Beispiel #1
 def get_random_pose(self, bias_pose: PoseR2S2 = None, bias=0.05):
     if bias_pose is not None:
         rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
         if rand <= bias:
             return bias_pose.copy()
     x = random.uniform(0, self.width)
     y = random.uniform(0, self.height)
     theta = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
     return PoseR2S2(x, y, theta)
Beispiel #2
 def update_shape(self, pose: PoseR2S2):
     # adjust the tractor vertices based on articulation angel
     o = PoseR2S2(pose.x, pose.y, pose.theta)
     p0 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p1 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p2 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l, self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p3 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, self.tractor_w / 2.))
     self.shape = (p0, p1, p2, p3)
Beispiel #3
 def execute_motion(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float,
                    dt: float) -> PoseR2S2:
     theta1 = pose.theta
     theta2 = wrap_to_npi_pi(theta1 - pose.phi)
     # tan_alpha = w * self.tractor_l / v
     L2 = self.trailer_l + self.link_l
     x_new = pose.x + dt * v * cos(pose.phi) * cos(theta2)
     y_new = pose.y + dt * v * cos(pose.phi) * sin(theta2)
     theta_new = theta1 + dt * w
     phi_new = theta_new - (theta2 + dt * v * sin(pose.phi) / L2)
     return PoseR2S2(x_new, y_new, theta_new, phi_new)
Beispiel #4
 def update_shape(self, pose: PoseR2S2):
     # adjust the tractor vertices based on articulation angel
     theta2 = (pose.theta - pose.phi)
     o = PoseR2S2(pose.x, pose.y, theta2, 0.)
     p0 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p1 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, -self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p2 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.trailer_l, -self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p3 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.trailer_l, self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p4 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.trailer_l, 0.))
     p5 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.trailer_l + self.link_l, 0.))
     hitch_pose = PoseR2S2(p5.x, p5.y, pose.theta)
     p6 = hitch_pose.compose_point(PointR2(0, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p9 = hitch_pose.compose_point(PointR2(0, self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p8 = hitch_pose.compose_point(
         PointR2(self.tractor_l, self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p7 = hitch_pose.compose_point(
         PointR2(self.tractor_l, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     self.shape = (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9)
     self.hitch_pose = hitch_pose
     self.last_phi = pose.phi
Beispiel #5
 def _sim_move_forward(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float,
                       dt: float) -> (PoseR2S2, float):
     final_pose = PoseR2S2()
     final_pose.x = pose.x + v * dt * cos(pose.theta)
     final_pose.y = pose.y + v * dt * sin(pose.theta)
     final_pose.theta = pose.theta + w * dt
     #final_pose.phi = pose.phi - dt * ((v / (self.trailer_l / 2)) * sin(pose.phi) - (
     #    (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * w / (self.trailer_l / 2)) * cos(pose.phi) - w)
     final_pose.phi = pose.phi - dt * (
         (v / (self.trailer_l)) * sin(pose.phi) -
         ((self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * w /
          (self.trailer_l)) * cos(pose.phi) - w)
     return final_pose
Beispiel #6
def test_plot(av: ArticulatedVehicle, x: float, y: float, theta: float,
              phi: float):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from prrt.primitive import PoseR2S2
    from math import radians as rad
    pose = PoseR2S2(x, y, theta, phi)
    grid_size = av.trailer_l * 4
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_xlim([x - grid_size, x + grid_size])
    ax.set_ylim([y - grid_size, y + grid_size])
    av.plot(ax, pose, None)
    ax.title.set_text('Pose = {0} '.format(pose))
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, config: dict):
     # check the provided config file for details on the variables initialized
     self.v_max = config['v_max']  # type: float
     self.w_max = rad(config['w_max'])  # type: float
     self.phi_max = rad(config['phi_max'])  # type: float
     self.tractor_w = config['tractor_w']  # type: float
     self.tractor_l = config['tractor_l']  # type: float
     self.link_l = config['link_l']  # type: float
     self.trailer_w = config['trailer_w']  # type: float
     self.trailer_l = config['trailer_l']  # type: float
     self.last_phi = 0.  # keeps track of changes to phi in order to update vehicle shape
     # vertices numbered as shown below
     #       8----------------7       2-------1
     #       |                |       |       |
     # Trl_W |                5-------4   o   | Trk_W
     #       |                |  L_L  |       |
     #       9----------------6       3-------0
     #              Trl_L               Trk_L
     o = PoseR2S2(0., 0., 0., 0.)
     p0 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l / 2.,
                                  -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p1 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l / 2., self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p2 = o.compose_point(PointR2(-self.tractor_l / 2.,
                                  self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p3 = o.compose_point(
         PointR2(-self.tractor_l / 2., -self.tractor_w / 2.))
     p4 = o.compose_point(PointR2(-self.tractor_l / 2., 0.))
     p5 = o.compose_point(PointR2(-self.tractor_l / 2. - self.link_l, 0.))
     hitch_pose = PoseR2S2(p5.x, p5.y, self.last_phi)
     p6 = hitch_pose.compose_point(PointR2(0, -self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p7 = hitch_pose.compose_point(PointR2(0, self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p8 = hitch_pose.compose_point(
         PointR2(-self.trailer_l, self.trailer_w / 2.))
     p9 = hitch_pose.compose_point(
         PointR2(-self.trailer_l, -self.trailer_w / 2.))
     self.shape = (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9)
     self.last_hitch_pose = hitch_pose
Beispiel #8
    def build_cpoints(self):
        from math import exp
        r = self.vehicle.tractor_l  # see ref 1
        # generate trajectories for each steering angle
        for alpha in np.arange(-self.alpha_max,
                               self.alpha_max + self.alpha_resolution,
            n = 0
            v = self.K * self.vehicle.v_max
            pose = PoseR2S2(0., 0., 0., self.init_phi)
            dist = 0.  # tp_space distance
            last_pose = pose.copy()
            w = v / self.vehicle.tractor_l * tan(alpha)  # rotational velocity
            rotation = 0.  # same as pose.theta but defined over the range [0: 2PI)
            cpoints_at_alpha = [CPoint(pose, 0., v, w,
                                       alpha)]  # type: List[CPoint]
            while abs(
            ) < 1.95 * PI and dist < self.d_max and n < self.n_max and abs(
                    pose.phi) <= self.vehicle.phi_max:

