Beispiel #1
    def writeInitCode(self, buff):
        # Alert user if there's no eyetracker record component in this routine
        recorded = False
        for sibling in self.exp.routines[self.parentName]:
            if isinstance(sibling, EyetrackerRecordComponent):
                recorded = True
        if not recorded:
            alert(code=4550, strFields={"name": self.params['name']})
        # do we need units code?
        if self.params['units'].val == 'from exp settings':
            unitsStr = ""
            unitsStr = "units=%(units)s, " % self.params
        # do writing of init
        inits = getInitVals(self.params, 'PsychoPy')
        if self.params['shape'] == 'regular polygon...':
            inits['shape'] = self.params['nVertices']
        elif self.params['shape'] == 'custom polygon...':
            inits['shape'] = self.params['vertices']

        code = (
            "%(name)s = visual.ROI(win, name='%(name)s', tracker=eyetracker,\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
        code = (
                + unitsStr + "pos=%(pos)s, size=%(size)s, ori=0.0)\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
Beispiel #2
    def writeFrameCode(self, buff):
        """Write the code that will be called every frame
        # Alert user if eyetracking isn't setup
        if self.exp.eyetracking == "None":

        inits = self.params
        buff.writeIndentedLines("# *%s* updates\n" % self.params['name'])

        # test for whether we're just starting to record
        # writes an if statement to determine whether to draw etc
        code = ("%(name)s.status = STARTED\n")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % self.params)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)

        # test for stop (only if there was some setting for duration or stop)
        org_val = self.params['stopVal'].val
        if self.params['actionType'].val.find('Start Only') >= 0:
            self.params['stopVal'].val = 0

        if self.params['stopVal'].val not in ['', None, -1, 'None']:
            # writes an if statement to determine whether to draw etc
            code = ("%(name)s.status = FINISHED\n")
            buff.writeIndentedLines(code % self.params)
            # to get out of the if statement
            buff.setIndentLevel(-2, relative=True)

        self.params['stopVal'].val = org_val
Beispiel #3
 def writeInitCode(self, buff):
     inits = getInitVals(self.params)
     # Substitute sample rate value for numeric equivalent
     inits['sampleRate'] = sampleRates[inits['sampleRate'].val]
     # Substitute channel value for numeric equivalent
     inits['channels'] = {
         'mono': 1,
         'stereo': 2,
         'auto': None
     # Substitute device name for device index, or default if not found
     if self.params['device'].val in devices:
         device = devices[self.params['device'].val]
         if hasattr(device, "deviceIndex"):
             inits['device'] = device.deviceIndex
             inits['device'] = None
         alert(4330, strFields={'device': self.params['device'].val})
         inits['device'] = None
     # Create Microphone object and clips dict
     code = ("%(name)s = sound.microphone.Microphone(\n")
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
     code = ("device=%(device)s, channels=%(channels)s, \n"
             "sampleRateHz=%(sampleRate)s, maxRecordingSize=%(maxSize)s\n")
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
     code = (")\n")
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
Beispiel #4
 def writeInitCodeJS(self, buff):
     inits = getInitVals(self.params)
     inits['sampleRate'] = sampleRates[inits['sampleRate'].val]
     # Alert user if non-default value is selected for device
     if inits['device'].val != 'default':
         alert(5055, strFields={'name': inits['name'].val})
     # Write code
     code = (
         "%(name)s = new sound.Microphone({\n"
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
     code = (
             "win : psychoJS.window, \n"
             "sampleRateHz : %(sampleRate)s,\n"
             "channels : %(channels)s,\n"
             "maxRecordingSize : %(maxSize)s,\n"
             "loopback : true,\n"
             "policyWhenFull : 'ignore',\n"
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
     code = (
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
Beispiel #5
    def run(self):
        tracker = self.eyetracker.getIOHubDeviceClass(full=True)

        # Deliver any alerts as needed
        if tracker == 'eyetracker.hw.sr_research.eyelink.EyeTracker':
            if self.movementAnimation:
                # Alert user that their animation params aren't used
                alert(code=4520, strFields={"brand": "EyeLink"})

        elif tracker == 'eyetracker.hw.gazepoint.gp3.EyeTracker':
            if not self.progressMode == "time":
                # As GazePoint doesn't use auto-pace, alert user
                alert(4530, strFields={"brand": "GazePoint"})

        # Minimise PsychoPy window
        if and sys.platform == 'win32':

        # Run
        self.last = self.eyetracker.runSetupProcedure(dict(self))

        # Bring back PsychoPy window
        if and sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Not 100% sure activate is necessary, but does not seem to hurt.

