def test_chebyshev_interpolation(show=False):
    """Test the inperpolation routine of ChebyshevExtremaGrid"""
    from psecas import ChebyshevExtremaGrid
    import numpy as np

    def psi(x, c):
        from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermval

        return hermval(x, c) * np.exp(-x**2 / 2)

    N = 40
    zmin = -1.1
    zmax = 1.5
    grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax)

    grid_fine = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N * 4, zmin, zmax)
    z = grid_fine.zg

    y = np.exp(grid.zg) * np.sin(5 * grid.zg)
    y_fine = np.exp(z) * np.sin(5 * z)
    y_interpolated = grid.interpolate(z, y)

    if show:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plt.title("Interpolation with Chebyshev")
        plt.plot(z, y_fine, "-")
        plt.plot(z, y_interpolated, "--")
        plt.plot(grid.zg, y, "+")

    np.testing.assert_allclose(y_fine, y_interpolated, atol=1e-12)
    return (y_fine, y_interpolated)
def test_chebyshev_differentation(show=False):
    """Test the differentation routine of FourierGrid"""
    from psecas import ChebyshevExtremaGrid
    import numpy as np

    N = 20
    zmin = -1
    zmax = 1
    grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax)

    assert grid.zg[0] < grid.zg[-1]

    z = grid.zg
    y = np.exp(z) * np.sin(5 * z)
    yp_exac = np.exp(z) * (np.sin(5 * z) + 5 * np.cos(5 * z))
    yp_num = np.matmul(grid.d1, y)

    if show:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plt.title("Differentation with matrix (ChebyshevExtremaGrid)")
        plt.plot(z, yp_exac, "-")
        plt.plot(z, yp_num, "--")

    np.testing.assert_allclose(yp_num, yp_exac, atol=1e-16)

    return (yp_num, yp_exac)
Beispiel #3
def test_mti_solution(show=False, verbose=False):
    """Test eigenvalue solver using ChebyshevExtremaGrid"""
    import numpy as np
    from psecas import Solver, ChebyshevExtremaGrid
    from import MagnetoThermalInstability

    grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N=64, zmin=0, zmax=1)

    system = MagnetoThermalInstability(grid, beta=1e5, Kn0=200, kx=4 * np.pi)
    system.beta = 1e5
    system.Kn0 = 200

    assert system.Kn0 == 200
    assert system.beta == 1e5

    solver = Solver(grid, system)

    Ns = np.hstack(np.arange(1, 10) * 16)
    mode = 0
    omega, vec, err = solver.iterate_solver(Ns,


    if show:
        from psecas import plot_solution

        phi = np.arctan(vec[2].imag / vec[2].real)
        solver.keep_result(omega, vec * np.exp(-1j * phi), mode=mode)

        plot_solution(system, smooth=True, num=1)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(1.7814514515967603, omega, atol=1e-8)

    return err
Beispiel #4
def test_solver_methods(verbose=False):
    """Show how the solver class methods can be called directly,
       using the MTI as an example.
       This can be useful when setting up a new problem.
    import numpy as np
    from psecas import Solver, ChebyshevExtremaGrid
    from import MagnetoThermalInstability
    from scipy.linalg import eig

    grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N=64, zmin=0, zmax=1)

    system = MagnetoThermalInstability(grid, beta=1e5, Kn0=200, kx=4 * np.pi)

    solver = Solver(grid, system)



    E, V = eig(solver.mat1.toarray(), solver.mat2.toarray())

    # Sort the eigenvalues
    E, index = solver.sorting_strategy(E)

    mode = 0

    # Choose the eigenvalue mode value only
    sigma = E[index[mode]]
    v = V[:, index[mode]]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(1.7814514515967603, sigma, atol=1e-8)

    # Compare with solve without using OPinv
    solver.solve(useOPinv=False, saveall=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(solver.E[mode], sigma, atol=1e-8)
Beispiel #5
class Example(Solver):
    def sorting_strategy(self, E):
        """Sorting strategy. E is a list of eigenvalues"""
        # Sort from smallest to largest eigenvalue
        index = np.argsort(np.abs(E))
        return (E, index)

L = 1
hbar = 1
m = 1

# Create grids
N = 32
zmin = 0
grid1 = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')
grid2 = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')
grid3 = LegendreExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')

grids = list([grid1, grid2, grid3])

# Number of solutions to plot for each grid
modes = 10

# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num=1, ncols=modes, nrows=3, sharey=True, sharex=True)

for j, grid in enumerate(grids):
    # Create system
Beispiel #6
import numpy as np
from psecas import Solver, System
from psecas import ChebyshevExtremaGrid
import pytest

We set up systems with errors, and see if Psecas gives a reasonable
error, i.e., a NameError.

