def test_kernelschedule_constructor():
    ''' Check that we can construct a KernelSchedule and that it has the
    expected properties. '''
    ksched = KernelSchedule("timetable")
    assert == "timetable"
    # A KernelSchedule does not represent a program
    assert not ksched.is_program
    # A KernelSchedule does not return anything
    assert ksched.return_type is None
    assert ksched.parent is None
    # Now create a KernelSchedule with a parent
    cnode = Container("BigBox")
    ksched2 = KernelSchedule("plan", parent=cnode)
    assert ksched2.parent is cnode
Beispiel #2
def test_scope():
    '''Test that the scope method in a Node instance returns the closest
    ancestor Schedule or Container Node (including itself) or raises
    an exception if one does not exist.

    kernel_symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    symbol = DataSymbol("tmp", REAL_TYPE)
    ref = Reference(symbol)
    assign = Assignment.create(ref, Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE))
    kernel_schedule = KernelSchedule.create("my_kernel", kernel_symbol_table,
    container = Container.create("my_container", SymbolTable(),
    assert ref.scope is kernel_schedule
    assert assign.scope is kernel_schedule
    assert kernel_schedule.scope is kernel_schedule
    assert container.scope is container

    anode = Literal("x", INTEGER_TYPE)
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as excinfo:
        _ = anode.scope
    assert ("Unable to find the scope of node "
            "'Literal[value:'x', Scalar<INTEGER, UNDEFINED>]' as "
            "none of its ancestors are Container or Schedule nodes."
            in str(excinfo.value))
def test_use_stmt():
    ''' Check that SymbolTable entries are correctly created from
    module use statements. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("use my_mod, only: some_var\n"
                                 "use this_mod\n"
                                 "use other_mod, only: var1, var2\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])

    symtab = fake_parent.symbol_table

    for module_name in ["my_mod", "this_mod", "other_mod"]:
        container = symtab.lookup(module_name)
        assert isinstance(container, ContainerSymbol)
        assert == module_name
        # Container reference is not updated until explicitly requested
        assert not container._reference

    for var in ["some_var", "var1", "var2"]:
        assert symtab.lookup(var).name == var

    assert symtab.lookup("some_var").interface.container_symbol \
        == symtab.lookup("my_mod")
    assert symtab.lookup("var2").interface.container_symbol \
        == symtab.lookup("other_mod")
def test_multi_use_stmt():
    ''' Check that we handle the case where different symbols are imported
    from a module in separate USE statements. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("use my_mod, only: some_var\n"
                                 "use this_mod\n"
                                 "use my_mod, only: var1, var2\n"
                                 "use this_mod, only: var3\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    symtab = fake_parent.symbol_table
    csymbols = symtab.containersymbols
    # Although there are 4 use statements, there are only 2 modules
    assert len(csymbols) == 2
    my_mod = symtab.lookup("my_mod")
    assert not my_mod.wildcard_import
    # Check that we have accumulated all imports
    import_list = symtab.imported_symbols(my_mod)
    assert len(import_list) == 3
    names = [ for sym in import_list]
    assert sorted(names) == ["some_var", "var1", "var2"]
    this_mod = symtab.lookup("this_mod")
    assert this_mod.wildcard_import
    names = [ for sym in symtab.imported_symbols(this_mod)]
    assert names == ["var3"]
def test_redundant_empty_only_list():
    ''' Check that we drop 'use's with an empty only list if they become
    redundant. #TODO #11 Check for appropriate logging messages here once
    logging is implemented. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    # Empty only-list followed by wildcard import
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod1, only:\n" "use mod1\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = fake_parent.symbol_table.lookup("mod1")
    assert csym.wildcard_import
    # Wildcard import followed by empty only-list
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod2\n" "use mod2, only:\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = fake_parent.symbol_table.lookup("mod2")
    assert csym.wildcard_import
    # Empty only-list followed by named import
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod3, only:\n" "use mod3, only: fred\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    sym_table = fake_parent.symbol_table
    csym = sym_table.lookup("mod3")
    assert not csym.wildcard_import
    assert sym_table.imported_symbols(csym)[0].name == "fred"
    # Named import followed by empty only-list
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod4, only: bob\n" "use mod4, only:\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = sym_table.lookup("mod4")
    assert not csym.wildcard_import
    assert sym_table.imported_symbols(csym)[0].name == "bob"
Beispiel #6
def test_transform_apply_insert(tmpdir):
    '''Check that the PSyIR is transformed as expected when there are
    multiple statements in the PSyIR. The resultant Fortran code is used to
    confirm the transformation has worked correctly.

