def topoplot(values=None, axes=None, center=(0,0), nose_dir=0., radius=0.5, sensors=None, colors=('black','black','black'), linewidths=(3,2,2,0.5), contours_ls='-', contours=15, resolution=400, cmap=None, axis_props='off', plot_mask='circular'): """ Plot a topographic map of the scalp in a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head). Parameters ---------- values : {None, array-like}, optional Values to plot. There must be one value for each electrode. axes : {matplotlib.axes}, optional Axes to which the topoplot should be added. center : {tuple of floats}, optional x and y coordinates of the center of the head. nose_dir : {float}, optional Angle (in degrees) where the nose is pointing. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is right, etc. radius : {float}, optional Radius of the head. sensors : {None, tuple of floats}, optional Polar coordinates of the sensor locations. If not None, sensors[0] specifies the angle (in degrees) and sensors[1] specifies the radius. colors : {tuple of str or None}, optional Colors for the outline of the head, sensor markers, and contours respectively. If any is None, the corresponding feature is not plotted. For contours either a single color or multiple colors can be specified. linewidths : {tuple of floats}, optional Line widths for the head, nose, ears, and contours respectively. For contours either a single linewith or multiple linewidths can be specified. contours_ls : {str}, optional Line style of the contours. contours : {int}, optional Number of countours. resolution : {int}, optional Resolution of the interpolated grid. Higher numbers give smoother edges of the plot, but increase memory and computational demands. cmap : {None,matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap}, optional Color map for the contour plot. If colMap==None, the default color map is used. axis_props : {str}, optional Axis properties. plot_mask : {str}, optional The mask around the plotted values. 'linear' conects the outer electrodes with straight lines, 'circular' draws a circle around the outer electrodes, and 'square' (or any other value) draws a square around the electrodes. """ # If no colormap is specified, use default colormap: if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap() if axes is not None: # axes are given a=axes else: # a new subplot is created a=plt.subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal') plt.axis(axis_props) if colors[0]: # head should be plotted # Set up head head = plt.Circle(center, radius,fill=False, linewidth=linewidths[0], edgecolor=colors[0]) # Nose: nose_width = 0.18*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the point where the # nose touches the outline of the head: nose_dist = np.cos(np.arcsin((nose_width/2.)/radius))*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the tip of the nose: nose_tip_dist = 1.15*radius # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius = cart2pol( np.array([-nose_width/2,0,nose_width/2]), np.array([nose_dist,nose_tip_dist,nose_dist])) nose_polar_angle = nose_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: nose_x,nose_y = pol2cart(nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius) # Move nose with head: nose_x = nose_x + center[0] nose_y = nose_y + center[1] nose = plt.Line2D(nose_x,nose_y,color=colors[0],linewidth=linewidths[1], solid_joinstyle='round',solid_capstyle='round') # Ears: q = .04 # ear lengthening ear_x = np.array([.497-.005,.510,.518,.5299, .5419,.54,.547,.532,.510,.489-.005])*(radius/0.5) ear_y = np.array([q+.0555,q+.0775,q+.0783,q+.0746,q+.0555, -.0055,-.0932,-.1313,-.1384,-.1199])*(radius/0.5) # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: rightear_polar_angle,rightear_polar_radius = cart2pol(ear_x,ear_y) leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius = cart2pol(-ear_x,ear_y) rightear_polar_angle=rightear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) leftear_polar_angle=leftear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: rightear_x,rightear_y=pol2cart(rightear_polar_angle, rightear_polar_radius) leftear_x,leftear_y=pol2cart(leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius) # Move ears with head: rightear_x = rightear_x + center[0] rightear_y = rightear_y + center[1] leftear_x = leftear_x + center[0] leftear_y = leftear_y + center[1] ear_right = plt.Line2D(rightear_x,rightear_y,color=colors[0], linewidth=linewidths[3],solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') ear_left = plt.Line2D(leftear_x,leftear_y,color=colors[0], linewidth=linewidths[3],solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') a.add_artist(head) a.add_artist(nose) a.add_artist(ear_right) a.add_artist(ear_left) if sensors is None: if axes is None: plt.xlim(-radius*1.2+center[0],radius*1.2+center[0]) plt.ylim(-radius*1.2+center[1],radius*1.2+center[1]) return("No sensor locations specified!") # Convert & rotate sensor locations: angles=sensors[0] angles=angles+nose_dir angles = deg2rad(angles) radii=sensors[1] # expand or shrink electrode locations with radius of head: radii = radii*(radius/0.5) # plotting radius is determined by largest sensor radius: plot_radius = max(radii) # convert electrode locations to cartesian coordinates for plotting: x,y = pol2cart(angles,radii) x = x + center[0] y = y + center[1] if colors[1]: # plot electrodes plt.plot(x,y,markerfacecolor=colors[1],marker='o',linestyle='') if values is None: return('No values to plot specified!') if np.size(values) != np.size(sensors,1): return('Numer of values to plot is different from number of sensors!'+ '\nNo values have been plotted!') z = values # resolution determines the number of interpolated points per unit nx = round(resolution*plot_radius) ny = round(resolution*plot_radius) # now set up the grid: xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,nx), np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,ny)) # and move the center to coincide with the center of the head: xi = xi + center[0] yi = yi + center[1] # interploate points: if plot_mask=='linear': # masked = True means that no extrapolation outside the # electrode boundaries is made this effectively creates a mask # with a linear boundary (connecting the outer electrode # locations) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,masked=True) zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) else: # we need a custom mask: #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,ext=1,masked=False) zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) if plot_mask=='circular': # the interpolated array doesn't know about its position # in space and hence we need to subtract head center from # xi & xi to calculate the mask mask = (np.sqrt(np.power(xi-center[0],2) + np.power(yi-center[1],2)) > plot_radius) zi[mask] = 0 # other masks may be added here and can be defined as shown # for the circular mask. All other plot_mask values result in # no mask which results in showing interpolated values for the # square surrounding the head. # make contour lines: if linewidths[3] > 0: plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,contours,linewidths=linewidths[3], linestyle=contours_ls,colors=colors[2]) # make countour color patches: plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,contours,cmap=cmap)
def topoplot(values=None, labels=None, sensors=None, axes=None, center=(0,0), nose_dir=0., radius=0.5, head_props=None, sensor_props=None, label_props=None, contours=15, contour_props=None, resolution=400, cmap=None, axis_props='off', plot_mask='circular', plot_radius_buffer=.2): """ Plot a topographic map of the scalp in a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head). Parameters ---------- values : {None, array-like}, optional Values to plot. There must be one value for each electrode. labels : {None, array-like}, optional Electrode labels/names to plot. There must be one for each electrode. sensors : {None, tuple of floats}, optional Polar coordinates of the sensor locations. If not None, sensors[0] specifies the angle (in degrees) and sensors[1] specifies the radius. axes : {matplotlib.axes}, optional Axes to which the topoplot should be added. center : {tuple of floats}, optional x and y coordinates of the center of the head. nose_dir : {float}, optional Angle (in degrees) where the nose is pointing. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is right, etc. radius : {float}, optional Radius of the head. head_props : dict Dictionary of head properties. See default_head_props for choices. sensor_props : dict Dictionary of sensor properties. See options for scatter in mpl and default_sensor_props. label_props : dict Dictionary of sensor label properties. See options for text in mpl and default_label_props. contours : {int}, optional Number of contours. contour_props : dict Dictionary of contour properties. See options for contour in mpl and default_contour_props. resolution : {int}, optional Resolution of the interpolated grid. Higher numbers give smoother edges of the plot, but increase memory and computational demands. cmap : {None,matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap}, optional Color map for the contour plot. If colMap==None, the default color map is used. axis_props : {str}, optional Axis properties. plot_mask : {str}, optional The mask around the plotted values. 