Beispiel #1
    def _do_sync(self, repo, importer_instance, transfer_repo, conduit, call_config):
        Once all of the preparation for a sync has taken place, this call
        will perform the sync, making the necessary database updates. It returns
        the sync result instance (already saved to the database). This call
        does not have any behavior based on the success/failure of the sync;
        it is up to the caller to raise an exception in the event of a failed
        sync if that behavior is desired.

        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()
        sync_result_coll = RepoSyncResult.get_collection()
        repo_id = repo['id']
        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id' : repo_id})

        # Perform the sync
        sync_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
        sync_end_timestamp = None
        result = None

            sync_report = importer_instance.sync_repo(transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

        except Exception, e:
            sync_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()

            result = RepoSyncResult.error_result(repo_id, repo_importer['id'], repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
                                                 sync_start_timestamp, sync_end_timestamp, e, sys.exc_info()[2])

            _LOG.exception(_('Exception caught from plugin during sync for repo [%(r)s]' % {'r' : repo_id}))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #2
    def _do_publish(self, repo, distributor_id, distributor_instance,
                    transfer_repo, conduit, call_config):

        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
        publish_result_coll = RepoPublishResult.get_collection()
        repo_id = repo['id']

        # Perform the publish
        publish_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
            publish_report = distributor_instance.publish_repo(
                transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
            publish_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()

            # Reload the distributor in case the scratchpad is set by the plugin
            repo_distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({
                'repo_id': repo_id,
                'id': distributor_id
            repo_distributor['last_publish'] = publish_end_timestamp
  , safe=True)

            # Add a publish history entry for the run
            result = RepoPublishResult.error_result(
                repo_id, repo_distributor['id'],
                publish_start_timestamp, publish_end_timestamp, e,
  , safe=True)

                _('Exception caught from plugin during publish for repo [%(r)s]'
                  % {'r': repo_id}))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #3
    def update_unit_count(repo_id, unit_type_id, delta):
        Updates the total count of units associated with the repo. Each repo has
        an attribute 'content_unit_counts' which is a dict where keys are
        content type IDs, and values are the number of content units of that
        type in the repository.

        {'rpm': 12, 'srpm': 3}

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str

        :param unit_type_id: identifies the unit type to update
        :type  unit_type_id: str

        :param delta: amount by which to change the total count
        :type  delta: int
        spec = {'id': repo_id}
        operation = {'$inc': {'content_unit_counts.%s' % unit_type_id: delta}}
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()

        if delta:
                repo_coll.update(spec, operation, safe=True)
            except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure:
                message = 'There was a problem updating repository %s' % repo_id
                raise PulpExecutionException(message), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #4
    def _do_publish(self, group, distributor_id, distributor_instance, conduit,

        distributor_coll = RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection()
        publish_result_coll = RepoGroupPublishResult.get_collection()
        group_id =

        # Perform the publish
        publish_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
            report = distributor_instance.publish_group(
                group, conduit, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
            publish_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()

            # Reload the distributor in case the scratchpad is changed by the plugin
            distributor = distributor_coll.find_one({
                'id': distributor_id,
                'repo_group_id': group_id
            distributor['last_publish'] = publish_end_timestamp

            # Add a publish history entry for the run
            result = RepoGroupPublishResult.error_result(
                group_id, distributor_id, distributor['distributor_type_id'],
                publish_start_timestamp, publish_end_timestamp, e,
  , safe=True)

                'Exception caught from plugin during publish call for group [%s]'
                % group_id)
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #5
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return self.__method(*args, **kwargs)
     except Exception, e:
         msg = str(e)
         tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
         raise PulpExecutionException(msg), None, tb
Beispiel #6
    def resolve_dependencies_by_units(repo_id, units, options):
        Calculates dependencies for the given set of units in the given

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repository
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :param units:           list of database representations of units to resolve dependencies
        :type  units:           list
        :param options:         dict of options to pass the importer to drive the resolution
        :type  options:         dict or None
        :return:                report from the plugin
        :rtype:                 object
        :raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or does not have an importer
        # Validation
        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        # The following will raise MissingResource as appropriate
        repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Package for the importer call
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'], options)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        conduit = DependencyResolutionConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation
        transfer_units = []

        # Preload all the type defs so we don't hammer the database unnecessarily
        type_defs = {}
        all_type_def_ids = set([u['unit_type_id'] for u in units])
        for def_id in all_type_def_ids:
            type_def = types_db.type_definition(def_id)
            type_defs[def_id] = type_def

        for unit in units:
            type_id = unit['unit_type_id']
            u = conduit_common_utils.to_plugin_associated_unit(unit, type_defs[type_id])

        # Invoke the importer
            dep_report = importer_instance.resolve_dependencies(transfer_repo, transfer_units,
                                                                conduit, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #7
    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given
        RepoImporterManager.validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config)
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id, clean_config)

        return importer
Beispiel #8
    def unregister(consumer_id):
        Unregisters given consumer.