        # SS: Flip otherwise black screen has been seen, not sure why this just started....
Beispiel #6
    def writeRoutineEndCodeJS(self, buff):
        inits = getInitVals(self.params)
        inits['routine'] = self.parentName
        if inits['transcribeBackend'].val in allTranscribers:
            inits['transcribeBackend'].val = allTranscribers[self.params['transcribeBackend'].val]
        # Warn user if their transcriber won't work online
        if inits['transcribe'].val and inits['transcribeBackend'].val not in onlineTranscribers.values():
            default = list(onlineTranscribers.values())[0]
            alert(4605, strFields={"transcriber": inits['transcribeBackend'].val, "default": default})

        # Write base end routine code
        BaseComponent.writeRoutineEndCodeJS(self, buff)
        # Store recordings from this routine
        code = (
            "// stop the microphone (make the audio data ready for upload)\n"
            "await %(name)s.stop();\n"
            "// construct a filename for this recording\n"
            "thisFilename = 'recording_%(name)s_' + + '_' + currentLoop.thisN\n"
            "// get the recording\n"
            "%(name)s.lastClip = await %(name)s.getRecording({\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
        code = (
                "tag: thisFilename + '_' + util.MonotonicClock.getDateStr(),\n"
                "flush: false\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
        code = (
            "psychoJS.experiment.addData('%(name)s.clip', thisFilename);\n"
            "// start the asynchronous upload to the server\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        if self.params['transcribe'].val:
            code = (
                "// transcribe the recording\n"
                "const transcription = await %(name)s.lastClip.transcribe({\n"
            buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
            buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
            code = (
                    "languageCode: %(transcribeLang)s,\n"
                    "engine: sound.AudioClip.Engine.%(transcribeBackend)s,\n"
                    "wordList: %(transcribeWords)s\n"
            buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
            buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
            code = (
                "%(name)s.lastScript = transcription.transcript;\n"
                "%(name)s.lastConf = transcription.confidence;\n"
                "psychoJS.experiment.addData('%(name)s.transcript', %(name)s.lastScript);\n"
                "psychoJS.experiment.addData('%(name)s.confidence', %(name)s.lastConf);\n"
            buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
Beispiel #7
    def writeMainCode(self, buff):
        # Alert user if eyetracking isn't setup
        if self.exp.eyetracking == "None":
        # Get inits
        inits = self.params
        # Code-ify 'from exp settings'
        if self.params['units'].val == 'from exp settings':
            inits['units'].val = None
        # Synonymise expand dur and target dur
        if inits['progressMode'].val == 'time':
            inits['expandDur'] = inits['targetDur']
        if inits['progressMode'].val == 'space key':
            inits['targetDur'] = inits['expandDur']
        # Synonymise movement dur and target delay
        if inits['movementAnimation'].val:
            inits['targetDelay'] = inits['movementDur']
            inits['movementDur'] = inits['targetDelay']

        BaseStandaloneRoutine.writeMainCode(self, buff)