    trans = ArrayRange2LoopTrans()

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    symbol = DataSymbol("n", INTEGER_TYPE)
    # Create the first assignment. In Fortran notation: x(:) = y(n,:)
    lhs = create_array_x(symbol_table)
    rhs = create_array_y(symbol_table)
    assignment1 = Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)
    # Create the second assignment. In Fortran notation: y2(:,:) = z(:,n,:)
    lhs = create_array_y_2d_slice(symbol_table)
    rhs = create_array_z(symbol_table)
    assignment2 = Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)
    routine = KernelSchedule.create("work", symbol_table,
                                    [assignment1, assignment2])
    writer = FortranWriter()
    expected = ("  do idx = LBOUND(x, 1), UBOUND(x, 1), 1\n"
                "    x(idx)=y(n,idx)\n"
                "  enddo\n"
                "  do idx_1 = LBOUND(y2, 2), UBOUND(y2, 2), 1\n"
                "    y2(:,idx_1)=z(:,n,idx_1)\n"
                "  enddo\n")
    result = writer(routine)
    assert expected in result
    assert Compile(tmpdir).string_compiles(result)
Beispiel #7
def test_lower_to_lang_level_single_node():
    ''' Test the lower_to_language_level() method when a Schedule contains
    a single ProfileNode.

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol, datatype=REAL_TYPE)
    zero = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
    one = Literal("1.0", REAL_TYPE)
    assign1 = Assignment.create(Reference(arg1), zero)
    assign2 = Assignment.create(Reference(arg1), one)

    kschedule = KernelSchedule.create(
        "work1", symbol_table, [assign1, assign2, Return()])
    Profiler.add_profile_nodes(kschedule, Loop)
    assert isinstance(kschedule.children[0], ProfileNode)
    assert isinstance(kschedule.children[-1], Return)
    # The ProfileNode should have been replaced by two CodeBlocks with its
    # children inserted between them.
    assert isinstance(kschedule[0], CodeBlock)
    # The first CodeBlock should have the "profile-start" annotation.
    assert kschedule[0].annotations == ["profile-start"]
    ptree = kschedule[0].get_ast_nodes
    assert len(ptree) == 1
    assert isinstance(ptree[0], Fortran2003.Call_Stmt)
    assert kschedule[1] is assign1
    assert kschedule[2] is assign2
    assert isinstance(kschedule[-2], CodeBlock)
    assert kschedule[-2].annotations == []
    ptree = kschedule[-2].get_ast_nodes
    assert len(ptree) == 1
    assert isinstance(ptree[0], Fortran2003.Call_Stmt)
    assert isinstance(kschedule[-1], Return)
def test_find_or_create_imported_symbol_2():
    ''' Check that the _find_or_create_imported_symbol() method creates new
    symbols when appropriate. '''
    # Create some suitable PSyIR from scratch
    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    symbol_table.add(DataSymbol("tmp", REAL_TYPE))
    kernel1 = KernelSchedule.create("mod_1", SymbolTable(), [])
    container = Container.create("container_name", symbol_table, [kernel1])
    xvar = DataSymbol("x", REAL_TYPE)
    xref = Reference(xvar)
    assign = Assignment.create(xref, Literal("1.0", REAL_TYPE))
    # We have no wildcard imports so there can be no symbol named 'undefined'
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as err:
        _ = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign, "undefined")
    assert "No Symbol found for name 'undefined'" in str(err.value)
    # We should be able to find the 'tmp' symbol in the parent Container
    sym = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign, "tmp")
    assert sym.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.REAL
    # Add a wildcard import to the SymbolTable of the KernelSchedule
    new_container = ContainerSymbol("some_mod")
    new_container.wildcard_import = True
    # Symbol not in any container but we do have wildcard imports so we
    # get a new symbol back
    new_symbol = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign, "undefined")
    assert == "undefined"
    assert isinstance(new_symbol.interface, UnresolvedInterface)
    # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
    assert type(new_symbol) == Symbol
    assert "undefined" not in container.symbol_table
    assert kernel1.symbol_table.lookup("undefined") is new_symbol
Beispiel #9
def example_psyir_nary():
    '''Utility function that creates a PSyIR tree containing a nary MIN
    intrinsic operator and returns the operator.

