def clean_wrapper(name_string, dict_list=regex_dicts):
    print name_string
    out = psCleanup.rem_diacritics(name_string)
    out = psCleanup.stdize_case(out)
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_regex([out], dict_list)
    out = out[0].strip()
def clean_wrapper(name_string, dict_list=regex_dicts):
    print name_string
    out = psCleanup.rem_diacritics(name_string)
    out = psCleanup.stdize_case(out)
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_regex([out], dict_list)
    out = out[0].strip()
    return (out)
Beispiel #3
def clean_wrapper(name_dict, dict_list=regex_dicts):
    name_string = psCleanup.decoder(name_dict["person_name"])
    out = psCleanup.rem_diacritics(name_string)
    out = psCleanup.stdize_case(out)
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_regex([out], dict_list)
    out = out[0].strip()
    name_dict["person_name"] = psCleanup.encoder(out)
    return name_dict
Beispiel #4
def clean_wrapper(name_dict, dict_list=regex_dicts):
    name_string = psCleanup.decoder(name_dict['person_name'])
    out = psCleanup.rem_diacritics(name_string)
    out = psCleanup.stdize_case(out)
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_regex([out], dict_list)
    out = out[0].strip()
    name_dict['person_name'] = psCleanup.encoder(out)
    return (name_dict)

def translate_non_alphanumerics(to_translate, translate_to=u' '):
    not_letters_or_digits = unicode(string.punctuation)
    translate_table = dict((ord(char), translate_to)
                           for char in not_letters_or_digits)
    return to_translate.translate(translate_table)

def strip_punc(s):
    s_out = s.translate(string.maketrans("",""), string.punctuation)
    return s_out
#Function names below are not exact
N = len(names)
t0 = time.time()
clean_names = [psCleanup.rem_diacritics(n) for n in names]
clean_names = [psCleanup.rem_trail_spaces(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = [psCleanup.stdize_case(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = [translate_non_alphanumerics(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = psCleanup.master_clean_dicts(clean_names, all_dicts)
clean_names = [n.strip() for n in clean_names]
t1 = time.time()

### Works out to ~ 0.05s / entry
clean_time = t1 - t0
print clean_time / N

## Then pre-cluster by the leading 3 characters of the name
t0 = time.time()
leading_ngram_dict = psDisambig.build_leading_ngram_dict(clean_names, leading_n=3)
t1 = time.time()
def translate_non_alphanumerics(to_translate, translate_to=u' '):
    not_letters_or_digits = unicode(string.punctuation)
    translate_table = dict(
        (ord(char), translate_to) for char in not_letters_or_digits)
    return to_translate.translate(translate_table)

def strip_punc(s):
    s_out = s.translate(string.maketrans("", ""), string.punctuation)
    return s_out

#Function names below are not exact
N = len(names)
t0 = time.time()
clean_names = [psCleanup.rem_diacritics(n) for n in names]
clean_names = [psCleanup.rem_trail_spaces(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = [psCleanup.stdize_case(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = [translate_non_alphanumerics(n) for n in clean_names]
clean_names = psCleanup.master_clean_dicts(clean_names, all_dicts)
clean_names = [re.sub(' ', '', n) for n in clean_names]
t1 = time.time()

## Define some blocking functions

def block_by_2_ngrams(name_string, ngram_length=2):
    block_dict = {}
    for name in name_string:
        these_ngrams = set([
            ''.join(name[j] for j in range(i, i + ngram_length))
def clean_list_wrapper(name_list, dict_list=all_dicts):
    out = [psCleanup.rem_diacritics(n) for n in name_list]
    out = [psCleanup.stdize_case(n) for n in out]
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_dicts(out, all_dicts)
    out = [n.strip() for n in out]
def clean_list_wrapper(name_list, dict_list=all_dicts):
    out = [psCleanup.rem_diacritics(n) for n in name_list]
    out = [psCleanup.stdize_case(n) for n in out]
    out = psCleanup.master_clean_dicts(out, all_dicts)
    out = [n.strip() for n in out]
    return (out)