Beispiel #1
    def test_all(self):
        assert evalpy('all([1, 2, 3])') == 'true'
        assert evalpy('all([0, 2, 3])') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('all([])') == 'true'

        assert evalpy('all([3, [], 3])') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('all([3, [1], 3])') == 'true'
Beispiel #2
 def test_getattr(self):
     code = 'a = {"foo":1, "bar":2};\n'
     assert evalpy(code + 'getattr(a, "foo")') == '1'
     assert evalpy(code + 'getattr(a, "bar")') == '2'
     exc_att = 'except AttributeError: print("err")'
     assert evalpy(code + 'try:\n  getattr(a, "fooo")\n' + exc_att) == 'err'
     assert evalpy(code + 'getattr(a, "fooo", 3)') == '3'
Beispiel #3
 def test_zip(self):
     assert evalpy('for i, x in zip([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]): print(i*x)'
                   ) == '10\n40\n90'
     res = '111\n222\n333'
     assert evalpy(
         'for a, b, c in zip([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300]): print(a+b+c)'
     ) == res
Beispiel #4
 def test_assignments(self):
     assert py2js('foo = 3') == 'var foo;\nfoo = 3;'  # with var
     assert py2js(' = 3') == ' = 3;'  # without var
     assert py2js('foo[i] = 3') == 'foo[i] = 3;'  # without var
     code = py2js('foo = 3; bar = 4')  # define both
     assert code.count('var') == 1
     code = py2js('foo = 3; foo = 4')  # only define first time
     assert code.count('var') == 1
     code = py2js('foo = bar = 3')  # multiple assignment
     assert 'foo = bar = 3' in code
     assert 'var bar, foo' in code  # alphabetic order
     # self -> this
     assert py2js('self') == 'this;'
     assert py2js('') == ';'
     # Indexing
     assert evalpy('a=[0,0]\na[0]=2\na[1]=3\na', False) == '[2,3]'
     # Tuple unpacking
     evalpy('x=[1,2,3]\na, b, c = x\nb', False) == '2'
     evalpy('a,b,c = [1,2,3]\nc,b,a = a,b,c\n[a,b,c]', False) == '[3,2,1]'
     # For unpacking, test that variables are declared, but not when attr or index
     assert py2js('xx, yy = 3, 4').count('xx') == 2
     assert py2js('xx[0], yy[0] = 3, 4').count('xx') == 1
     assert py2js('xx.a, yy.a = 3, 4').count('xx') == 1
     # Class variables don't get a var
     code = py2js('class Foo:\n  bar=3\n  bar = bar + 1')
     assert code.count('bar') == 3
     assert code.count('') == 3
Beispiel #5
 def test_index(self):
     # We know that the implementation is basded on find; no need to test all
     assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".index("a")') == '0'
     assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".index("h")') == '7'
     assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".index("")') == '0'
     assert 'ValueError' in evalpy(
         'try:\n  "abcdefgh".index("z")\nexcept Exception as e:\n  e')
Beispiel #6
 def test_function_call_varargs(self):
     code = "def foo(x, *xx): return x + sum(xx)\nd = {'foo':foo}\nfive=[2, 3]\n"
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, 2, 3)') == '6'
     assert evalpy(code + ', 2, 3)') == '6'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, *five)') == '6'
     assert evalpy(code + ', *five)') == '6'
Beispiel #7
 def test_pop(self):
     code = 'a=[1,2,3,4,5];\n'
     assert evalpy(code + 'a.pop(2); a') == '[ 1, 2, 4, 5 ]'
     assert evalpy(code + 'a.pop(0); a') == '[ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]'
     assert evalpy(code + 'a.pop(); a') == '[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]'
     assert evalpy(code + 'a.pop(-1); a') == '[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]'
     assert 'IndexError' in evalpy(
         code + 'try:\n  a.pop(9);\nexcept Exception as e:\n  e')
Beispiel #8
 def test_import(self):
     with raises(JSError):
         py2js('import time')
     # But we do support special time funcs
     import time
     assert abs(float(evalpy('time()')) - time.time()) < 0.5
     evalpy('t0=perf_counter(); t1=perf_counter(); (t1-t0)').startswith('0.0')
Beispiel #9
 def test_raw_js_overloading(self):
     # more RawJS tests in
     s1 = 'a=3; b=4; c=1; a + b - c'
     s2 = 'a=3; b=4; c=1; RawJS("a + b") - c'
     assert evalpy(s1) == '6'
     assert evalpy(s2) == '6'
     assert 'pyfunc' in py2js(s1)
     assert 'pyfunc' not in py2js(s2)
Beispiel #10
 def test_string_formatting4(self):
     x = 'a = 3; b = 4; '
     # Setting positions in format string
     assert evalpy(x + "'hi {1:g} {1:+g} {0}'.format(a, b)") == 'hi 4 +4 3'
     # Using a predefined template string for .format()
     assert evalpy(x + "t = 'hi {} {}'; t.format(a, b)") == 'hi 3 4'
Beispiel #11
 def test_assert(self):
     assert 'throw' in py2js('assert True')
     evalpy('assert true; 7') == '7'
     evalpy('assert true, "msg"; 7') == '7'
     catcher = 'try { %s } catch(err) { console.log(err); }'
     assert evaljs(catcher % py2js('assert false')).count('AssertionError')
     assert evaljs(catcher % py2js('assert false, "foo"')).count('foo')
Beispiel #12
 def test_indexing_and_slicing(self):
     c = 'a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n'
     # Indexing
     assert evalpy(c + 'a[2]') == '3'
     assert evalpy(c + 'a[-2]') == '4'
     # Slicing
     assert evalpy(c + 'a[:]') == '[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]'
     assert evalpy(c + 'a[1:-1]') == '[ 2, 3, 4 ]'
Beispiel #13
    def test_filter(self):
        assert list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, [-1, -2, 1, 2])) == [1, 2]

