p.paths.run = None  # (04) Name of reconstruction run
p.paths.data_dir = "analysis/%(run)s/"  # (05) directory where diffraction data is stored
p.paths.data_file = "%(label)s.ptyd"
p.paths.plot_dir = "plots/%(run)s/"  # (06) directory to dump plot images
p.paths.plot_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.png"  # (07) filename for dumping plots
p.paths.plot_interval = 2  # (08) iteration interval for dumping plots
p.paths.save_dir = "recons/%(run)s/"  # (09) directory to save final reconstruction
p.paths.save_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.h5"  # (10) filename for saving
p.paths.dump_dir = "dumps/%(run)s/"  # (11) directory to save intermediate results
p.paths.dump_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.h5"  # (12)

p.model = u.Param()
p.model.source = None  # (14) Address or path to data ressource.
p.model.tags = "file"  # (15) tags (comma seperated) describing what kind of data this is
p.model.geometry = u.Param()
p.model.geometry.energy = u.keV2m(
    1.0) / 6.32e-7  #None                    # (17) Energy (in keV)
p.model.geometry.lam = None  # (18) wavelength
p.model.geometry.z = 15e-2  # (19) distance from object to screen
p.model.geometry.psize_det = 24e-6  # (20) Pixel size in Detector plane
p.model.geometry.psize_sam = None  # (21) Pixel size in Sample plane
p.model.geometry.N = 256  # (22) Number of detector pixels
p.model.geometry.prop_type = "farfield"  # (23) propagation type

p.model.xy = u.Param()
p.model.xy.scan_type = "round_roi"  # (25) None,'round', 'raster', 'round_roi','custom'
p.model.xy.dr = 0.3e-3  # (26) round,round_roi :width of shell
p.model.xy.nr = 10  # (27) round : number of intervals (# of shells - 1)
p.model.xy.nth = 5  # (28) round,round_roi: number of points in the first shell
p.model.xy.lx = 10e-3  # (29) round_roi: Width of ROI
p.model.xy.ly = 5e-3  # (30) round_roi: Height of ROI
p.model.xy.nx = 10  # (31) raster scan: number of steps in x
Beispiel #2
    def prepare(self, scan=None, filename=None, dtype=np.uint32, **kwargs):

            kwargs)  #rebin = rebin if rebin is not None else self.p.rebin

        scan = scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan

        self.read(scan, **kwargs)
        DS = u.Param()

        dark = self.dark
        data = self.data
        if dark is not None:
            if dark.ndim == 3:
                dark = dark.mean(0)
            dark = np.resize(dark, data.shape)

        flat = self.flat
        if flat is not None:
            if flat.ndim == 3:
                flat = flat.mean(0)
            flat = np.resize(flat, self.data.shape)
        if flat is not None and dark is not None:
            data = (data - dark) / (flat - dark)
        elif dark is not None:
            data = data - dark
            data = data
        # remove negative values
        data[data < 0] = 0
        if self.mask is None:
            mask = np.ones_like(data, dtype=np.bool)
        #DS.flat = self.flat
        #DS.dark = self.dark
        DS.scan_info = u.Param()
        s = DS.scan_info
        p = self.p
        #s.scan_number = p.scan_number
        s.scan_label = 'S' + self.label  #'S%05d' % p.scan_number
        s.data_filename = self.scan  #scandict['data_filename']
        s.wavelength = u.keV2m(p.energy)
        s.energy = p.energy
        rebin = self.p.rebin
        s.detector_pixel_size = p.detector_pixel_size * rebin if p.detector_pixel_size is not None else None
        p.dpsize = p.dpsize / rebin
        s.detector_distance = p.detector_distance
        s.initial_ctr = self.ctr / rebin
        if rebin != 1:
            sh = data.shape
            data = u.rebin(data, sh[0], sh[1] / rebin, sh[2] / rebin)
            mask = u.rebin(mask.astype(int), sh[0], sh[1] / rebin,
                           sh[2] / rebin).astype(bool)

        data = flip(data, self.p.flip)
        mask = flip(mask, self.p.flip)

        DS.data = data.astype(dtype)
        DS.mask = mask
        DS.data[np.invert(DS.mask)] = 0
        #s.date_collected = scandict['date']
        s.date_processed = time.asctime()
        s.exposure_time = self.exp

        #if meta is not None: s.raw_filenames = meta['filename']
        s.preparation_basepath = self.base_path
        s.preparation_other = {}
        s.shape = DS.data.shape

        s.positions_theory = None

        s.scan_command = self.command

        motors = p.motors
        if self.motors is not None:
            Nmotors = len(motors)
            logger.debug('Motors are : %s' % str(p.motors))
            mmult = u.expect2(p.motors_multiplier)

            pos_list = [
                mmult[i] * np.array(self.motors[motors[i]])
                for i in range(Nmotors)
            s.positions = np.array(pos_list).T
            s.positions = None

        self.p.scan_label = s.scan_label
        if filename is None:
            p.write_path = WRITE_PATH_PATTERN.format(**p)
            filename = SAVE_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(**p)

