Beispiel #1
def _combine_cmd_params(cmd, params, conn):
    """Combine the command string and params"""

    if isinstance(cmd, six.text_type):
        cmd = cmd.encode(conn._py_enc)

    # Return when no argument binding is required.  Note that this method is
    # not called from .execute() if `params` is None.
    if b'%' not in cmd:
        return cmd

    idx = 0
    next_start = 0
    param_num = 0
    n_arg_values = 0
    arg_values = None
    named_args_format = None
    parts = []

    cmd_length = len(cmd)
    while idx < cmd_length:

        # Escape
        if cmd[idx:idx + 2] == b'%%':
            idx += 1
            next_start = idx + 1

        # Named parameters
        elif cmd[idx:idx + 2] == b'%(':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is False:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = True

            # Check for incomplate placeholder
            max_lookahead = cmd.find(b'%', idx + 2)
            end = cmd.find(b')', idx + 2, max_lookahead)
            if end < 0:
                raise ProgrammingError(
                    "incomplete placeholder: '%(' without ')'")

            key = cmd[idx + 2:end].decode(conn._py_enc)
            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = {}
            if key not in arg_values:
                arg_values[key] = _getquoted(params[key], conn)
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(arg_values[key], six.text_type):
                arg_values[key] = arg_values[key].encode(conn._py_enc)
            n_arg_values += 1
            next_start = end + 2

            _check_format_char(cmd[end + 1], idx)

        # Indexed parameters
        elif cmd[idx:idx + 1] == b'%':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is True:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = False

            _check_format_char(cmd[idx + 1], idx)

            value = _getquoted(params[param_num], conn)
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(value, six.text_type):
                value = value.encode(conn._py_enc)
            n_arg_values += 1
            next_start = idx + 2

            param_num += 1
            idx += 1

        idx += 1


    if named_args_format is False:
        if n_arg_values != len(params):
            raise TypeError(
                "not all arguments converted during string formatting")

    return b''.join(parts)
Beispiel #2
def _combine_cmd_params(cmd, params, conn):
    """Combine the command string and params"""

    if isinstance(cmd, six.text_type):
        cmd = cmd.encode(conn._py_enc)

    # Return when no argument binding is required.  Note that this method is
    # not called from .execute() if `params` is None.
    if b'%' not in cmd:
        return cmd

    idx = 0
    next_start = 0
    param_num = 0
    n_arg_values = 0
    arg_values = None
    named_args_format = None
    parts = []

    cmd_length = len(cmd)
    while idx < cmd_length:

        # Escape
        if cmd[idx:idx+2] == b'%%':
            idx += 1
            next_start = idx + 1

        # Named parameters
        elif cmd[idx:idx+2] == b'%(':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is False:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = True

            # Check for incomplate placeholder
            max_lookahead = cmd.find(b'%', idx + 2)
            end = cmd.find(b')', idx + 2, max_lookahead)
            if end < 0:
                raise ProgrammingError(
                    "incomplete placeholder: '%(' without ')'")

            key = cmd[idx + 2:end].decode(conn._py_enc)
            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = {}
            if key not in arg_values:
                arg_values[key] = _getquoted(params[key], conn)
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(arg_values[key], six.text_type):
                arg_values[key] = arg_values[key].encode(conn._py_enc)
            n_arg_values += 1
            next_start = end + 2

            _check_format_char(cmd[end + 1], idx)

        # Indexed parameters
        elif cmd[idx:idx+1] == b'%':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is True:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = False

            _check_format_char(cmd[idx + 1], idx)

            value = _getquoted(params[param_num], conn)
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(value, six.text_type):
                value = value.encode(conn._py_enc)
            n_arg_values += 1
            next_start = idx + 2

            param_num += 1
            idx += 1

        idx += 1


    if named_args_format is False:
        if n_arg_values != len(params):
            raise TypeError(
                "not all arguments converted during string formatting")

    return b''.join(parts)
Beispiel #3
def _combine_cmd_params(cmd, params, conn):
    """Combine the command string and params"""