# Create grid
N = 32
grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, -1, 1)

# Create a solver object
def test_parser_findmatrices(verbose=False):
    Here we add the value A
    to the equation without setting it in the system.
    This should return a NameError
    # Create system
    system = System(grid, variables='f', eigenvalue='sigma')

    # Add the first (and only) equation
    system.add_equation("sigma*z*f = dz(dz(f)) + 2*A*f")

    with pytest.raises(NameError) as e_info:
def test_bessel_solutions(show=False):
    import numpy as np
    from psecas import Solver, System
    from psecas import (
    from scipy.special import spherical_jn
    We solve the spherical Bessel equation

        r² d²f/dr² + 2 r df/dr +(κ²r² - l(l+1)) f = 0

    on the domain r=[0, 1] with the boundary condition f(1) = 0.
    The exact solutions are the spherical bessel functions of the first kind,
    j_l(κ r).

    The problem is taken from the paper

    Tensor calculus in spherical coordinates using Jacobi polynomials
    Part-II: Implementation and Examples,

    by Daniel Lecoanet, Geoff Vasil, Keaton Burns, Ben Brown and Jeff Oishi,
    and the results of our script can be compared with their Figure 2.

    A key difference is that we use shifted Chebyshev and Legendre grids, and
    that we enforce the boundary f(0)=0 explicitly. Since we do not treat the
    coordinate singularity at r=0 in using Jacobi polynomials in the clever
    way that Lecoanet+ do, the r^50 scaling shown in their inset is not
    recovered in our calculation.

    Nevertheless, the solutions for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are in
    very good agreement with the exact solution, in particular for the extrema

    # do_gen_evp = True
    # equation = "sigma*r**2*f = -r**2*dr(dr(f)) -2*r*dr(f) +l*(l+1)*f"

    do_gen_evp = False
    equation = "sigma*f = -dr(dr(f)) -2/r*dr(f) +l*(l+1)/r**2*f"

    # Overwrite the default sorting method in the Solver class
    class Example(Solver):
        def sorting_strategy(self, E):
            """Sorting strategy. E is a list of eigenvalues"""
            # Sort from smallest to largest eigenvalue
            index = np.argsort(np.abs(E))
            return (E, index)

    # Create grids
    N = 500
    zmin = 0
    # grid = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1, z='r')
    grid1 = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')
    grid2 = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')
    grid3 = LegendreExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')

    grids = list([grid1, grid2, grid3])

    if show:
        # Create figure
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(num=1, nrows=3, ncols=2, sharex=True)

    kappa_ref = 389.4203848348835221199

    tols = [1e-13, 1e-4, 1e-13]

    for jj, grid in enumerate(grids):

        # Create system
        system = System(grid, variables='f', eigenvalue='sigma')
        system.l = 50

        # Add the first (and only) equation
        system.add_equation(equation, boundary=True)

        # Create a solver object
        solver = Example(grid, system, do_gen_evp=do_gen_evp)

        r = np.linspace(grid.zmin, grid.zmax, 4000)
        E, vec = solver.solve(mode=99)

        kappa = np.sqrt(E)

        # Normalize solution to bessel function exact solution at r = 0.5
        amp = grid.interpolate(0.5, system.result['f'].real) / spherical_jn(
            50, kappa_ref * 0.5)

        # Test statements
            r, system.result['f'].real / amp),
                                   spherical_jn(50, kappa_ref * r),


        if show:
            axes[jj, 0].plot(r, grid.interpolate(r, system.result['f'].real))
            axes[jj, 0].plot(r, grid.interpolate(r, system.result['f'].imag))
            axes[jj, 0].set_title(
                type(grid).__name__ +
                r", $\kappa$-error={:1.3e}".format(kappa.real - kappa_ref))

            axes[jj, 1].plot(
                grid.interpolate(r, system.result['f'].real / amp) -
                spherical_jn(50, kappa_ref * r),
            # axes[jj, 1].plot(z)
            axes[jj, 1].set_title(r'$f(r) - j_\mathcal{l}(\kappa r)$, ' +

    if show:
Beispiel #8

# Overwrite the default sorting method in the Solver class
class Example(Solver):
    def sorting_strategy(self, E):
        """Sorting strategy. E is a list of eigenvalues"""
        # Sort from smallest to largest eigenvalue
        index = np.argsort(np.abs(E))
        return (E, index)

