Beispiel #1
def main():
	usage = "\n".join(["usage: %prog [options] [filenames]",
		"Parses core classes from psrd html to json and writes them to the "
		"specified directory"])
	parser = option_parser(usage)
			help="Type of class (core, base, prestige, npc (default core)")
	(options, _) = parser.parse_args()
	fxn = parse_core_classes
	if options.class_type == 'base':
		fxn = parse_base_classes
	elif options.class_type == 'hybrid':
		fxn = parse_hybrid_classes
	elif options.class_type == 'prestige':
		fxn = parse_prestige_classes
	elif options.class_type == 'npc':
		fxn = parse_npc_classes
	elif options.class_type == 'core' or options.class_type == None:
		fxn = parse_core_classes
		sys.stderr.write("class type of %s is invalid" % options.class_type)
	exec_main(parser, fxn, "classes")
def main():
	usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses files from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
	parser = option_parser(usage, title=True)
	parser.add_option("-n", "--no-statblocks", dest="no_statblocks", default=False, action="store_true", help="Don't parse statblocks")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
	fxn = parse_rules
	if options.no_statblocks:
		fxn = parse_rules_no_sb
	exec_main(parser, fxn, "rules")
Beispiel #3
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses races from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
    parser = option_parser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="type", help="Race type")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    fxn = parse_arg_core_race
    if options.type == 'core':
        fxn = parse_arg_core_race
    elif options.type == 'featured':
        fxn = parse_arg_featured_race
    elif options.type == 'uncommon':
        fxn = parse_arg_uncommon_race
    exec_main(parser, fxn, "races")
Beispiel #4
def main():
	usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses races from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
	parser = option_parser(usage)
	parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="type", help="Race type")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
	fxn = parse_arg_core_race
	if options.type == 'core':
		fxn = parse_arg_core_race
	elif options.type == 'featured':
		fxn = parse_arg_featured_race
	elif options.type == 'uncommon':
		fxn = parse_arg_uncommon_race
	exec_main(parser, fxn, "races")
Beispiel #5
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses files from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
    parser = option_parser(usage, title=True)
                      help="Don't parse statblocks")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    fxn = parse_rules
    if options.no_statblocks:
        fxn = parse_rules_no_sb
    exec_main(parser, fxn, "rules")
def main():
	usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses skills from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
	parser = option_parser(usage)
	exec_main(parser, parse_skills, "skills")
Beispiel #7
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses spell lists from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
    parser = option_parser(usage)
    exec_main(parser, parse_spell_lists, "spell_lists")
Beispiel #8
def main():
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses creatures from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
    parser = option_parser(usage)
    exec_main(parser, parse_creature, "creatures")
Beispiel #9
def main():
	usage = "usage: %prog [options] [filenames]\nParses files from psrd html to json and writes them to the specified directory"
	parser = option_parser(usage, title=True)
	exec_main(parser, parse_rules, "rules")