Beispiel #1
import types
from pspec import describe
from pspec.groups.base import BaseGroup
from fixtures import random_spec

with describe('BaseGroup'):
    with describe('add_child'):
        def it_adds_a_group_to_its_children_and_sets_parent():
            group_a = BaseGroup()
            group_b = BaseGroup()
            assert group_a.children == [group_b]
            assert group_b.parent == group_a

    with describe('get_collecting_group'):
        def it_returns_none_by_default():
            assert BaseGroup().get_collecting_group() is None

        def it_returns_own_group_if_it_is_collecting_and_has_no_children():
            group = BaseGroup()
            group.is_collecting = True
            assert group.get_collecting_group() == group

        def it_returns_a_collecting_child_before_itself():
            group = BaseGroup()

            group.is_collecting = True
            group.children[0].is_collecting = True

            assert group.get_collecting_group() == group.children[0]
Beispiel #2
from pspec import describe
from loom.decorators import requires_puppet, REQUIRES_GEM
from mock import patch
from fabric.api import env

with describe('loom.decorations.requires_puppet'):

    def it_does_not_do_anything_if_puppet_and_librarian_are_installed(
            puppet_mock, librarian_mock):
        env.host_string = ''
        puppet_mock.return_value = True
        librarian_mock.return_value = True

        requires_puppet(lambda: 1)()

        assert puppet_mock.called
        assert librarian_mock.called

    def it_aborts_if_puppet_is_not_installed(abort_mock, puppet_mock,
        env.host_string = ''
        puppet_mock.return_value = False
        librarian_mock.return_value = True

        requires_puppet(lambda: 1)()
Beispiel #3
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.config import host_roles, current_roles

with describe('host_roles'):
    def it_returns_the_role_for_a_host_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ''}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_a_host_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': '',
            'db': '',
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']

with describe('current_roles'):
    def it_returns_the_roles_for_the_current_host():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ''}
        env.host_string = ''
        assert current_roles() == ['app']

Beispiel #4
from fabric.api import env
from pspec import describe
from loom.tasks import all, ssh, upgrade
from mock import patch, call

with describe("loom.tasks.all"):

    def it_sets_env_hsots_to_contain_all_hosts_in_roledefs():
        env.roledefs = {"app1": ["", ""], "app2": ["", ""], "db": [""]}


        assert set(["", "", ""]) == set(env.hosts)

with describe("loom.tasks.ssh"):

    def it_calls_ssh(mock):
        env.user = "******"
        env.host_string = ""
        env.key_filename = None

        expected = [call("ssh -A -t [email protected]".split())]
        assert == expected

    def it_calls_ssh_with_a_key_filename(mock):
        env.user = "******"
        env.host_string = ""
Beispiel #5
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.config import host_roles, current_roles

with describe('loom.config.host_roles'):

    def it_returns_the_role_for_a_host_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ''}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_a_host_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': '',
            'db': '',
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ['', '']}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': ['', ''],
            'db': ['', '']
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']
Beispiel #6
from pspec import describe, run
from pspec.groups.contextmanager import ContextManagerGroup
from fixtures import random_spec, single_level_spec, multiple_level_spec

with describe('ContextManagerGroup'):

    def it_creates_a_spec_on_the_module():
        assert hasattr(single_level_spec, '_pspec_group')

    def it_creates_a_group_with_a_subject():
        assert isinstance(single_level_spec._pspec_group.children[0], ContextManagerGroup)
        assert single_level_spec._pspec_group.children[0].subject == 'random'

    def it_creates_tests_from_functions_within_context_manager():
        spec = single_level_spec._pspec_group
        assert len(spec.tests) == 0
        assert len(spec.children[0].tests) == 1
        assert spec.children[0].tests[0].__name__ == 'it_chooses'

    def it_creates_children_with_a_subject():
        parent = multiple_level_spec._pspec_group.children[0]
        assert len(parent.children) == 1
        assert isinstance(parent.children[0], ContextManagerGroup)
        assert parent.children[0].subject == 'choice'

    def it_creates_tests_from_functions_as_a_child():
        parent = multiple_level_spec._pspec_group.children[0]
        assert len(parent.children[0].tests) == 1

    def it_does_not_collect_tests_that_belong_to_child_groups():
        parent = multiple_level_spec._pspec_group.children[0]
Beispiel #7
from pspec import describe, assert_raises
import random

with describe('random'):
    with describe('shuffle'):
        def it_does_not_lose_any_elements():
            seq = range(10)
            assert seq == range(10)

        def it_raises_an_exception_for_an_immutable_sequence():
            with assert_raises(TypeError):
                random.shuffle((1, 2, 3))

    with describe('choice'):
        def it_picks_an_element_that_is_in_the_sequence():
            seq = range(10)
            assert random.choice(seq) in seq

    with describe('sample'):
        def it_raises_an_exception_for_a_sample_size_larger_than_the_sequence():
            with assert_raises(ValueError):
                random.sample(range(10), 20)

        def it_chooses_elements_that_are_in_the_sequence():
            seq = range(10)
            for element in random.sample(seq, 5):
                assert element in seq

Beispiel #8
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.config import host_roles, current_roles

with describe("loom.config.host_roles"):

    def it_returns_the_role_for_a_host_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {"app": ""}
        assert host_roles("") == ["app"]

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_a_host_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {"app": "", "db": ""}
        assert host_roles("") == ["app", "db"]