                # calculate control parameters
                delta = helper.wrap_to_npi_pi(alpha - pose.theta)
                v = self.K * self.vehicle.v_max * exp(-(delta / 1.)**2)
                w = self.K * self.vehicle.w_max * (-0.5 +
                                                   (1 /
                                                    (1 + exp(-delta / 1.))))
                pose = self.vehicle.execute_motion(pose, v, w, self.dt)
                rotation += w * self.dt
                v_tp_space = sqrt(v * v + (w * r) * (w * r))
                dist += v_tp_space * self.dt
                delta_pose = pose - last_pose
                dist1 = delta_pose.norm
                dist2 = abs(delta_pose.theta) * self.k_theta
                dist_max = max(dist1, dist2)
                if dist_max > self.min_dist_between_cpoints:
                        CPoint(pose.copy(), dist, v, w, alpha, n))
                    n += 1
        print('Completed building cpoints for {0}'.format(
Beispiel #9
 def build_cpoints(self):
     Builds a list of cpoint trajectories for each alpha value (steering angle)
         1- Blanco, Jose-Luis, Javier González, and Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal. "Extending obstacle avoidance methods through multiple parameter-space transformations." Autonomous Robots 24.1 (2008): 29-48.
         2- Lamiraux, Florent, Sepanta Sekhavat, and J-P. Laumond. "Motion planning and control for Hilare pulling a trailer." IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15.4 (1999): 640-652.
     r = self.vehicle.tractor_l  # see ref 1
     # generate trajectories for each steering angle
     for alpha in np.arange(-self.alpha_max,
                            self.alpha_max + self.alpha_resolution,
         n = 0
         v = self.K * self.vehicle.v_max
         pose = PoseR2S2(0., 0., 0., self.init_phi)
         dist = 0.  # tp_space distance
         last_pose = pose.copy()
         w = v / self.vehicle.tractor_l * tan(alpha)  # rotational velocity
         rotation = 0.  # same as pose.theta but defined over the range [0: 2PI)
         cpoints_at_alpha = [CPoint(pose, 0., v, w,
                                    alpha)]  # type: List[CPoint]
         while abs(
         ) < 1.95 * PI and dist < self.d_max and n < self.n_max and abs(
                 pose.phi) <= self.vehicle.phi_max:
             pose = self.vehicle.execute_motion(pose, v, w, self.dt)
             rotation += w * self.dt
             v_tp_space = sqrt(v * v + (w * r) * (w * r))
             dist += v_tp_space * self.dt
             delta_pose = pose - last_pose
             dist1 = delta_pose.norm
             dist2 = abs(delta_pose.theta) * self.k_theta
             dist_max = max(dist1, dist2)
             if dist_max > self.min_dist_between_cpoints:
                     CPoint(pose.copy(), dist, v, w, alpha, n))
                 n += 1
     print('Completed building cpoints for {0}'.format(
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, config: dict):
        self.v_max = config['v_max']  # type: float
        self.w_max = rad(config['w_max'])  # type: float
        self.phi_max = 0.
        self.tractor_w = config['tractor_w']  # type: float
        self.tractor_l = config['tractor_l']  # type: float

