Beispiel #1
def test_stencil_case_2():
    '''test that the metadata name 'go_pointwise' can be provided in lower,
    or upper case


    stencil = GOStencil()
    stencil_string = "go_pOiNtWiSe"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert not stencil.has_stencil
    assert == "go_pointwise"
Beispiel #2
def test_stencil_depth_args():
    '''Check that invalid index values for the depth method in an instance
    of the GOStencil class cause an exception to be raised.

    stencil = GOStencil()

    stencil_string = "go_stencil(010,111,010)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    for i, j in [(-2, 0), (2, 0), (0, -2), (0, 2)]:
        with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
            stencil.depth(i, j)
        assert "must be between -1 and 1 but found ({0},{1})".format(i, j) \
            in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #3
def test_stencil_case_1():
    '''test that the metadata name 'go_stencil' can be provided in lower, or
    upper case.

    stencil = GOStencil()

    stencil_string = "go_StEnCiL(234,915,876)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert stencil.has_stencil
    expected = [8, 7, 6, 9, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4]
    exp_index = 0
    for idx2 in range(-1, 2):
        for idx1 in range(-1, 2):
            assert stencil.depth(idx1, idx2) == expected[exp_index]
            exp_index += 1
Beispiel #4
def test_stencil_case_1():
    '''test that the metadata name 'go_stencil' can be provided in lower, or
    upper case.

    stencil = GOStencil()

    stencil_string = "go_StEnCiL(000,011,000)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert stencil.has_stencil
    for idx2 in range(-1, 2):
        for idx1 in range(-1, 2):
            if idx1 in [0, 1] and idx2 == 0:
                expected_depth = 1
                expected_depth = 0
            assert stencil.depth(idx1, idx2) == expected_depth
Beispiel #5
def test_stencil_invalid_format_1():
    '''Check all the ways in which the 'stencil(...) format can be

    stencil = GOStencil()

    # this should cause a general unexpected format error
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(None, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "expected either a name or the format 'go_stencil(...)" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause a general unexpected format error
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "expected either a name or the format 'go_stencil(...)" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause a general unexpected format error
    stencil_string = "(a)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "expected either a name or the format 'go_stencil(...)" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause an unsupported name error
    stencil_string = "random_name"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert ("argument is 'random_name' but must be one of ['go_pointwise'] or "
            "go_stencil(...)") in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause an unsupported name error
    stencil_string = "stenci(a)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "argument is 'stenci' but must be 'go_stencil(...)" \
        in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #6
def test_stencil_invalid_format_2():
    '''Check all the ways in which the arguments in the 'go_stencil(...)
    format can be invalid

    stencil = GOStencil()

    # this should cause a not-enough-args error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(a)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "format 'go_stencil(...)', has 1 arguments but should have 3" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause a not-a-number error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(a,b,c)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "Argument index 0 should be a number but found 'a'" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should also cause a not-a-number error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(000,x00,000)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "index 1 should be a number but found 'x00'" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause a not-3-numbers error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(012,345,67)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "index 2 should consist of 3 digits but found 2" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause an invalid-middle-number error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(012,345,678)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert "index 1 position 1 should be a number from 0-1 but found 4" \
        in str(excinfo.value)

    # this should cause a zero-size-stencil error
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(000,010,000)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")
    assert ("A zero sized stencil has been specified. This should be "
            "specified with the 'go_pointwise' keyword") in str(excinfo.value)

    # lastly, this should work as it is valid
    stencil_string = "go_stencil(000,011,000)"
    parsed_stencil = expr.FORT_EXPRESSION.parseString(stencil_string)[0]
    stencil.load(parsed_stencil, "kernel_stencil")