        # Make target
        code = ("# define target for %(name)s\n"
                "%(name)sTarget = visual.TargetStim(win, \n")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
        code = (
            "radius=%(outerRadius)s, fillColor=%(fillColor)s, borderColor=%(borderColor)s, lineWidth=%(borderWidth)s,\n"
            "innerRadius=%(innerRadius)s, innerFillColor=%(innerFillColor)s, innerBorderColor=%(innerBorderColor)s, innerLineWidth=%(innerBorderWidth)s,\n"
            "colorSpace=%(colorSpace)s, units=%(units)s\n")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
        code = (")")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        # Make config object
        code = ("# define parameters for %(name)s\n"
                "%(name)s = hardware.eyetracker.EyetrackerCalibration(win, \n")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
        code = (
            "eyetracker, %(name)sTarget,\n"
            "units=%(units)s, colorSpace=%(colorSpace)s,\n"
            "progressMode=%(progressMode)s, targetDur=%(targetDur)s, expandScale=%(expandScale)s,\n"
            "targetLayout=%(targetLayout)s, randomisePos=%(randomisePos)s,\n"
            "movementAnimation=%(movementAnimation)s, targetDelay=%(targetDelay)s\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
        code = (
            "# run calibration\n"
            "# clear any keypresses from during %(name)s so they don't interfere with the experiment\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
Beispiel #8
 def writeRoutineEndCode(self, buff):
     inits = getInitVals(self.params)
     # Alter inits
     if len(self.exp.flow._loopList):
         inits['loop'] = self.exp.flow._loopList[-1].params['name']
         inits['filename'] = f"'recording_{inits['name']}_{inits['loop']}_%s.{inits['outputType']}' % {inits['loop']}.thisTrialN"
         inits['loop'] = "thisExp"
         inits['filename'] = f"'recording_{inits['name']}'"
     transcribe = inits['transcribe'].val
     if inits['transcribe'].val == False:
         inits['transcribeBackend'].val = None
     if inits['outputType'].val == 'default':
         inits['outputType'].val = 'wav'
     # Warn user if their transcriber won't work locally
     if inits['transcribe'].val:
         if  inits['transcribeBackend'].val in localTranscribers:
             inits['transcribeBackend'].val = localTranscribers[self.params['transcribeBackend'].val]
             default = list(localTranscribers.values())[0]
             alert(4610, strFields={"transcriber": inits['transcribeBackend'].val, "default": default})
     # Store recordings from this routine
     code = (
         "# tell mic to keep hold of current recording in %(name)s.clips and transcript (if applicable) in %(name)s.scripts\n"
         "# this will also update %(name)s.lastClip and %(name)s.lastScript\n"
         "%(name)sClip, %(name)sScript = %(name)\n"
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
     code = (
         "tag='%(loop)s', transcribe='%(transcribeBackend)s',\n"
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     if transcribe:
         code = (
             "language=%(transcribeLang)s, expectedWords=%(transcribeWords)s\n"
         code = (
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
     code = (
         "%(loop)s.addData('%(name)s.clip', os.path.join(%(name)sRecFolder, %(filename)s))\n"
     buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     if transcribe:
         code = (
             "%(loop)s.addData('%(name)s.script', %(name)sScript)\n"
         buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
     # Write base end routine code
     BaseComponent.writeRoutineEndCode(self, buff)
Beispiel #9
    def writeRoutineStartCode(self, buff):
        # Give alert if in the same routine as a Keyboard component
        if self.params['editable'].val:
            routine = self.exp.routines[self.parentName]
            for sibling in routine:
                if isinstance(sibling, KeyboardComponent):
                              'textbox': self.params['name'],
                              'keyboard': sibling.params['name']

        code = ("%(name)s.reset()")
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % self.params)
        BaseVisualComponent.writeRoutineStartCode(self, buff)
Beispiel #10
def transcribe(audioClip, engine='sphinx', language='en-US', expectedWords=None,
    """Convert speech in audio to text.

    This feature passes the audio clip samples to a specified text-to-speech
    engine which will attempt to transcribe any speech within. The efficacy of
    the transcription depends on the engine selected, audio quality, and
    language support. By default, Pocket Sphinx is used which provides decent
    transcription capabilities offline for English and a few other languages.
    For more robust transcription capabilities with a greater range of language
    support, online providers such as Google may be used.