    :returns: PSyIR MIN operator instance.
    :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.NaryOperation`

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    arg2 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    arg3 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    arg4 = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol, datatype=REAL_TYPE)
    symbol_table.specify_argument_list([arg1, arg2, arg3])
    var1 = Reference(arg1)
    var2 = Reference(arg2)
    var3 = Reference(arg3)
    var4 = Reference(arg4)
    oper = NaryOperation.Operator.MIN
    operation = NaryOperation.create(oper, [var1, var2, var3])
    assign = Assignment.create(var4, operation)
    _ = KernelSchedule.create("min_example", symbol_table, [assign])
    return operation
def test_find_or_create_change_symbol_type():
    ''' Check that the _find_or_create_imported_symbol routine correctly
    updates the class of the located symbol if it is not an instance of
    the requested symbol type.
    # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
    # Create some suitable PSyIR from scratch
    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    tmp_sym = symbol_table.new_symbol("tmp")
    sub_sym = symbol_table.new_symbol("my_sub")
    kernel1 = KernelSchedule.create("mod_1", SymbolTable(), [])
    _ = Container.create("container_name", symbol_table, [kernel1])
    assign = Assignment.create(Reference(tmp_sym), Literal("1.0", REAL_TYPE))
    # Search for the 'tmp' symbol
    sym = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign, "tmp")
    assert sym is tmp_sym
    assert type(sym) == Symbol
    # Repeat but this time specify that we're expecting a DataSymbol
    sym = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign,
    assert sym is tmp_sym
    assert type(sym) == DataSymbol
    assert sym.datatype == REAL_TYPE
    # Search for 'my_sub' and specify that it should be a RoutineSymbol
    sym2 = _find_or_create_imported_symbol(assign,
    assert sym2 is sub_sym
    assert type(sym2) == RoutineSymbol
Beispiel #11
def example_psyir_binary(create_expression):
    '''Utility function that creates a PSyIR tree containing a binary MIN
    intrinsic operator and returns the operator.

    :param function create_expresssion: function used to create the \
        content of the first argument of the MIN operator.

    :returns: PSyIR MIN operator instance.
    :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.BinaryOperation`

