Beispiel #1
import sys  # to get file system encoding
import numpy as np  # working with arrays and numbers
import time
from psychopy import visual, core, gui, monitors, event, logging
from datetime import datetime
import PyDAQmx as daq

# Self written packages
from helper import *
import psyTools as pt
import nidaqTools as daqT

#%% Initialize
# Parameters of projection for stimulus creation
use_nidaq = 1
(proj_params, use_nidaq) = pt.setup_params()

# An output structure for aligning with acquired imaging frames and storing stimulus
# meta data
now =
dt_string = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
meta = {"nidaq": use_nidaq, "proj_params": proj_params, "date_time": dt_string}
outputObj = OutputInfo(meta=meta)

#%% Reading stimulus information & generating epochs
# Ask user where the stim input file is located
stim_fname = gui.fileOpenDlg(os.getcwd())[0]
# Pre-organizing the routine and epochs
routine = PyStimRoutine(stim_fname)
print('Stimulus routine with {eN} epochs is generated...'.format(\
    eN = routine.total_epoch_n))
Beispiel #2
from helper import *
import psyTools as pt
# import nidaqTools as daqT

#%% Initialize
# Reading stimulus information & generating epochs
# Ask user where the stim input file is located
stim_fname = gui.fileOpenDlg(os.getcwd())[0]
# Pre-organizing the routine and epochs
routine = PyStimRoutine(stim_fname)
print('Stimulus routine with {eN} epochs is generated...'.format(\
    eN = routine.total_epoch_n))

#%% We need a monitor and a window to present the stimulus
# Parameters of projection for stimulus creation
(proj_params, use_nidaq) = pt.setup_params(stim_fname)
# Overwrite the current monitor parameters
mon = monitors.Monitor(proj_params["monitorName"])

win = visual.Window(size=mon.getSizePix(),
                    pos=[proj_params['posX'], proj_params['posY']],
                    color=[-1, -1, -1],

#Detecting dropped frames if any