Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, value, condition_or_conditions):
        Create a Conditional with the given particular value
        and the given condition.  If multiple conditions are
        provided, these will be wrapped in a conjunction internally.
        However, if the 'condition_delimiter' style is set to 'comma', 
        the conditions will be displayed in a comma
        delimited fashion if it is within a conjunction.
        from proveit._core_.expression.composite import \
            single_or_composite_expression, Composite, ExprTuple, ExprRange

        value = single_or_composite_expression(value)
        assert (isinstance(value, Expression)
                and not isinstance(value, ExprRange))

        condition_or_conditions = \

        if isinstance(condition_or_conditions, ExprTuple):
            if is_single(condition_or_conditions):
                condition = condition_or_conditions[0]
                # Must wrap a tuple of conditions in a conjunction.
                from proveit.logic import And
                condition = And(*condition_or_conditions.entries)
            condition = condition_or_conditions
        assert (isinstance(condition, Expression)
                and not isinstance(condition, Composite))

        Expression.__init__(self, ['Conditional'], (value, condition))

        self.value = value
        self.condition = condition
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, var, index_or_indices, *, styles=None):
     Initialize an IndexedVar to represent the given 'var' being indexed
     via 'index_or_indices'.  The 'var' must be a Variable.
     from proveit._core_.expression.composite import composite_expression
     if not isinstance(var, Variable):
         raise TypeError("'var' being indexed should be a Variable "
                         "or IndexedVar itself; got %s" % str(var))
     self.indices = composite_expression(index_or_indices)
     if is_single(self.indices):
         # has a single index
         self.index = self.indices[0]
         self.index_or_indices = self.index
         self.index_or_indices = self.indices
     Function.__init__(self, var, self.index_or_indices, styles=styles)
     self.var = var
Beispiel #3
 def auto_reduction(self, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
     Automatically reduce a conditional with a TRUE condition
     or with a condition that is a conjunction of two conjunctions,
     merging them into one.  This latter reduction is useful when
     merging conditions from two sources.  For example, showing\
     \forall_{x | A, B} \forall_{y | C, D} P(x, y) =
        \forall_{x, y | A, B, C, D} P(x, y)
     would make use of this reduction.
     from proveit import a, m, n, Q, R
     from proveit.logic import And, TRUE
     if self.condition == TRUE:
         from proveit.core_expr_types.conditionals import \
         return true_condition_reduction.instantiate({a: self.value})
     elif isinstance(self.condition, And):
         from proveit.core_expr_types.conditionals import \
              condition_append_reduction, condition_prepend_reduction,
         conditions = self.condition.operands
         if is_single(conditions):
             with defaults.disabled_auto_reduction_types as disabled_types:
                 # Don't auto-reduce 'And' in this process
                 return singular_conjunction_condition_reduction \
                     .instantiate({a: self.value, Q: conditions[0]})
         elif (conditions.num_entries() == 2
               and isinstance(conditions[0], And)):
             _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements(assumptions)
             return condition_append_reduction.instantiate(
                     a: self.value,
                     m: _m,
                     Q: _Q,
                     R: conditions[1]
         elif (conditions.num_entries() == 2
               and isinstance(conditions[1], And)):
             _R = conditions[1].operands
             _n = _R.num_elements(assumptions)
             return condition_prepend_reduction.instantiate(
                     a: self.value,
                     n: _n,
                     Q: conditions[0],
                     R: _R
         elif (conditions.num_entries() == 2
               and all(isinstance(cond, And) for cond in conditions)):
             _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _R = conditions[1].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements(assumptions)
             _n = _R.num_elements(assumptions)
             _a = self.value
             return condition_merger_reduction.instantiate(
                     m: _m,
                     n: _n,
                     a: _a,
                     Q: _Q,
                     R: _R
         elif (conditions.num_entries() == 2
               and any(isinstance(cond, And) for cond in conditions)
               and any(cond == TRUE for cond in conditions)):
             if conditions[0] == TRUE:
                 thm = condition_with_true_on_left_reduction
                 _Q = conditions[1].operands
                 assert conditions[1] == TRUE
                 thm = condition_with_true_on_right_reduction
                 _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements(assumptions)
             _a = self.value
             return thm.instantiate({
                 m: _m,
                 a: _a,
                 Q: _Q
Beispiel #4
 def shallow_simplification(self,
     Handles various Conditional reductions:
         {a if T.  =  a
         {{a if Q. if Q.  =  {a if Q.
         {a if [⋀](Q).  =  {a if Q.
         {a if a ⋀ b, c ⋀ d.  =  {a if a ⋀ b ⋀ c ⋀ d.
     from proveit import a, m, n, Q, R
     from proveit.logic import And, TRUE, Equals, is_irreducible_value
     if self.condition == TRUE:
         from proveit.core_expr_types.conditionals import \
         return true_condition_reduction.instantiate({a: self.value})
     elif self.condition.proven():
         return self.satisfied_condition_reduction()
     elif self.condition.disproven():
         return self.dissatisfied_condition_reduction()
     elif (isinstance(self.value, Conditional)
           and self.condition == self.value.condition):
         from proveit.core_expr_types.conditionals import \
         return redundant_condition_reduction.instantiate({
             a: self.value.value,
             Q: self.condition
     elif isinstance(self.condition, And):
         from proveit.core_expr_types.conditionals import \
              condition_append_reduction, condition_prepend_reduction,
         conditions = self.condition.operands
         if is_single(conditions):
             return singular_conjunction_condition_reduction \
                 .instantiate({a: self.value, Q: conditions[0]})
         elif (conditions.is_double()
               and all(isinstance(cond, And) for cond in conditions)):
             _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _R = conditions[1].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements()
             _n = _R.num_elements()
             _a = self.value
             return condition_merger_reduction.instantiate({
                 m: _m,
                 n: _n,
                 a: _a,
                 Q: _Q,
                 R: _R
         elif (conditions.num_entries() == 2
               and any(isinstance(cond, And) for cond in conditions)
               and any(cond == TRUE for cond in conditions)):
             if conditions[0] == TRUE:
                 thm = condition_with_true_on_left_reduction
                 _Q = conditions[1].operands
                 assert conditions[1] == TRUE
                 thm = condition_with_true_on_right_reduction
                 _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements()
             _a = self.value
             return thm.instantiate({m: _m, a: _a, Q: _Q})
         elif (conditions.is_double() and isinstance(conditions[0], And)):
             _Q = conditions[0].operands
             _m = _Q.num_elements()
             return condition_append_reduction.instantiate({
                 a: self.value,
                 m: _m,
                 Q: _Q,
                 R: conditions[1]
         elif (conditions.is_double() and isinstance(conditions[1], And)):
             _R = conditions[1].operands
             _n = _R.num_elements()
             return condition_prepend_reduction.instantiate({
                 a: self.value,
                 n: _n,
                 Q: conditions[0],
                 R: _R
         elif any(cond == TRUE for cond in conditions):
             idx = conditions.index(TRUE)
             _Q = conditions[:idx]
             _R = conditions[idx + 1:]
             _m = _Q.num_elements()
             _n = _R.num_elements()
             return true_condition_elimination.instantiate({
                 a: self.value,
                 Q: _Q,
                 R: _R,
                 m: _m,
                 n: _n
     elif must_evaluate:
         # The only way we can equate a Conditional to an
         # irreducible is if we prove the condition to be true.
         return self.evaluation()
     # Use trivial self-reflection if there is no other
     # simplification to do.
     return Equals(self, self).prove()