Beispiel #1
        def configure(repl: PythonRepl) -> None:
            if os.path.exists(config_file):
                run_config(repl, config_file)
                # from
                # Ask for confirmation on exit.
                repl.confirm_exit = False

            # embedded in other applications.
            repl.title = "Skepticoin %s " % __version__
Beispiel #2
def shell(globals_, locals_):
    Customized pypython.repl.
    # Create REPL.
    repl = PythonRepl(
        get_globals=lambda : globals_,
        get_locals=lambda : locals_,

    with DummyContext():
Beispiel #3
def shell(globals_, locals_):
    Customized pypython.repl.
    # Create REPL.
    repl = PythonRepl(
        get_globals=lambda: globals_,
        get_locals=lambda: locals_,

    with DummyContext():
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, get_globals, get_locals=None):
        assert callable(get_globals)
        assert get_locals is None or callable(get_locals)

        self._chan = None

        def _globals():
            data = get_globals()
            data.setdefault('print', self._print)
            return data

        repl = PythonRepl(get_globals=_globals,
                          get_locals=get_locals or _globals)

        # Disable open-in-editor and system prompt. Because it would run and
        # display these commands on the server side, rather than in the SSH
        # client.
        repl.settings.enable_open_in_editor = False
        repl.settings.enable_system_bindings = False

        # PipInput object, for sending input in the CLI.
        # (This is something that we can use in the prompt_toolkit event loop,
        # but still write date in manually.)
        self._input_pipe = PipeInput()

        # Output object. Don't render to the real stdout, but write everything
        # in the SSH channel.
        class Stdout(object):
            def write(s, data):
                if self._chan is not None:
                    self._chan.write(data.replace('\n', '\r\n'))

            def flush(s):

        # Create command line interface.
        self.cli = CommandLineInterface(
            output=Vt100_Output(Stdout(), self._get_size))

        self._callbacks = self.cli.create_eventloop_callbacks()
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, get_globals, get_locals=None):
        assert callable(get_globals)
        assert get_locals is None or callable(get_locals)

        self._chan = None

        def _globals():
            data = get_globals()
            data.setdefault('print', self._print)
            return data

        repl = PythonRepl(get_globals=_globals,
                          get_locals=get_locals or _globals)

        # Disable open-in-editor and system prompt. Because it would run and
        # display these commands on the server side, rather than in the SSH
        # client.
        repl.enable_open_in_editor = False
        repl.enable_system_bindings = False

        # PipInput object, for sending input in the CLI.
        # (This is something that we can use in the prompt_toolkit event loop,
        # but still write date in manually.)
        self._input_pipe = PipeInput()

        # Output object. Don't render to the real stdout, but write everything
        # in the SSH channel.
        class Stdout(object):
            def write(s, data):
                if self._chan is not None:
                    self._chan.write(data.replace('\n', '\r\n'))

            def flush(s):

        # Create command line interface.
        self.cli = CommandLineInterface(application=repl.create_application(),
                                            Stdout(), self._get_size))

        self._callbacks = self.cli.create_eventloop_callbacks()
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self,
                 get_globals: _GetNamespace,
                 get_locals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None) -> None:
        self._chan = None

        def _globals() -> dict:
            data = get_globals()
            data.setdefault("print", self._print)
            return data

        # PipInput object, for sending input in the CLI.
        # (This is something that we can use in the prompt_toolkit event loop,
        # but still write date in manually.)
        self._input_pipe = create_pipe_input()

        # Output object. Don't render to the real stdout, but write everything
        # in the SSH channel.
        class Stdout:
            def write(s, data: str) -> None:
                if self._chan is not None:
                    data = data.replace("\n", "\r\n")

            def flush(s) -> None:

        self.repl = PythonRepl(
            get_locals=get_locals or _globals,
            output=Vt100_Output(cast(TextIO, Stdout()), self._get_size),