        :param  consumer_id:            identifies the consumer being unregistered
        :type   consumer_id:            str
        :raises MissingResource:        if the given consumer does not exist
        :raises OperationFailed:        if any part of the unregister process fails; the exception
                                        will contain information on which sections failed
        :raises PulpExecutionException: if error during updating database collection


        # Remove associate bind
        manager = factory.consumer_bind_manager()

        # Remove associated profiles
        manager = factory.consumer_profile_manager()

        # Notify agent
        agent_consumer = factory.consumer_agent_manager()

        # remove from consumer groups
        group_manager = factory.consumer_group_manager()

        # delete any scheduled unit installs
        schedule_manager = factory.consumer_schedule_manager()
        for schedule in schedule_manager.get(consumer_id):
            # using "delete" on utils skips validation that the consumer exists.

        # Database Updates
            Consumer.get_collection().remove({'id': consumer_id}, safe=True)
        except Exception:
                'Error updating database collection while removing consumer [%s]'
                % consumer_id)
            raise PulpExecutionException(
                "database-error"), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # remove the consumer from any groups it was a member of
        group_manager = factory.consumer_group_manager()

            consumer_id, 'consumer_unregistered')
Beispiel #9
    def remove_distributor(repo_group_id, distributor_id, force=False):
        Removes a distributor from a group.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor on the group
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @param force: if true, the distributor will be removed from the database
               regardless of whether or not the plugin's clean up method raises
               an exception

        @raise MissingResource: if there is no group or distributor with the
               given ID
        @raise PulpExecutionException: if the distributor raises an error on cleanup
        distributor_coll = RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection()

        # Validation - calls will raise MissingResource
        group = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager().get_group(
        distributor = RepoGroupDistributorManager.get_distributor(
            repo_group_id, distributor_id)

        # Call the distributor's cleanup method
        distributor_type_id = distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)
        transfer_group.working_dir = common_utils.distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_group_id)

        except Exception:
                'Exception cleaning up distributor [%s] on group [%s]' %
                (distributor_id, repo_group_id))

            if not force:
                raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Clean up the database
        distributor_coll.remove(distributor, safe=True)
Beispiel #10
    def create_bind_payload(self, repo_id, distributor_id, binding_config):
        Requests the distributor plugin to generate the consumer bind payload.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo being bound
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @param binding_config: configuration applicable only to the binding whose
               payload is being created; may be None
        @type  binding_config: object or None

        @return: payload object to pass to the consumer
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the repo or distributor do not exist
        @raise PulpExecutionException: if the distributor raises an error

        # Input Validation
        repo_distributor = self.get_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})

        distributor_type_id = repo_distributor['distributor_type_id']
        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_id)

            payload = distributor_instance.create_consumer_payload(
                transfer_repo, call_config, binding_config)
            return payload
        except Exception:
            msg = _(
                'Exception raised from distributor [%(d)s] generating consumer payload'
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #11
    def grant_automatic_permissions_for_resource(self, resource):
        Grant CRUDE permissions for a newly created resource to current principal.

        :param resource: resource path to grant permissions to
        :type resource: str

        :raises PulpExecutionException: if the system principal has not been set
        principal_manager = factory.principal_manager()
        user = principal_manager.get_principal()
        if principal_manager.is_system_principal():
            raise PulpExecutionException(
                _('Cannot grant automatic permissions for [%(user)s] on resource [%(resource)s]') %
                {'user': user, 'resource': resource})

        self.grant(resource, user['login'], authorization.OPERATION_NAMES)
Beispiel #12
    def auto_publish_for_repo(self, repo_id):
        Calls publish on all distributors that are configured to be automatically
        called for the given repo. Each distributor is called serially. The order
        in which they are executed is determined simply by distributor ID (sorted
        ascending alphabetically).

        All automatic distributors will be called, regardless of whether or not
        one raises an error. All failed publish calls will be collaborated into
        a single exception.

