid"]:
        guid = unhexlify(contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["guid"])
        public_key = unhexlify(contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["guid"])
        if "blockchain_id" in contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]:
            handle = contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["blockchain_id"]
            handle = ""
        proof_sig = contract["dispute"]["info"]["proof_sig"]
        raise Exception("Dispute guid not in contract")

    verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(public_key)
    verify_key.verify(json.dumps(contract["dispute"]["info"], indent=4),

    p = PlaintextMessage()
    p.sender_guid = guid
    p.handle = handle
    p.pubkey = public_key
    p.subject = str(order_id)
    p.type = PlaintextMessage.Type.Value("DISPUTE_OPEN")
    p.message = str(contract["dispute"]["info"]["claim"])
    p.timestamp = int(time.time())
    p.avatar_hash = unhexlify(str(contract["dispute"]["info"]["avatar_hash"]))

    if db.purchases.get_purchase(order_id) is not None:
        db.purchases.update_status(order_id, 4)

    elif db.sales.get_sale(order_id) is not None:
        db.sales.update_status(order_id, 4)

    elif "moderators" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]:
        # TODO: make sure a case isn't already open in the db
        is_selected = False
        for moderator in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["moderators"]:
            if moderator["guid"] == own_guid and contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["moderator"] == own_guid:
                is_selected = True
        if not is_selected:
            raise Exception("Not a moderator for this contract")
            if "blockchain_id" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"] and \
                            contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["blockchain_id"] != "":
                vendor = contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["blockchain_id"]
                vendor = contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["guid"]
            if "blockchain_id" in contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"] and \
                            contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["blockchain_id"] != "":
                buyer = contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["blockchain_id"]
                buyer = contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["guid"]

            c = Contract(db, contract=contract, testnet=testnet)

            validation_failures = c.validate_for_moderation(proof_sig)

                              buyer, vendor, json.dumps(validation_failures),

            with open(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, "cases", order_id + ".json"), 'wb') as outfile:
                outfile.write(json.dumps(contract, indent=4))
        raise Exception("Order ID for dispute not found")

    message_listener.notify(p, "")
    title = contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["item"]["title"]
    notification_listener.notify(guid, handle, "dispute_open", order_id,

    # Send SMTP notification
    notification = SMTPNotification(db)
    guid = guid.encode("hex")
    notification.send("[OpenBazaar] Dispute Opened",
                      "A dispute has been opened.\n\n"
                      "Order: %s\n"
                      "Opened By: %s\n"
                      "Title: %s" % (order_id, guid, title))