Beispiel #1
    def test_update_distributor_same_url(self):
        config = PluginCallConfiguration(
            dict(http=True, https=False, relative_url='bar'), {})
        repo = Mock(repo_id='foo', working_dir=self.work_dir)
        conduit = self._config_conduit(False)

        self.assertEquals((True, None),
                          configuration.validate_config(repo, config, conduit))
Beispiel #2
    def test_server_url_fully_qualified(self):
        config = PluginCallConfiguration(
            dict(http=True, https=False, relative_url=None), {})
        repo = Mock(repo_id='foo', working_dir=self.work_dir)
        conduit = self._config_conduit()

        self.assertEquals((True, None),
                          configuration.validate_config(repo, config, conduit))
Beispiel #3
    def test_create_distributor_same_url(self):
        config = PluginCallConfiguration(
            dict(http=True, https=False, relative_url='bar'), {})
        repo = Mock(repo_id='fool', working_dir=self.work_dir)
        conduit = self._config_conduit(False)

        self.assertEquals((False, 'Relative URL [bar] for repository [fool] ' +
                           'conflicts with existing relative URL [/bar] ' +
                           'for repository [foo]'),
                          configuration.validate_config(repo, config, conduit))
Beispiel #4
    def test__repocfg_gpg_cmd(self):
        config = PluginCallConfiguration(
            dict(http=True, https=False, relative_url='fool'),
            dict(gpg_cmd="/bin/true should fail"))
        repo = Mock(repo_id='fool', working_dir=self.work_dir)
        conduit = self._config_conduit()

        expected_reason = ('Configuration key [gpg_cmd] is not allowed '
                           'in repository plugin configuration')
        self.assertEquals((False, expected_reason),
                          configuration.validate_config(repo, config, conduit))
Beispiel #5
    def validate_config(self, repo, config, config_conduit):
        Allows the distributor to check the contents of a potential configuration
        for the given repository. This call is made both for the addition of
        this distributor to a new repository as well as updating the configuration
        for this distributor on a previously configured repository. The implementation
        should use the given repository data to ensure that updating the
        configuration does not put the repository into an inconsistent state.

        The return is a tuple of the result of the validation (True for success,
        False for failure) and a message. The message may be None and is unused
        in the success case. For a failed validation, the message will be
        communicated to the caller so the plugin should take i18n into
        consideration when generating the message.

        The related_repos parameter contains a list of other repositories that
        have a configured distributor of this type. The distributor configurations
        is found in each repository in the "plugin_configs" field.

        :param repo: metadata describing the repository to which the
                     configuration applies
        :type  repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository

        :param config: plugin configuration instance; the proposed repo
                       configuration is found within
        :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration

        :param config_conduit: Configuration Conduit;
        :type  config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_config.RepoConfigConduit

        :return: tuple of (bool, str) to describe the result
        :rtype:  tuple

        :raises: PulpCodedValidationException if any validations failed
        return configuration.validate_config(config)
Beispiel #6
    def validate_config(self, repo, config, config_conduit):
        Allows the distributor to check the contents of a potential configuration
        for the given repository. This call is made both for the addition of
        this distributor to a new repository as well as updating the configuration
        for this distributor on a previously configured repository. The implementation
        should use the given repository data to ensure that updating the
        configuration does not put the repository into an inconsistent state.

        The return is a tuple of the result of the validation (True for success,
        False for failure) and a message. The message may be None and is unused
        in the success case. For a failed validation, the message will be
        communicated to the caller so the plugin should take i18n into
        consideration when generating the message.

        The related_repos parameter contains a list of other repositories that
        have a configured distributor of this type. The distributor configurations
        is found in each repository in the "plugin_configs" field.

        :param repo: metadata describing the repository to which the
                     configuration applies
        :type  repo: pulp.plugins.model.Repository

        :param config: plugin configuration instance; the proposed repo
                       configuration is found within
        :type  config: pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration

        :param config_conduit: Configuration Conduit;
        :type  config_conduit: pulp.plugins.conduits.repo_config.RepoConfigConduit

        :return: tuple of (bool, str) to describe the result
        :rtype:  tuple

        :raises: PulpCodedValidationException if any validations failed
        return configuration.validate_config(config)
 def test_server_url_fully_qualified(self):
     config = PluginCallConfiguration({}, {})
     self.assertEquals((True, None),