        If no distributors are configured for automatic publishing, this call
        does nothing.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @raise OperationFailed: if one or more of the distributors errors
                during publishing; the exception will contain information on all

        # Retrieve all auto publish distributors for the repo
        auto_distributors = self.auto_distributors(repo_id)

        if len(auto_distributors) is 0:

        # Call publish on each matching distributor, keeping a running track
        # of failed calls
        error_runs = []  # contains tuple of dist_id and error string
        for dist in auto_distributors:
            dist_id = dist['id']
                self.publish(repo_id, dist_id, None)
            except Exception:
                    'Exception on auto distribute call for repo [%s] distributor [%s]'
                    % (repo_id, dist_id))
                error_string = traceback.format_exc()
                error_runs.append((dist_id, error_string))

        if len(error_runs) > 0:
            raise PulpExecutionException()
Beispiel #13
    def grant_automatic_permissions_for_resource(self, resource):
        Grant CRUDE permissions for a newly created resource to current principal.

        @type resource: str
        @param resource: resource path to grant permissions to

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True on success, False otherwise

        @raise PulpExecutionException: if the system principal has not been set
        principal_manager = factory.principal_manager()
        user = principal_manager.get_principal()
        if principal_manager.is_system_principal():
            raise PulpExecutionException(
                _('Cannot grant automatic permissions for [%s] on resource [%s]'
                  ) % (user, resource))

        operations = [
            self.CREATE, self.READ, self.UPDATE, self.DELETE, self.EXECUTE
        self.grant(resource, user['login'], operations)
Beispiel #14
Datei: Projekt: omps/pulp
            RepoContentUnit.get_collection().remove({'repo_id': repo_id},
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Error updating one or more database collections while removing repo [%(r)s]'
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}

        # remove the repo from any groups it was a member of
        group_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_manager()

        if len(error_tuples) > 0:
            pe = PulpExecutionException()
            pe.child_exceptions = error_tuples
            raise pe

    def update_repo(repo_id, delta):
        Updates metadata about the given repository. Only the following
        fields may be updated through this call:
        * display_name
        * description

        Other fields found in delta will be ignored.

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, vertex):
     PulpExecutionException.__init__(self, vertex)
     self.vertex = vertex
Beispiel #16
            RepoPublishResult.get_collection().remove({'repo_id' : repo_id}, safe=True)

            # Remove all associations from the repo
            RepoContentUnit.get_collection().remove({'repo_id' : repo_id}, safe=True)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _('Error updating one or more database collections while removing repo [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}

        # remove the repo from any groups it was a member of
        group_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_manager()

        if len(error_tuples) > 0:
            pe = PulpExecutionException()
            pe.child_exceptions = error_tuples
            raise pe

    def update_repo(repo_id, delta):
        Updates metadata about the given repository. Only the following
        fields may be updated through this call:
        * display_name
        * description

        Other fields found in delta will be ignored.

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str
Beispiel #17
    def add_distributor(repo_id, distributor_type_id, repo_plugin_config,
                        auto_publish, distributor_id=None):
        Adds an association from the given repository to a distributor. The
        association will be tracked through the distributor_id; each distributor
        on a given repository must have a unique ID. If this is not specified,
        one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the repo for
        the given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced with the
        newly configured one.

        :param repo_id:                         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                         str
        :param distributor_type_id:             identifies the distributor; must correspond to a
                                                distributor loaded at server startup
        :type  distributor_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:              configuration the repo will use with this
                                                distributor; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:              dict
        :param auto_publish:                    if true, this distributor will be invoked at the end
                                                of every sync
        :type  auto_publish:                    bool
        :param distributor_id:                  unique ID to refer to this distributor for this repo
        :type  distributor_id:                  str
        :return:                                ID assigned to the distributor (only valid in
                                                conjunction with the repo)
        :raise MissingResource:                 if the given repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        :raise InvalidValue:                    if the distributor ID is provided and unacceptable
        :raise InvalidDistributorConfiguration: if the distributor plugin does not accept the given

        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for this distributor on this repo; will be
        # unique for all distributors on this repository but not globally
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(distributor_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
        result = distributor_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config, config_conduit)

        # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
        if isinstance(result, bool):
            valid_config = result
            message = None
            valid_config, message = result

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove the old distributor if it exists
            RepoDistributorManager.remove_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # if it didn't exist, no problem

