Beispiel #1
def api_websocket(accessor=None):
    """Meant for use with the websocket and API.

    Make a connection to this function, and then pass it the API
    path you wish to receive. Function returns only the raw value
    and unit in list form.

    sane_args = dict(request.args)
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor

    # Refresh the root node before creating the websocket

    if request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'):
        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        ws = request.environ['wsgi.websocket']
        while True:
                message = ws.receive()
                node = psapi.getter(message, config, request.path, cache=True)
                prop =
                val = node.walk(first=True, **sane_args)
                jval = json.dumps(val[prop])
            except Exception as e:
                # Socket was probably closed by the browser changing pages
    return ''
Beispiel #2
def graph(accessor=None):
    Accessor method for fetching the HTML for the real-time graphing.

    :param accessor: The API path to be accessed (see /api)
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    info = {'graph_path': accessor,
            'graph_hash': hash(accessor)}

    # Refresh the root node before creating the websocket

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'], request.path, cache=True)
    prop =

    if request.values.get('delta'):
        info['delta'] = 1
        info['delta'] = 0

    info['graph_prop'] = prop
    query_string = request.query_string
    info['query_string'] = urllib.quote(query_string)

    url = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)
    info['load_from'] = url.scheme + '://' + url.netloc
    info['load_websocket'] = url.netloc

    # Generate page and add cross-domain loading
    response = make_response(render_template('graph.html', **info))
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'

    return response
Beispiel #3
def graph(accessor=None):
    Accessor method for fetching the HTML for the real-time graphing.

    :param accessor: The API path to be accessed (see /api)
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    info = {'graph_path': accessor,
            'graph_hash': hash(accessor)}

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'])
    prop =

    if request.values.get('delta'):
        info['delta'] = 1
        info['delta'] = 0

    info['graph_prop'] = prop
    query_string = request.query_string
    info['query_string'] = urllib.quote(query_string)

    return render_template('graph.html',
Beispiel #4
def api_websocket(accessor=None):
    """Meant for use with the websocket and API.

    Make a connection to this function, and then pass it the API
    path you wish to receive. Function returns only the raw value
    and unit in list form.

    sane_args = dict(request.args)
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor

    # Refresh the root node before creating the websocket

    if request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'):
        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        ws = request.environ['wsgi.websocket']
        while True:
                message = ws.receive()
                node = psapi.getter(message, config, cache=True)
                prop =
                val = node.walk(first=True, **sane_args)
                jval = json.dumps(val[prop])
            except (AttributeError, geventwebsocket.WebSocketError) as e:
                # Socket was probably closed by the browser changing pages
    return ''
Beispiel #5
def graph(accessor=None):
    Accessor method for fetching the HTML for the real-time graphing.

    :param accessor: The API path to be accessed (see /api)
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    info = {'graph_path': accessor,
            'graph_hash': hash(accessor)}

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'])
    prop =

    if request.values.get('delta'):
        info['delta'] = 1
        info['delta'] = 0

    info['graph_prop'] = prop
    query_string = request.query_string
    info['query_string'] = urllib.quote(query_string)

    return render_template('graph.html',
Beispiel #6
def api(accessor=''):
    The function that serves up all the metrics. Given some path/to/a/metric it will
    retrieve the metric and do the necessary walking of the tree.

    :param accessor: The path/to/the/desired/metric
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    # Setup sane/safe arguments for actually getting the data. We take in all
    # arguments that were passed via GET/POST. If they passed a config variable
    # we clobber it, as we trust what is in the config.
    sane_args = dict(request.values)

    # Special cases for 'service' and 'process' to make NCPA v1.7 backwards compatible
    # with probably the most disgusting code ever written but needed to work ASAP for
    # those who had checks set up before the changes.
    path = [re.sub('%2f', '/', x, flags=re.I) for x in accessor.split('/') if x]
    if len(path) > 0 and path[0] == 'api':
        path = path[1:]
    if len(path) > 0:
        node_name, rest_path = path[0], path[1:]

        if node_name == "service":
            accessor = "services"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['service'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    sane_args['status'] = [rest_path[1]]
                    sane_args['check'] = True;
        elif node_name == "process":
            accessor = "processes"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['name'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    if rest_path[1] == "count":
                        sane_args['check'] = True
        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        node = psapi.getter(accessor, config)
    except ValueError as exc:
        return error(msg='Referencing node that does not exist: %s' % accessor)
    except IndexError as exc:
        # Hide the actual exception and just show nice output to users about changes in the API functionality
        return error(msg='Could not access location specified. Changes to API calls were made in NCPA v1.7, check documentation on making API calls.')

    # Set the accessor and variables
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor
    sane_args['config'] = config
    if not 'check' in sane_args:
        sane_args['check'] = request.args.get('check', False);

    if sane_args['check']:
        value = node.run_check(**sane_args)
        value = node.walk(**sane_args)
    return jsonify({'value': value})
Beispiel #7
def graph(accessor=None):
    Accessor method for fetching the HTML for the real-time graphing.