# Create grids
N = 500
zmin = 0
# grid = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1, z='r')
grid1 = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')
grid2 = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')
grid3 = LegendreExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=1.0, z='r')

grids = list([grid1, grid2, grid3])

# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num=1, nrows=3, ncols=2, sharex=True)

kappa_ref = 389.4203848348835221199

for jj, grid in enumerate(grids):
Beispiel #9
# Make a Child of the System class
class HallMRI(System):
    def __init__(self, grid, kz, variables, eigenvalue):
        # Set parameters
        self.q = 1.5
        self.eta = 0.003
        self.lh = 1
        self.h = 0.25 = 0.002 = kz

        super().__init__(grid, variables, eigenvalue)

# Create a grid
grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N=128, zmin=1, zmax=2, z='r')
# grid =  ChebyshevTLnGrid(N=128, z='r')

variables = ['rho', 'vr', 'vphi', 'vz', 'Aphi', 'bphi']

kz = 2 * np.pi

# Create the system
system = HallMRI(grid, kz, variables=variables, eigenvalue='sigma')

# The linearized equations
system.add_equation("-r*sigma*rho = r*dr(vr) + vr + 1j*kz*r*vz")
    "-r*r*sigma*vr = - 2*r**(2-q)*vphi + h**2*r*r*dr(rho) + va**2*(DrAphi)")
system.add_equation("-sigma*vphi = + (2-q)*r**(-q)*vr - va**2*1j*kz*bphi")
system.add_equation("-sigma*vz = h**2*1j*kz*rho")
Beispiel #10
def test_mri_solution(show=False, verbose=False):
    """Test eigenvalue solver using ChebyshevExtremaGrid"""
    import numpy as np
    from psecas import Solver, ChebyshevExtremaGrid, System

    class HallMRI(System):
        def __init__(self, grid, kz, variables, eigenvalue):
            # Set parameters
            self.q = 1.5
            self.eta = 0.003
            self.lh = 1
            self.h = 0.25
   = 0.002
   = kz

            super().__init__(grid, variables, eigenvalue)

    # Create a grid
    grid = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N=128, zmin=1, zmax=2, z='r')

    variables = ['rho', 'vr', 'vphi', 'vz', 'Aphi', 'bphi']

    kz = 2 * np.pi

    # Create the system
    system = HallMRI(grid, kz, variables=variables, eigenvalue='sigma')

    # The linearized equations
    system.add_equation("-r*sigma*rho = r*dr(vr) + vr + 1j*kz*r*vz")
        "-r*r*sigma*vr = - 2*r**(2-q)*vphi + h**2*r*r*dr(rho) + va**2*(DrAphi)"
    system.add_equation("-sigma*vphi = + (2-q)*r**(-q)*vr - va**2*1j*kz*bphi")
    system.add_equation("-sigma*vz = h**2*1j*kz*rho")
        "-r*r*sigma*Aphi = + r*r*vr - eta*(DrAphi) + lh*va*1j*kz*r*r*bphi")
        "-r*r*sigma*bphi = - 1j*kz*r*r*vphi - 1j*kz*q*r**(2-q)*Aphi - eta*(Drbphi) - lh*va*1j*kz*(DrAphi)"

    # The boundary conditions
    Aphi_bound = 'r**2*dr(dr(Aphi)) + r*dr(Aphi) - Aphi = 0'
    system.add_boundary('vr', 'Dirichlet', 'Dirichlet')
    system.add_boundary('vphi', 'Dirichlet', 'Dirichlet')
    system.add_boundary('vz', 'Neumann', 'Neumann')
    system.add_boundary('Aphi', Aphi_bound, Aphi_bound)
    system.add_boundary('bphi', 'Dirichlet', 'Dirichlet')

