Beispiel #1
 def parseDateTime(str0_ : str) -> datetime.datetime:
     if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(str0_)): 
         return None
         prts = Utils.splitString(str0_, '.', False)
         wrapy804 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
         inoutres805 = Utils.tryParseInt(prts[0], wrapy804)
         y = wrapy804.value
         if (not inoutres805): 
             return None
         mon = 0
         day = 0
         if (len(prts) > 1): 
             wrapmon802 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
             inoutres803 = Utils.tryParseInt(prts[1], wrapmon802)
             mon = wrapmon802.value
             if (inoutres803): 
                 if (len(prts) > 2): 
                     wrapday801 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
                     Utils.tryParseInt(prts[2], wrapday801)
                     day = wrapday801.value
         if (mon <= 0): 
             mon = 1
         if (day <= 0): 
             day = 1
         if (day > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(y, mon)): 
             day = Utils.lastDayOfMonth(y, mon)
         return datetime.datetime(y, mon, day, 0, 0, 0)
     except Exception as ex: 
     return None
Beispiel #2
 def parse_date_time(str0_: str) -> datetime.datetime:
     if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(str0_)):
         return None
         prts = Utils.splitString(str0_, '.', False)
         y = 0
         wrapy831 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
         inoutres832 = Utils.tryParseInt(prts[0], wrapy831)
         y = wrapy831.value
         if (not inoutres832):
             return None
         mon = 0
         day = 0
         if (len(prts) > 1):
             wrapmon829 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
             inoutres830 = Utils.tryParseInt(prts[1], wrapmon829)
             mon = wrapmon829.value
             if (inoutres830):
                 if (len(prts) > 2):
                     wrapday828 = RefOutArgWrapper(0)
                     Utils.tryParseInt(prts[2], wrapday828)
                     day = wrapday828.value
         if (mon <= 0):
             mon = 1
         if (day <= 0):
             day = 1
         if (day > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(y, mon)):
             day = Utils.lastDayOfMonth(y, mon)
         return datetime.datetime(y, mon, day, 0, 0, 0)
     except Exception as ex:
     return None
Beispiel #3
 def generateDate(self, today: datetime.datetime,
                  end_of_diap: bool) -> datetime.datetime:
     year_ = self.year
     if (year_ == 0):
         year_ = today.year
     mon = self.month1
     if (mon == 0):
         mon = (12 if end_of_diap else 1)
     elif (end_of_diap and self.month2 > 0):
         mon = self.month2
     day = self.day1
     if (day == 0):
         day = (31 if end_of_diap else 1)
     elif (self.day2 > 0):
         day = self.day2
     if (day > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(year_, mon)):
         day = Utils.lastDayOfMonth(year_, mon)
     return datetime.datetime(year_, mon, day, 0, 0, 0)
Beispiel #4
 def dt(self) -> datetime.datetime:
     """ Дата в стандартной структуре .NET (null, если что-либо неопределено или дата некорректна) """
     if (self.year > 0 and self.month > 0 and > 0): 
         if (self.month > 12): 
             return None
         if ( > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(self.year, self.month)): 
             return None
         h = self.hour
         m = self.minute
         s = self.second
         if (h < 0): 
             h = 0
         if (m < 0): 
             m = 0
         if (s < 0): 
             s = 0
             return datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month,, h, m, (s if s >= 0 and (s < 60) else 0))
         except Exception as ex: 
     return None
Beispiel #5
 def tryCreate(list0_: typing.List['DateExItemToken'],
               today: datetime.datetime, tense: int) -> 'DateValues':
     oo = False
     if (list0_ is not None):
         for v in list0_:
             if (v.typ != DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.HOUR and
                     v.typ != DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MINUTE):
                 oo = True
     if (not oo):
         return DateExToken.DateValues._new639(today.year, today.month,
     res = DateExToken.DateValues()
     i = 0
     has_rel = False
     if ((i < len(list0_))
             and list0_[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.YEAR):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             res.year = it.value
             res.year = (today.year + it.value)
             has_rel = True
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.QUARTAL):
         it = list0_[i]
         v = 0
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             if (res.year == 0):
                 v0 = 1 + ((math.floor(((today.month - 1)) / 4)))
                 if (it.value > v0 and (tense < 0)):
                     res.year = (today.year - 1)
                 elif ((it.value < v0) and tense > 0):