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    arg2 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    arg3 = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol, datatype=REAL_TYPE)
    symbol_table.specify_argument_list([arg1, arg2])
    var1 = Reference(arg1)
    var2 = Reference(arg2)
    var3 = Reference(arg3)
    oper = BinaryOperation.Operator.MIN
    operation = BinaryOperation.create(oper, create_expression(var1), var2)
    assign = Assignment.create(var3, operation)
    _ = KernelSchedule.create("min_example", symbol_table, [assign])
    return operation
Beispiel #12
def test_profile_node_create():
    ''' Basic checks for the create() method of ProfileNode. '''
    sched = KernelSchedule.create("test", SymbolTable(), [])
    pnode = ProfileNode.create([], SymbolTable())
    assert str(pnode) == ("ProfileStart[var=profile_psy_data]\n" "ProfileEnd")
    pnode2 = ProfileNode.create([],
                                options={"region_name": ("my_mod", "first")})
    assert pnode2._module_name == "my_mod"
    assert pnode2._region_name == "first"
    # Check that the symbol table contains the appropriate symbols:
    # A Container for the profile_psy_data_mod module
    table = sched.symbol_table
    csym = table.lookup("profile_psy_data_mod")
    assert isinstance(csym, ContainerSymbol)
    # A type symbol for the derived type used to capture profiling data
    type_sym = table.lookup("profile_PSyDataType")
    assert isinstance(type_sym, TypeSymbol)
    assert isinstance(type_sym.interface, GlobalInterface)
    assert type_sym.interface.container_symbol is csym
    # A symbol of derived type to contain the profiling data. As it must
    # have the (unsupported) 'save' and 'target' attributes, it has to be of
    # UnknownFortranType.
    dsym = table.lookup("profile_psy_data")
    assert isinstance(dsym, DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(dsym.datatype, UnknownFortranType)
    assert (dsym.datatype.declaration ==
            "type(profile_PSyDataType), save, target :: profile_psy_data")
Beispiel #13
def example_psyir(create_expression):
    '''Utility function that creates a PSyIR tree containing an ABS
    intrinsic operator and returns the operator.

    :param function create_expresssion: function used to create the \
        content of the ABS operator.

    :returns: PSyIR ABS operator instance.
    :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.UnaryOperation`

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol("arg",
    local = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol, datatype=REAL_TYPE)
    var1 = Reference(arg1)
    var2 = Reference(local)
    oper = UnaryOperation.Operator.ABS
    operation = UnaryOperation.create(oper, create_expression(var1))
    assign = Assignment.create(var2, operation)
    _ = KernelSchedule.create("abs_example", symbol_table, [assign])
    return operation
Beispiel #14
def test_transform_multi_apply(tmpdir):
    '''Check that the ArrayRange2Loop transformation can be used to create
    nested loops by calling it multiple times when an array has
    multiple dimensions that use a range.

    trans = ArrayRange2LoopTrans()

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    symbol = DataSymbol("n", INTEGER_TYPE)
    lhs = create_array_y_2d_slice(symbol_table)
    rhs = create_array_z(symbol_table)
    assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)
    routine = KernelSchedule.create("work", symbol_table, [assignment])
    expected = ("  do idx = LBOUND(y2, 2), UBOUND(y2, 2), 1\n"
                "    do idx_1 = LBOUND(y2, 1), UBOUND(y2, 1), 1\n"
                "      y2(idx_1,idx)=z(idx_1,n,idx)\n"
                "    enddo\n"
                "  enddo\n")
    writer = FortranWriter()
    result = writer(routine)
    assert expected in result
    assert Compile(tmpdir).string_compiles(result)
Beispiel #15
def test_parse_derived_type(use_stmt, type_name):
    ''' Check that the fronted correctly creates a DataTypeSymbol of type
    StructureType from the declaration of a derived type. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    symtab = fake_parent.symbol_table
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("{0}\n"
                                 "type :: my_type\n"
                                 "  integer :: flag\n"
                                 "  type({1}), private :: grid\n"
                                 "  real, dimension(3) :: posn\n"
                                 "end type my_type\n"
                                 "type(my_type) :: var\n".format(
                                     use_stmt, type_name))
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    sym = symtab.lookup("my_type")
    assert isinstance(sym, DataTypeSymbol)
    assert isinstance(sym.datatype, StructureType)
    flag = sym.datatype.lookup("flag")
    assert isinstance(flag.datatype, ScalarType)
    assert flag.visibility == Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC
    grid = sym.datatype.lookup("grid")
    assert isinstance(grid.datatype, DataTypeSymbol)
    assert isinstance(grid.datatype.datatype, DeferredType)
    assert grid.visibility == Symbol.Visibility.PRIVATE
    posn = sym.datatype.lookup("posn")
    assert isinstance(posn.datatype, ArrayType)
    var = symtab.lookup("var")
    assert var.datatype is sym
Beispiel #16
def test_container_create_invalid():
    '''Test that the create method in a Container class raises the
    expected exception if the provided input is invalid.