    # Short hands for long expressions for derivatives
        'DrAphi = r*r*dr(dr(Aphi)) + r*dr(Aphi) - Aphi - kz**2*r*r*Aphi')
        'Drbphi = r*r*dr(dr(bphi)) + r*dr(bphi) - bphi - kz**2*r*r*bphi')

    solver = Solver(grid, system)

    mode = 0
    Ns = np.hstack(np.arange(1, 10) * 32)
    omega, vec, err = solver.iterate_solver(Ns,

    if show:
        from psecas import plot_solution

        phi = np.arctan(vec[2].imag / vec[2].real)
        solver.keep_result(omega, vec * np.exp(-1j * phi), mode=mode)

        plot_solution(system, smooth=True, num=1)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(0.09892641, omega, atol=1e-8)

    return err
Beispiel #11
# Overwrite the default sorting method in the Solver class
class Example(Solver):
    def sorting_strategy(self, E):
        """Sorting strategy. E is a list of eigenvalues"""
        # Sort from smallest to largest eigenvalue
        # We ignore the solutions with negative σ.
        E[E.real < 0.] = np.inf
        index = np.argsort(E)
        return (E, index)

# Create grids
N = 100
zmin = -1
zmax = 1
grid1 = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax)
grid2 = ChebyshevRootsGrid(N, zmin, zmax)
grid3 = LegendreExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax)

grids = list([grid1, grid2, grid3])

def get_normalizing_constant(f1, f2):
    """EVP solver return eigenmodes with arbitrary sign"""
    abs_max1_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(f1))
    abs_max2_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(f2))

    val1 = f1[abs_max1_ind] 
    val2 = f2[abs_max2_ind]
    A = val1/val2
    return A
Beispiel #12
def test_infinite_well(show=False):

    import numpy as np
    from psecas import Solver, System
    from psecas import (
    This test solves the Schrödinger equation with three different grids.
    The problem is outlined as follows:

    Solve the Schrödinger equation

        -ħ²/2m ∂²/∂x² Φ + V(x) Φ = E Φ

    for the inifite well potential given by

        V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < L
        V(x) = ∞ otherwise

    For this problem the eigenmodes are sinuisodal and the energies are given

        E = n²ħ²π²/2mL²

    This problem illustrates that the Gauss-Lobatto grids are better at
    handling problems with a boundary conditions since they have grid points
    at z=zmin and z=zmax.

    The test is performed twice, the second time the equation is
    multiplied by minus 1 on both sides. In the first case, Psecas evaluates
    mat2 to be the identity matrix and solves a standard evp.
    The second time, mat2 is not the identity matrix and Psecas therefore
    solves a generalized evp. This is more time consuming, and equation 1
    is therefore the preferred form.

    Psecas does not automatically convert equation 2 to equation 1,
    but simply warns the user that a rewrite of the equations could lead to a

    equation1 = "E*phi = hbar/(2*m)*dx(dx(phi))"
    equation2 = "-E*phi = -hbar/(2*m)*dx(dx(phi))"

    for equation in [equation1, equation2]:

        # Overwrite the default sorting method in the Solver class
        class Example(Solver):
            def sorting_strategy(self, E):
                Sorting strategy.
                E is a list of eigenvalues
                # Sort from smallest to largest eigenvalue
                index = np.argsort(np.abs(E))
                return (E, index)

        L = 1
        hbar = 1
        m = 1

        # Create grids
        N = 32
        zmin = 0
        grid1 = ChebyshevExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')
        grid2 = ChebyshevRootsGrid(2 * N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')
        grid3 = LegendreExtremaGrid(N, zmin, zmax=L, z='x')

        grids = list([grid1, grid2, grid3])
        tols = [1e-8, 1e-3, 1e-8]

        # Number of solutions to plot for each grid
        modes = 10

        if show:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            # Create figure
            fig, axes = plt.subplots(num=1,

        for j, grid in enumerate(grids):
            # Create system
            system = System(grid, variables='phi', eigenvalue='E')
            system.hbar = hbar
            system.m = m

            # Add the first (and only) equation
            system.add_equation(equation, boundary=True)

            # Create a solver object
            solver = Example(grid, system)

            z = np.linspace(grid.zmin, grid.zmax, 1000)
            for mode in range(modes):
                E, vec = solver.solve(mode=mode)

                    E.real / np.pi**2 * 2,
                    -(mode + 1)**2,
                if show:
                    # Plottting
                    axes[j, mode].set_title(r"$E/E_0 = ${:1.5f}".format(
                        E.real / np.pi**2 * 2))
                    axes[j, mode].plot(
                        z, grid.interpolate(z, system.result['phi'].real))
                    axes[j, mode].plot(
                        z, grid.interpolate(z, system.result['phi'].imag))
                    axes[j, 0].set_ylabel(type(grid).__name__)

            if show: