Beispiel #1
async def test_min_size_max_size(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2) as p:
        assert p.min_size == p.max_size == 2

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2, max_size=4) as p:
        assert p.min_size == 2
        assert p.max_size == 4

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4, max_size=2)
Beispiel #2
async def test_wait_ready(dsn, monkeypatch):
    delay_connection(monkeypatch, 0.1)
    with pytest.raises(pool.PoolTimeout):
        async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4,
                                            num_workers=1) as p:
            await p.wait(0.3)

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4, num_workers=1) as p:
        await p.wait(0.5)

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4, num_workers=2) as p:
        await p.wait(0.3)
        await p.wait(0.0001)  # idempotent
Beispiel #3
async def test_stats_measures(dsn):
    async def worker(n):
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select pg_sleep(0.2)")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2, max_size=4) as p:
        await p.wait(2.0)

        stats = p.get_stats()
        assert stats["pool_min"] == 2
        assert stats["pool_max"] == 4
        assert stats["pool_size"] == 2
        assert stats["pool_available"] == 2
        assert stats["requests_waiting"] == 0

        ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(3)]
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        stats = p.get_stats()
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)
        assert stats["pool_min"] == 2
        assert stats["pool_max"] == 4
        assert stats["pool_size"] == 3
        assert stats["pool_available"] == 0
        assert stats["requests_waiting"] == 0

        await p.wait(2.0)
        ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(7)]
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        stats = p.get_stats()
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)
        assert stats["pool_min"] == 2
        assert stats["pool_max"] == 4
        assert stats["pool_size"] == 4
        assert stats["pool_available"] == 0
        assert stats["requests_waiting"] == 3
Beispiel #4
async def test_defaults(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn) as p:
        assert p.min_size == p.max_size == 4
        assert p.timeout == 30
        assert p.max_idle == 10 * 60
        assert p.max_lifetime == 60 * 60
        assert p.num_workers == 3
Beispiel #5
async def test_reset(dsn):
    resets = 0

    async def setup(conn):
        async with conn.transaction():
            await conn.execute("set timezone to '+1:00'")

    async def reset(conn):
        nonlocal resets
        resets += 1
        async with conn.transaction():
            await conn.execute("set timezone to utc")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1, reset=reset) as p:
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert resets == 0
            await conn.execute("set timezone to '+2:00'")

        await p.wait()
        assert resets == 1

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            cur = await conn.execute("show timezone")
            assert (await cur.fetchone()) == ("UTC", )

        await p.wait()
        assert resets == 2
Beispiel #6
async def test_stats_usage(dsn):
    async def worker(n):
            async with p.connection(timeout=0.3) as conn:
                await conn.execute("select pg_sleep(0.2)")
        except pool.PoolTimeout:

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=3) as p:
        await p.wait(2.0)

        ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(7)]
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)
        stats = p.get_stats()
        assert stats["requests_num"] == 7
        assert stats["requests_queued"] == 4
        assert 850 <= stats["requests_wait_ms"] <= 950
        assert stats["requests_errors"] == 1
        assert 1150 <= stats["usage_ms"] <= 1250
        assert stats.get("returns_bad", 0) == 0

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.close()
        await p.wait()
        stats = p.pop_stats()
        assert stats["requests_num"] == 8
        assert stats["returns_bad"] == 1
        async with p.connection():
        assert p.get_stats()["requests_num"] == 1
Beispiel #7
async def test_configure(dsn):
    inits = 0

    async def configure(conn):
        nonlocal inits
        inits += 1
        async with conn.transaction():
            await conn.execute("set default_transaction_read_only to on")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1,
                                        configure=configure) as p:
        await p.wait(timeout=1.0)
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert inits == 1
            res = await conn.execute("show default_transaction_read_only")
            assert (await res.fetchone())[0] == "on"

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert inits == 1
            res = await conn.execute("show default_transaction_read_only")
            assert (await res.fetchone())[0] == "on"
            await conn.close()