        # Disable open-in-editor and system prompt. Because it would run and
        # display these commands on the server side, rather than in the SSH
        # client.
        self.repl.enable_open_in_editor = False
        self.repl.enable_system_bindings = False
Beispiel #7
def configure(repl: PythonRepl) -> None:
    repl.vi_mode = True
    repl.enable_fuzzy_completion = True
    # `history search` can not be used with `complete while typing`
    repl.enable_history_search = True
    repl.confirm_exit = False
    repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True
    repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_24_BIT"

    # The signatures shown aren't complete enough that I want to have them on
    # by default.
    # For example itertools.islice shows the `(iterable, stop)` signature,
    # but not the `(iterable, start, stop, step)` signature, which is
    # potentially confusing.
    repl.show_signature = False
Beispiel #8
def default_configure(repl: PythonRepl):
    Default REPL configuration function

    :param repl:
    repl.show_signature = True
    repl.show_docstring = True
    repl.show_status_bar = True
    repl.show_sidebar_help = True
    repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True
    repl.wrap_lines = True
    repl.complete_while_typing = True
    repl.vi_mode = False
    repl.paste_mode = False
    repl.prompt_style = 'classic'  # 'classic' or 'ipython'
    repl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False
    repl.enable_history_search = False
    repl.enable_auto_suggest = False
    repl.enable_open_in_editor = True
    repl.enable_system_bindings = False
    repl.confirm_exit = True
    repl.enable_input_validation = True
Beispiel #9
def configure(repl: PythonRepl):
    Configuration method. This is called during the start-up of ptpython.

    :param repl: `PythonRepl` instance.
    # Show function signature (bool).
    repl.show_signature = True

    # Show docstring (bool).
    repl.show_docstring = True

    # Show the "[Meta+Enter] Execute" message when pressing [Enter] only
    # inserts a newline instead of executing the code.
    repl.show_meta_enter_message = True

    # Show completions. (NONE, POP_UP, MULTI_COLUMN or TOOLBAR)
    repl.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP

    # When CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP has been chosen, use this
    # scroll_offset in the completion menu.
    repl.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 0

    # Show line numbers (when the input contains multiple lines.)
    repl.show_line_numbers = False

    # Show status bar.
    repl.show_status_bar = True

    # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
    repl.show_sidebar_help = True

    # Swap light/dark colors on or off
    repl.swap_light_and_dark = False

    # Highlight matching parethesis.
    repl.highlight_matching_parenthesis = True

    # Line wrapping. (Instead of horizontal scrolling.)
    repl.wrap_lines = True

    # Mouse support.
    repl.enable_mouse_support = True

    # Complete while typing. (Don't require tab before the
    # completion menu is shown.)
    repl.complete_while_typing = True

    # Fuzzy and dictionary completion.
    repl.enable_fuzzy_completion = True
    repl.enable_dictionary_completion = False

    # Vi mode.
    repl.vi_mode = False

    # Paste mode. (When True, don't insert whitespace after new line.)
    repl.paste_mode = False

    # Use the classic prompt. (Display '>>>' instead of 'In [1]'.)
    repl.prompt_style = 'classic'  # 'classic' or 'ipython'

    # Don't insert a blank line after the output.
    repl.insert_blank_line_after_output = False

    # History Search.
    # When True, going back in history will filter the history on the records
    # starting with the current input. (Like readline.)
    # Note: When enable, please disable the `complete_while_typing` option.
    #       otherwise, when there is a completion available, the arrows will
    #       browse through the available completions instead of the history.
    repl.enable_history_search = False

    # Enable auto suggestions. (Pressing right arrow will complete the input,
    # based on the history.)
    repl.enable_auto_suggest = True

    # Enable open-in-editor. Pressing C-x C-e in emacs mode or 'v' in
    # Vi navigation mode will open the input in the current editor.
    repl.enable_open_in_editor = True

    # Enable system prompt. Pressing meta-! will display the system prompt.
    # Also enables Control-Z suspend.
    repl.enable_system_bindings = True

    # Ask for confirmation on exit.
    repl.confirm_exit = True

    # Enable input validation. (Don't try to execute when the input contains
    # syntax errors.)
    repl.enable_input_validation = True

    # Use this colorscheme for the code.

    # Set color depth (keep in mind that not all terminals support true color).

    # repl.color_depth = 'DEPTH_1_BIT'  # Monochrome.
    # repl.color_depth = 'DEPTH_4_BIT'  # ANSI colors only.
    repl.color_depth = "DEPTH_8_BIT"  # The default, 256 colors.
    # repl.color_depth = 'DEPTH_24_BIT'  # True color.