        # Let the distributor plugin initialize the repository
            distributor_instance.distributor_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
            msg = _('Error initializing distributor [%(d)s] for repo [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        distributor = RepoDistributor(repo_id, distributor_id, distributor_type_id, clean_config,
                                      auto_publish), safe=True)

        return distributor
Beispiel #18
class RepoDistributorManager(object):
    def get_distributor(self, repo_id, distributor_id):
        Returns an individual distributor on the given repo.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @return: key-value pairs describing the distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if either the repo doesn't exist or there is no
               distributor with the given ID

        distributor = RepoDistributor.get_collection().find_one({

        if distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(distributor=distributor_id)

        return distributor

    def get_distributors(self, repo_id):
        Returns all distributors on the given repo.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @return: list of key-value pairs describing the distributors; empty list
                 if there are none for the given repo
        @rtype:  list, None

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo doesn't exist

        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        distributors = list(RepoDistributor.get_collection().find(
            {'repo_id': repo_id}))
        return distributors

    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all distributors for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of distributor IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized distributors
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        return list(RepoDistributor.get_collection().find(spec, projection))

    def add_distributor(repo_id,
        Adds an association from the given repository to a distributor. The
        association will be tracked through the distributor_id; each distributor
        on a given repository must have a unique ID. If this is not specified,
        one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the repo for
        the given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced with the
        newly configured one.

        :param repo_id:                         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                         str
        :param distributor_type_id:             identifies the distributor; must correspond to a
                                                distributor loaded at server startup
        :type  distributor_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:              configuration the repo will use with this
                                                distributor; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:              dict
        :param auto_publish:                    if true, this distributor will be invoked at the end
                                                of every sync
        :type  auto_publish:                    bool
        :param distributor_id:                  unique ID to refer to this distributor for this repo
        :type  distributor_id:                  str
        :return:                                ID assigned to the distributor (only valid in
                                                conjunction with the repo)
        :raise MissingResource:                 if the given repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        :raise InvalidValue:                    if the distributor ID is provided and unacceptable
        :raise InvalidDistributorConfiguration: if the distributor plugin does not accept the given

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        distributor_coll = RepoDistributor.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for this distributor on this repo; will be
        # unique for all distributors on this repository but not globally
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_distributor_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the distributor plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.distributor_working_dir(
            distributor_type_id, repo_id)
        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

            result = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_repo, call_config, config_conduit)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from distributor [%s] while validating config'
                % distributor_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove the old distributor if it exists
            RepoDistributorManager.remove_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # if it didn't exist, no problem

        # Let the distributor plugin initialize the repository
            distributor_instance.distributor_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing distributor [%s] for repo [%s]' %
                (distributor_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        distributor = RepoDistributor(repo_id, distributor_id,
                                      distributor_type_id, clean_config,
                                      auto_publish), safe=True)

        return distributor
Beispiel #19
            # Remove all associations from the repo
            RepoContentUnit.get_collection().remove({'repo_id': repo_id},
        except Exception, e:
                'Error updating one or more database collections while removing repo [%s]'
                % repo_id)
            error_tuples.append((_('Database Removal Error'), e.args))

        # remove the repo from any groups it was a member of
        group_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_manager()

        if len(error_tuples) > 0:
            raise PulpExecutionException(error_tuples)

    def update_repo(self, repo_id, delta):
        Updates metadata about the given repository. Only the following
        fields may be updated through this call:
        * display_name
        * description

        Other fields found in delta will be ignored.

        :param repo_id: identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id: str

        :param delta: list of attributes and their new values to change
        :type  delta: dict
Beispiel #20
    def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
        Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository.

        The given repo must have an importer configured. The identity of the
        importer is not a parameter to this call; if multiple importers are
        eventually supported this will have to change to indicate which
        importer to use.

        This method is intentionally limited to synchronizing a single repo.
        Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a more
        global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use
                                     for this sync only
        @type  sync_config_override: dict

        @return: The synchronization report.
        @rtype: L{pulp.server.plugins.model.SyncReport}

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        @raise OperationFailed: if the given repo does not have an importer set

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_instance, importer_config = RepoSyncManager._get_importer_instance_and_config(

        if importer_instance is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the sync
        conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(importer_config,
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()

        # Fire an events around the call
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        sync_result = RepoSyncManager._do_sync(repo, importer_instance,
                                               transfer_repo, conduit,

        if sync_result['result'] == RepoSyncResult.RESULT_FAILED:
            raise PulpExecutionException(
                _('Importer indicated a failed response'))

        repo_publish_manager = manager_factory.repo_publish_manager()
        auto_distributors = repo_publish_manager.auto_distributors(repo_id)

        spawned_tasks = []
        for distributor in auto_distributors:
            distributor_id = distributor['id']

        return TaskResult(sync_result, spawned_tasks=spawned_tasks)
Beispiel #21
    def import_uploaded_unit(repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key, unit_metadata, upload_id,
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        :param repo_id:       identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        :type  repo_id:       str
        :param unit_type_id:  type of unit being uploaded
        :type  unit_type_id:  str
        :param unit_key:      unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        :type  unit_key:      dict
        :param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        :type  unit_metadata: dict
        :param upload_id:     upload being imported
        :type  upload_id:     str
        :return:              A SyncReport indicating the success or failure of the upload
        :rtype:               pulp.plugins.model.SyncReport
        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        ContentUploadManager.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)

