Beispiel #1
def make_kernel_parameters(testcase=None, **parms):
    """Make a randomly populated `KernelParameters` instance.

    If testcase is passed, we poke the generated arch/subarch into the
    ArchitectureRegistry and call addCleanup on the testcase to make sure
    it is removed after the test completes.
    # fs_host needs to be an IP address, set it if it was not passed.
    if 'fs_host' not in parms:
        parms.update({'fs_host': factory.make_ip_address()})
        field: factory.make_name(field)
        for field in KernelParameters._fields if field not in parms
    if not isinstance(parms['http_boot'], bool):
        parms['http_boot'] = True
    params = KernelParameters(**parms)

    if testcase is not None:
        name = "%s/%s" % (params.arch, params.subarch)
        if name in ArchitectureRegistry:
            # It's already there, no need to patch and risk overwriting
            # preset kernel options.
            return params
        resource = Architecture(name, name)
        ArchitectureRegistry.register_item(name, resource)

        testcase.addCleanup(ArchitectureRegistry.unregister_item, name)

    return params
Beispiel #2
def make_kernel_parameters(**parms):
    """Make a randomly populated `KernelParameters` instance."""
        field: factory.make_name(field)
        for field in KernelParameters._fields if field not in parms
    return KernelParameters(**parms)
Beispiel #3
 def fetch(client, params):
     params["system_id"] = client.localIdent
     d = self.fetcher(client, GetBootConfig, **params)
     d.addCallback(self.get_boot_image, client, params["remote_ip"])
     d.addCallback(lambda data: KernelParameters(**data))
     return d
Beispiel #4
 def test_pxeconfig_returns_fs_host_as_cluster_controller(self):
     # The kernel parameter `fs_host` points to the cluster controller
     # address, which is passed over within the `local` parameter.
     params = self.get_default_params()
     kernel_params = KernelParameters(**self.get_pxeconfig(params))
     self.assertEqual(params["local"], kernel_params.fs_host)
Beispiel #5
 def reassemble(data):
     return KernelParameters(**data)