    Speech-to-text conversion blocks the main application thread when used on
    Python. Don't transcribe audio during time-sensitive parts of your
    experiment! This issue is known to the developers and will be fixed in a
    later release.

    audioClip : :class:`~psychopy.sound.AudioClip` or tuple
        Audio clip containing speech to transcribe (e.g., recorded from a
        microphone). Can be either an :class:`~psychopy.sound.AudioClip` object
        or tuple where the first value is as a Nx1 or Nx2 array of audio
        samples (`ndarray`) and the second the sample rate (`int`) in Hertz
        (e.g., ``(samples, 480000)``).
    engine : str
        Speech-to-text engine to use. Can be one of 'sphinx' for CMU Pocket
        Sphinx or 'google' for Google Cloud.
    language : str
        BCP-47 language code (eg., 'en-US'). Note that supported languages
        vary between transcription engines.
    expectedWords : list or tuple
        List of strings representing expected words or phrases. This will
        constrain the possible output words to the ones specified. Note not all
        engines support this feature (only Sphinx and Google Cloud do at this
        time). A warning will be logged if the engine selected does not support
        this feature. CMU PocketSphinx has an additional feature where the
        sensitivity can be specified for each expected word. You can indicate
        the sensitivity level to use by putting a ``:`` after each word in the
        list (see the Example below). Sensitivity levels range between 0 and
        100. A higher number results in the engine being more conservative,
        resulting in a higher likelihood of false rejections. The default
        sensitivity is 80% for words/phrases without one specified.
    config : dict or None
        Additional configuration options for the specified engine. These
        are specified using a dictionary (ex. `config={'pfilter': 1}` will
        enable the profanity filter when using the `'google'` engine).

        Transcription result.

    * Online transcription services (eg., Google) provide robust and accurate
      speech recognition capabilities with broader language support than offline
      solutions. However, these services may require a paid subscription to use,
      reliable broadband internet connections, and may not respect the privacy
      of your participants as their responses are being sent to a third-party.
      Also consider that a track of audio data being sent over the network can
      be large, users on metered connections may incur additional costs to run
      your experiment.
    * If the audio clip has multiple channels, they will be combined prior to
      being passed to the transcription service if needed.

    Use a voice command as a response to a task::

        # after doing  microphone recording
        resp = mic.getRecording()

        transcribeResults = transcribe(resp)
        if transcribeResults.success:  # successful transcription
            words = transcribeResults.words
            if 'hello' in words:
                print('You said hello.')

    Specifying expected words with sensitivity levels when using CMU Pocket

        # expected words 90% sensitivity on the first two, default for the rest
        expectedWords = ['right:90', 'left:90', 'up', 'down']

        transcribeResults = transcribe(

        if transcribeResults.success:  # successful transcription
            # process results ...

    Specifying the API key to use Google's Cloud service for speech-to-text::

        # set the environment variable
        import os
        os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = \

        # you can now call the transcriber ...
        results = transcribe(
            expectedWords=['left', 'right'])

        if results.success:
            print("You said: {}".format(results.words[0]))

    # check if the engine parameter is valid
    engine = engine.lower()  # make lower case

    # check if we have necessary keys
    if engine in ('google',):
        alert(4615, strFields={'engine': engine})

    # if we got a tuple, convert to audio clip object
    if isinstance(audioClip, (tuple, list,)):
        samples, sampleRateHz = audioClip
        audioClip = AudioClip(samples, sampleRateHz)

    # pass data over to the appropriate engine for transcription
    if engine in ('sphinx', 'built-in'):
        return recognizeSphinx(
    elif engine == 'google':
        return recognizeGoogle(
        raise ValueError(
            f'Parameter `engine` for `transcribe()` should be one of '
            f'"sphinx", "built-in" or "google" not "{engine}"')
Beispiel #11
    def writeMainCode(self, buff):
        # Alert user if eyetracking isn't setup
        if self.exp.eyetracking == "None":

        # Get inits
        inits = deepcopy(self.params)
        # Code-ify 'from exp settings'
        if inits['units'].val == 'from exp settings':
            inits['units'].val = None
        # Synonymise expand dur and target dur
        if inits['progressMode'].val == 'time':
            inits['expandDur'] = inits['targetDur']
        if inits['progressMode'].val == 'space key':
            inits['targetDur'] = inits['expandDur']
        # Synonymise movement dur and target delay
        if inits['movementAnimation'].val:
            inits['targetDelay'] = inits['movementDur']
            inits['movementDur'] = inits['targetDelay']
        # Convert progress mode to ioHub format
        if inits['progressMode'].val == 'space key':
            inits['progressKey'] = "' '"
            inits['progressKey'] = "None"
        # If positions are preset, override param value
        if inits['targetLayout'].val in positions:
            inits['targetPositions'].val = inits['targetLayout'].val
            inits['targetPositions'].valType = 'str'

