Beispiel #1
    def _do_fire(self, event):
        Performs the actual act of firing an event to all appropriate
        listeners. This call will log but otherwise suppress any exception
        that comes out of a notifier.

        @param event: event object to fire
        @type  event:
        # Determine which listeners should be notified
        listeners = list(
            EventListener.get_collection().find({"$or": ({"event_types": event.event_type}, {"event_types": "*"})})

        # For each listener, retrieve the notifier and invoke it. Be sure that
        # an exception from a notifier is logged but does not interrupt the
        # remainder of the firing, nor bubble up.
        for l in listeners:
            notifier_type_id = l["notifier_type_id"]
            f = notifiers.get_notifier_function(notifier_type_id)

                f(l["notifier_config"], event)
            except Exception:
                _logger.exception("Exception from notifier of type [%s]" % notifier_type_id)
Beispiel #2
    def test_post(self):
        # Setup
        params = {
            'notifier_type_id' : http.TYPE_ID,
            'notifier_config' : {'a' : 'a'},
            'event_types' : [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED],

        # Test
        status, body ='/v2/events/', params)

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(status, 201)
        self.assertEqual(body['notifier_type_id'], params['notifier_type_id'])
        self.assertEqual(body['notifier_config'], params['notifier_config'])
        self.assertEqual(body['event_types'], params['event_types'])

        db_listener = EventListener.get_collection().find_one({'id' : body['id']})
        self.assertTrue(db_listener is not None)
        self.assertEqual(db_listener['notifier_type_id'], params['notifier_type_id'])
        self.assertEqual(db_listener['notifier_config'], params['notifier_config'])
        self.assertEqual(db_listener['event_types'], params['event_types'])

        expected_href = '/v2/events/%s/' % body['id']
        self.assertEqual(body['_href'], expected_href)
Beispiel #3
    def get(self, event_listener_id):
        Retrieves the given event listener if it exists. If not, an exception
        is raised.

        @param event_listener_id: listener to retrieve
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @return: listener instance from the database
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if no listener exists at the given ID
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

            id = ObjectId(event_listener_id)
        except InvalidId:
            raise MissingResource(
                event_listener=event_listener_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        listener = collection.find_one({'_id': id})

        if listener is None:
            raise MissingResource(event_listener=event_listener_id)
            return listener
Beispiel #4
    def get(self, event_listener_id):
        Retrieves the given event listener if it exists. If not, an exception
        is raised.

        @param event_listener_id: listener to retrieve
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @return: listener instance from the database
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if no listener exists at the given ID
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

            id = ObjectId(event_listener_id)
        except InvalidId:
            raise MissingResource(event_listener=event_listener_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        listener = collection.find_one({'_id' : id})

        if listener is None:
            raise MissingResource(event_listener=event_listener_id)
            return listener
Beispiel #5
Datei: Projekt: omps/pulp
    def _do_fire(self, event):
        Performs the actual act of firing an event to all appropriate
        listeners. This call will log but otherwise suppress any exception
        that comes out of a notifier.

        @param event: event object to fire
        @type  event:
        # Determine which listeners should be notified
        listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find(
            {'$or': ({
                'event_types': event.event_type
            }, {
                'event_types': '*'

        # For each listener, retrieve the notifier and invoke it. Be sure that
        # an exception from a notifier is logged but does not interrupt the
        # remainder of the firing, nor bubble up.
        for l in listeners:
            notifier_type_id = l['notifier_type_id']
            f = notifiers.get_notifier_function(notifier_type_id)

                f(l['notifier_config'], event)
            except Exception:
                _LOG.exception('Exception from notifier of type [%s]' %
Beispiel #6
    def create(self, notifier_type_id, notifier_config, event_types):
        Creates a new event listener in the server. The listener will listen
        for events of the given types and use the given notifier to react
        to them. The notifier will be passed the given configuration to
        drive how it behaves; values in the configuration vary based on the
        notifier being used.

        For instance, a message bus notifier will likely accept in its
        configuration the message bus and queue on which to broadcast the event.

        @param notifier_type_id: identifies the type of notification to produce
        @type  notifier_type_id: str

        @param notifier_config: used to control how the notifier behaves

        @param event_types: list of event types to listen for; valid values
               can be found in pulp.server.event.notifiers
        @type  event_types: list

        @return: created event listener instance from the database (i.e. _id
                 will be populated)

        @raise InvalidValue: if the notifier or event type ID aren't found

        # Validation

        if not notifiers.is_valid_notifier_type_id(notifier_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['notifier_type_id'])

        # There's no need to check for a conflict; it's possible to use the
        # same notifier for the same event type but a different configuration

        # Make sure the configuration is at very least empty
        if notifier_config is None:
            notifier_config = {}

        # Create the database entry
        el = EventListener(notifier_type_id, notifier_config, event_types)
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()
        created_id =
        created = collection.find_one(created_id)

        return created
Beispiel #7
    def update(self,
        Changes the configuration of an existing event listener. The notifier
        type cannot be changed; in such cases the event listener should be
        deleted and a new one created.