        code = 'f1 = lambda x: x>0\n'
        assert evalpy(
            code +
            'for x in filter(f1, [-1, -2, 0, 1, 2]): print(x)') == '1\n2'
        assert evalpy(code +
                      'for x in filter(None, [-1, -2, 0, 1, 2]): print(x)'
                      ) == '-1\n-2\n1\n2'
Beispiel #14
    def test_remove(self):
        code = 'a=[1,2,3,4,3,5];\n'
        assert evalpy(code + 'a.remove(2); a') == '[ 1, 3, 4, 3, 5 ]'
        assert evalpy(code + 'a.remove(3); a') == '[ 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 ]'
        assert 'ValueError' in evalpy(
            code + 'try:\n  a.remove(9);\nexcept Exception as e:\n  e')
        assert nowhitespace(
            evalpy('x = {"a":[2, 3]}; x.a.remove(2); x.a')) == '[3]'

        assert evalpy('a=[1,(2,3),4]; a.remove((2,3)); a') == '[ 1, 4 ]'
Beispiel #15
 def test_ops(self):
     # Test code
     assert py2js('2+3') == '2 + 3;'  # Binary
     assert py2js('2/3') == '2 / 3;'
     assert py2js('not 2') == '!2;'  # Unary
     assert py2js('-(2+3)') == '-(2 + 3);'
     assert py2js('True and False') == 'true && false;'  # Boolean
     # No parentices around names, numbers and strings
     assert py2js('foo - bar') == "foo - bar;"
     assert py2js('_foo3 - _bar4') == "_foo3 - _bar4;"
     assert py2js('3 - 4') == "3 - 4;"
     assert py2js('"abc" - "def"') == '"abc" - "def";'
     assert py2js("'abc' - 'def'") == '"abc" - "def";'
     assert py2js("'\"abc\" - \"def\"'") == '"\\"abc\\" - \\"def\\"";'
     # But they should be if it gets more complex
     assert py2js('foo - bar > 4') == "(foo - bar) > 4;"
     # Test outcome
     assert evalpy('2+3') == '5'  # Binary
     assert evalpy('6/3') == '2'
     assert evalpy('4//3') == '1'
     assert evalpy('2**8') == '256'
     assert evalpy('not True') == 'false'  # Unary
     assert evalpy('- 3') == '-3'
     assert evalpy('True and False') == 'false'  # Boolean
     assert evalpy('True or False') == 'true'
     # Bug
     assert evalpy('(9-3-3)/3') == '1'
Beispiel #16
 def test_recursion(self=None):
     code = 'def f(i): i *= 2; return i if i > 10 else f(i)\n\n'
     assert evalpy(code + 'f(1)') == '16'
     clscode = 'class G:\n  def __init__(self): self.i = 1\n\n'
     code = clscode + '  def f(self): self.i *= 2; return self.i if self.i > 10 else self.f()\n\n'
     assert evalpy(code + 'g = G(); g.f()') == '16'
     code = clscode + '  def f(self):\n    def h(): self.i *= 2; return self.i if self.i > 10 else h()\n\n'
     assert evalpy(code + '    return h()\n\ng = G(); g.f()') == '16'
Beispiel #17
    def test_count(self):
        assert evalpy('"foo".count("o")') == '2'
        assert evalpy('"foo".count("f")') == '1'
        assert evalpy('"foo".count("x")') == '0'
        assert evalpy('"foo".count("")') == '3'