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    symbol_table.add(DataSymbol("x", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE))
    children = [KernelSchedule.create("mod_1", SymbolTable(), [])]

    # name is not a string.
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = Container.create(1, symbol_table, children)
    assert ("name argument in create method of Container class "
            "should be a string but found 'int'.") in str(excinfo.value)

    # symbol_table not a SymbolTable.
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = Container.create("container", "invalid", children)
    assert ("symbol_table argument in create method of Container class "
            "should be a SymbolTable but found 'str'.") in str(excinfo.value)

    # children not a list.
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = Container.create("mod_name", symbol_table, "invalid")
    assert ("children argument in create method of Container class should "
            "be a list but found 'str'." in str(excinfo.value))

    # contents of children list are not Container or KernelSchedule.
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
        _ = Container.create("mod_name", symbol_table, ["invalid"])
    assert ("Item 'str' can't be child 0 of 'Container'. The valid format is:"
            " '[Container | KernelSchedule | InvokeSchedule]*'."
            in str(excinfo.value))
Beispiel #17
def test_range_references_props():
    ''' Test that the properties of a Range return what we expect
    when the start, stop and step are references or expressions. '''
    from psyclone.psyir.nodes import BinaryOperation, KernelSchedule
    sched = KernelSchedule("test_sched")
    sym_table = sched.symbol_table
    start_symbol = DataSymbol("istart", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    stop_symbol = DataSymbol("istop", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    step_symbol = DataSymbol("istep", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    startvar = Reference(start_symbol)
    stopvar = Reference(stop_symbol)
    start = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.SUB, startvar,
                                   Literal("1", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE))
    stop = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD, stopvar,
                                  Literal("1", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE))
    step = Reference(step_symbol)
    erange = Range.create(start, stop, step)
    assert erange.start is start
    assert erange.stop is stop
    assert erange.step is step
    assert erange.children[0] is start
    assert erange.children[1] is stop
    assert erange.children[2] is step
Beispiel #18
def test_get_external_symbol(monkeypatch):
    ''' Test the get_external_symbol() method. '''
    asym = Symbol("a")
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as err:
    assert ("trying to resolve symbol 'a' properties, the lazy evaluation "
            "of 'Local' interfaces is not supported" in str(err.value))
    other_container = ContainerSymbol("some_mod")
    ctable = SymbolTable()
    # Create a Symbol that is imported from the "some_mod" Container
    bsym = Symbol("b", interface=GlobalInterface(other_container))
    _ = Container.create("test", ctable, [KernelSchedule("dummy")])

    # Monkeypatch the container's FortranModuleInterface so that it always
    # appears to be unable to find the "some_mod" module

    def fake_import(name):
        raise SymbolError("Oh dear")

    monkeypatch.setattr(other_container._interface, "import_container",
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as err:
    assert ("trying to resolve the properties of symbol 'b' in module "
            "'some_mod': PSyclone SymbolTable error: Oh dear"
            in str(err.value))
    # Now create a Container for the 'some_mod' module and attach this to
    # the ContainerSymbol
    ctable2 = SymbolTable()
    some_mod = Container.create("some_mod", ctable2,
    other_container._reference = some_mod
    # Currently the Container does not contain an entry for 'b'
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as err:
    assert ("trying to resolve the properties of symbol 'b'. The interface "
            "points to module 'some_mod' but could not find the definition"
            in str(err.value))
    # Add an entry for 'b' to the Container's symbol table
    ctable2.add(DataSymbol("b", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE))
    new_sym = bsym.resolve_deferred()
    assert isinstance(new_sym, DataSymbol)
    assert new_sym.datatype == INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE
Beispiel #19
def create_matmul():
    '''Utility function that creates a valid matmul node for use with
    subsequent tests.