        If specified, the notifier_config follows the given conventions:
        - If a key is specified with a value of None, the effect is that the
          key is removed from the configuration
        - If an existing key is unspecified, its value is unaffected

        Event types must be the *complete* list of event types to listen for.
        This method does not support deltas on the event types.

        @param event_listener_id: listener being edited
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @param notifier_config: contains only configuration properties to change
        @type  notifier_config: dict

        @param event_types: complete list of event types that should be fired on
        @type  event_types: list

        @return: updated listener instance from the database
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

        # Validation
        existing = self.get(event_listener_id)  # will raise MissingResource

        # Munge the existing configuration if it was specified
        if notifier_config is not None:
            munged_config = dict(existing['notifier_config'])

            remove_us = [
                k for k in notifier_config.keys() if notifier_config[k] is None
            for k in remove_us:
                munged_config.pop(k, None)

            existing['notifier_config'] = munged_config

        # Update the event list
        if event_types is not None:
            existing['event_types'] = event_types

        # Update the database

        # Reload to return
        existing = collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(event_listener_id)})
        return existing
Beispiel #8
def migrate(*args, **kwargs):
    Change the type id from 'rest-api' to 'http'
    collection = EventListener.get_collection()
    collection.update({'notifier_type_id': 'rest-api'},
                      {'$set': {
                          'notifier_type_id': 'http'
Beispiel #9
    def test_delete(self):
        # Setup
        created = self.manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, {}, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Test

        # Verify
        all_event_listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(0, len(all_event_listeners))
Beispiel #10
    def list(self):
        Returns all event listeners.

        @return: list of event listener SON documents from the database; empty
                 list if there are none
        @rtype:  list
        listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        return listeners
Beispiel #11
    def test_delete(self):
        # Setup
        created = self.manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, {}, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Test

        # Verify
        all_event_listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(0, len(all_event_listeners))
Beispiel #12
    def list(self):
        Returns all event listeners.

        @return: list of event listener SON documents from the database; empty
                 list if there are none
        @rtype:  list
        listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        return listeners
Beispiel #13
    def test_create(self):
        # Test
        created = self.manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, None, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(created['notifier_type_id'], http.TYPE_ID)
        self.assertEqual(created['notifier_config'], {})
        self.assertEqual(created['event_types'], [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        all_event_listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_event_listeners))
Beispiel #14
    def test_create(self):
        # Test
        created = self.manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, None, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(created['notifier_type_id'], http.TYPE_ID)
        self.assertEqual(created['notifier_config'], {})
        self.assertEqual(created['event_types'], [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        all_event_listeners = list(EventListener.get_collection().find())
        self.assertEqual(1, len(all_event_listeners))
Beispiel #15
    def update(self, event_listener_id, notifier_config=None, event_types=None):
        Changes the configuration of an existing event listener. The notifier
        type cannot be changed; in such cases the event listener should be
        deleted and a new one created.

        If specified, the notifier_config follows the given conventions:
        - If a key is specified with a value of None, the effect is that the
          key is removed from the configuration
        - If an existing key is unspecified, its value is unaffected

        Event types must be the *complete* list of event types to listen for.
        This method does not support deltas on the event types.

        @param event_listener_id: listener being edited
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @param notifier_config: contains only configuration properties to change
        @type  notifier_config: dict

        @param event_types: complete list of event types that should be fired on
        @type  event_types: list

        @return: updated listener instance from the database
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

        # Validation
        existing = self.get(event_listener_id) # will raise MissingResource

        # Munge the existing configuration if it was specified
        if notifier_config is not None:
            munged_config = dict(existing['notifier_config'])

            remove_us = [k for k in notifier_config.keys() if notifier_config[k] is None]
            for k in remove_us:
                munged_config.pop(k, None)

            existing['notifier_config'] = munged_config

        # Update the event list
        if event_types is not None:
            existing['event_types'] = event_types

        # Update the database, safe=True)

        # Reload to return
        existing = collection.find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(event_listener_id)})
        return existing
Beispiel #16
    def test_delete(self):
        # Setup
        manager = manager_factory.event_listener_manager()
        created = manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, {'a' : 'a'}, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Test
        status, body = self.delete('/v2/events/%s/' % created['id'])

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(200, status)

        deleted = EventListener.get_collection().find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(created['_id'])})
        self.assertTrue(deleted is None)
Beispiel #17
    def delete(self, event_listener_id):
        Deletes the event listener with the given ID. No exception is raised
        if no event listener exists at the given ID.

        @param event_listener_id: database ID for the event listener
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @raise MissingResource: if no listener exists at the given ID
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

        self.get(event_listener_id) # check for MissingResource

        collection.remove({'_id' : ObjectId(event_listener_id)})
Beispiel #18
    def delete(self, event_listener_id):
        Deletes the event listener with the given ID. No exception is raised
        if no event listener exists at the given ID.