    :param accessor: The API path to be accessed (see /api)
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    info = {'graph_path': accessor,
            'graph_hash': hash(accessor)}

    # Refresh the root node before creating the websocket

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'], request.path, cache=True)
    prop =

    if request.values.get('delta'):
        info['delta'] = 1
        info['delta'] = 0

    info['graph_prop'] = prop
    query_string = request.query_string
    info['query_string'] = urllib.quote(query_string)

    url = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)
    info['load_from'] = url.scheme + '://' + url.netloc
    info['load_websocket'] = url.netloc

    # Generate page and add cross-domain loading
    response = make_response(render_template('graph.html', **info))
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'

    return response
Beispiel #8
def api(accessor=''):
    The function that serves up all the metrics. Given some path/to/a/metric it will
    retrieve the metric and do the necessary walking of the tree.

    :param accessor: The path/to/the/desired/metric
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response

    # Setup sane/safe arguments for actually getting the data. We take in all
    # arguments that were passed via GET/POST. If they passed a config variable
    # we clobber it, as we trust what is in the config.
    sane_args = {}
    for value in request.values:
        sane_args[value] = request.args.getlist(value)

    # Set the full requested path
    full_path = request.path

    # Set the accessor and variables
    sane_args['debug'] = request.args.get('debug', False)
    sane_args['remote_addr'] = request.remote_addr
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor

    # Add config to sane_args
    config = listener.config['iconfig']
    sane_args['config'] = config

    # Check if we are running a check or not
    if not 'check' in sane_args:
        sane_args['check'] = request.args.get('check', False)

    # Try to get the node that was specified
        node = psapi.getter(accessor, config, full_path, request.args)
    except ValueError as exc:
        return error(msg='Referencing node that does not exist: %s' % accessor)
    except IndexError as exc:
        # Hide the actual exception and just show nice output to users about changes in the API functionality
        return error(msg='Could not access location specified. Changes to API calls were made in NCPA v1.7, check documentation on making API calls.')

    # Check for default unit in the config values
    default_units = get_config_value('general', 'default_units')
    if default_units:
        if not 'units' in sane_args:
            sane_args['units'] = default_units

    if sane_args['check']:
        value = node.run_check(**sane_args)
        value = node.walk(**sane_args)

    # Generate page and add cross-domain loading
    json_data = json.dumps(dict(value), ensure_ascii=False, indent=None if request.is_xhr else 4)
    response = Response(json_data, mimetype='application/json')
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return response
Beispiel #9
def graph(accessor=None):
    Accessor method for fetching the HTML for the real-time graphing.

    :param accessor: The API path to be accessed (see /api)
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response
    info = {'graph_path': accessor,
            'graph_hash': hash(accessor)}

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'])
    prop =

    if request.values.get('delta'):
        info['delta'] = 1
        info['delta'] = 0

    unit = request.args.get('unit', 'a').upper()
    if unit in ['K', 'M', 'G']:
        info['unit'] = unit
        info['unit'] = ''

    factor = 1
    if unit == 'K':
        factor = 1e3
    elif unit == 'M':
        factor = 1e6
    elif unit == 'G':
        factor = 1e9
    info['factor'] = factor

    node = psapi.getter(accessor, listener.config['iconfig'])
    prop =

    info['graph_prop'] = prop
    query_string = request.query_string
    info['query_string'] = urllib.quote(query_string)

    return render_template('graph.html',
Beispiel #10
def api_websocket(accessor=None):
    """Meant for use with the websocket and API.

    Make a connection to this function, and then pass it the API
    path you wish to receive. Function returns only the raw value
    and unit in list form.

    sane_args = dict(request.args)
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor

    if request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'):
        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        ws = request.environ['wsgi.websocket']
        while True:
            message = ws.receive()
            node = psapi.getter(message, config)
            prop =
            val = node.walk(first=True, **sane_args)
            jval = json.dumps(val[prop])
Beispiel #11
def api_websocket(accessor=None):
    """Meant for use with the websocket and API.

    Make a connection to this function, and then pass it the API
    path you wish to receive. Function returns only the raw value
    and unit in list form.

    sane_args = dict(request.args)
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor

    if request.environ.get('wsgi.websocket'):
        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        ws = request.environ['wsgi.websocket']
        while True:
            message = ws.receive()
            node = psapi.getter(message, config)
            prop =
            val = node.walk(first=True, **sane_args)
            jval = json.dumps(val[prop])
Beispiel #12
def api(accessor=''):
    The function that serves up all the metrics. Given some path/to/a/metric it will
    retrieve the metric and do the necessary walking of the tree.