    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    one = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    two = Literal("2", INTEGER_TYPE)
    index = DataSymbol("idx", INTEGER_TYPE, constant_value=3)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [5, 10, 15])
    mat_symbol = DataSymbol("x", array_type)
    lbound1 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                     Reference(mat_symbol), one.copy())
    ubound1 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                     Reference(mat_symbol), one.copy())
    my_mat_range1 = Range.create(lbound1, ubound1, one.copy())
    lbound2 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                     Reference(mat_symbol), two.copy())
    ubound2 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                     Reference(mat_symbol), two.copy())
    my_mat_range2 = Range.create(lbound2, ubound2, one.copy())
    matrix = ArrayReference.create(
        mat_symbol, [my_mat_range1, my_mat_range2,
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10, 20])
    vec_symbol = DataSymbol("y", array_type)
    lbound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                    Reference(vec_symbol), one.copy())
    ubound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                    Reference(vec_symbol), one.copy())
    my_vec_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound, one.copy())
    vector = ArrayReference.create(
        vec_symbol, [my_vec_range, Reference(index)])
    matmul = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.MATMUL, matrix,
    lhs_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10])
    lhs_symbol = DataSymbol("result", lhs_type)
    lhs = Reference(lhs_symbol)
    assign = Assignment.create(lhs, matmul)
    KernelSchedule.create("my_kern", symbol_table, [assign])
    return matmul
Beispiel #20
def test_array_node_str():
    ''' Check the node_str method of the ArrayReference class.'''
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    array_type = ArrayType(INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, [ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE])
    symbol = DataSymbol("aname", array_type)
    array = ArrayReference(symbol)
    coloredtext = colored("ArrayReference", ArrayReference._colour)
    assert coloredtext + "[name:'aname']" in array.node_str()
Beispiel #21
def test_reference_can_be_printed():
    '''Test that a Reference instance can always be printed (i.e. is
    initialised fully)'''
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    symbol = DataSymbol("rname", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    assignment = Assignment(parent=kschedule)
    ref = Reference(symbol, assignment)
    assert "Reference[name:'rname']" in str(ref)
Beispiel #22
def test_array_can_be_printed():
    '''Test that an Array instance can always be printed (i.e. is
    initialised fully)'''
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    symbol = DataSymbol("aname", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    assignment = Assignment(parent=kschedule)
    array = Array(symbol, assignment)
    assert "ArrayReference[name:'aname']\n" in str(array)
Beispiel #23
def test_reference_node_str():
    ''' Check the node_str method of the Reference class.'''
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    symbol = DataSymbol("rname", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    assignment = Assignment(parent=kschedule)
    ref = Reference(symbol, assignment)
    coloredtext = colored("Reference", Reference._colour)
    assert coloredtext + "[name:'rname']" in ref.node_str()
Beispiel #24
def test_reference_node_str():
    ''' Check the node_str method of the Reference class.'''
    from psyclone.psyir.nodes.node import colored, SCHEDULE_COLOUR_MAP
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    symbol = DataSymbol("rname", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    assignment = Assignment(parent=kschedule)
    ref = Reference(symbol, assignment)
    coloredtext = colored("Reference", SCHEDULE_COLOUR_MAP["Reference"])
    assert coloredtext + "[name:'rname']" in ref.node_str()
Beispiel #25
def test_auto_invoke_no_return(capsys):
    ''' Check that using the auto-invoke profiling option does not add any
    profiling if the invoke contains a Return anywhere other than as the
    last statement. '''
    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol(
        symbol_type=DataSymbol, datatype=REAL_TYPE)
    zero = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
    assign1 = Assignment.create(Reference(arg1), zero)
    assign2 = Assignment.create(Reference(arg1), zero.copy())