                     res.year = (today.year + 1)
                     res.year = today.year
             v = it.value
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             v = (1 + ((math.floor(
                 ((today.month - 1)) / 4))) + it.value)
         while v > 4:
             v -= 4
             res.year += 1
         while v <= 0:
             v += 4
             res.year -= 1
         res.month1 = ((((v - 1)) * 4) + 1)
         res.month2 = (res.month1 + 3)
         return res
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MONTH):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             if (res.year == 0):
                 if (it.value > today.month and (tense < 0)):
                     res.year = (today.year - 1)
                 elif ((it.value < today.month) and tense > 0):
                     res.year = (today.year + 1)
                     res.year = today.year
             res.month1 = it.value
             has_rel = True
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             v = today.month + it.value
             while v > 12:
                 v -= 12
                 res.year += 1
             while v <= 0:
                 v += 12
                 res.year -= 1
             res.month1 = v
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_))
             and list0_[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAY):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             res.day1 = it.value
             if (res.month1 == 0):
                 if (res.year == 0):
                     res.year = today.year
                 if (it.value > and (tense < 0)):
                     res.month1 = (today.month - 1)
                     if (res.month1 <= 0):
                         res.month1 = 12
                         res.year -= 1
                 elif ((it.value < and tense > 0):
                     res.month1 = (today.month + 1)
                     if (res.month1 > 12):
                         res.month1 = 1
                         res.year += 1
                     res.month1 = today.month
             has_rel = True
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             if (res.month1 == 0):
                 res.month1 = today.month
             v = + it.value
             while v > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1):
                 v -= Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1)
                 res.month1 += 1
                 if (res.month1 > 12):
                     res.month1 = 1
                     res.year += 1
             while v <= 0:
                 res.month1 -= 1
                 if (res.month1 <= 0):
                     res.month1 = 12
                     res.year -= 1
                 v += Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1)
             res.day1 = v
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAYOFWEEK):
         it = list0_[i]
     return res
Beispiel #6
 def getDatesOld(self,
                 now: datetime.datetime,
                 from0_: datetime.datetime,
                 to: datetime.datetime,
                 can_be_future: bool = False) -> bool:
     yfrom = None
     yto = None
     yfrom_def = False
     yto_def = False
     qfrom = None
     qto = None
     mfrom = None
     mto = None
     dfrom = None
     dto = None
     hfrom = None
     hto = None
     min_from = None
     min_to = None
     for k in range(2):
         its = (self.items_from if k == 0 else self.items_to)
         i = 0
         v = 0
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.YEAR):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = (now.year + its[i].value)
             i += 1
             if (k == 0):
                 yfrom = v
                 yto = v
             if (k == 0):
                 yfrom_def = True
                 yto_def = True
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.QUARTAL):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = (1 + ((math.floor(
                     ((now.month - 1)) / 4))) + its[i].value)
             i = len(its)
             if (k == 0):
                 qfrom = v
                 qto = v
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MONTH):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = (now.month + its[i].value)
             i += 1
             if (k == 0):
                 mfrom = v
                 mto = v
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAY):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = ( + its[i].value)
             i += 1
             if (k == 0):
                 dfrom = v
                 dto = v
         if ((i < len(its)) and its[i].typ
                 == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAYOFWEEK):
             v = its[i].value
             if (its[i].value < 0):
                 v = (-v)
                 ddd = now
                 while True:
                     if (ddd.weekday() == 0):
                         ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=-7))
                         if (v > 1):
                             ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=v - 1))