        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        repo = repo_query_manager.find_by_id(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'],
        transfer_repo = repo_common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        file_path = ContentUploadManager._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            return importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id, unit_key,
                                                 unit_metadata, file_path, conduit, call_config)
        except PulpException:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #22
class RepoImporterManager(object):
    def get_importer(self, repo_id):
        Returns metadata about an importer associated with the given repo.

        @return: key-value pairs describing the importer in use
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or has no importer associated

        importer = RepoImporter.get_collection().find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        return importer

    def get_importers(self, repo_id):
        Returns a list of all importers associated with the given repo.

        @return: list of key-value pairs describing the importers in use; empty
                 list if the repo has no importers
        @rtype:  list of dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo doesn't exist

        repo = Repo.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importers = list(RepoImporter.get_collection().find(
            {'repo_id': repo_id}))
        return importers

    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all importers for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of importer IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized importers
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        importers = list(RepoImporter.get_collection().find(spec, projection))

        # Process any scheduled syncs and get schedule details using schedule id
        for importer in importers:
            scheduled_sync_ids = importer.get('scheduled_syncs', None)
            if scheduled_sync_ids is not None:
                scheduled_sync_details = list(
                        {"id": {
                            "$in": scheduled_sync_ids
                importer['scheduled_syncs'] = [
                    s["schedule"] for s in scheduled_sync_details

        return importers

    def set_importer(self, repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id; str

        @param importer_type_id: identifies the type of importer being added;
                                 must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        @type  importer_type_id: str

        @param repo_plugin_config: configuration values for the importer; may be None
        @type  repo_plugin_config: dict

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        @raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be
               initialized for the given repo

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['importer_type_id'])

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            importer_type_id, repo_id)

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        related_repos = query_manager.find_with_importer_type(importer_type_id)

        transfer_related_repos = []
        for r in related_repos:
            all_configs = [d['config'] for d in r['importers']]
            trr = common_utils.to_related_repo(r, all_configs)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo,

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result

        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config'
                % importer_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpDataException(message)

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
            _LOG.exception('Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' %
                           (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id,
                                clean_config), safe=True)

        return importer
Beispiel #23
    def import_uploaded_unit(repo_id,
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        :param repo_id:       identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        :type  repo_id:       str
        :param unit_type_id:  type of unit being uploaded
        :type  unit_type_id:  str
        :param unit_key:      unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        :type  unit_key:      dict
        :param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        :type  unit_metadata: dict
        :param upload_id:     upload being imported
        :type  upload_id:     str
        :return:              A dictionary describing the success or failure of the upload. It must
                              contain the following keys:
                                'success_flag': bool. Indicates whether the upload was successful
                                'summary':      json-serializable object, providing summary
                                'details':      json-serializable object, providing details
        :rtype:               dict
        :raises MissingResource: if upload request was for the non-existent repository
        :raises PulpCodedException: if import was unsuccessful and it was handled by the importer
        :raises PulpException: if import was unsuccessful and it was not handled by the importer
        :raises PulpExecutionException: if an unexpected error occured during the upload
        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        ContentUploadManager.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(
        repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        file_path = ContentUploadManager._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            result = importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id,
                                                   unit_key, unit_metadata,
                                                   file_path, conduit,
            if not result['success_flag']:
                raise PulpCodedException(

            return result

        except PulpException:
            msg = _(
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]'
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]'
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #24
 def __init__(self, vertex):
     PulpExecutionException.__init__(self, vertex)
     self.vertex = vertex
Beispiel #25
    def sync(self, repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
        Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository.

        The given repo must have an importer configured. The identity of the
        importer is not a parameter to this call; if multiple importers are
        eventually supported this will have to change to indicate which
        importer to use.

