Beispiel #1
def random_upa_graphs():
    """ Implementation on random graphs of varying sizes that are
    generated under the undirected preferential attachment model.


    a tuple containing the result of the run and number of nodes used."""
    first = provided.upa(2,2)
    second = provided.upa(4,2)
    third = provided.upa(6,2)
    fourth = provided.upa(8,2)
    fifth = provided.upa(10,2)
    sixth = provided.upa(12,2)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [first, 0]), "UPA(2,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(first)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [second, 0]),"UPA(4,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(second)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [third, 0]),"UPA(6,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(third)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [fourth, 0]),"UPA(8,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(fourth)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [fifth, 0]),"UPA(10,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(fifth)
    print comp182.time_func(brute_force_distance, [sixth, 0]),"UPA(12,2)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(sixth)
Beispiel #2
def bfs_random_upa_graphs():
    """ Implementation on random graphs of varying sizes that are
    generated under the undirected preferential attachment model
    using the BFS algorithm.


    a tuple containing the result of the run and number of nodes used."""
    first = provided.upa(500,5)
    second = provided.upa(500,20)
    third = provided.upa(500,80)
    fourth = provided.upa(500,320)
    print comp182.time_func(bfs, [first, 0]), "UPA(500,5)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(first)
    print comp182.time_func(bfs, [second, 0]),"UPA(500,20)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(second)
    print comp182.time_func(bfs, [third, 0]),"UPA(500,80)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(third)
    print comp182.time_func(bfs, [fourth, 0]),"UPA(500,320)"
    print "Edges in graph:", edge_count(fourth)
Beispiel #3
def analyze_graphs():
    """ Runs all six experiments and plots the pictorial graphs.


    #Analyzes the network graph and creates similar perimeters for Erdos and UPA graph
    nodes = node_count_function(networktopology)
    print "Nodes in Network graph:", nodes
    string1, edgesavg = average_edge_per_node(networktopology)
    edges = edge_count(networktopology)
    print "Averge Number of Edges:", edgesavg
    totaldegree = provided.total_degree(networktopology)
    print "Total degree of Network graph:", totaldegree
    probabilityerdos = float(edges)/(nodes*(nodes-1)/2.0)
    print "Probability P for Erdos:", probabilityerdos
    upa = provided.upa(nodes,edgesavg)

    #Saves the grahes to be modified.
    savedrandomgraph = comp182.copy_graph(upa)
    erdos = provided.erdos_renyi(nodes,probabilityerdos)
    savederdosgraph = comp182.copy_graph(erdos)
    savednetworkgraph = comp182.copy_graph(networktopology)
    #runs the different attacks on the various graphs
    randomgraphattack = random_attack(comp182.copy_graph(upa))
    print "First plot finished."
    randomgraphtargeted = targeted_attack(comp182.copy_graph(upa))
    print "Second plot finished."
    erdosgraphattack = random_attack(comp182.copy_graph(erdos))
    print "Third plot finished."
    erdosgraphtargeted = targeted_attack(comp182.copy_graph(erdos))
    print "Fourth plot finished."
    networkgraphattack = random_attack(comp182.copy_graph(savednetworkgraph))
    print "Fifth plot finished."
    networkgraphtargeted = targeted_attack(savednetworkgraph)
    print "Sixth plot finished."

    #formats the pictorial graph
    labelerdos = "Erdos({}, {})".format(nodes,probabilityerdos)
    labelupa = "UPA({},{})".format(nodes,edgesavg)
    labels = ["Network Graph"+"Targeted", "Network Graph"+"Random", labelerdos+"Targeted", labelerdos+"Random",labelupa+"Targeted", labelupa+"Random"]
    comp182.plot_lines([networkgraphtargeted, networkgraphattack, erdosgraphtargeted, erdosgraphattack, randomgraphtargeted, randomgraphattack],"Resiliency of Graphs' Attacks", "Nodes Removded", "Largest Connected-Component", labels, filename="Resiliency of Graphs' Attacks")
Beispiel #4
import comp182
import provided
import connected_components
import random

network = comp182.read_graph('rf7.repr')
random1 = provided.upa(1347,5)
random2 = provided.erdos_renyi(1347, float(6224)/float(906531))

def random_remove(g):
    #remove one node from graph randomly
        g -- graph
        a graph with a node removed
    random_node = random.sample(g,1)[0] # choose random node
    g.pop(random_node,None) # remove node
    for node in g:
        if g[node] & {random_node} == {random_node}:
    return g
# test for random_remove
#test1 = random_remove(provided.upa(5,2))

def plot_remove(g):
    #remove the node with largest cut,
     plot the size of connected components 
     with respect to number of nodes removed.
Beispiel #5
g3 = {0: {1,2,3},
      1: {0,4,5},
      2: {0,3,6},
      3: {0,2,7},
      4: {1,3,5,8},
      5: {1,4,9},
      6: {2,7,10},
      7: {3,6,8,10},
      8: {4,7,9,11},
      9: {5,8,11},

result1 = bfs(g1,0)
result2 = bfs(g2,0)
result3 = bfs(g3,0)

# test 2 #
g4 = provided.upa(5, 5)
g5 = provided.upa(500, 20)
g6 = provided.upa(500, 80)
g7 = provided.upa(500, 320)

result4 = comp182.time_func(bfs, [g4, 0])
result5 = comp182.time_func(bfs, [g5, 0])
result6 = comp182.time_func(bfs, [g6, 0])
result7 = comp182.time_func(bfs, [g7, 0])