'linear' conects the outer electrodes with straight lines, 'circular' draws a circle around the outer electrodes (see plot_radius_buffer). plot_radius_buffer : float, optional Buffer outside the electrode circumference for generating interpolated values with a circular mask. This should be greater than zero to aviod interpolation errors. """ if axes is not None: # axes are given a=axes else: # a new subplot is created a=plt.subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal') plt.axis(axis_props) if True: # head should be plotted # deal with the head props hprops = default_head_props.copy() if not head_props is None: hprops.update(head_props) # Set up head head = plt.Circle(center, radius, fill=False, linewidth=hprops['head_linewidth'], edgecolor=hprops['head_linecolor']) # Nose: nose_width = 0.18*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the point where the # nose touches the outline of the head: nose_dist = np.cos(np.arcsin((nose_width/2.)/radius))*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the tip of the nose: nose_tip_dist = 1.15*radius # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius = cart2pol( np.array([-nose_width/2,0,nose_width/2]), np.array([nose_dist,nose_tip_dist,nose_dist])) nose_polar_angle = nose_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: nose_x,nose_y = pol2cart(nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius) # Move nose with head: nose_x = nose_x + center[0] nose_y = nose_y + center[1] nose = plt.Line2D(nose_x,nose_y, solid_joinstyle='round',solid_capstyle='round', color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['nose_linewidth']) # Ears: q = .04 # ear lengthening ear_x = np.array([.497-.005,.510,.518,.5299, .5419,.54,.547,.532,.510,.489-.005])*(radius/0.5) ear_y = np.array([q+.0555,q+.0775,q+.0783,q+.0746,q+.0555, -.0055,-.0932,-.1313,-.1384,-.1199])*(radius/0.5) # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: rightear_polar_angle,rightear_polar_radius = cart2pol(ear_x,ear_y) leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius = cart2pol(-ear_x,ear_y) rightear_polar_angle=rightear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) leftear_polar_angle=leftear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: rightear_x,rightear_y=pol2cart(rightear_polar_angle, rightear_polar_radius) leftear_x,leftear_y=pol2cart(leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius) # Move ears with head: rightear_x = rightear_x + center[0] rightear_y = rightear_y + center[1] leftear_x = leftear_x + center[0] leftear_y = leftear_y + center[1] ear_right = plt.Line2D(rightear_x,rightear_y,color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['ear_linewidth'], solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') ear_left = plt.Line2D(leftear_x,leftear_y,color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['ear_linewidth'], solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') a.add_artist(head) a.add_artist(nose) a.add_artist(ear_right) a.add_artist(ear_left) if sensors is None: if axes is None: plt.xlim(-radius*1.2+center[0],radius*1.2+center[0]) plt.ylim(-radius*1.2+center[1],radius*1.2+center[1]) return("No sensor locations specified!") # Convert & rotate sensor locations: angles=sensors[0] angles=angles+nose_dir angles = deg2rad(angles) radii=sensors[1] # expand or shrink electrode locations with radius of head: radii = radii*(radius/0.5) # plotting radius is determined by largest sensor radius: plot_radius = max(radii)*(1.0+plot_radius_buffer) # convert electrode locations to cartesian coordinates for plotting: x,y = pol2cart(angles,radii) x = x + center[0] y = y + center[1] if True: # plot electrodes sprops = default_sensor_props.copy() if not sensor_props is None: sprops.update(sensor_props) #a.plot(x,y,markerfacecolor=colors[1],marker='o',linestyle='') a.scatter(x, y, zorder=10, **sprops) if not labels is None: lprops = default_label_props.copy() if not label_props is None: lprops.update(label_props) for i in range(len(labels)): a.text(x[i],y[i],labels[i],**lprops) if values is None: return #('No values to plot specified!') if np.size(values) != np.size(sensors,1): return('Numer of values to plot is different from number of sensors!'