        This method is intentionally limited to synchronizing a single repo.
        Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a more
        global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use
                                     for this sync only
        @type  sync_config_override: dict

        @return: The synchronization report.
        @rtype: L{pulp.server.plugins.model.SyncReport}

        @raise MissingResource: if repo_id does not refer to a valid repo
        @raise OperationFailed: if the given repo does not have an importer set

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id' : repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_instance, importer_config = self._get_importer_instance_and_config(repo_id)

        if importer_instance is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        dispatch_context = dispatch_factory.context()

        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

        # Assemble the data needed for the sync
        conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'], RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_IMPORTER, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(importer_config, repo_importer['config'], sync_config_override)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        # Fire an events around the call
        fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()
        sync_result = self._do_sync(repo, importer_instance, transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)


        if sync_result['result'] == RepoSyncResult.RESULT_FAILED:
            raise PulpExecutionException(_('Importer indicated a failed response'))

        return sync_result
Beispiel #26
class AgentManager(object):
    The agent manager.
    def unregister(consumer_id):
        Notification that a consumer (agent) has
        been unregistered.  This ensure that all registration
        artifacts have been cleaned up.  Then, we fire off a task to lazily
        delete the agent queue.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        context = Context(consumer)
        agent = PulpAgent()
        url = context.url
        name = context.address.split('/')[-1]
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.ACTION_AGENT_QUEUE_DELETE, consumer_id)
        delete_queue.apply_async(args=[url, name, consumer_id],

    def bind(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id, options):
        Request the agent to perform the specified bind. This method will be called
        after the server-side representation of the binding has been created.

        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param repo_id: A repository ID.
        :type repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: A distributor ID.
        :type distributor_id: str
        :param options: The options are handler specific.
        :type options: dict
        :return: The task created by the bind
        :rtype: dict
        # track agent operations using a pseudo task
        task_id = str(uuid4())
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id),
        task = TaskStatus(task_id, 'agent', tags=task_tags).save()

        # agent request
        consumer_manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        binding_manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()
        consumer = consumer_manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        binding = binding_manager.get_bind(consumer_id, repo_id,
        agent_bindings = AgentManager._bindings([binding])
        context = Context(consumer,
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.consumer.bind(context, agent_bindings, options)

        # bind action tracking
        consumer_manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()
        consumer_manager.action_pending(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id,
                                        Bind.Action.BIND, task_id)

        return task

    def unbind(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id, options):
        Request the agent to perform the specified unbind.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param repo_id: A repository ID.
        :type repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: A distributor ID.
        :type distributor_id: str
        :param options: The options are handler specific.
        :type options: dict
        :return: A task ID that may be used to track the agent request.
        :rtype: str
        # track agent operations using a pseudo task
        task_id = str(uuid4())
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_REPOSITORY_TYPE, repo_id),
        task = TaskStatus(task_id, 'agent', tags=task_tags).save()

        # agent request
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        binding = dict(repo_id=repo_id, distributor_id=distributor_id)
        bindings = AgentManager._unbindings([binding])
        context = Context(consumer,
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.consumer.unbind(context, bindings, options)

        # unbind action tracking
        manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()
        manager.action_pending(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id,
                               Bind.Action.UNBIND, task_id)

        return task

    def install_content(consumer_id, units, options):
        Install content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be installed.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, unit_key:<dict> }
        :param options: Install options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        :return: A task used to track the agent request.
        :rtype: dict
        # track agent operations using a pseudo task
        task_id = str(uuid4())
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
        task = TaskStatus(task_id, 'agent', tags=task_tags).save()

        # agent request
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = AgentManager._profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = AgentManager._profiler(typeid)
            units = AgentManager._invoke_plugin(profiler.install_units, pc,
                                                units, options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        context = Context(consumer, task_id=task_id, consumer_id=consumer_id)
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.content.install(context, units, options)
        history_manager = managers.consumer_history_manager()
        history_manager.record_event(consumer_id, 'content_unit_installed',
                                     {'units': units})
        return task

    def update_content(consumer_id, units, options):
        Update content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be updated.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, unit_key:<dict> }
        :param options: Update options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        :return: A task used to track the agent request.
        :rtype: dict
        # track agent operations using a pseudo task
        task_id = str(uuid4())
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
        task = TaskStatus(task_id, 'agent', tags=task_tags).save()

        # agent request
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = AgentManager._profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = AgentManager._profiler(typeid)
            units = AgentManager._invoke_plugin(profiler.update_units, pc,
                                                units, options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        context = Context(consumer, task_id=task_id, consumer_id=consumer_id)
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.content.update(context, units, options)
        return task

    def uninstall_content(consumer_id, units, options):
        Uninstall content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be uninstalled.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, type_id:<dict> }
        :param options: Uninstall options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        :return: A task ID that may be used to track the agent request.
        :rtype: dict
        # track agent operations using a pseudo task
        task_id = str(uuid4())
        task_tags = [
            tags.resource_tag(tags.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_TYPE, consumer_id),
        task = TaskStatus(task_id, 'agent', tags=task_tags).save()

