Beispiel #1
def get_data_from_db(query: str, conn: psycopg2.extensions.connection,
                     cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, df: pd.DataFrame,
                     col_names: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
        while True:
            # Fetch the next 100 rows
            query_results = cur.fetchmany(100)
            # If an empty list is returned, then we've reached the end of the results
            if query_results == list():

            # Create a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a single row
            results_mapped = [{
                col_names[i]: row[i]
                for i in range(len(col_names))
            } for row in query_results]

            # Append the fetched rows to the DataFrame
            df = df.append(results_mapped, ignore_index=True)

        return df

    except Exception as error:
        print(f"{type(error).__name__}: {error}")
        print("Query:", cur.query)
def lookup_venue_id(cur: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, name):
    cur.execute("SELECT id FROM venues WHERE name = %s", (name, ))
    rows = cur.fetchmany(2)
    if len(rows) > 1:
        raise ValueError("Found more than 1 venue with name {}".format(name))
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Didn't find venue with name {}".format(name))
        return rows[0][0]