        BaseStandaloneRoutine.writeMainCode(self, buff)

        # Make target
        code = (
            "# define target for %(name)s\n"
            "%(name)sTarget = visual.TargetStim(win, \n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
        code = (
                "radius=%(outerRadius)s, fillColor=%(fillColor)s, borderColor=%(borderColor)s, lineWidth=%(borderWidth)s,\n"
                "innerRadius=%(innerRadius)s, innerFillColor=%(innerFillColor)s, innerBorderColor=%(innerBorderColor)s, innerLineWidth=%(innerBorderWidth)s,\n"
                "colorSpace=%(colorSpace)s, units=%(units)s\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
        code = (
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)

        # Make validation object
        code = (
            "# define parameters for %(name)s\n"
            "%(name)s = iohub.ValidationProcedure(win,\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)

        code = (
                "gaze_cursor=%(cursorFillColor)s, \n"
                "positions=%(targetPositions)s, randomize_positions=%(randomisePos)s,\n"
                "expand_scale=%(expandScale)s, target_duration=%(targetDur)s,\n"
                "enable_position_animation=%(movementAnimation)s, target_delay=%(targetDelay)s,\n"
                "show_results_screen=%(showResults)s, save_results_screen=%(saveAsImg)s,\n"
                "color_space=%(colorSpace)s, unit_type=%(units)s\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
        code = (
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
        # Run
        code = (
            "# run %(name)s\n"
            "# clear any keypresses from during %(name)s so they don't interfere with the experiment\n"
        buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
Beispiel #12
def setColor(
        colorAttrib='color',  # or 'fillColor' etc
        # legacy
    Sets the given color attribute of an object.

    Obsolete as of 2021.1.0, as colors are now handled by Color objects, all of the necessary operations are called when
    setting directly via obj.color, obj.fillColor or obj.borderColor.

    obj : psychopy.visual object
        The object whose color you are changing
    color : color
        The color to use - can be a valid color value (e.g. (1,1,1), '#ffffff', 'white') or a psychopy.colors.Color
    colorSpace : str
        The color space of the color value. Can be None for hex or named colors, otherwise must be specified.
    operation : str
        Can be '=', '+' or '-', or left blank for '='. '=' will set the color, '+' will add the color and '-' will
        subtract it.
    colorAttrib : str
        Name of the color attribute you are setting, e.g. 'color', 'fillColor', 'borderColor'

    colorSpaceAttrib : str
        PsychoPy used to have a color space for each attribute, but color spaces are now handled by Color objects, so
        this input is no longer used.
    rgbAttrib : str
        PsychoPy used to handle color by converting to RGB and storing in an rgb attribute, now this conversion is done
        within Color objects so this input is no longer used.
    log : bool
        log argument is deprecated - has no effect now. Logging should be done when setColor() is called.


    if colorSpaceAttrib is not None:
        alert(8105, strFields={'colorSpaceAttrib': colorSpaceAttrib})
    if rgbAttrib is not None:
        alert(8110, strFields={'rgbAttrib': rgbAttrib})

    # Make a Color object using supplied values
    raw = color
    color = colors.Color(raw, colorSpace)
    assert color.valid, f"Could not create valid Color object from value {raw} in space {colorSpace}"

    # Apply new value
    if operation in ('=', '', None):
        # If no operation, just set color from object
        setattr(obj, colorAttrib, color)
    elif operation == '+':
        # If +, add to old color
        setattr(obj, colorAttrib, getattr(obj, "_" + colorAttrib) + color)
    elif operation == '-':
        # If -, subtract from old color
        setattr(obj, colorAttrib, getattr(obj, "_" + colorAttrib) - color)
        # Any other operation is not supported
        msg = ('Unsupported value "%s" for operation when ' 'setting %s in %s')
        vals = (operation, colorAttrib, obj.__class__.__name__)
        raise ValueError(msg % vals)
Beispiel #13
def transcribe(samples,
    """Convert speech in audio to text.