        s.data_filename = u.clean_path(filename)
        io.h5write(filename, DS)
        return DS
p.paths.data_dir = "analysis/%(run)s/"                    # (05) directory where diffraction data is stored
p.paths.data_file = "%(label)s.ptyd"              
p.paths.plot_dir = "plots/%(run)s/"               # (06) directory to dump plot images
p.paths.plot_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.png"# (07) filename for dumping plots
p.paths.plot_interval = 2                         # (08) iteration interval for dumping plots
p.paths.save_dir = "recons/%(run)s/"              # (09) directory to save final reconstruction
p.paths.save_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.h5"# (10) filename for saving 
p.paths.dump_dir = "dumps/%(run)s/"               # (11) directory to save intermediate results
p.paths.dump_file = "%(run)s_%(engine)s_%(iterations)04d.h5"# (12) 

p.model = u.Param()
p.model.source = None                             # (14) Address or path to data ressource.
p.model.tags = "file"                             # (15) tags (comma seperated) describing what kind of data this is
p.model.geometry = u.Param()
p.model.geometry.energy = u.keV2m(1.0)/6.32e-7    #None                    # (17) Energy (in keV)
p.model.geometry.lam = None                       # (18) wavelength
p.model.geometry.z = 15e-2                        # (19) distance from object to screen
p.model.geometry.psize_det = 24e-6                # (20) Pixel size in Detector plane
p.model.geometry.psize_sam = None                 # (21) Pixel size in Sample plane
p.model.geometry.N = 256                          # (22) Number of detector pixels
p.model.geometry.prop_type = "farfield"           # (23) propagation type

p.model.xy = u.Param()
p.model.xy.scan_type = "round_roi"                # (25) None,'round', 'raster', 'round_roi','custom'
p.model.xy.dr = 0.3e-3                             # (26) round,round_roi :width of shell
p.model.xy.nr = 10                                # (27) round : number of intervals (# of shells - 1) 
p.model.xy.nth = 5                                # (28) round,round_roi: number of points in the first shell
p.model.xy.lx = 10e-3                            # (29) round_roi: Width of ROI
p.model.xy.ly = 5e-3                            # (30) round_roi: Height of ROI
p.model.xy.nx = 10                                # (31) raster scan: number of steps in x
Beispiel #4
 def prepare(self,scan=None,filename=None,dtype=np.uint32,**kwargs):
     self.p.update(kwargs) #rebin = rebin if rebin is not None else self.p.rebin
     scan = scan if scan is not None else self.p.scan
     self.read( scan, **kwargs)
     DS = u.Param()
     dark = self.dark
     data = self.data
     if dark is not None:
         if dark.ndim == 3:
             dark = dark.mean(0)
         dark = np.resize(dark,data.shape)
     flat = self.flat
     if flat is not None:
         if flat.ndim == 3:
             flat = flat.mean(0)
         flat = np.resize(flat,self.data.shape)
     if flat is not None and dark is not None:
         data = (data-dark )/(flat-dark)
     elif dark is not None:
         data = data - dark
         data = data
     # remove negative values
     if self.mask is None:
         mask = np.ones_like(data,dtype=np.bool)
     #DS.flat = self.flat
     #DS.dark = self.dark
     DS.scan_info = u.Param()
     s = DS.scan_info     
     p = self.p
     #s.scan_number = p.scan_number
     s.scan_label = 'S'+self.label #'S%05d' % p.scan_number
     s.data_filename = self.scan #scandict['data_filename']
     s.wavelength = u.keV2m( p.energy )    
     s.energy = p.energy
     rebin = self.p.rebin
     s.detector_pixel_size = p.detector_pixel_size * rebin if p.detector_pixel_size is not None else None
     p.dpsize = p.dpsize / rebin 
     s.detector_distance = p.detector_distance
     s.initial_ctr = self.ctr / rebin
     if rebin!=1:
         sh = data.shape
         data = u.rebin(data,sh[0],sh[1]/rebin,sh[2]/rebin)
         mask = u.rebin(mask.astype(int),sh[0],sh[1]/rebin,sh[2]/rebin).astype(bool)
     data = flip(data,self.p.flip)
     mask = flip(mask,self.p.flip)
     DS.data = data.astype(dtype)
     DS.mask = mask
     #s.date_collected = scandict['date']
     s.date_processed = time.asctime()
     s.exposure_time = self.exp
     #if meta is not None: s.raw_filenames = meta['filename']
     s.preparation_basepath = self.base_path
     s.preparation_other = {}
     s.shape = DS.data.shape
     s.positions_theory = None
     s.scan_command = self.command
     motors = p.motors
     if self.motors is not None:
         Nmotors = len(motors)
         logger.debug( 'Motors are : %s' % str(p.motors))
         mmult = u.expect2(p.motors_multiplier)
         pos_list = [mmult[i]*np.array(self.motors[motors[i]]) for i in range(Nmotors)]
         s.positions = np.array(pos_list).T
         s.positions = None
     self.p.scan_label = s.scan_label
     if filename is None:
         p.write_path = WRITE_PATH_PATTERN.format(**p)
         filename = SAVE_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(**p) 
     s.data_filename = u.clean_path(filename)
     return DS