+ '\nNo values have been plotted!') # set the values z = values # resolution determines the number of interpolated points per unit nx = round(resolution*plot_radius) ny = round(resolution*plot_radius) # now set up the grid: xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,nx), np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,ny)) # and move the center to coincide with the center of the head: xi = xi + center[0] yi = yi + center[1] # interploate points: if plot_mask=='linear': # masked = True means that no extrapolation outside the # electrode boundaries is made this effectively creates a mask # with a linear boundary (connecting the outer electrode # locations) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,masked=True) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) pass elif plot_mask=='circular': npts = np.mean((nx,ny))*2 t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,npts)[:-1] x = np.r_[x,np.cos(t)*plot_radius] y = np.r_[y,np.sin(t)*plot_radius] z = np.r_[z,np.zeros(len(t))] else: # we need a custom mask: #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,ext=1,masked=False) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) # zi = griddata((x,y),z,(xi,yi),method='cubic') # if plot_mask=='circular': # # the interpolated array doesn't know about its position # # in space and hence we need to subtract head center from # # xi & xi to calculate the mask # mask = (np.sqrt(np.power(xi-center[0],2) + # np.power(yi-center[1],2)) > plot_radius) # zi[mask] = 0 # zi[np.isnan(zi)] = 0.0 # zi[mask] = np.nan # other masks may be added here and can be defined as shown # for the circular mask. All other plot_mask values result in # no mask which results in showing interpolated values for the # square surrounding the head. pass # calc the grid zi = griddata((x,y),z,(xi,yi),method='cubic') # If no colormap is specified, use default colormap: if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap() # make contours cprops = default_contour_props.copy() if not contour_props is None: cprops.update(contour_props) if np.any(cprops['linewidths'] > 0): plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,contours,**cprops) # make countour color patches: plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,contours,cmap=cmap,extend='both')
def topoplot(values=None, labels=None, sensors=None, axes=None, center=(0, 0), nose_dir=0., radius=0.5, head_props=None, sensor_props=None, label_props=None, contours=15, contour_props=None, resolution=400, cmap=None, axis_props='off', plot_mask='circular', plot_radius_buffer=.2): """ Plot a topographic map of the scalp in a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head). Parameters ---------- values : {None, array-like}, optional Values to plot. There must be one value for each electrode. labels : {None, array-like}, optional Electrode labels/names to plot. There must be one for each electrode. sensors : {None, tuple of floats}, optional Polar coordinates of the sensor locations. If not None, sensors[0] specifies the angle (in degrees) and sensors[1] specifies the radius. axes : {matplotlib.axes}, optional Axes to which the topoplot should be added. center : {tuple of floats}, optional x and y coordinates of the center of the head. nose_dir : {float}, optional Angle (in degrees) where the nose is pointing. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is right, etc. radius : {float}, optional Radius of the head. head_props : dict Dictionary of head properties. See default_head_props for choices. sensor_props : dict Dictionary of sensor properties. See options for scatter in mpl and default_sensor_props. label_props : dict Dictionary of sensor label properties. See options for text in mpl and default_label_props. contours : {int}, optional Number of contours. contour_props : dict Dictionary of contour properties. See options for contour in mpl and default_contour_props. resolution : {int}, optional Resolution of the interpolated grid. Higher numbers give smoother edges of the plot, but increase memory and computational demands. cmap : {None,matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap}, optional Color map for the contour plot. If colMap==None, the default color map is used. axis_props : {str}, optional Axis properties. plot_mask : {str}, optional The mask around the plotted values. 