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert inits == 2
            res = await conn.execute("show default_transaction_read_only")
            assert (await res.fetchone())[0] == "on"
Beispiel #8
async def test_grow(dsn, monkeypatch, retries):
    delay_connection(monkeypatch, 0.1)

    async def worker(n):
        t0 = time()
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select 1 from pg_sleep(0.2)")
        t1 = time()
        results.append((n, t1 - t0))

    async for retry in retries:
        with retry:
            async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn,
                                                num_workers=3) as p:
                await p.wait(1.0)
                ts = []
                results = []

                ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(6)]
                await asyncio.gather(*ts)

            want_times = [0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4]
            times = [item[1] for item in results]
            for got, want in zip(times, want_times):
                assert got == pytest.approx(want, 0.1), times
Beispiel #9
async def test_setup_no_timeout(dsn, proxy):
    with pytest.raises(pool.PoolTimeout):
        async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(proxy.client_dsn,
                                            num_workers=1) as p:
            await p.wait(0.2)

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(proxy.client_dsn,
                                        num_workers=1) as p:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
        assert not p._pool

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select 1")
Beispiel #10
async def test_queue_size(dsn):
    async def worker(t, ev=None):
            async with p.connection():
                if ev:
                await asyncio.sleep(t)
        except pool.TooManyRequests as e:

    errors = []
    success = []

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1, max_waiting=3) as p:
        await p.wait()
        ev = asyncio.Event()
        create_task(worker(0.3, ev))
        await ev.wait()

        ts = [create_task(worker(0.1)) for i in range(4)]
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)

    assert len(success) == 4
    assert len(errors) == 1
    assert isinstance(errors[0], pool.TooManyRequests)
    assert in str(errors[0])
    assert str(p.max_waiting) in str(errors[0])
    assert p.get_stats()["requests_errors"] == 1
Beispiel #11
async def test_shrink(dsn, monkeypatch):

    from psycopg.pool.async_pool import ShrinkPool

    results = []

    async def run_hacked(self, pool):
        n0 = pool._nconns
        await orig_run(self, pool)
        n1 = pool._nconns
        results.append((n0, n1))

    orig_run = ShrinkPool._run
    monkeypatch.setattr(ShrinkPool, "_run", run_hacked)

    async def worker(n):
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select pg_sleep(0.1)")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn,
                                        max_idle=0.2) as p:
        await p.wait(5.0)
        assert p.max_idle == 0.2

        ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(4)]
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)

        await asyncio.sleep(1)

    assert results == [(4, 4), (4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2)]
Beispiel #12
async def test_fail_rollback_close(dsn, caplog, monkeypatch):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1) as p:
        conn = await p.getconn()

        async def bad_rollback():
            await orig_rollback()

        # Make the rollback fail
        orig_rollback = conn.rollback
        monkeypatch.setattr(conn, "rollback", bad_rollback)

        pid = conn.pgconn.backend_pid
        with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError):
            await conn.execute("wat")
        assert conn.pgconn.transaction_status == TransactionStatus.INERROR
        await p.putconn(conn)

        async with p.connection() as conn2:
            assert conn2.pgconn.backend_pid != pid
            assert conn2.pgconn.transaction_status == TransactionStatus.IDLE

    recs = [
        r for r in caplog.records
        if"psycopg") and r.levelno >= logging.WARNING
    assert len(recs) == 3
    assert "INERROR" in recs[0].message
    assert "OperationalError" in recs[1].message
    assert "BAD" in recs[2].message
Beispiel #13
async def test_reconnect(proxy, caplog, monkeypatch):
    assert pool.base.ConnectionAttempt.INITIAL_DELAY == 1.0
    assert pool.base.ConnectionAttempt.DELAY_JITTER == 0.1
    monkeypatch.setattr(pool.base.ConnectionAttempt, "INITIAL_DELAY", 0.1)
    monkeypatch.setattr(pool.base.ConnectionAttempt, "DELAY_JITTER", 0.0)