        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a")') == '3'
        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a", 0)') == '3'
        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a", 0, 99)') == '3'
        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a", 1)') == '2'
        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a", 0, 4)') == '2'
        assert evalpy('"a--a--a".count("a", 1, 4)') == '1'
Beispiel #18
 def test_funcion_call(self):
     jscode = 'var foo = function (x, y) {return x+y;};'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('foo(2,2)')) == '4'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('foo("so ", True)')) == 'so true'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('a=[1,2]; foo(*a)')) == '3'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('a=[1,2]; foo(7, *a)')) == '8'
     # Test super (is tested for real in
     assert evalpy('d={"_base_class": console};d._base_class.log(4)') == '4'
     assert evalpy('d={"_base_class": console};d._base_class.log()') == ''
     jscode = 'var foo = function () {return this.val};'
     jscode += 'var d = {"foo": foo, "val": 7};\n'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('d["foo"]()')) == '7'
     assert evaljs(jscode + py2js('d["foo"](*[3, 4])')) == '7'
Beispiel #19
 def test_while(self):
     # Test code output
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('while(True): pass'))
     assert line == 'while(true){}'
     line = nowhitespace(py2js('while(not ok): pass'))
     assert 'while' in line
     # Test break and continue
     for9 = 'i=-1\nwhile(i<8):\n  i+=1\n  '
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==4:break\n  print(i)\n0') == '0\n1\n2\n3\n0'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i<6:continue\n  print(i)\n0') == '6\n7\n8\n0'
     # Test else
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==3:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '0'
     assert evalpy(for9 + 'if i==30:break\nelse: print(99)\n0') == '99\n0'
Beispiel #20
    def test_rfind(self):
        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("a")') == '0'
        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("h")') == '7'
        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("z")') == '-1'
        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("")') == '8'

        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("cd")') == '2'
        assert evalpy('"abcdefgh".rfind("def")') == '3'

        assert evalpy('"ab ab ab".rfind("ab", 0, -2)') == '3'
        assert evalpy('"ab ab ab".rfind("ab", 0, 3)') == '0'
        assert evalpy('"ab      ".rfind("ab", 3)') == '-1'
Beispiel #21
 def test_isidentifier(self):
     assert evalpy('"".isidentifier()') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('"012".isidentifier()') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('"abc".isidentifier()') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('"0a1b2c".isidentifier()') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('"a0a1b2c".isidentifier()') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('"0a_".isidentifier()') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('"_a".isidentifier()') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('"_0".isidentifier()') == 'true'
Beispiel #22
 def xx_test_list_comprehension_speed(self):
     # ~ 0.029 when comprehension transpile to closures
     # ~ 0.023 when comprehensions transpile to inner function s, plus smaller chance on closures
     # ~ 0.017 when comprehensions transpile to inner function s, plus no chance on closures
     code = 't0 = perf_counter()\nfor i in range(100000): a = [j for j in range(10)]\n\nperf_counter()-t0'
     t1 = evalpy(code)
Beispiel #23
    def test_replace(self):
        assert evalpy("'abcABC'.replace('a', 'x')") == "xbcABC"
        assert evalpy("'abcABC'.replace('C', 'x')") == "abcABx"
        assert evalpy("'abcABC'.replace('cA', 'x')") == "abxBC"

        assert evalpy("'abababab'.replace('a', 'x', 0)") == "abababab"
        assert evalpy("'abababab'.replace('a', 'x', 1)") == "xbababab"
        assert evalpy("'abababab'.replace('a', 'x', 3)") == "xbxbxbab"
        assert evalpy("'abababab'.replace('a', 'x', 99)") == "xbxbxbxb"
        assert evalpy("'abababab'.replace('b', 'x', 2)") == "axaxabab"
Beispiel #24
    def test_istitle(self):
        assert evalpy('"".istitle()') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('" ".istitle()') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('"AbC".istitle()') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('"Foo bar".istitle()') == 'false'
        assert evalpy('"AbC 01_".istitle()') == 'false'