'linear' conects the outer electrodes with straight lines, 'circular' draws a circle around the outer electrodes (see plot_radius_buffer). plot_radius_buffer : float, optional Buffer outside the electrode circumference for generating interpolated values with a circular mask. This should be greater than zero to aviod interpolation errors. """ if axes is not None: # axes are given a = axes else: # a new subplot is created a = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') plt.axis(axis_props) if True: # head should be plotted # deal with the head props hprops = default_head_props.copy() if not head_props is None: hprops.update(head_props) # Set up head head = plt.Circle(center, radius, fill=False, linewidth=hprops['head_linewidth'], edgecolor=hprops['head_linecolor']) # Nose: nose_width = 0.18 * radius # Distance from the center of the head to the point where the # nose touches the outline of the head: nose_dist = np.cos(np.arcsin((nose_width / 2.) / radius)) * radius # Distance from the center of the head to the tip of the nose: nose_tip_dist = 1.15 * radius # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: nose_polar_angle, nose_polar_radius = cart2pol( np.array([-nose_width / 2, 0, nose_width / 2]), np.array([nose_dist, nose_tip_dist, nose_dist])) nose_polar_angle = nose_polar_angle + deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: nose_x, nose_y = pol2cart(nose_polar_angle, nose_polar_radius) # Move nose with head: nose_x = nose_x + center[0] nose_y = nose_y + center[1] nose = plt.Line2D(nose_x, nose_y, solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round', color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['nose_linewidth']) # Ears: q = .04 # ear lengthening ear_x = np.array([ .497 - .005, .510, .518, .5299, .5419, .54, .547, .532, .510, .489 - .005 ]) * (radius / 0.5) ear_y = np.array([ q + .0555, q + .0775, q + .0783, q + .0746, q + .0555, -.0055, -.0932, -.1313, -.1384, -.1199 ]) * (radius / 0.5) # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: rightear_polar_angle, rightear_polar_radius = cart2pol(ear_x, ear_y) leftear_polar_angle, leftear_polar_radius = cart2pol(-ear_x, ear_y) rightear_polar_angle = rightear_polar_angle + deg2rad(nose_dir) leftear_polar_angle = leftear_polar_angle + deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: rightear_x, rightear_y = pol2cart(rightear_polar_angle, rightear_polar_radius) leftear_x, leftear_y = pol2cart(leftear_polar_angle, leftear_polar_radius) # Move ears with head: rightear_x = rightear_x + center[0] rightear_y = rightear_y + center[1] leftear_x = leftear_x + center[0] leftear_y = leftear_y + center[1] ear_right = plt.Line2D(rightear_x, rightear_y, color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['ear_linewidth'], solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') ear_left = plt.Line2D(leftear_x, leftear_y, color=hprops['head_linecolor'], linewidth=hprops['ear_linewidth'], solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') a.add_artist(head) a.add_artist(nose) a.add_artist(ear_right) a.add_artist(ear_left) if sensors is None: if axes is None: plt.xlim(-radius * 1.2 + center[0], radius * 1.2 + center[0]) plt.ylim(-radius * 1.2 + center[1], radius * 1.2 + center[1]) return ("No sensor locations specified!") # Convert & rotate sensor locations: angles = sensors[0] angles = angles + nose_dir angles = deg2rad(angles) radii = sensors[1] # expand or shrink electrode locations with radius of head: radii = radii * (radius / 0.5) # plotting radius is determined by largest sensor radius: plot_radius = max(radii) * (1.0 + plot_radius_buffer) # convert electrode locations to cartesian coordinates for plotting: x, y = pol2cart(angles, radii) x = x + center[0] y = y + center[1] if True: # plot electrodes sprops = default_sensor_props.copy() if not sensor_props is None: sprops.update(sensor_props) #a.plot(x,y,markerfacecolor=colors[1],marker='o',linestyle='') a.scatter(x, y, zorder=10, **sprops) if not labels is None: lprops = default_label_props.copy() if not label_props is None: lprops.update(label_props) for i in range(len(labels)): a.text(x[i], y[i], labels[i], **lprops) if values is None: return #('No values to plot specified!') if np.size(values) != np.size(sensors, 1): return ( 'Numer of values to plot is different from number of sensors!' + '\nNo values have been plotted!') # set the values z = values # resolution determines the number of interpolated points per unit nx = round(resolution * plot_radius) ny = round(resolution * plot_radius) # now set up the grid: xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-plot_radius, plot_radius, nx), np.linspace(-plot_radius, plot_radius, ny)) # and move the center to coincide with the center of the head: xi = xi + center[0] yi = yi + center[1] # interploate points: if plot_mask == 'linear': # masked = True means that no extrapolation outside the # electrode boundaries is made this effectively creates a mask # with a linear boundary (connecting the outer electrode # locations) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,masked=True) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) pass elif plot_mask == 'circular': npts = np.mean((nx, ny)) * 2 t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npts)[:-1] x = np.r_[x, np.cos(t) * plot_radius] y = np.r_[y, np.sin(t) * plot_radius] z = np.r_[z, np.zeros(len(t))] else: # we need a custom mask: #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,ext=1,masked=False) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) # zi = griddata((x,y),z,(xi,yi),method='cubic') # if plot_mask=='circular': # # the interpolated array doesn't know about its position # # in space and hence we need to subtract head center from # # xi & xi to calculate the mask # mask = (np.sqrt(np.power(xi-center[0],2) + # np.power(yi-center[1],2)) > plot_radius) # zi[mask] = 0 # zi[np.isnan(zi)] = 0.0 # zi[mask] = np.nan # other masks may be added here and can be defined as shown # for the circular mask. All other plot_mask values result in # no mask which results in showing interpolated values for the # square surrounding the head. pass # calc the grid zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='cubic') # If no colormap is specified, use default colormap: if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap() # make contours cprops = default_contour_props.copy() if not contour_props is None: cprops.update(contour_props) if np.any(cprops['linewidths'] > 0): plt.contour(xi, yi, zi, contours, **cprops) # make countour color patches: plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, contours, cmap=cmap, extend='both')
def topoplot(values=None, axes=None, center=(0,0), nose_dir=0., radius=0.5, sensors=None, colors=('black','black','black'), linewidths=(3,2,2,0.5), contours_ls='-', contours=15, resolution=400, cmap=None, axis_props='off', plot_mask='circular'): """ Plot a topographic map of the scalp in a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head). Parameters ---------- values : {None, array-like}, optional Values to plot. There must be one value for each electrode. axes : {matplotlib.axes}, optional Axes to which the topoplot should be added. center : {tuple of floats}, optional x and y coordinates of the center of the head. nose_dir : {float}, optional Angle (in degrees) where the nose is pointing. 0 is up, 90 is left, 180 is down, 270 is right, etc. radius : {float}, optional Radius of the head. sensors : {None, tuple of floats}, optional Polar coordinates of the sensor locations. If not None, sensors[0] specifies the angle (in degrees) and sensors[1] specifies the radius. colors : {tuple of str or None}, optional Colors for the outline of the head, sensor markers, and contours respectively. If any is None, the corresponding feature is not plotted. For contours either a single color or multiple colors can be specified. linewidths : {tuple of floats}, optional Line widths for the head, nose, ears, and contours respectively. For contours either a single linewith or multiple linewidths can be specified. contours_ls : {str}, optional Line style of the contours. contours : {int}, optional Number of countours. resolution : {int}, optional Resolution of the interpolated grid. Higher numbers give smoother edges of the plot, but increase memory and computational demands. cmap : {None,matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap}, optional Color map for the contour plot. If colMap==None, the default color map is used. axis_props : {str}, optional Axis properties. plot_mask : {str}, optional The mask around the plotted values. 'linear' conects the outer electrodes with straight lines, 'circular' draws a circle around the outer electrodes, and 'square' (or any other value) draws a square around the electrodes. """ # If no colormap is specified, use default colormap: if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap() if axes is not None: # axes are given a=axes else: # a new subplot is created a=plt.subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal') plt.axis(axis_props) if colors[0]: # head should be plotted # Set up head head = plt.Circle(center, radius,fill=False, linewidth=linewidths[0], edgecolor=colors[0]) # Nose: nose_width = 0.18*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the point where the # nose touches the outline of the head: nose_dist = np.cos(np.arcsin((nose_width/2.)