                         if (k == 0):
                             yfrom = ddd.year
                             mfrom = ddd.month
                             dfrom =
                             yto = ddd.year
                             mto = ddd.month
                             dto =
                     ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
                 dow = now.weekday()
                 if (dow == 0):
                     dow = 7
                 ddd = now
                 if (v > dow):
                     ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=v - dow))
                     if (can_be_future):
                         ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=7))
                     if (dow > v):
                         ddd = (ddd + datetime.timedelta(days=v - dow))
                 if (k == 0):
                     yfrom = ddd.year
                     mfrom = ddd.month
                     dfrom =
                     yto = ddd.year
                     mto = ddd.month
                     dto =
             i += 1
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.HOUR):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = (now.hour + its[i].value)
             i += 1
             if (k == 0):
                 hfrom = v
                 hto = v
         if ((i < len(its))
                 and its[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MINUTE):
             if (not its[i].is_value_relate and len(its) > 1):
                 v = its[i].value
                 v = (now.minute + its[i].value)
             i += 1
             if (k == 0):
                 min_from = v
                 min_to = v
     if (yfrom is None):
         if (yto is None):
             yto = now.year
             yfrom = yto
             yfrom = yto
     elif (yto is None):
         yto = yfrom
     if (qfrom is None and dfrom is None):
         qfrom = qto
     elif (qto is None and dto is None):
         qto = qfrom
     if (qfrom is not None):
         mfrom = (1 + (((qfrom - 1)) * 4))
     if (qto is not None):
         mto = ((qto * 4) - 1)
     if (mfrom is None and
         (((dfrom is not None or mfrom is not None or hfrom is not None)
           or min_from != 0 or len(self.items_from) == 0))):
         if (mto is not None):
             mfrom = mto
             mto = now.month
             mfrom = mto
     if (mto is None
             and (((dto is not None or mto is not None or hto is not None)
                   or min_to is not None or len(self.items_to) == 0))):
         if (mfrom is not None):
             mto = mfrom
             mto = now.month
             mfrom = mto
     if (mfrom is not None):
         while mfrom > 12:
             yfrom += 1
             mfrom -= 12
         while mfrom <= 0:
             yfrom -= 1
             mfrom += 12
         mfrom = 1
     if (mto is not None):
         while mto > 12:
             yto += 1
             mto -= 12
         while mto <= 0:
             yto -= 1
             mto += 12
         mto = 12
     if (dfrom is None and ((hfrom is not None or min_from is not None
                             or len(self.items_from) == 0))):
         if (dto is not None):
             dfrom = dto
             dto =
             dfrom = dto
     if (dto is None and ((hto is not None or min_to is not None
                           or len(self.items_to) == 0))):
         if (dfrom is not None):
             dto = dfrom
             dto =
             dfrom = dto
     if (dfrom is not None):
         while dfrom > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yfrom, mfrom):
             dfrom -= Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yfrom, mfrom)
             mfrom += 1
             if (mfrom > 12):
                 mfrom = 1
                 yfrom += 1
         while dfrom <= 0:
             mfrom -= 1
             if (mfrom <= 0):
                 mfrom = 12
                 yfrom -= 1
             dfrom += Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yfrom, mfrom)
     if (dto is not None):
         while dto > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yto, mto):
             dto -= Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yto, mto)
             mto += 1
             if (mto > 12):
                 mto = 1
                 yto += 1
         while dto <= 0:
             mto -= 1
             if (mto <= 0):
                 mto = 12
                 yto -= 1
             dto += Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yto, mto)
     elif (dfrom is not None and mfrom == mto and yfrom == yto):
         dto = dfrom
         dto = Utils.lastDayOfMonth(yto, mto)
     if (dfrom is None):
         dfrom = 1
         from0_.value = datetime.datetime(yfrom, mfrom, dfrom, 0, 0, 0)
         to.value = datetime.datetime(yto, mto, dto, 0, 0, 0)
     except Exception as ex:
         from0_.value = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
         to.value = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
         return False
     if ((not yfrom_def and len(self.items_from) > 0 and Utils.getDate(