        # vertices numbered as shown below
        # Origin is the center of the tractor back axle
        #  3-------2
        #  |       |
        #  o       | Trk_W
        #  |       |
        #  0-------1
        #     Trk_L
        o = PoseR2S2(0., 0., 0., 0.)
        p0 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
        p1 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l, -self.tractor_w / 2.))
        p2 = o.compose_point(PointR2(self.tractor_l, self.tractor_w / 2.))
        p3 = o.compose_point(PointR2(0, self.tractor_w / 2.))
        self.shape = (p0, p1, p2, p3)
Beispiel #11
    def _sim_move_reverse(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float, dt: float):
        # Transform to simulated car pulling the trailer backwards
        #x_rev = pose.x - (self.trailer_l / 2.) * cos(pose.theta) - \
        #        (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * cos(pose.theta + pose.phi)
        #y_rev = pose.y - (self.trailer_l / 2) * sin(pose.theta) - \
        #        (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * sin(pose.theta + pose.phi)
        x_rev = pose.x - (self.trailer_l) * cos(pose.theta) - \
                (self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * cos(pose.theta + pose.phi)
        y_rev = pose.y - (self.trailer_l) * sin(pose.theta) - \
                (self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * sin(pose.theta + pose.phi)
        theta_rev = pose.theta + pose.phi + PI
        phi_rev = -pose.phi

        # Move forward one step
        x_rev += v * dt * cos(theta_rev)
        y_rev += v * dt * sin(theta_rev)
        theta_rev += dt * w
        #phi_rev += dt * ((v / (self.trailer_l / 2)) * sin(phi_rev) - (
        #    (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * w / (self.trailer_l / 2)) * cos(phi_rev) - w)
        phi_rev += dt * ((v / (self.trailer_l)) * sin(phi_rev) -
                         ((self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * w /
                          (self.trailer_l)) * cos(phi_rev) - w)

        # Transform back
        new_pose = PoseR2S2()
        new_pose.phi = -phi_rev
        new_pose.theta = theta_rev - new_pose.phi - PI
        #new_pose.x = x_rev + (self.trailer_l / 2.) * cos(new_pose.theta) + \
        #             (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * cos(new_pose.theta + new_pose.phi)
        #new_pose.y = y_rev + (self.trailer_l / 2) * sin(new_pose.theta) + \
        #             (self.tractor_l / 2 + self.link_l) * sin(new_pose.theta + new_pose.phi)
        new_pose.x = x_rev + (self.trailer_l) * cos(new_pose.theta) + \
                     (self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * cos(new_pose.theta + new_pose.phi)
        new_pose.y = y_rev + (self.trailer_l) * sin(new_pose.theta) + \
                     (self.tractor_l + self.link_l) * sin(new_pose.theta + new_pose.phi)

        return new_pose
Beispiel #12
    def solve(self):
        self.setup()  # load aptgs and world map
        init_pose = PoseR2S2.from_dict(self.config['init_pose'])
        goal_pose = PoseR2S2.from_dict(self.config['goal_pose'])
        self.tree = Tree(init_pose)
        goal_dist_tolerance = self.config['goal_dist_tolerance']
        goal_ang_tolerance = self.config['goal_ang_tolerance']
        debug_tree_state = self.config['debug_tree_state']
        debug_tree_state_file = self.config['debug_tree_state_file']
        bias = self.config['rrt_bias']
        obs_R = self.config['obs_R']
        D_max = self.config['D_max']
        solution_found = False
        max_count = self.config['max_count']
        counter = 0
        min_goal_dist_yet = float('inf')
        start_time = time.time()
        while not solution_found and len(self.tree.nodes) < max_count:
            counter += 1
            rand_pose =, bias)
            candidate_new_nodes = sorteddict.SortedDict()
            rand_node = Node(ptg=None, pose=rand_pose)
            for aptg in self.aptgs:
                ptg, ptg_nearest_node, ptg_d_min = self.tree.get_aptg_nearest_node(
                    rand_node, aptg)
                if ptg_nearest_node is None:
                    print('APTG {0} can\'t find nearest pose to {1}'.format(
              , rand_node))
                ptg_nearest_pose = ptg_nearest_node.pose
                rand_pose_rel = rand_pose - ptg_nearest_pose
                d_max = min(D_max, ptg.distance_ref)
                is_exact, k_rand, d_rand = ptg.inverse_WS2TP(rand_pose_rel)
                d_rand *= ptg.distance_ref
                max_dist_for_obstacles = obs_R * ptg.distance_ref
                obstacles_rel =
                    ptg_nearest_pose, max_dist_for_obstacles)
                obstacles_TP = self.transform_toTP_obstacles(
                    ptg, obstacles_rel, k_rand, max_dist_for_obstacles)
                d_free = obstacles_TP[k_rand]
                d_new = min(d_max, d_rand)
                if debug_tree_state > 0 and counter % debug_tree_state == 0:
              , ptg_nearest_pose,
                # Skip if the current ptg and alpha (k_ran) can't reach this point
                if ptg.cpoints[k_rand][-1].d < d_new:
                    #print('Node leads to invalid trajectory. Node Skipped!')

