Beispiel #1
    def read(self):

        :return:np.recarray representing tal struct array (originally defined in Matlab file)

        from import read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array

        struct_names = ['bpTalStruct', 'subjTalEvents']
        # struct_names = ['bpTalStruct']
        if self.struct_name not in struct_names:
            self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                self.filename, self.struct_name, verbose=False)

            if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                return self.tal_struct_array
                raise AttributeError(
                    'Could not read tal struct data for the specified struct_name='
                    + self.struct_name)


            for sn in struct_names:
                self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                    self.filename, sn, verbose=False)
                if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                    return self.tal_struct_array

        raise AttributeError(
            'Could not read tal struct data. Try specifying struct_name argument :'
            '\nTalReader(filename=e_path, struct_name=<name_of_struc_to_read>)'
Beispiel #2
    def read(self):

        :return:np.recarray representing tal struct array (originally defined in Matlab file)

        from import read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array

        struct_names = ["bpTalStruct", "subjTalEvents"]
        # struct_names = ['bpTalStruct']
        if self.struct_name not in struct_names:
            self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                self.filename, self.struct_name, verbose=False

            if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                return self.tal_struct_array
                raise AttributeError("Could not read tal struct data for the specified struct_name=" + self.struct_name)


            for sn in struct_names:
                self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                    self.filename, sn, verbose=False
                if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                    return self.tal_struct_array

        raise AttributeError(
            "Could not read tal struct data. Try specifying struct_name argument :"
            "\nTalReader(filename=e_path, struct_name=<name_of_struc_to_read>)"
Beispiel #3
    def read(self):


        :return: np.recarray representing tal struct array (originally defined in Matlab file)
        if not self._json:
            from import read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array

            struct_names = ['bpTalStruct','subjTalEvents']
            # struct_names = ['bpTalStruct']
            if self.struct_name not in struct_names:
                self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(self.filename, self.struct_name,verbose=False)
                if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                    return self.tal_struct_array
                    raise AttributeError('Could not read tal struct data for the specified struct_name='+self.struct_name)


                for sn in struct_names:
                    self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(self.filename,sn,verbose=False)
                    if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                        return self.tal_struct_array
            with open(self.filename) as fp:
                pairs= json.load(fp)
            self.tal_struct_array = self.from_dict(pairs)
            return self.tal_struct_array

        raise AttributeError('Could not read tal struct data. Try specifying struct_name argument :'
                             '\nTalReader(filename=e_path, struct_name=<name_of_struc_to_read>)')
    def read(self):
        :return: np.recarray representing tal struct array
        if not self._json:
            from import read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array

            struct_names = ['bpTalStruct', 'subjTalEvents']
            # struct_names = ['bpTalStruct']
            if self.struct_name not in struct_names:
                self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                    self.filename, self.struct_name, verbose=False)
                if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                    return self.tal_struct_array
                    raise AttributeError(
                        'Could not read tal struct data for the specified struct_name='
                        + self.struct_name)


                for sn in struct_names:
                    self.tal_struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
                        self.filename, sn, verbose=False)
                    if self.tal_struct_array is not None:
                        return self.tal_struct_array
            with open(self.filename) as fp:
                pairs = json.load(fp)
            self.tal_struct_array = self.from_dict(pairs, unpack=self.unpack)
            return self.tal_struct_array

        raise AttributeError(
            'Could not read tal struct data. Try specifying struct_name argument :'
            '\nTalReader(filename=e_path, struct_name=<name_of_struc_to_read>)'
    def read_matlab(self):
        Reads Matlab event file and returns corresponging np.recarray. Path to the eegfile is changed
        w.r.t original Matlab code to account for the following:
        1. /data dir of the database might have been mounted under different mount point e.g. /Users/m/data
        2. use_reref_eeg is set to True in which case we replaces 'eeg.reref' with 'eeg.noreref' in eegfile path

        :return: np.recarray representing events
        # extract matlab matrix (called 'events') as numpy structured array
        struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(
            self.filename, 'events')

        evs = struct_array

        if 'eegfile' in evs.dtype.names:
            if self.eliminate_events_with_no_eeg:

                # eliminating events that have no eeg file
                indicator = np.empty(len(evs), dtype=bool)
                indicator[:] = False

                for i, ev in enumerate(evs):
                    # MAKE THIS CHECK STRONGER
                    indicator[i] = (len(str(evs[i].eegfile)) > 3)
                    # indicator[i] = (type(evs[i].eegfile).__name__.startswith('unicode')) & (len(str(evs[i].eegfile)) > 3)

                evs = evs[indicator]

            # determining data_dir_prefix in case rhino /data filesystem was mounted under different root
            if self.normalize_eeg_path:
                data_dir_prefix = self.find_data_dir_prefix()
                for i, ev in enumerate(evs):
                    ev.eegfile = join(

                evs = self.normalize_paths(evs)

            # if not self.use_reref_eeg:
            if self._alter_eeg_path_flag:
                evs = self.modify_eeg_path(evs)

        if self.eliminate_nans:
            # this is
            evs = self.replace_nans(evs)

        return evs
Beispiel #6
    def read_matlab(self):
        Reads Matlab event file and returns corresponging np.recarray. Path to the eegfile is changed
        w.r.t original Matlab code to account for the following:
        1. /data dir of the database might have been mounted under different mount point e.g. /Users/m/data
        2. use_reref_eeg is set to True in which case we replaces 'eeg.reref' with 'eeg.noreref' in eegfile path

        :return: np.recarray representing events
        # extract matlab matrix (called 'events') as numpy structured array
        struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(self.filename, 'events')

        evs = struct_array

        if 'eegfile' in evs.dtype.names:
            if self.eliminate_events_with_no_eeg:

                # eliminating events that have no eeg file
                indicator = np.empty(len(evs), dtype=bool)
                indicator[:] = False

                for i, ev in enumerate(evs):
                    # MAKE THIS CHECK STRONGER
                    indicator[i] = (len(str(evs[i].eegfile)) > 3)
                    # indicator[i] = (type(evs[i].eegfile).__name__.startswith('unicode')) & (len(str(evs[i].eegfile)) > 3)

                evs = evs[indicator]

            # determining data_dir_prefix in case rhino /data filesystem was mounted under different root
            if self.normalize_eeg_path:
                data_dir_prefix = self.find_data_dir_prefix()
                for i, ev in enumerate(evs):
                    ev.eegfile = join(data_dir_prefix, str(pathlib.Path(str(ev.eegfile)).parts[1:]))

                evs = self.normalize_paths(evs)

            # if not self.use_reref_eeg:
            if self._alter_eeg_path_flag:
                evs = self.modify_eeg_path(evs)

        if self.eliminate_nans:
            # this is
            evs = self.replace_nans(evs)

        return evs