    :param accessor: The path/to/the/desired/metric
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response

    # Setup sane/safe arguments for actually getting the data. We take in all
    # arguments that were passed via GET/POST. If they passed a config variable
    # we clobber it, as we trust what is in the config.
    sane_args = {}
    for value in request.values:
        sane_args[value] = request.args.getlist(value)

    # As of version 2.0.0 there are now 3 different paths that are backwards
    # compatible using this section. After looking into it further the location
    # of this should be around here. Changing the incoming request is the only
    # way to make something happen without updating the way the API looks/returns.
    # You can think of these as aliases. Below explains the aliases and when they
    # will be removed. As of 2.0.0 they are deprecated. Will be removed in 3.
    # Deprecated Aliases:
    #   Aliases (up to 1.8.1)     || Location (2.0.0)
    #   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   api/service/<servicename> -> api/services?service=<servicename>
    #   api/process/<processname> -> api/processes?name=<processname>
    #   api/agent/plugin/<plugin> -> api/plugins/<plugin>
    path = [
        re.sub('%2f', '/', x, flags=re.I) for x in accessor.split('/') if x
    if len(path) > 0 and path[0] == 'api':
        path = path[1:]
    if len(path) > 0:
        node_name, rest_path = path[0], path[1:]

        if node_name == "service":
            accessor = "services"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['service'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    sane_args['status'] = [rest_path[1]]
                    sane_args['check'] = True
        elif node_name == "process":
            accessor = "processes"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['name'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    if rest_path[1] == "count":
                        sane_args['check'] = True
        elif node_name == "agent":
            accessor = "plugins"
            if 'plugin' in rest_path[0] and len(rest_path) > 1:
                accessor = "plugins/" + rest_path[1]

    # Set the full requested path
    full_path = request.path

        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        node = psapi.getter(accessor, config, full_path)
    except ValueError as exc:
        return error(msg='Referencing node that does not exist: %s' % accessor)
    except IndexError as exc:
        # Hide the actual exception and just show nice output to users about changes in the API functionality
        return error(
            'Could not access location specified. Changes to API calls were made in NCPA v1.7, check documentation on making API calls.'

    # Set the accessor and variables
    sane_args['remote_addr'] = request.remote_addr
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor
    sane_args['config'] = config

    sane_args['debug'] = request.args.get('debug', False)

    if not 'check' in sane_args:
        sane_args['check'] = request.args.get('check', False)

    if sane_args['check']:
        value = node.run_check(**sane_args)
        value = node.walk(**sane_args)

    # Generate page and add cross-domain loading
    response = Response(json.dumps(dict(value),
                                   indent=None if request.is_xhr else 4),
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return response
Beispiel #13
def api(accessor=''):
    The function that serves up all the metrics. Given some path/to/a/metric it will
    retrieve the metric and do the necessary walking of the tree.

    :param accessor: The path/to/the/desired/metric
    :type accessor: unicode
    :rtype: flask.Response

    # Setup sane/safe arguments for actually getting the data. We take in all
    # arguments that were passed via GET/POST. If they passed a config variable
    # we clobber it, as we trust what is in the config.
    sane_args = {}
    for value in request.values:
        sane_args[value] = request.args.getlist(value)

    # As of version 2.0.0 there are now 3 different paths that are backwards
    # compatible using this section. After looking into it further the location
    # of this should be around here. Changing the incoming request is the only
    # way to make something happen without updating the way the API looks/returns.
    # You can think of these as aliases. Below explains the aliases and when they
    # will be removed. As of 2.0.0 they are deprecated. Will be removed in 2.1.0.
    # Deprecated Aliases:
    #   Aliases (up to 1.8.1)     || Location (2.0.0)
    #   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   api/service/<servicename> -> api/services?service=<servicename>
    #   api/process/<processname> -> api/processes?name=<processname>
    #   api/agent/plugin/<plugin> -> api/plugins/<plugin>
    path = [re.sub('%2f', '/', x, flags=re.I) for x in accessor.split('/') if x]
    if len(path) > 0 and path[0] == 'api':
        path = path[1:]
    if len(path) > 0:
        node_name, rest_path = path[0], path[1:]

        if node_name == "service":
            accessor = "services"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['service'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    sane_args['status'] = [rest_path[1]]
                    sane_args['check'] = True;
        elif node_name == "process":
            accessor = "processes"
            if len(rest_path) > 0:
                sane_args['name'] = [rest_path[0]]
                if len(rest_path) == 2:
                    if rest_path[1] == "count":
                        sane_args['check'] = True
        elif node_name == "agent":
            accessor = "plugins"
            if 'plugin' in rest_path[0] and len(rest_path) > 1:
                accessor = "plugins/" + rest_path[1]

    # Set the full requested path
    full_path = request.path

        config = listener.config['iconfig']
        node = psapi.getter(accessor, config, full_path)
    except ValueError as exc:
        return error(msg='Referencing node that does not exist: %s' % accessor)
    except IndexError as exc:
        # Hide the actual exception and just show nice output to users about changes in the API functionality
        return error(msg='Could not access location specified. Changes to API calls were made in NCPA v1.7, check documentation on making API calls.')

    # Set the accessor and variables
    sane_args['remote_addr'] = request.remote_addr
    sane_args['accessor'] = accessor
    sane_args['config'] = config

    sane_args['debug'] = request.args.get('debug', False)

    if not 'check' in sane_args:
        sane_args['check'] = request.args.get('check', False)

    if sane_args['check']:
        value = node.run_check(**sane_args)
        value = node.walk(**sane_args)

    # Generate page and add cross-domain loading
    response = Response(json.dumps(dict(value), indent=None if request.is_xhr else 4), mimetype='application/json')
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return response