    This feature passes the audio clip samples to a text-to-speech engine which
    will attempt to transcribe any speech within. The efficacy of the
    transcription depends on the engine selected, recording hardware and audio
    quality, and quality of the language support. By default, Pocket Sphinx is
    used which provides decent transcription capabilities offline for English
    and a few other languages. For more robust transcription capabilities with a
    greater range of language support, online providers such as Google may be

    If the audio clip has multiple channels, they will be combined prior to
    being passed to the transcription service.

    Speech-to-text conversion blocks the main application thread when used on
    Python. Don't transcribe audio during time-sensitive parts of your
    experiment! This issue is known to the developers and will be fixed in a
    later release.

    samples : ArrayLike
        Audio clip containing speech to transcribe (e.g., recorded from a
        microphone) as a Nx1 or Nx2 array.
    sampleRate : int or float
        Sample rate which `samples` was recorded in Hertz (Hz).
    engine : str
        Speech-to-text engine to use. Can be one of 'sphinx', 'google',
        'googleCloud', or 'bing'.
    language : str
        BCP-47 language code (eg., 'en-US'). Note that supported languages
        vary between transcription engines.
    expectedWords : list or tuple
        List of strings representing expected words or phrases. This will
        constrain the possible output words to the ones specified. Note not all
        engines support this feature (only Sphinx and Google Cloud do at this
        time). A warning will be logged if the engine selected does not support
        this feature. CMU PocketSphinx has an additional feature where the
        sensitivity can be specified for each expected word. You can indicate
        the sensitivity level to use by putting a ``:`` after each word in the
        list (see the Example below). Sensitivity levels range between 50 and
        100. A higher number results in the engine being more conservative,
        resulting in a higher likelihood of false rejections. The default
        sensitivity is 80% for words/phrases without one specified.
    key : str or None
        API key or credentials, format depends on the API in use. If `None`,
        the values will be obtained elsewhere (See Notes).
    config : dict or None
        Additional configuration options for the specified engine. These
        are specified using a dictionary (ex. `config={'pfilter': 1}` will
        enable the profanity filter when using the `'google'` engine).

        Transcription result.

    * Online transcription services (eg., Google, Bing, etc.) provide robust
      and accurate speech recognition capabilities with broader language
      support than offline solutions. However, these services may require a
      paid subscription to use, reliable broadband internet connections, and
      may not respect the privacy of your participants as their responses
      are being sent to a third-party. Also consider that a track of audio
      data being sent over the network can be large, users on metered
      connections may incur additional costs to run your experiment.
    * Some errors may be emitted by the `SpeechRecognition` API, check that
      project's documentation if you encounter such an error for more
    * If `key` is not specified (i.e. is `None`) then PsychoPy will look for the
      API key at other locations. By default, PsychoPy will look for an
      environment variables starting with `PSYCHOPY_TRANSCR_KEY_` first. If
      there is no appropriate API key for the given `engine`, then the
      preference *General -> transcrKeyXXX* is used. Keys can be specified as a
      file path, if so, the key data will be loaded from the file. System
      administrators can specify keys this way to use them across a site
      installation without needing the user manage the keys directly.
    * Use `expectedWords` if provided by the API. This will greatly speed up
      recognition. CMU Pocket Sphinx gives the option for sensitivity levels per
      phrase. Higher levels

    Use a voice command as a response to a task::

        # after doing  microphone recording
        resp = mic.getRecording()

        transcribeResults = transcribe(resp.samples, resp.sampleRateHz)
        if transcribeResults.success:  # successful transcription
            words = transcribeResults.words
            if 'hello' in words:
                print('You said hello.')