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {"app": ["", ""]}
        assert host_roles("") == ["app"]
        assert host_roles("") == ["app"]

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {"app": ["", ""], "db": ["", ""]}
        assert host_roles("") == ["app", "db"]
        assert host_roles("") == ["app", "db"]

with describe("loom.config.current_roles"):

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_the_current_host():
        env.roledefs = {"app": ""}
        env.host_string = ""
Beispiel #9
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.puppet import generate_site_pp, get_puppetmaster_host, _gem_install, generate_site_pp
from mock import patch

with describe('loom.puppet.get_puppetmaster_host'):

    def it_returns_env_puppetmaster_host_when_it_is_defined():
        newenv = {'puppetmaster_host': ''}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_the_host_in_the_puppetmaster_role():
        newenv = {'roledefs': {'puppetmaster': ['']}}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_the_first_puppetmaster_host_when_multiple_are_defined():
        newenv = {
            'roledefs': {
                'puppetmaster': ['', '']
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_none_when_no_puppetmaster_is_defined():
        newenv = {'roledefs': {'puppetmaster': []}}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert None == get_puppetmaster_host()
Beispiel #10
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.puppet import generate_site_pp, get_puppetmaster_host, _gem_install, generate_site_pp
from mock import patch

with describe('loom.puppet.get_puppetmaster_host'):
    def it_returns_env_puppetmaster_host_when_it_is_defined():
        newenv = {'puppetmaster_host': ''}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_the_host_in_the_puppetmaster_role():
        newenv = {'roledefs':
            {'puppetmaster': ['']}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_the_first_puppetmaster_host_when_multiple_are_defined():
        newenv = {'roledefs':
            {'puppetmaster': ['', '']}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
            assert '' == get_puppetmaster_host()

    def it_returns_none_when_no_puppetmaster_is_defined():
        newenv = {'roledefs':
            {'puppetmaster': []}
        with patch.dict('fabric.api.env', newenv):
Beispiel #11
from pspec import describe

with describe('this'):
    def it_should_not_be_here():
        assert True

Beispiel #12
from fabric.api import env
from pspec import describe
from loom.tasks import all, ssh, upgrade
from mock import patch, call

with describe('loom.tasks.all'):

    def it_sets_env_hsots_to_contain_all_hosts_in_roledefs():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app1': ['', ''],
            'app2': ['', ''],
            'db': ['']


        assert set(['', '', '']) == set(env.hosts)

with describe('loom.tasks.ssh'):

    def it_calls_ssh(mock):
        env.user = '******'
        env.host_string = ''
        env.key_filename = None

        expected = [call('ssh -A -t [email protected]'.split())]
        assert == expected
Beispiel #13
        extra_opts=' '.join(extra_opts),

########NEW FILE########
__FILENAME__ = config_spec
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.config import host_roles, current_roles

with describe('loom.config.host_roles'):
    def it_returns_the_role_for_a_host_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ''}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_a_host_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': '',
            'db': '',
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ['', '']}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']
Beispiel #14
from pspec import describe
import random

with describe('random'):
    with describe('choice'):
        def it_chooses():
            seq = range(10)
            assert random.choice(seq) in seq
Beispiel #15
        extra_opts.append('--rsync-path="sudo rsync"')
                  extra_opts=' '.join(extra_opts),

########NEW FILE########
__FILENAME__ = config_spec
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.config import host_roles, current_roles

with describe('loom.config.host_roles'):

    def it_returns_the_role_for_a_host_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ''}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']

    def it_returns_the_roles_for_a_host_with_multiple_roles():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': '',
            'db': '',
        assert host_roles('') == ['app', 'db']

    def it_returns_the_role_for_multiple_hosts_with_a_single_role():
        env.roledefs = {'app': ['', '']}
        assert host_roles('') == ['app']
Beispiel #16
from pspec import describe
import random

with describe('random'):
    def it_chooses():
        seq = range(10)
        assert random.choice(seq) in seq

Beispiel #17
from pspec import describe
from loom.decorators import requires_puppet, REQUIRES_GEM
from mock import patch
from fabric.api import env

with describe('loom.decorations.requires_puppet'):
    def it_does_not_do_anything_if_puppet_and_librarian_are_installed(puppet_mock, librarian_mock):
        env.host_string = ''
        puppet_mock.return_value = True
        librarian_mock.return_value = True

        requires_puppet(lambda: 1)()

        assert puppet_mock.called
        assert librarian_mock.called

    def it_aborts_if_puppet_is_not_installed(abort_mock, puppet_mock, librarian_mock):
        env.host_string = ''
        puppet_mock.return_value = False
        librarian_mock.return_value = True

        requires_puppet(lambda: 1)()

        assert puppet_mock.called
        assert REQUIRES_GEM.format(host=env.host_string, gem='puppet') == abort_mock.call_args[0][0]
Beispiel #18
from pspec import describe

with describe('nothing'):
    def it_does_nothing():

Beispiel #19
from pspec import describe

with describe('something'):
    def it_does_something():
        assert False

Beispiel #20
from pspec import describe
from attest import assert_hook
from fabric.api import env
from loom.puppet import generate_site_pp

with describe('generate_site_pp'):
    def it_creates_an_include_statement_for_each_role():
        env.roledefs = {
            'app': '',
            'db': '',
        env.host_string = ''
        site_pp = generate_site_pp()
        assert 'include "roles::app"' in site_pp
        assert 'include "roles::db"' in site_pp