Beispiel #1
    def add(self, state: core.Matrix, error: core.Matrix):
        Adds a DIIS state and error vector to the DIIS object.

            The current state vector.
            The current error vector.

Beispiel #2
def test_constructors():
    int_row = 10
    int_col = 20
    # int row/col
    m1 = Matrix(int_row, int_col)
    check_dense_mat(m1, int_row, int_col)

    # int row/col w/ name
    m2 = Matrix("m2", int_row, int_col)
    check_dense_mat(m2, int_row, int_col, "m2")

    dim_row = Dimension([3, 2, 1, 4])
    dim_col = Dimension([4, 2, 0, 2])
    # dim row/col (default sym)
    m3 = Matrix("m3", dim_row, dim_col)
    check_block_sparse_mat(m3, 4, dim_row, dim_col, "m3")

    # dim row/col symm specified
    m4 = Matrix("m4", dim_row, dim_col, 2)
    check_block_sparse_mat(m4, 4, dim_row, dim_col, "m4", 2)
Beispiel #3
def test_doublets(adl, adr, Ga, bdl, bdr, Gb, at, bt):
    a = build_random_mat(adl, adr, Ga)
    b = build_random_mat(bdl, bdr, Gb)
    res = Matrix.doublet(a, b, at, bt)
    expected = generate_result(a, b, at, bt)
    assert res.symmetry() == a.symmetry() ^ b.symmetry(), "Symm mismatch {} x {} != {}".format(
        a.symmetry(), b.symemtry(), res.symmetry())
    res_blocks = res.to_array()
    if isinstance(res_blocks, np.ndarray):
        res_blocks = [res_blocks]
    block_checks = []
    for blk_idx in range(res.nirrep()):
        assert compare_arrays(expected[blk_idx], res_blocks[blk_idx], 8, "Block[{}]".format(blk_idx))
Beispiel #4
def energy_correction(basis_sets, deriv, ref_energies):

    low_cbs_hess = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2("basis set xtpl Hess", basis_sets[1],
                                        deriv[2], basis_sets[0], deriv[1])
    low_cbs_e = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2("basis set xtpl E", basis_sets[1],
                                     ref_energies[2], basis_sets[0],

    # This is, for instance, mp2/[T,Q]Z + CCSD(T)/DZ - mp2/DZ + SCF/QZ
    final_hess = Matrix.from_array( + deriv[0].np -
                                   deriv[3].np + deriv[4].np)
    final_en = low_cbs_e + ref_energies[0] - ref_energies[3] + ref_energies[4]
    return final_en, final_hess, low_cbs_e
Beispiel #5
def test_doublets(adl, adr, Ga, bdl, bdr, Gb, at, bt):
    a = build_random_mat(adl, adr, Ga)
    b = build_random_mat(bdl, bdr, Gb)
    res = Matrix.doublet(a, b, at, bt)
    expected = generate_result(a, b, at, bt)
    assert res.symmetry(
    ) == a.symmetry() ^ b.symmetry(), "Symm mismatch {} x {} != {}".format(
        a.symmetry(), b.symemtry(), res.symmetry())
    res_blocks = res.to_array()
    if isinstance(res_blocks, np.ndarray):
        res_blocks = [res_blocks]
    block_checks = []
    for blk_idx in range(res.nirrep()):
        assert compare_arrays(expected[blk_idx], res_blocks[blk_idx], 8,
Beispiel #6
def build_random_mat(rdim, cdim, symmetry=0):
    m = Matrix("test", rdim, cdim, symmetry)
    for h in range(m.nirrep()):
        block_shape = (m.rows(h), m.cols(h ^ m.symmetry()))
        m.nph[h][:, :] = np.random.randn(*block_shape)
    return m
Beispiel #7
def build_random_mat(rdim, cdim, symmetry=0):
    m = Matrix("test", rdim, cdim, symmetry)
    for h in range(m.nirrep()):
        block_shape = (m.rows(h), m.cols(h ^ m.symmetry()))
        m.nph[h][:, :] = np.random.randn(*block_shape)
    return m
Beispiel #8
    Px += (4.0 * J_mo - K_mo - Kt_mo).reshape(prod.nrot)
    Mx += (Kt_mo - K_mo).reshape(prod.nrot)
    P[:, jb] = Px
    M[:, jb] = Mx
    Px_2, Mx_2 = prod.jk_RHF(fake_guess[:, jb])
    P2[:, jb] = Px_2
    M2[:, jb] = Mx_2

NH = np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", M, P)
NH2 = np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", M2, P2)
w, X = np.linalg.eig(NH)
w_NH = np.sqrt(w[w.argsort()])
w, X = np.linalg.eig(NH2)
w_NH2 = np.sqrt(w[w.argsort()])

Mhalf2 = Matrix.from_array(M2)
Mhalf = Matrix.from_array(M)
Mhalf.power(0.5, 1.0e-16)
Mhalf2.power(0.5, 1.0e-16)
Mhalf = Mhalf.to_array()
Mhalf2 = Mhalf2.to_array()
H = np.einsum("ij,jk,km->im", Mhalf, P, Mhalf)
H2 = np.einsum("ij,jk,km->im", Mhalf2, P2, Mhalf2)
w, X = np.linalg.eigh(H)
w_H = np.sqrt(w[w.argsort()])
w, X = np.linalg.eigh(H2)
w_H2 = np.sqrt(w[w.argsort()])

wm, X = np.linalg.eig(M)
wp, X = np.linalg.eig(P)
Beispiel #9
    def extrapolate(self, out: core.Matrix = None) -> core.Matrix:
        Extrapolates next state vector from the current set of state and error vectors.

            A array in which to place the next state vector.

        ret : Matrix
            Returns the next state vector.


        # Limit size of DIIS vector
        diis_count = len(self.state)

        if diis_count == 0:
            raise ValidationError("DIIS: No previous vectors.")
        if diis_count == 1:
            return self.state[0]

        if diis_count > self.max_vec:

            if self.removal_policy == "OLDEST":
                pos = 0
                pos = np.argmax([x.rms() for x in self.error])

            del self.state[pos]
            del self.error[pos]
            diis_count -= 1

        # Build error matrix B
        B = np.empty((diis_count + 1, diis_count + 1))
        B[-1, :] = 1
        B[:, -1] = 1
        B[-1, -1] = 0
        for num1, e1 in enumerate(self.error):
            B[num1, num1] = e1.vector_dot(e1)
            for num2, e2 in enumerate(self.error):
                if num2 >= num1:
                val = e1.vector_dot(e2)
                B[num1, num2] = B[num2, num1] = val

        # Build residual vector
        resid = np.zeros(diis_count + 1)
        resid[-1] = 1

        # Solve pulay equations

        # Yea, yea this is unstable make it stable
        iszero = np.any(np.diag(B)[:-1] <= 0.0)
        if iszero:
            S = np.ones((diis_count + 1))
            S = np.diag(B).copy()
            S[:-1] **= -0.5
            S[-1] = 1

        # Then we gotta do a custom inverse
        B *= S[:, None] * S
        invB = core.Matrix.from_array(B)
        invB.power(-1.0, 1.e-12)

        ci =, resid)
        ci *= S

        # combination of previous fock matrices
        if out is None:
            out = core.Matrix("DIIS result", self.state[0].rowdim(), self.state[1].coldim())

        for num, c in enumerate(ci[:-1]):
            out.axpy(c, self.state[num])

        return out