    # Create Schedule with Return at the start.
    kschedule = KernelSchedule.create(
        "work1", symbol_table, [Return(), assign1, assign2])
    Profiler.add_profile_nodes(kschedule, Loop)
    # No profiling should have been added
    assert not kschedule.walk(ProfileNode)
    _, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert ("Not adding profiling to routine 'work1' because it contains one "
            "or more Return statements" in err)

    # Create Schedule with Return in the middle.
    kschedule = KernelSchedule.create(
        "work2", symbol_table, [assign1.copy(), Return(), assign2.copy()])
    Profiler.add_profile_nodes(kschedule, Loop)
    # No profiling should have been added
    assert not kschedule.walk(ProfileNode)
    _, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert ("Not adding profiling to routine 'work2' because it contains one "
            "or more Return statements" in err)

    # Create Schedule with a Return at the end as well as in the middle.
    kschedule = KernelSchedule.create(
        "work3", symbol_table, [assign1.copy(), Return(), assign2.copy(),
    Profiler.add_profile_nodes(kschedule, Loop)
    # No profiling should have been added
    assert not kschedule.walk(ProfileNode)
    _, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert ("Not adding profiling to routine 'work3' because it contains one "
            "or more Return statements" in err)
Beispiel #26
def test_array_node_str():
    ''' Check the node_str method of the Array class.'''
    from psyclone.psyir.nodes.node import colored, SCHEDULE_COLOUR_MAP
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    array_type = ArrayType(INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, [ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE])
    symbol = DataSymbol("aname", array_type)
    assignment = Assignment(parent=kschedule)
    array = Array(symbol, parent=assignment)
    coloredtext = colored("ArrayReference", SCHEDULE_COLOUR_MAP["Reference"])
    assert coloredtext + "[name:'aname']" in array.node_str()
def test_name_clash_use_stmt():
    ''' Check that we raise the expected error if we encounter a module
    with a name that's already taken in the Symbol Table. This is invalid
    Fortran but we need to test the error-handling in PSyclone. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("use my_mod, only: some_var\n"
                                 "use some_var, only: var1, var2\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as err:
        processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    assert "Found a USE of module 'some_var' but the symbol" in str(err.value)
Beispiel #28
def test_missing_derived_type():
    ''' Check that the fronted raises an error if it encounters a variable
    of a derived type that cannot be resolved. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("type(my_type) :: var")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    # This should raise an error because there's no Container from which
    # the definition of 'my_type' can be brought into scope.
    with pytest.raises(SymbolError) as err:
        processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    assert "No Symbol found for name 'my_type'" in str(err.value)
Beispiel #29
def test_arraytype_shape_dim_from_parent_scope():
    ''' Check that the shape checking in the ArrayType class permits the
    use of a reference to a symbol in a parent scope. '''
    cont = Container("test_mod")
    dim_sym = cont.symbol_table.new_symbol("dim1", symbol_type=DataSymbol,
    kernel1 = KernelSchedule.create("mod_1", SymbolTable(), [])
    asym = kernel1.symbol_table.new_symbol(
        "array1", symbol_type=DataSymbol,
        datatype=ArrayType(INTEGER_TYPE, [Reference(dim_sym)]))
    assert isinstance(asym, DataSymbol)
def test_use_no_only_list():
    ''' Check that we create the correct Symbol Table entry for a use
    statement that has an 'only' clause but no list of imported symbols. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("use my_mod, only: some_var\n"
                                 "use some_mod, only:\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    some_mod = fake_parent.symbol_table.lookup("some_mod")
    assert not some_mod.wildcard_import
    assert fake_parent.symbol_table.imported_symbols(some_mod) == []