             from0_.value) > Utils.getDate(
             and not can_be_future):
         if (not yto_def and to.value.year == from0_.value.year):
             to.value = (to.value + datetime.timedelta(days=-1 * 365))
         from0_.value = (from0_.value + datetime.timedelta(days=-1 * 365))
     if (hfrom is None and hto is not None):
         hfrom = hto
     elif (hto is None and hfrom is not None):
         hto = hfrom
     if (min_from is None and min_to is not None):
         min_from = min_to
     elif (min_to is None and min_from is not None):
         min_to = min_from
     if (hfrom is not None or min_from is not None):
         if (hfrom is None):
             hfrom = now.hour
         if (min_from is None):
             min_from = 0
         while min_from >= 60:
             hfrom += 1
             min_from -= 60
         while min_from < 0:
             hfrom -= 1
             min_from += 60
         while hfrom >= 24:
             from0_.value = (from0_.value + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
             hfrom -= 24
         while hfrom < 0:
             from0_.value = (from0_.value + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
             hfrom += 24
         from0_.value = ((from0_.value + datetime.timedelta(hours=hfrom)) +
     if (hto is not None or min_to is not None):
         if (hto is None):
             hto = now.hour
         if (min_to is None):
             min_to = 0
         while min_to >= 60:
             hto += 1
             min_to -= 60
         while min_to < 0:
             hto -= 1
             min_to += 60
         while hto >= 24:
             to.value = (to.value + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
             hto -= 24
         while hto < 0:
             to.value = (to.value + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
             hto += 24
         to.value = ((to.value + datetime.timedelta(hours=hto)) +
     return True
Beispiel #7
 def try_create(list0_: typing.List['DateExItemToken'],
                today: datetime.datetime, tense: int) -> 'DateValues':
     oo = False
     if (list0_ is not None):
         for v in list0_:
             if (v.typ != DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.HOUR and
                     v.typ != DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MINUTE):
                 oo = True
     if (not oo):
         return DateExToken.DateValues._new606(today.year, today.month,
     if (list0_ is None or len(list0_) == 0):
         return None
     j = 0
     while j < len(list0_):
         if (list0_[j].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAYOFWEEK
             if (j > 0 and list0_[j - 1].typ
                     == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.WEEK):
             we = DateExToken.DateExItemToken._new607(
                 list0_[j].begin_token, list0_[j].end_token,
                 DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.WEEK, True)
             if (list0_[j].is_value_relate):
                 list0_[j].is_value_relate = False
                 if (list0_[j].value < 0):
                     we.value = -1
                     list0_[j].value = (-list0_[j].value)
             list0_.insert(j, we)
         j += 1
     res = DateExToken.DateValues()
     it = None
     i = 0
     has_rel = False
     if ((i < len(list0_))
             and list0_[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.YEAR):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             res.year = it.value
             res.year = (today.year + it.value)
             has_rel = True
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.QUARTAL):
         it = list0_[i]
         v = 0
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             if (res.year == 0):
                 v0 = 1 + ((math.floor(((today.month - 1)) / 3)))
                 if (it.value > v0 and (tense < 0)):
                     res.year = (today.year - 1)
                 elif ((it.value < v0) and tense > 0):
                     res.year = (today.year + 1)
                     res.year = today.year
             v = it.value
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             v = (1 + ((math.floor(
                 ((today.month - 1)) / 3))) + it.value)
         while v > 3:
             v -= 3
             res.year += 1
         while v <= 0:
             v += 3
             res.year -= 1
         res.month1 = ((((v - 1)) * 3) + 1)
         res.month2 = (res.month1 + 2)
         return res
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.MONTH):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             if (res.year == 0):
                 if (it.value > today.month and (tense < 0)):
                     res.year = (today.year - 1)
                 elif ((it.value < today.month) and tense > 0):
                     res.year = (today.year + 1)
                     res.year = today.year
             res.month1 = it.value
             has_rel = True
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             v = today.month + it.value
             while v > 12:
                 v -= 12