/radius))*radius # Distance from the center of the head to the tip of the nose: nose_tip_dist = 1.15*radius # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius = cart2pol( np.array([-nose_width/2,0,nose_width/2]), np.array([nose_dist,nose_tip_dist,nose_dist])) nose_polar_angle = nose_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: nose_x,nose_y = pol2cart(nose_polar_angle,nose_polar_radius) # Move nose with head: nose_x = nose_x + center[0] nose_y = nose_y + center[1] nose = plt.Line2D(nose_x,nose_y,color=colors[0],linewidth=linewidths[1], solid_joinstyle='round',solid_capstyle='round') # Ears: q = .04 # ear lengthening ear_x = np.array([.497-.005,.510,.518,.5299, .5419,.54,.547,.532,.510,.489-.005])*(radius/0.5) ear_y = np.array([q+.0555,q+.0775,q+.0783,q+.0746,q+.0555, -.0055,-.0932,-.1313,-.1384,-.1199])*(radius/0.5) # Convert to polar coordinates for rotating: rightear_polar_angle,rightear_polar_radius = cart2pol(ear_x,ear_y) leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius = cart2pol(-ear_x,ear_y) rightear_polar_angle=rightear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) leftear_polar_angle=leftear_polar_angle+deg2rad(nose_dir) # And back to cartesian coordinates for plotting: rightear_x,rightear_y=pol2cart(rightear_polar_angle, rightear_polar_radius) leftear_x,leftear_y=pol2cart(leftear_polar_angle,leftear_polar_radius) # Move ears with head: rightear_x = rightear_x + center[0] rightear_y = rightear_y + center[1] leftear_x = leftear_x + center[0] leftear_y = leftear_y + center[1] ear_right = plt.Line2D(rightear_x,rightear_y,color=colors[0], linewidth=linewidths[3],solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') ear_left = plt.Line2D(leftear_x,leftear_y,color=colors[0], linewidth=linewidths[3],solid_joinstyle='round', solid_capstyle='round') a.add_artist(head) a.add_artist(nose) a.add_artist(ear_right) a.add_artist(ear_left) if sensors is None: if axes is None: plt.xlim(-radius*1.2+center[0],radius*1.2+center[0]) plt.ylim(-radius*1.2+center[1],radius*1.2+center[1]) return("No sensor locations specified!") # Convert & rotate sensor locations: angles=sensors[0] angles=angles+nose_dir angles = deg2rad(angles) radii=sensors[1] # expand or shrink electrode locations with radius of head: radii = radii*(radius/0.5) # plotting radius is determined by largest sensor radius: plot_radius = max(radii) # convert electrode locations to cartesian coordinates for plotting: x,y = pol2cart(angles,radii) x = x + center[0] y = y + center[1] if colors[1]: # plot electrodes plt.plot(x,y,markerfacecolor=colors[1],marker='o',linestyle='') if values is None: return('No values to plot specified!') if np.size(values) != np.size(sensors,1): return('Numer of values to plot is different from number of sensors!'+ '\nNo values have been plotted!') z = values # resolution determines the number of interpolated points per unit nx = round(resolution*plot_radius) ny = round(resolution*plot_radius) # now set up the grid: xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,nx), np.linspace(-plot_radius,plot_radius,ny)) # and move the center to coincide with the center of the head: xi = xi + center[0] yi = yi + center[1] # interploate points: if plot_mask=='linear': # masked = True means that no extrapolation outside the # electrode boundaries is made this effectively creates a mask # with a linear boundary (connecting the outer electrode # locations) #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,masked=True) zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) else: # we need a custom mask: #zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,ext=1,masked=False) zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi) if plot_mask=='circular': # the interpolated array doesn't know about its position # in space and hence we need to subtract head center from # xi & xi to calculate the mask mask = (np.sqrt(np.power(xi-center[0],2) + np.power(yi-center[1],2)) > plot_radius) zi[mask] = 0 # other masks may be added here and can be defined as shown # for the circular mask. All other plot_mask values result in # no mask which results in showing interpolated values for the # square surrounding the head. # make contour lines: plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,contours,linewidths=linewidths[3], linestyle=contours_ls,colors=colors[2]) # make countour color patches: plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,contours,cmap=cmap)