        # agent request
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = AgentManager._profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = AgentManager._profiler(typeid)
            units = AgentManager._invoke_plugin(profiler.uninstall_units, pc,
                                                units, options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        context = Context(consumer, task_id=task_id, consumer_id=consumer_id)
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.content.uninstall(context, units, options)
        history_manager = managers.consumer_history_manager()
        history_manager.record_event(consumer_id, 'content_unit_uninstalled',
                                     {'units': units})
        return task

    def cancel_request(self, consumer_id, task_id):
        Cancel an agent request associated with the specified task ID.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param: task_id: The task ID associated with the request.
        :type: str
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        context = Context(consumer)
        agent = PulpAgent()
        agent.cancel(context, task_id)

    def _invoke_plugin(call, *args, **kwargs):
            return call(*args, **kwargs)
        except InvalidUnitsRequested, e:
            trace = sys.exc_info()[2]
            raise PulpDataException(e.message), None, trace
        except Exception:
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #27
class AgentManager(object):
    The agent manager.
    def unregistered(self, consumer_id):
        Notification that a consumer (agent) has
        been unregistered.  This ensure that all registration
        artifacts have been cleaned up.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)

    def bind(self, consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id, options):
        Request the agent to perform the specified bind. This method will be called
        after the server-side representation of the binding has been created.

        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param repo_id: A repository ID.
        :type repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: A distributor ID.
        :type distributor_id: str
        :param options: The options are handler specific.
        :type options: dict
        # agent request
        consumer_manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        binding_manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()

        consumer = consumer_manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        binding = binding_manager.get_bind(consumer_id, repo_id,

        agent_bindings = self.__bindings([binding])
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)
        agent.consumer.bind(agent_bindings, options)

        # request tracking
        action_id = factory.context().call_request_id
        consumer_manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()
        consumer_manager.action_pending(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id,
                                        Bind.Action.BIND, action_id)

    def unbind(self, consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id, options):
        Request the agent to perform the specified unbind.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param repo_id: A repository ID.
        :type repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: A distributor ID.
        :type distributor_id: str
        :param options: The options are handler specific.
        :type options: dict
        # agent request
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        binding = dict(repo_id=repo_id, distributor_id=distributor_id)
        bindings = self.__unbindings([binding])
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)
        agent.consumer.unbind(bindings, options)
        # request tracking
        action_id = factory.context().call_request_id
        manager = managers.consumer_bind_manager()
        manager.action_pending(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id,
                               Bind.Action.UNBIND, action_id)

    def install_content(self, consumer_id, units, options):
        Install content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be installed.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, unit_key:<dict> }
        :param options: Install options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = self.__profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = self.__profiler(typeid)
            units = self.__invoke_plugin(profiler.install_units, pc, units,
                                         options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)
        agent.content.install(units, options)

    def update_content(self, consumer_id, units, options):
        Update content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be updated.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, unit_key:<dict> }
        :param options: Update options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = self.__profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = self.__profiler(typeid)
            units = self.__invoke_plugin(profiler.update_units, pc, units,
                                         options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)
        agent.content.update(units, options)

    def uninstall_content(self, consumer_id, units, options):
        Uninstall content units on a consumer.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param units: A list of content units to be uninstalled.
        :type units: list of:
            { type_id:<str>, type_id:<dict> }
        :param options: Uninstall options; based on unit type.
        :type options: dict
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        conduit = ProfilerConduit()
        collated = Units(units)
        for typeid, units in collated.items():
            pc = self.__profiled_consumer(consumer_id)
            profiler, cfg = self.__profiler(typeid)
            units = self.__invoke_plugin(profiler.uninstall_units, pc, units,
                                         options, cfg, conduit)
            collated[typeid] = units
        units = collated.join()
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)
        agent.content.uninstall(units, options)

    def send_profile(self, consumer_id):
        Send the content profile(s).
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str

    def cancel_request(self, consumer_id, task_id):
        Cancel an agent request associated with the specified task ID.
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param: task_id: The task ID associated with the request.
        :type: str
        manager = managers.consumer_manager()
        consumer = manager.get_consumer(consumer_id)
        agent = PulpAgent(consumer)

    def __invoke_plugin(self, call, *args, **kwargs):
            return call(*args, **kwargs)
        except InvalidUnitsRequested, e:
            raise PulpDataException(e.units, e.message)
        except Exception:
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #28
class RepoGroupDistributorManager(object):
    def get_distributor(repo_group_id, distributor_id):
        Returns an individual distributor on the given repo group, raising
        an exception if one does not exist at the given ID.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the repo group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @param distributor_id: identifies the distributor
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @return: SON representation of the distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if either there is no distributor for the
        given group ID/distributor ID pair or the group itself does not exist