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(proxy.client_dsn, min_size=1) as p:
        await p.wait(2.0)

        with pytest.raises(psycopg.OperationalError):
            async with p.connection() as conn:
                await conn.execute("select 1")

        await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
        await p.wait()

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select 1")

    recs = [
        r for r in caplog.records
        if"psycopg") and r.levelno >= logging.WARNING
    assert "BAD" in recs[0].message
    times = [rec.created for rec in recs]
    assert times[1] - times[0] < 0.05
    deltas = [times[i + 1] - times[i] for i in range(1, len(times) - 1)]
    assert len(deltas) == 3
    want = 0.1
    for delta in deltas:
        assert delta == pytest.approx(want, 0.05), deltas
        want *= 2
Beispiel #14
async def test_queue_timeout_override(dsn, retries):
    async def worker(n):
        t0 = time()
        timeout = 0.25 if n == 3 else None
            async with p.connection(timeout=timeout) as conn:
                cur = await conn.execute(
                    "select pg_backend_pid() from pg_sleep(0.2)")
                (pid, ) = await cur.fetchone()
        except pool.PoolTimeout as e:
            t1 = time()
            errors.append((n, t1 - t0, e))
            t1 = time()
            results.append((n, t1 - t0, pid))

    async for retry in retries:
        with retry:
            results = []
            errors = []

            async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2,
                                                timeout=0.1) as p:
                ts = [create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(4)]
                await asyncio.gather(*ts)

            assert len(results) == 3
            assert len(errors) == 1
            for e in errors:
                assert 0.1 < e[1] < 0.15
Beispiel #15
async def test_connection_class(dsn):
    class MyConn(psycopg.AsyncConnection):

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn,
                                        min_size=1) as p:
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert isinstance(conn, MyConn)
Beispiel #16
async def test_connection_not_lost(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1) as p:
        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
            async with p.connection() as conn:
                pid = conn.pgconn.backend_pid
                1 / 0

        async with p.connection() as conn2:
            assert conn2.pgconn.backend_pid == pid
Beispiel #17
async def test_closed_putconn(dsn):
    p = pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1)

    async with p.connection() as conn:
    assert not conn.closed

    async with p.connection() as conn:
        await p.close()
    assert conn.closed
Beispiel #18
async def test_close_no_tasks(dsn):
    p = pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn)
    assert not p._sched_runner.done()
    for t in p._workers:
        assert not t.done()

    await p.close()
    assert p._sched_runner.done()
    for t in p._workers:
        assert t.done()
Beispiel #19
async def test_max_lifetime(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1,
                                        max_lifetime=0.2) as p:
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        pids = []
        for i in range(5):
            async with p.connection() as conn:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.2)

    assert pids[0] == pids[1] != pids[4], pids
Beispiel #20
async def test_uniform_use(dsn, retries):
    async for retry in retries:
        with retry:
            async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4) as p:
                counts = Counter()
                for i in range(8):
                    async with p.connection() as conn:
                        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                        counts[id(conn)] += 1

            assert len(counts) == 4
            assert set(counts.values()) == set([2])
Beispiel #21
async def test_broken_reconnect(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1) as p:
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            cur = await conn.execute("select pg_backend_pid()")
            (pid1, ) = await cur.fetchone()
            await conn.close()

        async with p.connection() as conn2:
            cur = await conn2.execute("select pg_backend_pid()")
            (pid2, ) = await cur.fetchone()

    assert pid1 != pid2
Beispiel #22
async def test_closed_getconn(dsn):
    p = pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1)
    assert not p.closed
    async with p.connection():

    await p.close()
    assert p.closed

    with pytest.raises(pool.PoolClosed):
        async with p.connection():
Beispiel #23
async def test_its_really_a_pool(dsn):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2) as p:
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            cur = await conn.execute("select pg_backend_pid()")
            (pid1, ) = await cur.fetchone()

            async with p.connection() as conn2:
                cur = await conn2.execute("select pg_backend_pid()")
                (pid2, ) = await cur.fetchone()