                 res.year += 1
             while v <= 0:
                 v += 12
                 res.year -= 1
             res.month1 = v
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.WEEKEND and i == 0):
         it = list0_[i]
         has_rel = True
         if (res.year == 0):
             res.year = today.year
         if (res.month1 == 0):
             res.month1 = today.month
         if (res.day1 == 0):
             res.day1 =
         dt0 = datetime.datetime(res.year, res.month1, res.day1, 0, 0,
         dow = dt0.weekday()
         if (dow == 0):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=5))
         elif (dow == 1):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=4))
         elif (dow == 2):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=3))
         elif (dow == 3):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=2))
         elif (dow == 4):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
         elif (dow == 5):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
         elif (dow == 6):
         if (it.value != 0):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=it.value * 7))
         res.year = dt0.year
         res.month1 = dt0.month
         res.day1 =
         dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
         res.year = dt0.year
         res.month2 = dt0.month
         res.day2 =
         i += 1
     if (((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
          == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.WEEK and i == 0)
             and list0_[i].is_value_relate):
         it = list0_[i]
         has_rel = True
         if (res.year == 0):
             res.year = today.year
         if (res.month1 == 0):
             res.month1 = today.month
         if (res.day1 == 0):
             res.day1 =
         dt0 = datetime.datetime(res.year, res.month1, res.day1, 0, 0,
         dow = dt0.weekday()
         if (dow == 1):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
         elif (dow == 2):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-2))
         elif (dow == 3):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-3))
         elif (dow == 4):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-4))
         elif (dow == 5):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-5))
         elif (dow == 6):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=-6))
         if (it.value != 0):
             dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=it.value * 7))
         res.year = dt0.year
         res.month1 = dt0.month
         res.day1 =
         dt0 = (dt0 + datetime.timedelta(days=6))
         res.year = dt0.year
         res.month2 = dt0.month
         res.day2 =
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_))
             and list0_[i].typ == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAY):
         it = list0_[i]
         if (not it.is_value_relate):
             res.day1 = it.value
             if (res.month1 == 0):
                 if (res.year == 0):
                     res.year = today.year
                 if (it.value > and (tense < 0)):
                     res.month1 = (today.month - 1)
                     if (res.month1 <= 0):
                         res.month1 = 12
                         res.year -= 1
                 elif ((it.value < and tense > 0):
                     res.month1 = (today.month + 1)
                     if (res.month1 > 12):
                         res.month1 = 1
                         res.year += 1
                     res.month1 = today.month
             has_rel = True
             if (res.year == 0):
                 res.year = today.year
             if (res.month1 == 0):
                 res.month1 = today.month
             v = + it.value
             while v > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1):
                 v -= Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1)
                 res.month1 += 1
                 if (res.month1 > 12):
                     res.month1 = 1
                     res.year += 1
             while v <= 0:
                 res.month1 -= 1
                 if (res.month1 <= 0):
                     res.month1 = 12
                     res.year -= 1
                 v += Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1)
             res.day1 = v
         i += 1
     if ((i < len(list0_)) and list0_[i].typ
             == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.DAYOFWEEK):
         it = list0_[i]
         if ((i > 0 and list0_[i - 1].typ
              == DateExToken.DateExItemTokenType.WEEK and it.value >= 1)
                 and it.value <= 7):
             res.day1 = ((res.day1 + it.value) - 1)
             while res.day1 > Utils.lastDayOfMonth(
                     res.year, res.month1):
                 res.day1 -= Utils.lastDayOfMonth(res.year, res.month1)
                 res.month1 += 1
                 if (res.month1 > 12):
                     res.month1 = 1
                     res.year += 1
             res.day2 = res.day1
             res.month2 = res.month1
             i += 1
     return res