                if d_free >= d_new:
                    # get cpoint at d_new
                    cpoint = ptg.get_cpoint_at_d(d_new, k_rand)
                    new_pose_rel = cpoint.pose.copy()
                    new_pose = ptg_nearest_pose + new_pose_rel  # type: PoseR2S2
                    accept_this_node = True
                    goal_dist = new_pose.distance_2d(goal_pose)
                    goal_ang = abs(
                        helper.angle_distance(new_pose.theta, goal_pose.theta))
                    is_acceptable_goal = goal_dist < goal_dist_tolerance and goal_ang < goal_ang_tolerance
                    new_nearest_node = None  # type: Node
                    if not is_acceptable_goal:
                        new_node = Node(ptg, new_pose)
                        new_nearest_ptg, new_nearest_node, new_nearest_dist = self.tree.get_aptg_nearest_node(
                            new_node, aptg)
                        if new_nearest_node is not None:
                            new_nearest_ang = abs(
                            accept_this_node = new_nearest_dist >= 0.1 or new_nearest_ang >= 0.35
                            # ToDo: make 0.1 and 0.35 configurable parameters
                    if not accept_this_node:
                    new_edge = Edge(ptg, k_rand, d_new, ptg_nearest_node,
                    candidate_new_nodes.update({d_new: new_edge})
                    #print('Candidate node found')
                else:  # path is not free
                    #print('Obstacle ahead!')
                    # do nothing for now
            if len(candidate_new_nodes) > 0:
                best_edge = candidate_new_nodes.peekitem(-1)[1]  # type : Edge
                new_state_node = Node(best_edge.ptg, best_edge.end_pose,
                                               new_state_node, best_edge)
                #print('new node added to tree from ptg {0}'.format(
                goal_dist = best_edge.end_pose.distance_2d(goal_pose)
                print("New note : ", new_state_node.pose)
                print("Goal distance of the current node : ", goal_dist)
                goal_ang = abs(
                is_acceptable_goal = goal_dist < goal_dist_tolerance and goal_ang < goal_ang_tolerance
                min_goal_dist_yet = min(goal_dist, min_goal_dist_yet)
                print("Best Goal distance : ", min_goal_dist_yet)
                if is_acceptable_goal:
                    print('goal reached!')
                    # To do: continue running to refine solution
                print("Counter = ", counter, "   Number of nodes :",
        self.solving_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Done in {0:.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))
        #self.solving_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Minimum distance to goal reached is {0}'.format(
        if not is_acceptable_goal:
            print('Solution not found within iteration limit')
            self.planner_success = False
            self.total_number_of_iterations = counter
            self.total_number_of_nodes = len(self.tree.nodes)
            self.best_path_length = 0.0  #Todo : add calculation!
            self.best_distance_to_target = min_goal_dist_yet

            # dump results
            if self.config['csv_out_file'] != '':
            if self.config['plot_tree_file'] != '':
                self.tree.plot_nodes(, goal_pose,
            #if self.config['plot_solution'] != '':
            #   self.trace_solution(self.aptgs[0].vehicle, goal_pose, self.config['plot_solution'])
        # set parameters to get results
        self.planner_success = True
        self.total_number_of_iterations = counter
        self.total_number_of_nodes = len(self.tree.nodes)
        self.best_path_length = 0.0  # Todo : add calculation!
        self.best_distance_to_target = min_goal_dist_yet
        # dump results
        if self.config['csv_out_file'] != '':
        if self.config['plot_tree_file'] != '':
            self.tree.plot_nodes(, goal_pose,
        if self.config['plot_solution'] != '':
            self.trace_solution(self.aptgs[0].vehicle, goal_pose,
Beispiel #13
 def get_distance_metric(self, from_pose: PoseR2S2,
                         to_pose: PoseR2S2) -> float:
     delta_pose = to_pose.diff(from_pose)
     return sqrt(delta_pose.x**2 + delta_pose.y**2 + delta_pose.theta**2)
Beispiel #14
 def execute_motion(self, pose: PoseR2S2, v: float, w: float,
                    dt: float) -> PoseR2S2:
     x_new = pose.x + dt * v * cos(pose.theta)
     y_new = pose.y + dt * v * sin(pose.theta)
     theta_new = wrap_to_npi_pi(pose.theta + dt * w)
     return PoseR2S2(x_new, y_new, theta_new)