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            assert conn.pgconn.backend_pid in (pid1, pid2)
Beispiel #24
async def test_configure_badstate(dsn, caplog):
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="psycopg.pool")

    async def configure(conn):
        await conn.execute("select 1")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1,
                                        configure=configure) as p:
        with pytest.raises(pool.PoolTimeout):
            await p.wait(timeout=0.5)

    assert caplog.records
    assert "INTRANS" in caplog.records[0].message
Beispiel #25
async def test_spike(dsn, monkeypatch):
    # Inspired to
    # documents/
    delay_connection(monkeypatch, 0.15)

    async def worker():
        async with p.connection():
            await asyncio.sleep(0.002)

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=5, max_size=10) as p:
        await p.wait()

        ts = [create_task(worker()) for i in range(50)]
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)
        await p.wait()

        assert len(p._pool) < 7
Beispiel #26
async def test_stats_connect(dsn, proxy, monkeypatch):
    delay_connection(monkeypatch, 0.2)
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(proxy.client_dsn, min_size=3) as p:
        await p.wait()
        stats = p.get_stats()
        assert stats["connections_num"] == 3
        assert stats.get("connections_errors", 0) == 0
        assert stats.get("connections_lost", 0) == 0
        assert 580 <= stats["connections_ms"] < 1200

        await p.check()
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        stats = p.get_stats()
        assert stats["connections_num"] > 3
        assert stats["connections_errors"] > 0
        assert stats["connections_lost"] == 3
Beispiel #27
async def test_reset_badstate(dsn, caplog):
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="psycopg.pool")

    async def reset(conn):
        await conn.execute("reset all")

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1, reset=reset) as p:
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select 1")
            pid1 = conn.pgconn.backend_pid

        async with p.connection() as conn:
            await conn.execute("select 1")
            pid2 = conn.pgconn.backend_pid

    assert pid1 != pid2
    assert caplog.records
    assert "INTRANS" in caplog.records[0].message
Beispiel #28
async def test_check(dsn, caplog):
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, logger="psycopg.pool")
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=4) as p:
        await p.wait(1.0)
        async with p.connection() as conn:
            pid = conn.pgconn.backend_pid

        await p.wait(1.0)
        pids = set(conn.pgconn.backend_pid for conn in p._pool)
        assert pid in pids
        await conn.close()

        assert len(caplog.records) == 0
        await p.check()
        assert len(caplog.records) == 1
        await p.wait(1.0)
        pids2 = set(conn.pgconn.backend_pid for conn in p._pool)
        assert len(pids & pids2) == 3
        assert pid not in pids2
Beispiel #29
async def test_inerror_rollback(dsn, caplog):
    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=1) as p:
        conn = await p.getconn()
        pid = conn.pgconn.backend_pid
        with pytest.raises(psycopg.ProgrammingError):
            await conn.execute("wat")
        assert conn.pgconn.transaction_status == TransactionStatus.INERROR
        await p.putconn(conn)

        async with p.connection() as conn2:
            assert conn2.pgconn.backend_pid == pid
            assert conn2.pgconn.transaction_status == TransactionStatus.IDLE

    recs = [
        r for r in caplog.records
        if"psycopg") and r.levelno >= logging.WARNING
    assert len(recs) == 1
    assert "INERROR" in recs[0].message
Beispiel #30
async def test_dead_client(dsn):
    async def worker(i, timeout):
            async with p.connection(timeout=timeout) as conn:
                await conn.execute("select pg_sleep(0.3)")
        except pool.PoolTimeout:
            if timeout > 0.2:

    async with pool.AsyncConnectionPool(dsn, min_size=2) as p:
        results = []
        ts = [
            create_task(worker(i, timeout))
            for i, timeout in enumerate([0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4])
        await asyncio.gather(*ts)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
        assert set(results) == set([0, 1, 3, 4])
        assert len(p._pool) == 2  # no connection was lost