    # Return when no argument binding is required.  Note that this method is
    # not called from .execute() if `params` is None.
    if '%' not in cmd:
        return cmd

    idx = 0
    param_num = 0
    arg_values = None
    named_args_format = None

    def check_format_char(format_char, pos):
        """Raise an exception when the format_char is unsupported"""
        if format_char not in 's ':
            raise ValueError(
                "unsupported format character '%s' (0x%x) at index %d" %
                (format_char, ord(format_char), pos))

    cmd_length = len(cmd)
    while idx < cmd_length:

        # Escape
        if cmd[idx] == '%' and cmd[idx + 1] == '%':
            idx += 1

        # Named parameters
        elif cmd[idx] == '%' and cmd[idx + 1] == '(':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is False:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = True

            # Check for incomplate placeholder
            max_lookahead = cmd.find('%', idx + 2)
            end = cmd.find(')', idx + 2, max_lookahead)
            if end < 0:
                raise ProgrammingError(
                    "incomplete placeholder: '%(' without ')'")

            key = cmd[idx + 2:end]
            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = {}
            if key not in arg_values:
                arg_values[key] = _getquoted(params[key], conn)

            check_format_char(cmd[end + 1], idx)

        # Indexed parameters
        elif cmd[idx] == '%':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is True:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = False

            check_format_char(cmd[idx + 1], idx)

            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = []

            value = _getquoted(params[param_num], conn)

            param_num += 1
            idx += 1

        idx += 1

    if named_args_format is False:
        if len(arg_values) != len(params):
            raise TypeError(
                "not all arguments converted during string formatting")
        arg_values = tuple(arg_values)

    if not arg_values:
        return cmd % tuple()  # Required to unescape % chars
    return cmd % arg_values
Beispiel #4
def _combine_cmd_params(cmd, params, conn):
    """Combine the command string and params"""

    # Return when no argument binding is required.  Note that this method is
    # not called from .execute() if `params` is None.
    if '%' not in cmd:
        return cmd

    idx = 0
    param_num = 0
    arg_values = None
    named_args_format = None

    def check_format_char(format_char, pos):
        """Raise an exception when the format_char is unsupported"""
        if format_char not in 's ':
            raise ValueError(
                "unsupported format character '%s' (0x%x) at index %d" %
                (format_char, ord(format_char), pos))

    cmd_length = len(cmd)
    while idx < cmd_length:

        # Escape
        if cmd[idx] == '%' and cmd[idx + 1] == '%':
            idx += 1

        # Named parameters
        elif cmd[idx] == '%' and cmd[idx + 1] == '(':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is False:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = True

            # Check for incomplate placeholder
            max_lookahead = cmd.find('%', idx + 2)
            end = cmd.find(')', idx + 2, max_lookahead)
            if end < 0:
                raise ProgrammingError(
                    "incomplete placeholder: '%(' without ')'")

            key = cmd[idx + 2:end]
            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = {}
            if key not in arg_values:
                arg_values[key] = _getquoted(params[key], conn)

            check_format_char(cmd[end + 1], idx)

        # Indexed parameters
        elif cmd[idx] == '%':

            # Validate that we don't mix formats
            if named_args_format is True:
                raise ValueError("argument formats can't be mixed")
            elif named_args_format is None:
                named_args_format = False

            check_format_char(cmd[idx + 1], idx)

            if arg_values is None:
                arg_values = []

            value = _getquoted(params[param_num], conn)

            param_num += 1
            idx += 1

        idx += 1

    if named_args_format is False:
        if len(arg_values) != len(params):
            raise TypeError(
                "not all arguments converted during string formatting")
        arg_values = tuple(arg_values)

    if not arg_values:
        return cmd % tuple()  # Required to unescape % chars
    return cmd % arg_values