    Specifying expected words with sensitivity levels when using CMU Pocket

        # expected words 90% confidence on the first two, default for the rest
        expectedWords = ['right:90', 'left:90', 'up', 'down']

        transcribeResults = transcribe(

        if transcribeResults.success:  # successful transcription
            # process results ...

    # Bunch of checks to make sure the parameters specified are correct.
    if not _hasSpeechRecognition:  # don't have speech recognition
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "Cannot use `.transcribe()`, missing required module "
            "`speech_recognition` from package `SpeechRecognition`.")

    # check if the engine parameter is valid
    if engine not in _recognizers.keys():
        raise ValueError(
            f'transcribe() `engine` should be one of {list(_recognizers.keys())} not '

    # check if we have necessary keys
    if engine in _apiKeys:
        if not _apiKeys[engine]:
            alert(4615, strFields={'engine': engine})

    # engine configuration
    config = {} if config is None else config
    if not isinstance(config, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid type for parameter `config` specified, must be `dict` "
            "or `None`.")

    if not isinstance(language, str):
        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid type for parameter `language`, must be type `str`.")

    # common engine configuration options
    config['language'] = language  # set language code
    config['show_all'] = False

    # API specific config
    expectedWordsNotSupported = requiresKey = False
    if engine in ('sphinx', 'built-in'):
        expectedWordsTemp = None
        # check valid language
        config['language'] = language.lower()  # sphinx users en-us not en-US
        if config['language'] not in sphinxLangs:
            url = ""
            raise ValueError(
                f"Language `{config['language']}` is not installed for pocketsphinx. "
                f"You can download languages here: {url}"
                f"Install them here: {pocketsphinx.get_model_path()}")
        # check expected words
        if expectedWords is not None:
            # sensitivity specified as `word:80`
            expectedWordsTemp = []
            for word in expectedWords:
                wordAndSense = word.split(':')
                if len(wordAndSense) == 2:  # specified as `word:80`
                    word, sensitivity = wordAndSense
                    sensitivity = int(sensitivity) / 100.
                    word = wordAndSense[0]
                    sensitivity = 0.8  # default is 80% confidence

                expectedWordsTemp.append((word, sensitivity))

        config['keyword_entries'] = expectedWordsTemp

    elif engine == 'googleCloud':
        config['preferred_phrases'] = expectedWords
        requiresKey = True
    elif engine == 'google':
        expectedWordsNotSupported = True
        requiresKey = True
    elif engine in ('bing', 'azure'):
        expectedWordsNotSupported = True
        requiresKey = True

    if expectedWordsNotSupported:
            f"Transcription engine '{engine}' does not allow for expected phrases to "
            "be specified.")

    # API requires a key
    if requiresKey:
            if engine != 'googleCloud':
                config['key'] = _apiKeys[engine] if key is None else key
                config['credentials_json'] = \
                    _apiKeys[engine] if key is None else key
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Selected speech-to-text engine '{engine}' requires an API key but one"
                "cannot be found. Add key to PsychoPy prefs or try specifying "
                "`key` directly.")

    # combine channels if needed
    samples = np.atleast_2d(samples)  # enforce 2D
    if samples.shape[1] > 1:
        samplesMixed = \
            np.sum(samples, axis=1, dtype=np.float32) / np.float32(2.)
        samplesMixed = samples

    # convert samples to WAV PCM format
    clipDataInt16 = np.asarray(samplesMixed * ((1 << 15) - 1),

    sampleWidth = 2  # two bytes per sample
    audio = sr.AudioData(clipDataInt16,

    config = {} if config is None else config
    assert isinstance(config, dict)

    # submit audio samples to the API
    respAPI = ''
    unknownValueError = requestError = False
        respAPI = _recognizers[engine](audio, **config)
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(f"`{engine}` is not a valid transcribe() engine. "
                         f"Please use one of {list(_recognizers.keys())}")
    except sr.UnknownValueError:
        unknownValueError = True
    except sr.RequestError:
        requestError = True

    # remove empty words
    result = [word for word in respAPI.split(' ') if word != '']

    # object to return containing transcription data
    toReturn = TranscriptionResult(words=result,

    # split only if the user does not want the raw API data
    return toReturn