        assert evalpy('"Foo".istitle()') == 'true'
        assert evalpy('"Foo Bar".istitle()') == 'true'
        assert evalpy('"Foo 01_".istitle()') == 'true'
Beispiel #25
 def test_bool(self):
     assert evalpy('bool(5)') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('bool("xx")') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('bool(0)') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('bool("")') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('bool([1])') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('bool({1:2})') == 'true'
     assert evalpy('bool([])') == 'false'
     assert evalpy('bool({})') == 'false'
Beispiel #26
    def test_index(self):
        assert evalpy('[1,2,3,4,5,3].index(2)') == '1'
        assert evalpy('[1,2,3,4,5,3].index(3)') == '2'
        assert 'ValueError' in evalpy(
            'try:\n  [1,2,3,4,5,3].index(9);\nexcept Exception as e:\n  e')
        assert evalpy('[1,2,3,4,5,3].index(3, 4)') == '5'
        assert evalpy('[1,2,3,4,5,3].index(3, -2)') == '5'
        assert evalpy('[1,2,3,4,5,3].index(3, 0, -2)') == '2'

        assert evalpy('a=[1,(2,3),4, (2,3), 5]; a.index((2,3))') == '1'
        assert evalpy('a=[1,(2,3),4, (2,3), 5]; a.index((2,3),2)') == '3'
Beispiel #27
 def test_function_call_keyword_only_args_and_kwargs(self):
     code = "def foo(*, a=3, b=4, **x): return repr([a, b]) + repr(x);\nd = {'foo':foo}\n"
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1)') == '[3,4]{}'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(a=1, b=2)') == '[1,2]{}'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(a=1, b=2, c=5)') == '[1,2]{"c":5}'
     assert evalpy(code + '') == '[3,4]{}'
     assert evalpy(code + ', b=2, c=5)') == '[1,2]{"c":5}'
     # All the args
     code = "def foo(a, b=2, *, c=3, **x): return repr([a, b, c]) + repr(x);\n"
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1)') == '[1,2,3]{}'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, b=8)') == '[1,2,3]{"b":8}'  # this one might be surprising
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, c=8)') == '[1,2,8]{}'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, d=8)') == '[1,2,3]{"d":8}'
Beispiel #28
 def test_string_formatting1(self):
     # string formatting that we already had
     assert evalpy('"%s" % "bar"') == 'bar'
     assert evalpy('"-%s-" % "bar"') == '-bar-'
     assert evalpy('"foo %s foo" % "bar"') == 'foo bar foo'
     assert evalpy('"x %i" % 6') == 'x 6'
     assert evalpy('"x %g" % 6') == 'x 6'
     assert evalpy('"%s: %f" % ("value", 6)') == 'value: 6.000000'
     assert evalpy('"%r: %r" % ("value", 6)') == '"value": 6'
Beispiel #29
 def test_function_call_default_args(self):
     code = "def foo(a=2, b=3, c=4): return a+b+c;\nd = {'foo':foo}\n"
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, 2, 3)') == '6'
     assert evalpy(code + ', 2, 3)') == '6'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1, 2)') == '7'
     assert evalpy(code + ', 2)') == '7'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo(1)') == '8'
     assert evalpy(code + '') == '8'
     assert evalpy(code + 'foo()') == '9'
     assert evalpy(code + '') == '9'
Beispiel #30
    def test_partition(self):
        assert evalpy('"".partition("-")') == "[ '', '', '' ]"
        assert evalpy('"abc".partition("-")') == "[ 'abc', '', '' ]"
        assert evalpy('"-".partition("-")') == "[ '', '-', '' ]"
        assert evalpy('"abc-".partition("-")') == "[ 'abc', '-', '' ]"
        assert evalpy('"-def".partition("-")') == "[ '', '-', 'def' ]"
        assert evalpy('"abc-def".partition("-")') == "[ 'abc', '-', 'def' ]"

        assert 'ValueError' in evalpy(
            'try:\n  "aa".partition("")\nexcept Exception as e:\n  e')