        # Check the group's existence for the exception contract first

        # Check for the distributor if we know the group exists
        spec = {
            'repo_group_id': repo_group_id,
            'id': distributor_id,
        distributor = RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection().find_one(spec)

        if distributor is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_group=repo_group_id,

        return distributor

    def find_distributors(repo_group_id):
        Returns all distributors on the given repo group, returning an empty
        list if none exist.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the repo group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @return: list of SON representations of the group's distributors
        @rtype:  list

        @raise MissingResource: if the group does not exist
        group = RepoGroup.get_collection().find_one({'id': repo_group_id})
        if group is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_group=repo_group_id)

        spec = {'repo_group_id': repo_group_id}
        distributors = list(RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection().find(spec))
        return distributors

    def add_distributor(repo_group_id,
        Adds an association from the given repository group to a distributor.
        The assocation will be tracked through the distributor_id; each
        distributor on a given group must have a unique ID. If this is not
        specified, one will be generated. If a distributor already exists on the
        group with a given ID, the existing one will be removed and replaced
        with the newly configured one.

        @param repo_group_id: identifies the repo group
        @type  repo_group_id: str

        @param distributor_type_id: type of distributor being added; must reference
               one of the installed group distributors
        @type  distributor_type_id: str

        @param group_plugin_config: config to use for the distributor for this group alone
        @type  group_plugin_config: dict

        @param distributor_id: if specified, the newly added distributor will be
               referenced by this value and the group id; if omitted one will
               be generated
        @type  distributor_id: str

        @return: database representation of the added distributor
        @rtype:  dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the group doesn't exist
        @raise InvalidValue: if a distributor ID is provided and is not valid
        @raise PulpDataException: if the plugin indicates the config is invalid
        @raise PulpExecutionException: if the plugin raises an exception while
               initializing the newly added distributor
        distributor_coll = RepoGroupDistributor.get_collection()

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_group_query_manager()

        # Validation
        group = query_manager.get_group(
            repo_group_id)  # will raise MissingResource

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_group_distributor(distributor_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['distributor_type_id'])

        # Determine the ID for the distributor on this repo
        if distributor_id is None:
            distributor_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # Validate if one was passed in
            if not is_distributor_id_valid(distributor_id):
                raise InvalidValue(['distributor_id'])

        distributor_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_group_distributor_by_id(

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        clean_config = None
        if group_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v)
                                 for k, v in group_plugin_config.items()
                                 if v is not None])

        # Let the plugin validate the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_group = common_utils.to_transfer_repo_group(group)

        config_conduit = RepoConfigConduit(distributor_type_id)

        # Request the plugin validate the configuration
            is_valid, message = distributor_instance.validate_config(
                transfer_group, call_config, config_conduit)

            if not is_valid:
                raise PulpDataException(message)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _(
                'Exception received from distributor [%(d)s] while validating config'
            msg = msg % {'d': distributor_type_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Remove the old distributor if it exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # if it didn't exist, no problem

        # Invoke the appopriate plugin lifecycle method
            distributor_instance.distributor_added(transfer_group, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
                'Error initializing distributor [%s] for group [%s]' %
                (distributor_type_id, repo_group_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Beispiel #29
    def import_uploaded_unit(self, repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key,
                             unit_metadata, upload_id):
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        @param repo_id: identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param unit_type_id: type of unit being uploaded
        @type  unit_type_id: str

        @param unit_key: unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        @type  unit_key: dict

        @param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        @type  unit_metadata: dict

        @param upload_id: upload being imported
        @type  upload_id: str

        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        self.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)

        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        repo = repo_query_manager.find_by_id(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(
            repo_id, repo_importer['id'], RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_USER,

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
                                              repo_importer['config'], None)
        transfer_repo = repo_common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = repo_common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        file_path = self._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id,
                                          unit_key, unit_metadata, file_path,
                                          conduit, call_config)
        except PulpException:
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%s]'
                % repo_id)
        except Exception, e:
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%s]'
                % repo_id)
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]