        @param event_listener_id: database ID for the event listener
        @type  event_listener_id: str

        @raise MissingResource: if no listener exists at the given ID
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()

        self.get(event_listener_id)  # check for MissingResource

        collection.remove({'_id': ObjectId(event_listener_id)})
    def test_database_integration(self):
        # make sure the migration works on a live document in mongo
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()
        event_listener_id = str(
            collection.insert({"notifier_type_id": "rest-api", "event_types": ["*"], "notifier_config": {}}, safe=True)
        event_listener_factory = managers.factory.event_listener_manager()

        module = MigrationModule("pulp.server.db.migrations.0002_rename_http_notifier")._module

        event_listener = event_listener_factory.get(event_listener_id)
        self.assertEqual(event_listener["notifier_type_id"], "http")

        # cleanup
Beispiel #20
    def create(self, notifier_type_id, notifier_config, event_types):
        Creates a new event listener in the server. The listener will listen
        for events of the given types and use the given notifier to react
        to them. The notifier will be passed the given configuration to
        drive how it behaves; values in the configuration vary based on the
        notifier being used.

        For instance, a message bus notifier will likely accept in its
        configuration the message bus and queue on which to broadcast the event.

        @param notifier_type_id: identifies the type of notification to produce
        @type  notifier_type_id: str

        @param notifier_config: used to control how the notifier behaves

        @param event_types: list of event types to listen for; valid values
               can be found in pulp.server.event.notifiers
        @type  event_types: list

        @return: created event listener instance from the database (i.e. _id
                 will be populated)

        @raise InvalidValue: if the notifier or event type ID aren't found

        # Validation

        if not notifiers.is_valid_notifier_type_id(notifier_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['notifier_type_id'])

        # There's no need to check for a conflict; it's possible to use the
        # same notifier for the same event type but a different configuration

        # Make sure the configuration is at very least empty
        if notifier_config is None:
            notifier_config = {}

        # Create the database entry
        el = EventListener(notifier_type_id, notifier_config, event_types)
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()
        created_id =, safe=True)
        created = collection.find_one(created_id)

        return created
Beispiel #21
    def test_update_only_event_types(self):
        # Setup
        manager = manager_factory.event_listener_manager()
        created = manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, {'a' : 'a', 'b' : 'b'}, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Test
        new_event_types = [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_FINISHED]
        body = {
            'event_types' : new_event_types,

        status, body = self.put('/v2/events/%s/' % created['id'], body)

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(200, status)

        updated = EventListener.get_collection().find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(created['_id'])})
        self.assertEqual(updated['event_types'], new_event_types)
    def test_database_integration(self):
        # make sure the migration works on a live document in mongo
        collection = EventListener.get_collection()
        event_listener_id = str(collection.insert({
            'notifier_type_id': 'rest-api',
            'event_types': ['*'],
            'notifier_config': {},
        event_listener_factory = managers.factory.event_listener_manager()

        module = MigrationModule('pulp.server.db.migrations.0002_rename_http_notifier')._module

        event_listener = event_listener_factory.get(event_listener_id)
        self.assertEqual(event_listener['notifier_type_id'], 'http')

        # cleanup
Beispiel #23
    def test_update_only_config(self):
        # Setup
        manager = manager_factory.event_listener_manager()
        created = manager.create(http.TYPE_ID, {'a' : 'a', 'b' : 'b'}, [event_data.TYPE_REPO_SYNC_STARTED])

        # Test
        new_config = {'a' : 'x', 'c' : 'c'}
        body = {
            'notifier_config' : new_config,

        status, body = self.put('/v2/events/%s/' % created['id'], body)

        # Verify
        self.assertEqual(200, status)

        updated = EventListener.get_collection().find_one({'_id' : ObjectId(created['_id'])})
        expected_config = {'a' : 'x', 'b' : 'b', 'c' : 'c'}
        self.assertEqual(updated['notifier_config'], expected_config)
Beispiel #24
    def clean(self):
        super(EventResourceControllerTests, self).clean()

Beispiel #25
    def tearDown(self):
        super(EventFireManagerTests, self).tearDown()

def migrate(*args, **kwargs):
    Change the type id from 'rest-api' to 'http'
    collection = EventListener.get_collection()
    collection.update({'notifier_type_id':'rest-api'}, {'$set': {'notifier_type_id':'http'}})
Beispiel #27
 def clean(self):
     super(EventListenerManagerTests, self).clean()
Beispiel #28
def _validate_event_listener():
    objectdb = EventListener.get_collection()
    reference = EventListener('', {}, [])
    return _validate_model(EventListener.__name__, objectdb, reference)
Beispiel #29
    def tearDown(self):
        super(EventFireManagerTests, self).tearDown()

Beispiel #30
 def clean(self):
     super(EventListenerManagerTests, self).clean()