    # Syntax.
    repl.enable_syntax_highlighting = True

    # Install custom colorscheme named 'my-colorscheme' and use it.
    repl.install_ui_colorscheme('my-colorscheme', Style.from_dict(_custom_ui_colorscheme))

    # Add custom key binding for PDB.
    def _(event):
        ' Pressing Control-B will insert "pdb.set_trace()" '
        event.cli.current_buffer.insert_text('\nimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n')

    # Typing ControlE twice should also execute the current command.
    # (Alternative for Meta-Enter.)
    @repl.add_key_binding(Keys.ControlE, Keys.ControlE)
    def _(event):

    # Typing 'jj' in Vi Insert mode, should send escape. (Go back to navigation
    # mode.)
    @repl.add_key_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())
    def _(event):
        " Map 'jj' to Escape. "

    # Custom key binding for some simple autocorrection while typing.
    corrections = {
        'impotr': 'import',
        'pritn': 'print',

    @repl.add_key_binding(' ')
    def _(event):
        ' When a space is pressed. Check & correct word before cursor. '
        b = event.cli.current_buffer
        w = b.document.get_word_before_cursor()

        if w is not None:
            if w in corrections:

        b.insert_text(' ')

    # Add a custom title to the status bar. This is useful when ptpython is
    # embedded in other applications.
Beispiel #10
class ReplSSHServerSession(asyncssh.SSHServerSession):
    SSH server session that runs a Python REPL.

    :param get_globals: callable that returns the current globals.
    :param get_locals: (optional) callable that returns the current locals.
    def __init__(self,
                 get_globals: _GetNamespace,
                 get_locals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None) -> None:
        self._chan = None

        def _globals() -> dict:
            data = get_globals()
            data.setdefault("print", self._print)
            return data

        # PipInput object, for sending input in the CLI.
        # (This is something that we can use in the prompt_toolkit event loop,
        # but still write date in manually.)
        self._input_pipe = create_pipe_input()

        # Output object. Don't render to the real stdout, but write everything
        # in the SSH channel.
        class Stdout:
            def write(s, data: str) -> None:
                if self._chan is not None:
                    data = data.replace("\n", "\r\n")

            def flush(s) -> None:

        self.repl = PythonRepl(
            get_locals=get_locals or _globals,
            output=Vt100_Output(cast(TextIO, Stdout()), self._get_size),

        # Disable open-in-editor and system prompt. Because it would run and
        # display these commands on the server side, rather than in the SSH
        # client.
        self.repl.enable_open_in_editor = False
        self.repl.enable_system_bindings = False

    def _get_size(self) -> Size:
        Callable that returns the current `Size`, required by Vt100_Output.
        if self._chan is None:
            return Size(rows=20, columns=79)
            width, height, pixwidth, pixheight = self._chan.get_terminal_size()
            return Size(rows=height, columns=width)

    def connection_made(self, chan):
        Client connected, run repl in coroutine.
        self._chan = chan

        # Run REPL interface.
        f = asyncio.ensure_future(self.repl.run_async())

        # Close channel when done.
        def done(_) -> None:
            self._chan = None


    def shell_requested(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def terminal_size_changed(self, width, height, pixwidth, pixheight):
        When the terminal size changes, report back to CLI.

    def data_received(self, data, datatype):
        When data is received, send to inputstream of the CLI and repaint.

    def _print(self, *data, sep=" ", end="\n", file=None) -> None:
        Alternative 'print' function that prints back into the SSH channel.
        # Pop keyword-only arguments. (We cannot use the syntax from the
        # signature. Otherwise, Python2 will give a syntax error message when
        # installing.)
        data = sep.join(map(str, data))
        self._chan.write(data + end)